Hi. Iīm here just to introduce you to
The Storm, an excellent heavyprog band in the seventies, from Spain, Seville. They recorded 2 albums, but the best one is the first, titled "The Storm" in 1974. With influences of Deep Purple or Atomic Rooster, they had a powerful music, reachin the top 10 in England with one of their songs, and later in 1979, opening for Queen in Madrid. Queen, surprised of their quality invited them to play with them in that year European Tour, but finally the Storm manager asked for too much money (not a very clever guy) and that tour with Queen couldnīt celebrate.
70īs rock scene in Spain have many interesting bands. Bands emerged free from the already finished censure in the dictatorship, and there were incredible with different styles and got into groups from different geographical places:
Basque Country---Folk Prog
Catalunya-----------Jazz Rock and Heavy Prog
Rock Andaluz------Heavy Prog, Folk Prog and Hard Rock.
Excellent bands in many cases. All this in a period of 5 years, before TVs, Media, Radios began ostracize Rock and all anything that doesnīt sound like pop, poppie and flamenco.
Suddenly, long hair and compromised lyrics would begin being too much dangerous for a happily society.
And well, Spain is one of the countries with less music culture, afterall.
Here I give you a link of a excellent song of STORM, recorded live in a TV program in 1975.
Listen to it, sure it will surprising for anyone who donīt know them. There are many good "hidden" bands in Spain from that era. If U like this one, I can show you many other ones or make a topic compiling all those bands. Thanks for reading me and excuse my English.

See you,