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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Genesis remastered SACD/DVD
    Posted: September 04 2008 at 02:43
I was looking forward to getting the Genesis soon to be released best yet  "Trespass", "Nursery Cryme", "Foxtrot", "Selling England" and "Lamb" albums in SACD format until i saw this on Amazon -
"Nick Davis used to be a great engineer... what happened?, 1 Aug 2008
By  Jamie Tate (Hermitage, TN United States) - See all my reviews
Nick Davis has done amazing work in the past. Actually, ALL of his work up until these Genesis remixes was excellent! Has he lost his touch? Why do these Genesis sets sound so harsh? I wonder what Nick's reasoning for this is? Does he even realize this work is much worse than what he's capable of? He's a world class engineer so why did he make so many newbie mistakes with these Genesis remixes? Too much EQ? Really? That's what interns do when they're learning how to mix.

It's not the compression that makes these remixes bad, it's all the console EQ that was added that makes them sound shrill and hollow. Lots of top and bottom end boosting going on. I know that sound well from my early days of learning how to mix (on this same SSL console I might add). I was trying to make everything as punchy and aggressive as I could and my mixes came out sounding just like these Genesis remixes. When you have that much EQ on EVERYTHING things are going to sound a bit off.

Those SSL EQs have a very distinct sound to them, so do the compressors on the channel strips. Nick Davis just wanted these things to jump out at you and in the process he over-did everything. I think he was simply trying too hard to impress everyone with brute force and not sound quality. If you dig it, good for you. I can heard the EQs ringing and that really bothers me but the lack of good midrange and the shrill top end make my ears shut down.

I don't understand how these remixes are getting such good reviews. Nick Davis used to do such amazing recordings. What happened? When did he become such a fan of over EQing everything? Can't everyone hear how overly EQ'd these mixes are? They simply aren't enjoyable to listen to. They're harsh and thin with a boomy low end and hollowed out midrange and clearly have inferior musical balances than the originals. I guess it's a case where people buy into believing remastered always means better even without volume matched comparisons. Remember, louder doesn't mean better.

I can take about ten minutes of these discs before my ears just start ringing and I have to shut it off. They've lost a lot of the punch and power the original mixes had. The sound of the SSL console EQ Nick used has a distinct tone. They will ring when overused. You can hear it all over this set. It should be annoying even to those whose ears haven't been trained. There's a lot of poorly chosen EQ that adds a nasal quality to the instruments. The cymbals are harsh and Phil's vocals are nasally and sound like a they're coming through a megaphone. Things sound small and jammed together.

I won't even go into detail about how much better Hugh Padgham's mixes are. Hugh is obviously a better engineer as he made Genesis sound powerful and important. Nick Davis has made them sound like a small transistor radio, albeit a very loud transistor radio.

And what's with all the compression? These heavy mixes are ridiculously inappropriate for this beautiful, emotionally dynamic music. These songs used to have dynamics, loud and soft orchestrations that built the music. Now everything is LOUD! The LOUD! parts are LOUD! and the soft parts are LOUD! That's not detail you're hearing, it's just compression.

It makes me sick to my stomach that these loud, overly EQd, overly compressed remixes are going to replace the dynamic, fuller and more artful original mixes.

Welcome to the MP3 generation where sound quality just doesn't matter as long as it's loud. I guess I should get a cheap stereo that makes everything sound bad. That way these Genesis remixes won't upset me so much.

Genesis... the George Lucas of the music world. ICK!

Overly compressed and EQd remixes..., 16 May 2007 Who remixed these, Chris Lord Alge? Holy Crap! What's with all the compression? These heavy mixes are ridiculously inappropriate for this beautiful, emotionally dynamic music. These songs used to have dynamics, loud and soft orchestrations that built the music. Now everything is LOUD! The LOUD! parts are LOUD! and the soft parts are LOUD! That's not detail you're hearing, it's just compression.

Also, there's a lot of poorly chosen EQ that adds a nasal quality to some of the instruments and makes cymbals sound harsh. Go get another CD version of And The There Were Three. Listen to Down and Out. There's a guitar that comes in around :28. Notice how nice it sounds. Now put in this new CD (adjust the volume down a bit) and listen how nasally, harsh and small that same guitar sounds. Also notice how shrill things like cymbals are in this new mix compared to the original. That same EQ is used on a lot of instruments including Phil's vocals. Things sound small and jammed together.

Now, listen to the original ABACAB. Pretty good, eh? The put this new CD in and turn the volume down. Hear how narrow it is? Hear how it sounds smaller? Hear how it sounds harsh and shrill?
As a Grammy award winning recordings engineer myself I can't say I'm looking forward to reading more rave reviews of these dreadful remixes. "
   surely some mistake...???   Ermm
but there is good news..
"SACD sound not compressed, 13 April 2007
By  J. Milner "jcmilner" (Hull, UK) - See all my reviews
%28TOP%201000%20REVIEWER%29    %28REAL%20NAME%29   
Contrary to what a previous reviewer mentioned regarding compression, it must be said that this may well apply to the CD layer but on the SACD Stereo layer the sound is absolutely crystal clear and sharp with the drums literally banging you in the face. This is a great 'drum' album (Abacab) and the SACD format really does it justice. This version is by far the best that has ever been available and leaves behind the previous remaster. Having not listened to the CD layer I cannot comment on the compression issues but for anyone with SACD capabilities this (and the other Genesis SACD releases) come very highly recommended. "
maybe i'll buy one and report my findings on this thread - like he says the bad review may be for the CD layer and not the SACD.Ermm

Edited by mystic fred - September 04 2008 at 10:13
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 08 2008 at 20:37
from my own experience with the Collins Era remasters, it was far too compressed for my liking.  i kept them for the dvd-a discs  but its a pain to get my equipment out to listen to them Sleepy i imagine the compression problem will be revisited with the Gabriel Era remasters, seeing as how it was the same remastering team that did the Collins remasters.  in short, it's too loud, everything screams at you, and i like the headphone experience, and collins voice was way up front in the mix, as well as the way they treated his voice was as if his voice was transformed into the "Late" Collins Era, when he was screeching nasally slightly-off-key tones on We Can't Dance.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2008 at 10:24
I wish I had a SACD player... the sound is indeed very compressed on the CD layer, but I'm pretty much convinced that the SACD would have a better sound. But if it doesn't have, is there any possibility that it was not Nick Davis' fault? What if the compression was added later, after the mixes were approved by the band. I once read somebody complaining about how the remastering engineer Tony Cousins ruined the mixes. Of course, that might not be reliable information
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2008 at 02:51
the Gabriel era albums have been released in a box set which includes rare concert footage and slide show from the "Lamb" tour,  check out these reviews..
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2008 at 06:56
I have the SACD's of Duke and Trick of the Tail (I've not heard the Gabriel era albums, remixed) but it's horses for courses really. An assumption is made, by record companies, that when old albums are re-mixed, that need to be hauled up to date, with extra deep bottom end and extra shrill top end, to grab everyones short attention.

In the case of A trick of the Tail, it kind of works in parts; notably the more dramatic passges in 'Dance on a Volcano' and 'Los Endos' but sadly lacks the clarity and sensitivity of the original in 'Entangled' and 'Ripples' Thats my opinion of course. Many fans may think the re-mixes sh!t on the originals, but if I'm totally honest, I've never heard a re-master that I consider superior to the original. In some cases, there's no harm done, but overall all I'm in favour of not fixing things that are not broken. Thats said, the concert footage on the Collins era SACD re-issues is very good.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 01 2008 at 01:36
GENESIS 1970 - 75
Great box set as good as i'd hoped (especially after spending 77 quid) the first 3 albums i listened to yesterday (Trespass, Foxtrot and Nursery Cryme) sounded fabulous in their new format - namely 5.1 DVD-Audio ! Big smile
no problems with compression, depression, over-compensation, just pure clear full sound, and lots of details/alterations i have not heard before - "Supper's Ready" was always cited for less-than-average sound quality having been squashed on a single LP side, but here it is revealed in its full glory, the 5-channel layout used to its full advantage especially during "Willow Farm", its familiar little chirps and squeaks coming from everywhere!
Nice to have included "Happy the Man" and "Twilight Alehouse" and looking forward to hearing the rest, but "Revelation" and "Genesis Live" should have been included Ermm

Edited by mystic fred - December 03 2008 at 00:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 03 2008 at 01:00

no problems with compression, over-compensation, just pure clear full sound, and lots of details/alterations i have not heard before - "Supper's Ready" was always cited for less-than-average sound quality having been squashed on a single LP side, but here it is revealed in its full glory, the 5-channel layout used to its full advantage especially during "Willow Farm", its familiar little chirps and squeaks coming from everywhere!
Nice to have included "Happy the Man" and "Twilight Alehouse" and looking forward to hearing the rest, but "Revelation" and "Genesis Live" should have been included

Full track listing......

Genesis: 1970-1975 CD DISC 1: TRESPASS:
 1. Looking For Someone  
 2. White Mountain  
 3. Visions Of Angels
 4. Stagnation  
 5. Dusk
 6. Knife, The

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 2: TRESPASS 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Looking For Someone  
 2. White Mountain  
 3. Visions Of Angels
 4. Stagnation  
 5. Dusk
 6. Knife, The

 7. Video Interview With The Band (2007)
  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 3: NURSERY CRYME:
 1. Musical Box, The
 2. For Absent Friends  
 3. Return Of The Giant Hogweed, The
 4. Seven Stones  
 5. Harold The Barrel
 6. Harlequin  
 7. Fountain Of Salmacis, The
  Genesis: 1970-1975 CD DISC 4: NURSERY CRYME 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Musical Box, The
 2. For Absent Friends  
 3. Return Of The Giant Hogweed, The
 4. Seven Stones  
 5. Harold The Barrel
 6. Harlequin  
 7. Fountain Of Salmacis, The

 8. Interview With The Band (2007)
  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 5: FOXTROT:
 1. Watcher Of The Skies  
 2. Time Table  
 3. Get'Em Out By Friday
 4. Can-Utility And The Coastliners  
 5. Horizon's
 6. Supper's Ready

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 6: FOXTROT 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Watcher Of The Skies  
 2. Time Table  
 3. Get'Em Out By Friday
 4. Can-Utility And The Coastliners  
 5. Horizon's
 6. Supper's Ready
 7. Interview With The Band (2007)
 8. Belgium-Rock Of The 70's (1972)
 9. Italy-Piper Club (1972)

 1. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight  
 2. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)  
 3. Firth Of Fifth  
 4. More Fool Me  
 5. Battle of Epping Forest, The
 6. After The Ordeal
 7. Cinema Show, The  
 8. Aisle Of Plenty  

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 8: SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight  
 2. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)  
 3. Firth Of Fifth  
 4. More Fool Me  
 5. Battle of Epping Forest, The
 6. After The Ordeal
 7. Cinema Show, The  
 8. Aisle Of Plenty  
 9. Interview With The Band (2007)
 10. Shepperton Studios, Italian TV (1973)
 11. Bataclan France, (1973)

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 9: THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY DISK 1:
 1. Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, The
 2. Fly On A Windshield  
 3. Broadway Melody of
 4. Cuckoo Cocoon  
 5. In The Cage  
 6. Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, The  
 7. Back In N.Y.C.  
 8. Hairless Heart
 9. Counting Out Time  
 10. Carpet Crawlers  
 11. Chamber Of 32 Doors, The

 1. Lilywhite Lilth
 2. Waiting Room, The
 3. Anyway  
 4. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist  
 5. Lamia, The
 6. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
 7. Colony Of Supermen, The (The Arrival/A Visit To The Doktor/The Raven)
 8. Ravine
 9. Light Dies Down On Broadway, The
 10. Riding The Scree  
 11. In The Rapids  
 12. It  

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 11: THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, The
 2. Fly On A Windshield  
 3. Broadway Melody of
 4. Cuckoo Cocoon  
 5. In The Cage  
 6. Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, The  
 7. Back In N.Y.C.  
 8. Hairless Heart
 9. Counting Out Time  
 10. Carpet Crawlers  
 11. Chamber Of 32 Doors, The
 12. Lilywhite Lilth
 13. Waiting Room, The
 14. Anyway  
 15. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist  
 16. Lamia, The
 17. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
 18. Colony Of Supermen, The (The Arrival/A Visit To The Doktor/The Raven)
 19. Ravine
 20. Light Dies Down On Broadway, The
 21. Riding The Scree  
 22. In The Rapids  
 23. It  
 24. Interview With The Band (2007)
 25. Melody French TV (1974)

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 12: EXTRAS 1970-1975:
 1. Happy The Man  
 2. Twilight Alehouse  
 3. Going Out To Get You [Demo]
 4. Sheperd [BBC Nightride 1970]
 5. Pacidy [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 6. Let Us Now Make Love [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 7. Provocation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 8. Frustration [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 9. Manipulation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 10. Resignation [Genesis Plays Jackson]

  Genesis: 1970-1975 CD DISC 13: EXTRAS 1970-1975 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Happy The Man  
 2. Twilight Alehouse  
 3. Going Out To Get You [Demo]
 4. Sheperd [BBC Nightride 1970]
 5. Pacidy [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 6. Let Us Now Make Love [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 7. Provocation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 8. Frustration [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 9. Manipulation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 10. Resignation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 11. Interview With The Band (2007)
 12. Box Set 1967-1975 (VH1 Special)
 13. Watcher Of The Skies (Midnight Special 1973)  
 14. Musical Box, The (Midnight Special 1973)


Edited by mystic fred - December 05 2008 at 02:38
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 20 2009 at 18:06
Hi there,

Thanks for letting us know that your purchase was successful and you are happy with it! Smile May I ask though, which version are you listening to - the CD layer, SA-CD or DVD?

I would like to buy the box set to listen to on CD and DVD (I do not yet own an SA-CD player) and am worried about the EQ and compression. Funnily enough it's not just because I've read one or two scathing reviews, it's because I have been listening to the digital remastered versions of most of the albums on iTunes and Spotify, and I have to say they sound tinny, compressed and nasty compared to my old CDs! Dead

So I'd like to know if the box set is going to be the same before I fork out about £80 on each!


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2009 at 05:30
^ i was referring to the sacd 5.1 surround version on the first 3 Genesis albums (so far), i haven't played the stereo remasters yet so will add comment in the near future .
in the early 70's the "four channel discreet" system was introduced which never really caught on due to the expensive equipment required - to play sacd in stereo you only need to addd on an sacd player with stereo outputs, but for 5.1 surround you will need an sacd 5.1 channel player, 5.1 channel amplifier, four speakers, a centre speaker and a bass sub (the .1 in the equation).   it is worth all the hassle and expense - though rich rewards!Smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2009 at 08:58
I don't have the SACD/DVD's. I have only heard the CD versions of the remasters. It's funny how we hear things differently. I like the original albums, but I like these remasters too, except I have one MAJOR beef!

Why have Steve Hacketts guitar parts been mixed too quietly? The intro to "return of the giant hogweed" and the "solo" in "dancing with the moonlit knight" are both way too quiet when they should be upfront and "in-your-face" . There are other examples, but my friend and I both agree that Steve Hacketts parts are (in places) generally too quiet.

Anyone got an opinion on this?


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 24 2009 at 08:11
WHAT?! Is the best guitar solo ever - Moonlit knight - mixed low?


And I just ordered the new version of SEBTP

I bought the remaster of "the Lamb" a couple of months ago. Davis's new mix is great, but the guy who did the mastering definately used some compression. Fortunately, it doesn't sound half as messy as "Duke".

Anyway, I don't know how the SACD layer sounds. I only have a conventional CD-player.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 24 2009 at 12:00
Don't know if it's mixed low but it sounds like it's not far enough up in the mix. This isn't an isolated case. There are other tracks on the remasters that the lead guitar seems quieter than it should be, especially at crucial parts in the songs! It could be that my ears are playing tricks on me but....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2009 at 08:06
I'm propably fetching the album from the post office tomorrow.
I'll see how it sounds...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2009 at 07:20
Hackett's guitar sounds fine to me.
There are bits where it feels like they have perhaps tried to change the sound too much. But overall, very good work.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2009 at 07:43
I still don't understand why those masterpieces are remixed and remastered... I would never change my original cd of these albums for the new ones.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2009 at 10:35
I purchased this box set a few months back and am quite pleased with it, although honestly I just mainly listen to the regular cd mixes.  The price of this boxset is very close in price to what it would cost me to buy the original remastered cds individually, so I figure for the cd of b sides and extras alone I was getting a better deal already.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2009 at 12:37
Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

no problems with compression, over-compensation, just pure clear full sound, and lots of details/alterations i have not heard before - "Supper's Ready" was always cited for less-than-average sound quality having been squashed on a single LP side, but here it is revealed in its full glory, the 5-channel layout used to its full advantage especially during "Willow Farm", its familiar little chirps and squeaks coming from everywhere!
Nice to have included "Happy the Man" and "Twilight Alehouse" and looking forward to hearing the rest, but "Revelation" and "Genesis Live" should have been included

Full track listing......

Genesis: 1970-1975 CD DISC 1: TRESPASS:
 1. Looking For Someone  
 2. White Mountain  
 3. Visions Of Angels
 4. Stagnation  
 5. Dusk
 6. Knife, The

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 2: TRESPASS 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Looking For Someone  
 2. White Mountain  
 3. Visions Of Angels
 4. Stagnation  
 5. Dusk
 6. Knife, The

 7. Video Interview With The Band (2007)
  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 3: NURSERY CRYME:
 1. Musical Box, The
 2. For Absent Friends  
 3. Return Of The Giant Hogweed, The
 4. Seven Stones  
 5. Harold The Barrel
 6. Harlequin  
 7. Fountain Of Salmacis, The
  Genesis: 1970-1975 CD DISC 4: NURSERY CRYME 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Musical Box, The
 2. For Absent Friends  
 3. Return Of The Giant Hogweed, The
 4. Seven Stones  
 5. Harold The Barrel
 6. Harlequin  
 7. Fountain Of Salmacis, The

 8. Interview With The Band (2007)
  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 5: FOXTROT:
 1. Watcher Of The Skies  
 2. Time Table  
 3. Get'Em Out By Friday
 4. Can-Utility And The Coastliners  
 5. Horizon's
 6. Supper's Ready

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 6: FOXTROT 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Watcher Of The Skies  
 2. Time Table  
 3. Get'Em Out By Friday
 4. Can-Utility And The Coastliners  
 5. Horizon's
 6. Supper's Ready
 7. Interview With The Band (2007)
 8. Belgium-Rock Of The 70's (1972)
 9. Italy-Piper Club (1972)

 1. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight  
 2. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)  
 3. Firth Of Fifth  
 4. More Fool Me  
 5. Battle of Epping Forest, The
 6. After The Ordeal
 7. Cinema Show, The  
 8. Aisle Of Plenty  

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 8: SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight  
 2. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)  
 3. Firth Of Fifth  
 4. More Fool Me  
 5. Battle of Epping Forest, The
 6. After The Ordeal
 7. Cinema Show, The  
 8. Aisle Of Plenty  
 9. Interview With The Band (2007)
 10. Shepperton Studios, Italian TV (1973)
 11. Bataclan France, (1973)

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 9: THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY DISK 1:
 1. Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, The
 2. Fly On A Windshield  
 3. Broadway Melody of
 4. Cuckoo Cocoon  
 5. In The Cage  
 6. Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, The  
 7. Back In N.Y.C.  
 8. Hairless Heart
 9. Counting Out Time  
 10. Carpet Crawlers  
 11. Chamber Of 32 Doors, The

 1. Lilywhite Lilth
 2. Waiting Room, The
 3. Anyway  
 4. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist  
 5. Lamia, The
 6. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
 7. Colony Of Supermen, The (The Arrival/A Visit To The Doktor/The Raven)
 8. Ravine
 9. Light Dies Down On Broadway, The
 10. Riding The Scree  
 11. In The Rapids  
 12. It  

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Songs DISC 11: THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, The
 2. Fly On A Windshield  
 3. Broadway Melody of
 4. Cuckoo Cocoon  
 5. In The Cage  
 6. Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, The  
 7. Back In N.Y.C.  
 8. Hairless Heart
 9. Counting Out Time  
 10. Carpet Crawlers  
 11. Chamber Of 32 Doors, The
 12. Lilywhite Lilth
 13. Waiting Room, The
 14. Anyway  
 15. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist  
 16. Lamia, The
 17. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
 18. Colony Of Supermen, The (The Arrival/A Visit To The Doktor/The Raven)
 19. Ravine
 20. Light Dies Down On Broadway, The
 21. Riding The Scree  
 22. In The Rapids  
 23. It  
 24. Interview With The Band (2007)
 25. Melody French TV (1974)

  Genesis: 1970-1975 Album DISC 12: EXTRAS 1970-1975:
 1. Happy The Man  
 2. Twilight Alehouse  
 3. Going Out To Get You [Demo]
 4. Sheperd [BBC Nightride 1970]
 5. Pacidy [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 6. Let Us Now Make Love [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 7. Provocation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 8. Frustration [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 9. Manipulation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 10. Resignation [Genesis Plays Jackson]

  Genesis: 1970-1975 CD DISC 13: EXTRAS 1970-1975 5.1 AUDIO:
 1. Happy The Man  
 2. Twilight Alehouse  
 3. Going Out To Get You [Demo]
 4. Sheperd [BBC Nightride 1970]
 5. Pacidy [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 6. Let Us Now Make Love [BBC Nightride 1970]  
 7. Provocation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 8. Frustration [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 9. Manipulation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 10. Resignation [Genesis Plays Jackson]
 11. Interview With The Band (2007)
 12. Box Set 1967-1975 (VH1 Special)
 13. Watcher Of The Skies (Midnight Special 1973)  
 14. Musical Box, The (Midnight Special 1973)


This is a fantastic box set,I own it as well.At first the new mixes sounded very strange to me because they are indeed quite different from the 1994 remasters,but once you get used to it,there's not much complain.Only The Lamb is a bit inferior to the previous remaster in my opinion,due to some new effects that are really unecessary.And the extra disc couldn't be better,not for Happy The Man or Twilight Alehouse,but for the other stuff:A BBC concert with a wonderfull song named Pacidy and the soundtrack to the painter Michael Jackson's documentary,never released(Genesis Plays Jackson).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2009 at 16:32
I haven't heard it all yet - I got it as a Christmas present, but sadly never seem to have time to fully indulge myself in a Progathon these days.
My first reaction to "Nursery Cryme" was to search through my rack for the original vinyl... I wasn't immediately taken by the new mixes, but that might be because the mixes are so different, and I spent a long time ensuring that all my vinyls were from the earliest possible press.
It's going to be a while before I submit a review on this lot...
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
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