100% no.
It should be the decision of the bar owners. They'll take a hit in customers no matter what way they choose (either smokers leaving or non-smokers leaving), and the burden should be on them to make the decision for the atmosphere of the bar, not the health of hypothetical people.
In all honesty the crimes against free choice committed in the name of health is the unsung disaster, and it speaks volumes of the hypocrisy of Americans who are supposed to stand for freedom of choice, but when it comes down to an act most people dislike, they flake on their flimsy moral background.
Democrats, at least, have the platform of being nannies, so it's not unexpected from them. Yet it's often the prudish, supposedly moral Republican who come out against smoking, and thus just making another notch in the hypocrisy bedpost by abandoning the Randian ideals they like to verbally masturbate over when the political climate suits their devious plans (ie. now).
Full disclosure: I smoke a pipe, hookah, and sometimes self- rolled cigarettes.
An even bigger crime than the bar issue is the recent tax increase on tobacco, which is disgustingly high. And yet, most people don't care that it's the government's sick way of imposing behavior on its people.
It all infuriates me, more as a champion of decency and freedom than an occasional smoker.
Rant over...until someone responds.