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Forum Newbie
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Posted: January 24 2009 at 18:27 |
Well..I was lucky enough to be at Milton keynes in 1982 and it was magical (I also remember Talk Talk being first on the bill and thinking they were really good while people at the front were throwing bottles at them!). After Pink Floyd at G8, I'll never say never, but It'll have to happen within the next five years ...I would walk over broken glass to be there...
Dr. Occulator
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Posted: January 24 2009 at 21:10 |
Personally I think Peter Gabriel would be crazy to participate in a Genesis reunion. He's carved his own eclectic classy niche in prog rock and maybe because I grew up with Genesis I think he's outgrown that image. It would be embarrassing. Let that music remain classic by not trying to return to a place and time that they are not part of anymore.
My Doc Told Me I Have Doggie Head.
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Posted: January 24 2009 at 23:08 |
Jim Garten wrote:
I take your point on venue sizes for older material; however, in 1978 when they were still performing large chunks of the older albums, they were playing huge venues - they just changed the presentation - the songs themselves do work in large venues, it's just the intimate stage shows they used to play in the glory days would be completely lost in an enormodrome (which is where, face it, they'd have to play). The Milton Keynes reunion in 1983 was before an audience of (this is a guess btw) about 50/60,000; nothing post 1975 was played, yet they pulled it off because they adapted the show itself.
No - in my humble opinion & on the evidence of 'Seconds Out' & a recording I have of the 1978 Knebworth show (in front of over 100,000 people) the songs could work if (and unfortunately, this is a big if) they were played well, which on the evidence of the Rome film...
Of course - the absolute ideal would be to see the re-unified Genesis in a small 2/3,000 seat theatre, but that's never going to happen so for a recreation of the glory days, I'll just wait for The Musical Box to come round again - great band, great musicians, perfect recreation of pre-1975 Genesis (even the Mellotron broke down briefly when I saw them - how authentic is that? ) |
You know how many Wakeman eqiupmpent breadownds there were, Wow if you just read Grumpy Old Rock Star by Rick Wakeman and you'll prbablyy only get about a third of them.
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Posted: January 24 2009 at 23:24 |
I don't know if you want to to know how many times the aircraft above went usevivicable then myelf and Rick ( as in Wakeman ) would be able to relate. Ask Rick about unservicibility Not me he would probabily be the expert stotyeller in that respect.
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Posted: January 28 2009 at 02:28 |
Go for reunion? Ahh, it's so prospectus. Makes me breathe in wide air. I need them to make it soon. Well, soon as possible.
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Posted: January 29 2009 at 18:27 |
Jeeeeeeeeez no wonder I visit infrequently on here how many are on at the one time.Used to be when you made a post you got loads of feedback,now nada .Oh for the summer of 2004 when the 3 Fates and company were on.
Jim Garten
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Posted: January 30 2009 at 02:47 |
riversyd wrote:
Well..I was lucky enough to be at Milton keynes in 1982 and it was magical |
Not to mention wet
Will we ever see the like again?
Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Posted: February 03 2009 at 22:54 |
Not in this lifetime, unfortunately...VERY unfortunately.
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