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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 15:52
You go to Sunday school?


Anyhow, listen up people.  I have something to say and it maybe controversial.

It's about the recession.

We need it to happen.

Yes it's not good for the economy but it needs to happen.  People are materialistic whores and need a wake-up call.  We all have widescreen televisions, new stereos, every different type of console and a laptop and maybe a desktop PC as well.  So why do we need to replace them?  We don't.  People aren't buying stuff as often now.  That's understandable.  People have everything (well I don't personally but that's because I'm not especially materialistic).

People don't buy CDs so the likes of Zavvi (formerly Virgin Megastore) going tits up isn't really surprising at all.  It's a dog-eat-dog world and if they cannot hack it, then c'est la vie.  It's all about the digital age now (as much as I don't like the idea -- CDs are still preferred) and they just hadn't stepped into the 21st Century really.

As for other shops well people have finally realised they don't need designer clothes as much.  People are following the latest "being green" fad because it's cool.  Many are genuine and want to reduce their carbon footprint but many are jumping on the green bandwagon and will make money from it.

So there will be more unemployment and lots of businesses closing.  It's human nature for that to happen and in the long run it maybe a good thing.

It's like war.  None of us like the idea of war but they're often necessary.  We're over populated and it's obvious the world cannot cope and now we're seeing why.

I cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel right now... but hopefully the economy will pick up eventually.

There, I said it.

Edited by James - January 15 2009 at 15:53
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Padraic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:01
Clap  Well done!

People do need a wake-up call:  it's time to live within our means and scale back.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:01
Originally posted by James James wrote:

You go to Sunday school?


Anyhow, listen up people.  I have something to say and it maybe controversial.

It's about the recession.

We need it to happen.

Yes it's not good for the economy but it needs to happen.  People are materialistic whores and need a wake-up call.  We all have widescreen televisions, new stereos, every different type of console and a laptop and maybe a desktop PC as well.  So why do we need to replace them?  We don't.  People aren't buying stuff as often now.  That's understandable.  People have everything (well I don't personally but that's because I'm not especially materialistic).

People don't buy CDs so the likes of Zavvi (formerly Virgin Megastore) going tits up isn't really surprising at all.  It's a dog-eat-dog world and if they cannot hack it, then c'est la vie.  It's all about the digital age now (as much as I don't like the idea -- CDs are still preferred) and they just hadn't stepped into the 21st Century really.

As for other shops well people have finally realised they don't need designer clothes as much.  People are following the latest "being green" fad because it's cool.  Many are genuine and want to reduce their carbon footprint but many are jumping on the green bandwagon and will make money from it.

So there will be more unemployment and lots of businesses closing.  It's human nature for that to happen and in the long run it maybe a good thing.

It's like war.  None of us like the idea of war but they're often necessary.  We're over populated and it's obvious the world cannot cope and now we're seeing why.

I cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel right now... but hopefully the economy will pick up eventually.

There, I said it.
As much as it hurts me to agree with you on something that is not prog (lol 9/11 truth, etc.), I have to concur. High gas prices and lowered spending are inevitable, and they might as well happen now rather than later. People making money off of going green is the only way it will become widespread, and that can only happen when gas prices are high. It pissed me off SO MUCH to hear people driving SUVs complaining endlessly about our OUTRAGEOUS GAS PRICES that are half as much as the UK's. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF OIL PEOPLE WHY IS NOBODY PAYING ATTENTION! Of course, I am complicit in that as well because I waste all day and night on the internet and drive a minivan, but eh, I'm not a real adult yet.
Let it all burn.
But we are not overpopulated yet. What we are doing is overconsuming--and every person on this website is part of that because we buy CDs that fill up landfills and waste carbon to produce.

Edited by Henry Plainview - January 15 2009 at 16:02
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:10
My CDs are not filling up landfills, only my Lounge. LOL

But I do agree.

But I do not have a widescreen television, a stereo of my own or all the modern games consoles.

I have:

1. An expensive laptop that's depreciated in price
2. An old desktop PC that I bought second-hand
3. Over 400 CDs (mostly bought new)
4. A PlayStation (that I didn't buy... I borrowed it and forgot to give it back)
5. A car (third-hand that's depreciated in price)

I have access to a stereo but it's not mine.  I usually play CDs on my Laptop.

So I'm not fully compliant with being Green but then as far as I am concerned, however much we all try to be green, it won't actually help.  It's a harsh reality.

Of course, I shall try and be as green as possible, I'm not that hard-hearted.  I just don't think we'll ever repair the damage now.

That's why people are jumping on the Green Bandwagon.  There's money to be made from it by entrepreneurs.  It's just a fad.  People follow trends.

Edited by James - January 15 2009 at 16:13
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:10
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Clap  Well done!

People do need a wake-up call:  it's time to live within our means and scale back.

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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:13
Originally posted by birdwithteeth11 birdwithteeth11 wrote:

Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Clap  Well done!

People do need a wake-up call:  it's time to live within our means and scale back.


Yes but I said it better. LOLEmbarrassed
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:15
Originally posted by James James wrote:

That's why people are jumping on the Green Bandwagon.  There's money to be made from it by entrepreneurs.  It's just a fad.  People follow trends.
But at one point the internet was just a fad, and look at it now. Vinyl, CDs, TV, everything about modern life that isn't directly related to sustenance was. That is how things develop.
Thomas Friedman made  a good point on Colbert: with the railroad boom and collapse of the 18th century, a lot of people lost a lot of money, but we got a national railroad system that lasted for quite a long time. A lot of people lost a lot of money in the dot com bust, but we got most of the internet. Today, a lot of people lost a lot of money in the banks (and I assume this is also true for Savings and Loans, etc), but there is no net benefit to society. Other than, I guess, the few years of false prosperity we got out of it.
So what we need is a lot of people to lost a lot of money so the rest of us can have cheap cars that get 100 mpg.

Edited by Henry Plainview - January 15 2009 at 16:16
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:15
Originally posted by James James wrote:

My CDs are not filling up landfills, only my Lounge. LOL

But I do agree.

But I do not have a widescreen television, a stereo of my own or all the modern games consoles.

I have:

1. An expensive laptop that's depreciated in price
2. An old desktop PC that I bought second-hand
3. Over 400 CDs (mostly bought new)
4. A PlayStation (that I didn't buy... I borrowed it and forgot to give it back)
5. A car (third-hand that's depreciated in price)

I have access to a stereo but it's not mine.  I usually play CDs on my Laptop.

So I'm fully compliant with being Green but then as far as I am concerned, however much we all try to be green, it won't actually help.  It's a harsh reality.

Of course, I shall try and be as green as possible, I'm not that hard-hearted.  I just don't think we'll ever repair the damage now.

That's why people are jumping on the Green Bandwagon.  There's money to be made from it by entrepreneurs.  It's just a fad.  People follow trends.

I agree. Going Green all of a sudden isn't going to solve anything, but in some cases using common sense, such as recycling what you can, helps slow the process down. What we really need, especially in this country, are alternatives to foreign dependency on oil. What oil is here we aren't allowed to drill because of environmental groups, we don't have nuclear power, people on the coasts don't want wind because seeing giant windmills several miles out in the ocean is apparently "unattractive", solar power might work, but it would be quite expensive, and the news that ethanol costs more energy to produce than it gives off is starting to come up.

On a side note, I download most of my music, only get albums on CDs if I know I'm going to like them, whereas most of my CDs in the house are blank and have stuff I've downloaded burned on to them. Guess I'm doing my part.LOL
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:16
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Originally posted by birdwithteeth11 birdwithteeth11 wrote:

Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Clap  Well done!

People do need a wake-up call:  it's time to live within our means and scale back.


Yes but I said it better. LOLEmbarrassed

If we were in English 101, I would have given Pat the better grade because he said it in less words.Tongue
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:17
Man, I really hope I don't get hate mail for my Dark Side review.Embarrassed
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Queen By-Tor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:21
The Eagles Greatest Hits is the best selling album of all time. The Wall is #3, Dark Side is somewhere else.
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:23
Yes but my post was said with more vehemence.  Pat's was polite. Wink

I rarely burn music on my computer onto CD.  If I like it that much, I'll buy it on CD or Vinyl.

I have more downloads than CDs though, it has to be said.  I just prefer having a real product.

Also maybe it's just me but some people are just stupid... why start up a shop you know isn't going to make you any money?  There's many pointless shops in Swindon that people visit on occasionally because they're for a niche market.

If you're going to have a niche product, then I'd take my business online.

Greg Walker would not survive on the High Street,  Neither would ReR Megacorps or Wayside.
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:23
Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

The Eagles Greatest Hits is the best selling album of all time. The Wall is #3, Dark Side is somewhere else.

Oh wait.  I misread the post.  I didn't read the word "selling". LOL


The Eagles.


Edited by James - January 15 2009 at 16:24
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:24
Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

The Eagles Greatest Hits is the best selling album of all time. The Wall is #3, Dark Side is somewhere else.

I was simply referring to the highest selling prog album in the U.S. Although the fact that so many people I know like it could disillusion me into thinking that.LOL
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:25
Surely Michael Jackson's Thriller is the highest?

Edited by James - January 15 2009 at 16:28
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:28
When I drove my brother home from school today, I had to take one of his friends home as well. As he was sitting in the backseat, this kid, who for all I know listen to "top 40" material, starts playing Opeth's Burden on his cell phone. Kind of threw me for a shock, as well as the fact that he had Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree on there.

Although those three are fairly well known even outside of prog, so it could just mean nothing.

Edited by birdwithteeth11 - January 15 2009 at 16:29
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:28
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Surely Michael Jackson's Thriller is the highest?

Possibly. It is pretty RIO.Wink
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:30
Originally posted by birdwithteeth11 birdwithteeth11 wrote:

Originally posted by James James wrote:

Surely Michael Jackson's Thriller is the highest?

Possibly. It is pretty sh*t.Wink

Fixed. Big smile
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:30
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Also maybe it's just me but some people are just stupid... why start up a shop you know isn't going to make you any money?
If that was referring to me, the point is that they could make money, even though when the bubble bursts a lot of people will lose money. But it's worth the risk to some people to potentially become the next Bill Gates. Which is logical, as long as you aren't risking everything. And some people of course delude themselves into thinking the bubble will never burst out of wishful thinking--just look at the housing market.
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Mikerinos View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 15 2009 at 16:31
Originally posted by James James wrote:

I always thought Shoegaze was when you pee on someone's shoe... LOL

"This music is dull... what to do?  Oh look, a shoe, I'll stare at it and then release my manly fluids on it 'cause there's nowt better to do!"

Shoegaze is actually a pretty fantastic genre.  You're just too limited to obscure jazz and avant, you call everything else crap, or don't even give it a chance.  I know people who listen to rap who are more open-minded.
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