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    Posted: January 06 2009 at 13:02
orMetal Clube - Obviously your parents had a great participation waking your taste for the music, and because of their formation you probably grew listening a lot of MPB. Was this the first musical stile that you fell in Love? Tell us more about your initiation on the music, as a listener, not as a musician.

Thiago Bianchi – My mother is a Singer of MPB (Thiago is the son of Maria Odete Bianchi, famous MPB singer) and my father is a Samba Drummer. In home I growth listening to Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Elimar Santos, these people was always playing there. Because of that, the first musical stile that I fell in love was the well-played and virtuous music. When I was young, my mother always left me sleeping in the kitchen of the avenues that she played. From there, I’ve been always listening to those sounds that came from outside and thinks: “Wow! These guys are good”.

Like artist, the first one that called my attention was Michael Jackson, my supreme idol until now. One of the first albums that I got was from Jacksons Five. I followed well the release of Thriller. Even with very young, I remember that time. Finally I’ve been passionate by Rock n’ Roll when I get ‘Creatures of the Night’, from Kiss. Was when I sense that my life would change forever and I thought: “Rock n’ Roll is THE stile”.

And about MPB, some people ask me if, today I’m saturated from the stile because of my mother, my father. I’m not, but MPB is not a stile that attracts me on a visceral form. My stile really is Rock, even because He united the two things that most Impressed me when I was young: the virtuoso on the music and the visual stile, because of  Kiss. These two things, united with Michael Jackson’s vocal, have made me the Head banger that I am today, that sings with technique, is always changing the visual stile and all.

Metal Clube – You have a history as an illustrator, working also in Mauricio De Sousa’s studios, but your professional destine was really the music. Even That, this artistic background is still on you as a hobby?

Thiago Bianchi – I studied Five years in the “Escola Panamericana de Artes” (reference in the art and design study in Latin America) because of my mother. Like many people, my parents always wants that we make something that gives more money from what they do, or what they think is not cool. Because of that, she was very worried about my musical career, because in fact, it’s nothing easy. Brazil is a strange country. We don’t have wars, but we are much destroyed. But going back to the question, actually, I always Drew when I was a child, along with my grandfather who was carpenter. After that, I started to work with an engineer that draw fireplaces that, after a time, schism that I was a “genius of the fireplaces” (lol). And then, this Guy became impressed and told my mother: “Take this Guy to follow this area because he is good on it”. In the test that i made to enter in this school, that is much competed, I got a full bag with the test that I done. I really took it seriously, even with the music on the side, walking together.
My mother, that always knew these artistic guys, includes Mauricio de Souza, asked him for me to show him my test. He received, liked a lot of my stuff and gave me a giant almanac from “Turma Da Mônica” and asked me to draw everything what was there. I passed six months drawing that all and got back to him. He looked one Page and said: ‘Ok, you’re on’ (lol). At the same Day that I entered in studio, I received a Phone call from Chico (Dehira, guitarist), from Karma, asking me about the future of the band. That’s when I decided to go on with the music, because it is a thing that touches me more. My mother almost got a heart attack (lol)! After that, I’d never took a pen to draw again. Professionally, the only thing that I’ve done was Karma’s symbol. Sometimes I find myself drawing something, but I’m very self-critic, I always says “It’s horrible” and stop at the middle.

Metal Clube – Even you getting the Best curriculum as producer, the other members of the band still have some experience in production too. We can say that you were the main producer of ‘Immortal’, following only suggestions from your band mates, or it was a total collective job?

Thiago Bianchi – The history of my curriculum began long ago. My mother set a Studio for me to set with Karma, provide that I administrate it. Luís Mariutti (Angra’s bassist in that time) gave me some hits about how to set a studio, about what equipments to buy. I followed his orientations and Angra became my first client, because they started to test there! With 15 years old I already had a studio. I became friend with Ricardo (Confessori, Angra’s drummer in that time), Luís Mariutti... I had more affinity with Andre (Matos, Angra’s vocalist that time) and with Luís. After a time with Rafael (Bittencourt, Angra’s guitarist), that some time after, produced the first Karma’s demo. So my curriculum is expense because of that, because I started too soon, even unwillingly. In that way, I met “Fumaça” (Fernando Quesada, Shaman’s Bassist). Soon I saw that He really had the way. He is very smart, learns fast and wants to do the things. And Léo (Mancini, Shaman’s guitarrist) was the first Guy that I’ve played seriously, In “Fest Valda” (Musical event of the “pastilhas Valda” company, that reveled Tianastácia in the edition of “Minas Gerais” in 1995 – they won in the category “Unprecedented” with the song “Cabrobró”). About the production of “Immortal” was well divided. We didn’t need the help of anyone to make an album and we are very proud of it. Even in the graphic part, Ricardo Confessori can sit in the computer and make something about it. In the musical part, like Ricardo is the founder member of the band, we took the ideas to him. So, this part of pre-production, we’ve done very well together, but with Ricardo guiding the pre production. In the production of performances of recording, letter heading and mix, they were in my hand. Who’ve masterized was Junior Rossetti (worked even in Reason).  

Metal Clube – You’ve produced albums of many important bands from Brazilian metal, Like Tuatha De Dannan, Eterna and even Angra, and solo projects from Kiko Loureiro, Rafael Bittencourt and Edu Ardanuy. How did these contacts happen?

Thiago Bianchi – They happened because of the studio. In test studio you end meeting many people, it’s a giant turnover. All day, all night, all evening there’s people there. In one of these, I met Bruno, from Tuatha de Dannan, Who is one of the craziest guys I ever met, though now He is more “relax”, he is father now, after all. I miss him so much because I’ve produced the first and the second albums from the band. They had a demo before, but “Tingaralatingadun” and “The Delirium Has Just Begun” are albums with my production. I’m very proud because I could collaborate with what Tuatha is today. Actually, today i have this stigma: people search me when they want to make a unique sound, because of the bands I produced in the beginning of my career, like Karma, Tuatha de Dannan and Eterna. These bands are very different between them, and each one of them have their peculiarity. And that’s how it came to me the thing of Kiko (Loureiro, Angra’s guitarist), for who I always spoke about made an instrumental album not of metal. I think that Kiko is a genius, but it is in this thing of Brazilian guitar fusion that shines his star. And with that, I ended producing his album, guitars and “mix” of “Universo Inverso”. And it’s one of the albums that I am more proud, because it has been praised all over the world.
Its review in the American Guitar Player was devastator, Kiko and I became very happy for the album and there’s no price for this kind of thing. Another álbum that I’m very proud, is the Eduardo Ardanuy’s one, the solo album, that’s just been released in Expomusic. One Day I was drunk, in home, listening to Dr. Sin, that is a band that influenced me a lot, and than, I called Edu and said: ‘Man, you MUST have a solo album’. I guess He was drunk too (lol), but responded me: ‘Yeah…I will, I will’. It took a lot of time, but it came out. And really, the album is a real pearl. Edu is a guy that must appear a lot in the world, because him, like Kiko, are great guitarists around here. And now, I’m doing the same “mental work” with Léo (lol), who is another guy that I think it’s ridiculous don’t have a solo as a  guitarist. One more that I had very pleasure to be the co-producer, was “Aurora (Consurgens”), from Angra, because I could spend a lot of time with guys that I like a lot to work: Felipe, Rafael, Edu and Kiko. Angra is a band that I always wanted to give some hints. It’s really not the best work of their career, but in terms of sound, it is the best. And I don’t say it with pride, because I didn’t mixed the album, but I think that, there was a real evolution of Angra as a band in that album, question of fix Edu’s voice in the right tones for him. I’m also very proud of it, of make Angra a heavier band, something that I always wanted from Angra.

And finally, another mark in my career, not counting “Immortal”, was “Ritual’s” demo. Only a few people know it, but I’ve produced it along with Ricardo around 1999, 2000... We’ve made the songs that I sing today, like “Freedom”, “For Tomorrow”, “Time Will Come”... I remember that “Freedom” was called “Be Free”, that today is the “Freedom” from “Immortal”. We’ve changed the whole song. That’s very cool, be participating of a project of the people that you are fan, and the álbum became marc. It’s great for me, to be participating of a project thar Ricardo created, we are very friends. And now I’m here, as the vocalist of that same band. I think it’s all a cycle. And a very crazy one (lol)!  

Metal Clube – Still about production, the arrangements of Shaman always been very "full" and continued that way in the last album, but alive, you guys seems to use a more direct line. You want, or ever wanted to use more eletronic means to recreate with more fidelity the sound of studio or wants that the songs being played only by people?

Thiago Bianchi – Man, if I remember well, the first serious discussion that we had as a band was about it. There was who defended the use of MDs (Multimedia Discs) and things like that, and there were those who don’t. I was one of the people who, because of Karma, that were a sound super “full” and all liked the idea of the sound alive be the same of the CD. As you said, the album is super “full”. But alive, we reach the conclusion that the energy of the band don’t came from these things. Who pass the energy is the musicians. So, taking an MD or something like that, you just concern the musicians to a metronome and concern the public to a sound that seems the CD playing in the stage. Although I am a big fan of bands like Queensrÿche, that is perfect alive, it’s not what I want for my band. I think that the coolest thing that Shaman have alive is that “punch in the ear”. And that just happens beacause our sound is us and the punblic: There’s no “magic”, there’s not MD playing, and today it’s something that I’m very proud, even being one of those people who defended the MD. Ricardo really was the guy who said “No”. And now, I think He was right.

Metal Clube – After many shows and a good divulgation of “Immortal” album, what is the first result that you take of the fans?

Thiago Bianchi – Look, we are still in the middle of the divulgation tour, now there is the Latin-American part. We’ve been seen in each show that the people have been involved more and more... I don’t know how to explain, but seems like the thing started as an spiral, that have been growing, growing, until became a constellation (lol). I already heard to comments of people that listened to the album that emotions me, and sometimes I heard comments that made me think ‘My god, he didn’t listened to the album, it’s not possible’ (lol). But this is normal; everybody passes through it, besides, in my opinion, every unanimity is stupid. I think that the result is really positive. Our shows are always partially full, except in the places where the people didn’t even know that Shaman is back. In my opinion, the divulgation of the album was very bad. We bet in a new Label (Thurbo Music), that today is doing a great job, but with the products that they have there, that are not segmented like our job, we didn’t reach the public how it had to be. Anyway, all I can say is that we are very happy for the way the band is going. You see in our tour book: now with these Latin shows, we are going to 50 shows, which is a great mark for an album today. We have plans to play with an orchestra of turkey, in Europe, in June next year, and we already have requests for shows in China and Japan, and of course, we have the release of our new DVD. The band is in a celebration moment, and the people are following well it. I think that Yes, the result is positive.

Metal Clube –Shaman hás passed through a great reformulation, with the exit of André Matos, and of the Mariutti brothers. The fans have created a great expectative about who would be the new members or even if the band would continue. All this expectative of the fans and all this repercussion about the future of the band weighed for some of you in the time to take the post left by the ex-members? Tell us about how was the invitation.

Thiago Bianchi – For us, like band, job is job. I don’t have problem with boss, with hole, this things... If I’m doing my job badly, you come and tell me, and I’ll see how I can be better. I don’t see things that the people says, I don’t search for “it” in Orkut and I don’t have problems with critics. I think that critic is something that everybody is free to make. My friendship with the guys has facilitated everything. Andre has sung in my first album, Rafael have produced my first band, Luis is a guy that i have a great friendship for a long time, Kiko... In the middle of this shooting between angra and shaman, I always could be “immune”, and also help a friend of mine for the charge, Felipe Andreoli. I don’t have rivalry with nobody, and I want to be like this forever. Nobody in the band have problem with nobody. We are a very united band – not everybody knows, but we don’t have a manager in Brazil: everyone in the band stay in front of the computer searching for workshops, shows, agents, producers. For me, I’ve entered in a job, and like everything that I’ve done in my life I give 110%. I always lived bleeding for my ideals, for the things that I believe everyday. I don’t give a damn for these things like ‘somebody told me that somebody has told’, because they are people that I still find in the conventions, workshops, shows, and are people that are still smiling for me and embraces me. So, I guess nothing has changed.  

Metal Clube – In your opinion, Shaman today is seen like a new band of metal because of the great reformulation or there is still that image of "the former band of Andre Matos"?

Thiago Bianchi – That is a question that I don’t remember of we stopped for discuss, so I can’t tell it for them. Spooking for me, I say that we just go there and play. I can’t say very well about it because I don’t have a public eye for it, only they can say it. Comparisons will always exist and maybe with the time we can overcome it.
The Best bands in the history always had changes in their line-ups and the most part could go on normally. Iron Maiden is an example of it. I get a “Ritual” (Shaman – Ritual, 2002) with the same pleasure than when I get, for example, a “Killers” (Iron Maiden – Killers, 1981), at the same time that I listen to a “Powerslave” (Iron Maiden – Powerslave, 1984), and even an “Immortal” (Shaman – Immortal, 2007). All these albums that I’ve mentioned are good, understand? (Redaction note: Thiago quotes first the albums that have been recorded by the first formation of the bands, and than quotes other albums of the same bands with another formation). We don’t care. We do our shows and the people apparently likes... After a show we want to go to a ballad, go out, and meet the people of the city... I think it’s very cool the fact of we look like a band o boys. The Making-of of the DVD that is coming out, man, it’s a kind of Jackass: are all crazy things all the time, nobody with closed face, no fights. My band climate with them is a dream, each one with their stile, kind of figure. I’m not a millionaire guy, but I know that Money comes and goes, the friendship stays.

Metal Clube – In the Belo Horizonte’s show, the band has been honored by the project Rockwalk Brasil, the sidewalk of fame of Brazilian rock. Have good memories of that night? How it was for the band been chosen to receive that permeation?  

Thiago Bianchi – That night was crazy, all of that will be in my mind forever. It can look silly, but it’s the top of the recognition that you can have. It’s like you gain the Oscar. And Belo Horizonte was the Best place for it: war where we played for the first time as a band, we’ve been graced here like we’ve been only in a few shows. Nobody wanted to know who we were: they wanted to know if we would play right and represent the name well. Besides, I have great friends here.  

Metal Clube – This same Project honored names like Lobão, Paulo Ricardo, Ultraje a Rigor, O Rappa, Jota Quest, Roupa Nova, Sepultura, Pepeu Gomes, Mutantes, Guilherme Arantes, Kiko Zambianchi, Charlie Brown Jr, Eduardo Araújo. Disagree of any of these names?

Thiago Bianchi – No, never. I guess that for this generation some of these names don’t make sense, but my mother have been very emotive, because my name was in the side of Cauby Peixoto, who is her idol. So sometimes, for us some of these names don’t make sense, but what is THE Rock? Rock is attitude. And all these names are Rock, man... wanting or not. Rock is a sound of “paudurescência”. And who is more “paudurescência” than Lobão, man? He rose in Clodovil’s table and kicked everything there, was amazing! Even if He wasn’t a musician, he would be Rock n’ Roll! This honored could make me have the Lucky to say to my mother: ‘Look, mom, even if everything is over now, I’ve make something to make you proud’. For me, the most important thing in my life is my mother, and sees her crying by proud touched me very deep. And was through this Project that all this happened. Only the initiative of all this already deserves reverences, and I guess that we have to support it.

Metal Clube – We can say that Sepultura and Shaman represents the national Heavy Metal in this project? Any other band deserves this honored?

Thiago Bianchi – In the Heavy Metal, its unbelievable don’t have Angra or even Andre Matos, who is a guy that opened many ways. I think that Krisiun should be there too. If even Ronnie Von can go, Krisiun can go too, and I said that to one organizer and he promised to analyze the idea.  

Metal Clube – The band was present in Expomusic too. How were the things around there? The band’s show got the presence of the Brazilian vocalist Gustavo Monsanto (former Adagio and now in the band of the former stratovarius, Timo Tolkki, Revolution Renaissance), isn’t it?

Thiago Bianchi – Great. I’ve make three workshops; we’ve done a autograph section and a show. Fernando makes workshops everyday, even with the participation of Luís (Mariutti), just like Léo and Fabrício. And was emotive, everything that we’ve done there, was full. I think that the band is in its best form. We don’t stop to male shows, since we play or make workshops almost all weekend. We’ve done the closure of the event and who was there knows that it was memorable. One of the best things that we’ve done in our career, people crying, people out of the place, firemen taking people out of the place, was with no previous. In relation of Gustavo, He is a friend of mine of long time ago. He is a guy that I saw starting. I’ve produced Gustavo in the first time that he entered in a studio; we’ve done an album that was a tribute to Dream Theater. It was one of the works that he sent to Adagio (Prog. metal band very important in all Europe), the guys liked and he entered. Some times you give support to someone and change the person’s life. He is a guy that I have a great affection, was a guy that I was present when He “spread his wings”. And how he was in Brazil in the convention’s time, I said him: ‘Come and sing something with me, even if it is “Atirei o Pau No Gato”’ (lol)!  

Metal Clube – In nowadays it’s normal to see releases of great bands going out in the internet, being quickly distributed for people all around the world, through the MP3. Something to say about the MP3? You think it’s a prejudicial factor for the bands?

Thiago Bianchi –Like everything in life, it haves its pros and its cons. This new generation is a little strange, they sit in the computer and “f**k of" everything else, they have a second life in the computer. Beginning by this principle, everything is easy. Like example, I quote the album "The Divine Wings of Tragedy", of Symphony X, that I wanted too much to listen but there wasn’t in Brazil. I got a Bus, a subway and a train and got in the “Rock Gallery” (São Paulo) and asked for the new CD of the band, then answered me: Oh, you have to order it, I don’t know when it comes'. I had to leave a signal, take a paper and wait for it. I’ve call there a lot of times to hear that it has not arrived yet, until it arrives and the said: Look, it arrived, but it is the Japanese version that is three fold expensive'. And there you go sell your sound, trade shirts with a friend and here it goes. That was the way to get a Heavy Metal CD. When I got that album of  Symphony X, I went home, and my world stopped: I locked the door, take the phone out of the base, took the pullout, a chocolate bar, a soda, press the play and... (Sigh). Man, that was my life, listens to a real album. The kids today don’t remember very well of the albums that they have access. Why? The process to reach its sound is very under the process of making a sound and that’s what makes the musicians angry. Make na album is a real “kick in the ass”. And some people don’t want to listen to your album well because they press a sh*t of a "Download This File" and it’s over! They over to listen the album superficially, saying that they don’t like and passing to another one. It’s a thing that I don’t accept. I even download some albums, but I listen with patience, and if I like, I buy. This happened with the new album of Metallica. I’ve downloaded “Death Magnetic” (New Metallica’s album) to listen because I was very sad with the band, that is my favorite in the world along with Pantera. And then I listened to the new and I cried, healed the sadness. I felt like I was 15 listening to the “Ride The Lightning”. That is music. I’ve ordered my import album, because Universal has made a sh*t of CD for Brazil. And they don’t want to have piracy. The American is pretty, comes in a digipack, now the Brazilian haves a bad production and its R$33. Anyway, I support the MP3, I support the Youtube, but the artists have to receive for what He is investing, and the people have to honor their work after. This wave of MP3 is changing. The people understand with the time. Internet is just a tool, not you brain

Metal Clube – In an interview to the website, you’ve been questioned for a “call” to the Brazilian Metal in a testimonial in an show, where you speaks about the union in the scene and between public and band. Can you explain a little better for us?  

Thiago Bianchi – The scene needs help from the people, the Heasbangers. These stories from these internet conversations, from the “Said He Said Me”, watch the bands only from Youtube, download albums; anyway, all this contributes for the distortion of the Heavy Metal. We must stay together. We’re in a moment that we have the biggest number of bands in the story of the Brazilian Heavy Metal. I don’t remember of so many bands “exploding” here, Like Almah, Hangar, Eterna, Hibria. Taking out the “Dinosaurs”, we have a lot of little bands appearing. I know that the public is dispersing; there is still the Pim, That don’t do anything for the Heavy Metal. There is the Specialized Pim, void and the “gringos”. We don’t have a Globo, a Bandeirantes, a Rede TV, nobody supports Metal. MTV Brasil should have a special program of Heavy Metal, because is a Following that most fills shows in Brazil with some others. All they could do was Massacration, kidding. When the MTV told the kids that Heavy Metal was a joke, Metal fells a lot. What they did was brilliant and funny. The problem was when they started to take it seriously and the public too.

Metal Clube – Quote a positive and a negative point in the Metal in Brazil.

Thiago Bianchi - a week point, the Pim. A strong point, the music

Metal Clube – Let’s speak a little about Karma, one of your first projects. The album “Leave Now” is a great marc in your career, isn’t it? What you have to say about this work?

Thiago Bianchi - A marc in my life. It’s an album that I’ve done in the middle of chemotherapy – for who don’t know, I had cancer. I was in the third chemotherapy and was an album that made me survive. I’ve been diagnosed with six months of life left, because the “thing” was already big and the doctor told me that it was a very aggressive cancer and depending on the stage, it haves no cure. One thing that always come in my mind when I speak about this album it’s that I remember that, if I died, my legacy in earth would be “Inside the Eyes” (Karma’s first album). Not that the album is a piece of sh*t, I was 16 that time, so I felt that I had more to offer. Was when I thought: “I have to run, with six months I’ll make this album”. I think it’s funny because it makes me survive. The chemotherapy is a very degradation process in your body, it prevents the cells to reproduce, and because of that you lost hair. You cut the finger and the wound stay there. If makes it with your body, imagine what it makes with your head? That time, still, my whole Studio has been stole, and a girl that I’ve been dating for 9 years broke up with me. There were three things in a single moment. I needed to make this album and throw everything in the music. This album has a very special taste. There is nothing heavy, nothing depressive, everything is up. The album talks about believe in the people, I’ve done a song for my mother that marked me a lot. It’s a very deep work. If the people give it the attention it deserves, they will see that it’s a very interesting album. Lyrics, images, the clothes I wear, the stile of the photography, everything means something.  

Metal Clube – The fans are very curious about the plans for Karma. We knew that there is a Project with Edu Ardanuy, really?

Thiago Bianchi – Karma is a band that introduced a lot of people for Metal. If you think well, the group has Fabrizio (Di Sarno, keyboard). Every album that have keyboard today, Almah, Rafael Bittencourt, Edu Ardanuy (solo), “Aurora Consurgens”, “Immortal”, I mean, the cream of everything that has happened in Brazilian Heavy Metal, the man is Keyboardist! Incrível! In the drums, we have Marcell (Cardoso), one of the most complete drummers that I ever seen. Me, I ended up going to one of the biggest bands of Metal and Felipe Andreoli that ended up going to Angra. Chico (Dehira, guitarist) recorded with Paul Di’Anno. This band exploded sending one for a Project that ended right. When we join to play its very funny, we’re a family. It’s a band that can’t end, we like too much each other. I speak with Marcell every week, Fabrizio I speak everyday, and Felipe, sometimes. About the project with Ardanuy, it really exists. Not about he enters for the band, because we don’t even know if we go as a "band" really. But the next album is ready.

Metal Clube – Workshops with other instruments, like guitars, drums, happens every time and maybe because of that are discussed very advanced and specifies techniques. But workshops of vocal are very rare in Brazil. You have from the beginning the Idea about what you will say or just let the people’s questions guides you?

Thiago Bianchi – I don’t think in a roadmap. My life is a single improvise. I tried to make a roadmap in a Workshop in a workshop in Manaus, took a lesson book, there was a giant screen. But man, a sh*t. Was very cool in this sense, but the people wants you to sing, that is the true. You explain what the people want to know, explain what they don’t know and should know and sing. Sing explaining the techniques that you are using. Workshop is improvised. The coolest things in my life were in a “gentleman” way and the best way to be a gentleman is try to let the people around you feeling free, relax.

Metal Clube – Tell us a little about the plans for the future.

Thiago Bianchi – We have the Latin tour coming soon, plans for an European tour in June and July next year, like I said, something with an orchestra of Turkey, we have the Masters Of Rock Festival in Czech Republic booked. We have also a possible oriental tour. There is our new DVD ready, I even received the covers, and it’s very cool. The shows don’t stop, we have a lot of things booked for Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Northeast, in January, a show in Salvador... The people can wait that it will be very different. The workshops are exploding, Ricardo is finishing to marc a tour of workshops and I have some to enter in the book. I am also producing a band named Vanquish, another very cool band named Bardo, from Campo Belo, in Minas Gerais. Léo is making a solo album finally and some workshops. Life doesn’t stop!

•    An album: Thriller (Michael Jackson)
•    A band: Pantera
•    An influence: My mother
•    An Idol: Ricardo Confessori
•    Revelation of Metal in 2008: Tempestt
•    Define your career in one word: Hope 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 12 2009 at 08:22
Interview with Ricardo Confessori, SHAMAN's Leader and drummer

TÔ SEM BANDA > Hello, Ricardo. How Are you ?
Could you tell us a little about your projects ?

RICARDO CONFESSORI > Shaman have been playing a lot, We are going now to a tour in Latin-America, working on our new live DVD that haves already a teaser on Youtube
7cMMbvsbI. We’re also working on a tour that in some European festivals. I’m still with my work as a musical producer on my studio, The Plug In[], Giving lessons on EM&T in São Paulo and Campinas and in Bateras Beat. I’m touring with my workshops around Brazil. I’m always disseminating Shaman and my works parallel.

TSB > Could you tell us about your musical influences?
RICARDO > They are som many That could fill this page when trying to list them. Talking about the main ones rock progressivo e fusion.

TSB > The name Shaman in the begin was with one A. After that, itgot 2 A’s, Shaaman and now it’s Shaman again. Why these changes ?
RICARDO > The inclusion of the doulbe A was a bizarre thing that, that actually must be said, ad nothing to do with trademark dispute. Was a study about numerology, and believed to be that inclouding an A on our name, we would have more strength and success. After what has happened, I tought that was a silly thing, and decided to putt it out

TSB > The song Fairy Tale, can be considered the first of a heavy metal group, to be part of the soundtrack of a Rede Globo’s novel, 'O Beijo do Vampiro'. How did the partnership ?
RICARDO > In 2002, o Shaman was hired to Universal Music, and Max Pierre, president on the season and fan of the band, called Jaime Monjardim from Globo. He was aware of this epic novel, about medieval vampires. As Shaman is a sound that spirit and Fairy Tale was very medieval musically, the deal worked.

TSB > What’s the motive of the line up changes ? Do you still have contact with the former members, André, Hugo and Luis?
RICARDO > There wasn’t a single reason, was a series of reasons. At the Begin of the end, they wanted me to leave immediately, then settled out by themselves and make their own project. I humbly took what remains of a band and with good will could make something good of all of this. That’s the Best that can be made on these situations.

TSB > Shaman counted with the participation of the violinist Marcus Vianna, of the progressive rock band, Sagrado Coração da Terra and from novels soundtrack, like ‘O Clone’ e ‘Pantanal’. How did this contact happened ?
RICARDO > Marcus was out fan, even before we met. He liked Angra, and followed the career of the former Angra members, who went to Shaman.

TSB > Ricardo, there is in youtube, a video that would be related to ad DVD of the Reason album. Does this DVD exists? He Will be out someday ?
RICARDO > This video is a compilation of the making offs, of back stages and of tours that we’ve made on the season. I think that our video maker on the season, would have started an edition to show us, and not to have lost the job, after the line-up changes, decided to add this compilation on youtube. It Will not be released anymore.

TSB > In the season that I worked at the ‘Jornal Do Rock’, I was one of the firsts in Brazil to make news on Reason, in the season, I’ve talked to Hugo Mariutti about it. I want to know the reason of the big changes on the musical stile from Ritual to Reason and how was the rescue of the sound next to the original one ?
RICARDO > Reason have bringed a trend that’s not mine, don’t belong to me. My stile is Heavy Metal, with a wide variety of influences on the drums, like swing, virtuous ideas of guitars and voices. Ritual is still my favorite and it defines well Shaman’s stile. If I could go back in time I would make Reason a different cd. Now in Immortal we’ve tried to do a cd rich in Melody and Instrumentals, and at the same time, very heavy. Ritual is still my favorite cd of the old season, and it defines well Shaman’s stile. Immortal haves a lot of Ritual, but it goes beyond, because it is a very versatile album, where exists songs with low tuning and vocals with a lot of Drives, and there is still a totally acoustic song rescuing a sonority of “Holy Land”, from Angra. The Immortal theme was a way to show that Shaman would not end just because the most leaves the band. I wanted to show people the feeling that, a single seed is enough to create a new forest. All that we need is courage and overshoot, a thing that I know well for all these years, fighting for metal, as a Drummer. The CD name Will also be a massage for all of us, with regard to our planet, that we still can save it, keeping it immortal.

TSB > How did you came to Thiago Bianchi [vocals], Léo Mancini [guitars] e Fernando Quesada [basses]?
RICARDO > It began with a partnership with Thiago Bianchi, in producing a band is studio. Talking about what would be Shaman, He told me about some good musicians that he already recorded in studio, and then the tests began. I Just have to say that they are excellent musicians, that have been chosen among dozens of other musicians that I’ve tested, during hearing seasons in my studio. It ended up been chosen Leo Mancini and Fernando Quesada. I always say to them that I didn’t chose them, they chose me. We also called Fabrizio Di Sarno, as a accompanist musician to develop and play the arrangements of keyboards and orchestra.

TSB > I was reading on internet, and noticed that the selection of the new members was secret. What was the motive of this initiative?
RICARDO > Yes, some things we do the way we know, and for me, that was the way that I’ve found to do the things. No appeal from fans. At the time of choice, had to come from me this option.

TSB > How’ve been the Immortal’s process of composition?
RICARDO > Was a job that first, we’ve done with very Will and dedication. We used our free time between our careers as producers, musicians, and teachers to record this CD. Much of this was recorded on Saturdays and Sundays, between the commitments. Like all works, was made a pre-production where we chose and finish the Best songs of each demo and we give a touch of the band, to have an unity. The material was numerous ando f great quality. Fernando brought many ideas, just like Leo and Thiago, Who wrote the most of the lyrics. The Record was one of the fastest that I ever done, I’ve recorded all drums in 2 days, e and that was the standard for guitars, basses and voice. Because we are experiment, we’ve jump some “boring” procedures, and finished it on a objective way. The arrangements of Fabrizio added a lot on this CD

TSB > Something curious happened while recording?
RICARDO > The Fabrizio’s Keyboards and orchestral arrangements added a lot on this CD. He conduced a little orchestra of strings made by musicians of the ‘Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo’ [OSESP],that have moved everybody that was present on the moment of the CD register. Of course, we have everything recorded in video and we went to use it on a future DVD

TSB > How is the Immortal tour with the new musicians?
RICARDO > As I said, we are going to a Latin-American tour in October. We are going to Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. In the middle of 2009, we Will make a tour in some festivals in Europe playing our CD Immortal with the Goçmen Symphony Orchestra of Turkey [ ]. Will be amazing concerts that we Will record in DVD and release in 2010. Many dates in Brazil, you can see in the band’s official website

TSB > How was playing in Anime Friends, an event of japanese entertainment?
RICARDO > Was very rox, I am a great fan of anime and sci fi, and these are my greatest influences! I saw this Japanese culture became giant here in Brazil in only 5 or 6 years. The public of more than 35 thousand people received Shaman in a splendid way, better than the waited, and that can be seen on the new Shaman LIVE DVD, recorded at anime friends,that haves the release expected already this year. While that enjoy the teaser that we added for you on youtube

TSB > In Immortal, you drums taken is more well make.. Freedom’s taken, for example, remembers a lot the takens that you have composed at Holy Land album, from Angra. How these ideas did arise?
RICARDO > Yes, that’s true. In Shaman’s new record I returned to my roots on the drums, creating like the old ones, In Angra Season. They are a lot of surprises, and I pretend to revolutionize again with this new album. For me it has to become a reference for drummers, just like 'Holy Land' [Angra] was. I worked a lot for this. In Fact I Mix not only brazilian rythms, But Afro rythms, latin rythms, Arabian rythms,etc. Thers a lot of these things on this CD, but don’t wait to hear any ‘baiãozinho’ or ‘timbalada’. I always work without repeating, or repeat what is being done by others, what is very hard these days. The harmonies also are always Metal, nothing with accordion harmonies, with ‘baião’ behind. Forgive me that it’s not what I don’t like it, but now what we do is Heavy Metal, not an experimental sound, neither new age. For that the bases are always on Heavy and dense harmonies, but with attitude.

TSB > How is the receptivity of the new álbum?
It’s been sensational, we play with the soul. There no way to not noticed that being in a show o Shaman. Just enter in the link and see our performance in Anime Friends in July, 2008. It was something that was not happening long ago, it’s being a renovation on the senso of known by the viewers them selves that the show is different, that some emotion is passed now that was not passed before

TSB > And in the exterior, how is the receptivity?
RICARDO > Pretty good too! only good reviews in the great magazines. We are in the first place of Cashbox, that is a web billboard. The receptivity is so good, that is rendering us this tour with orchestra in 2009.

TSB > When you, the vocalist André Matos e and the bassist Luis Mariutti left Angra and founded Shaman, I’ve noticed a certain implications between the fans of both bands. In ‘orkut’ there is a community named: 'Angra - O Original', of fans that don’t approve the formation of the group, with Edu, Aquiles and Felipe. Between the bands, there was a tense climate in the season?
RICARDO > They say that had, but personally never had anything to me. I always forget soon any quarrel because I don’t think that I have many times to lose with this. Many time these communities in ‘orku’t are made by fake users of the own musicians, their girlfriends and friends, that have nothing to do all the day and keep cultivating the hate for success outside.

TSB > Could you make a review? for bands where you played, Korzus, Angra and Shaman? What have changed during all these years?
RICARDO > All of them have been very important for me. With Korzus I've learned to play with pressure and to make real shows. With Angra i’ve learned more about music than anywhere. In Shaman I could express myself composing and now, with the new guys, we assumed everything, production, recording, business finally, I became a complete artist. Many people think that we stay at home hoping the phone rings, but it’s not that way. We always have to run for things.

TSB > Talking about Angra, that’s my curiosity. When you joined the band, the first Cd, Angels Cry, was already recorded by Rhapsody’s drummer, Alex Holzwarth and by Thomas Nack, former Gamma Ray, that recorded only one track. How was your adjustment during the shows. You have created something yours on the basis of these drum’s records, or reproduced just like the CD?
I tried to play as close as possible, something are very personals, from drummer to drummer, but the idea was to be equal.

TSB > And how’ve been the workshops?
RICARDO > At the first haf I went to Ribeirão Preto/SP, Aracaju/SE, Fortaleza/CE, Leme/SP, Campinas/SP, Porto Alegre/RS, Caxias/RS, Guarapuava/PR, Curitiba/PR.
I’m programing to go back to northeast this year.

TSB > Talking about the future. What’s your personal plans and Shaman’s plans? Any CD, DVD on sight ?
RICARDO > A DVD on sight – Shaman live at Anime friends, that Will count with a making off of most part of the tour [at least 27 shows ] and of the recording of the Immortal CD. A new studio album is scheduled for next year. We are waiting to be touring in all places of the world! I am working in other bands productions, as a producer, Like Ravenland, Satisfire and others.

TSB > Ricardo, thank you very much for this interview. Could you leave a scrap for all the readers of the TOSEMBANDA.COM?!
A great hug for everybody on this site dedicated to who is with difficulties on the search of the ideal band and sound! The deal is never stop to play!


Thanks to all our fans for the support
Love Ricki

Edited by SolMusic Management - January 12 2009 at 08:39
SolMusic Management Inc.
Shaman's agent
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