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Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:24 |
Bj-1 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
HughesJB4 wrote:
Indeed Alex:) Not much to add to that, but pretty much right on.

With how much I know in regards to all of that, it's a wonder I'm single. 
Oh, yeah, the prog thing. Not to mention the fact that I'm hardly ever seen on campus outside of classes, the fact that I don't want a relationship right now, and of course, I'm not normal. 
I'm content.
'Live your life while you're young' is my motto. Having such commitments can wait a couple of more years if you ask me.
If I wanna get laid, I just go to a party anyways.. 
I went to a party this weekend yayayayayaay. Didn't drink though
Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:28 |
MovingPictures07 wrote:
HughesJB4 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
HughesJB4 wrote:
Indeed Alex:) Not much to add to that, but pretty much right on.

With how much I know in regards to all of that, it's a wonder I'm single. 
Oh, yeah, the prog thing. Not to mention the fact that I'm hardly ever seen on campus outside of classes, the fact that I don't want a relationship right now, and of course, I'm not normal. 
I'm content.
Eh, I'll be single... forever.
It's easy to feel that way, but you never can predict the future for sure. Particularly when you have so much of it potentially ahead of you.
Nah, I probably wont actually. I just need moar secks.
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:28 |
Bj-1 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
HughesJB4 wrote:
Indeed Alex:) Not much to add to that, but pretty much right on.

With how much I know in regards to all of that, it's a wonder I'm single. 
Oh, yeah, the prog thing. Not to mention the fact that I'm hardly ever seen on campus outside of classes, the fact that I don't want a relationship right now, and of course, I'm not normal. 
I'm content.
'Live your life while you're young' is my motto. Having such commitments can wait a couple of more years if you ask me.
I'm certainly enjoying my life, nearly every second of it. Every once in a while it's just odd at the phase I'm at in my life right now... I feel like I'm at the bridge to living the last bits of my later childhood and going onto adulthood. I'll have my degree in two years and my CPA in three, and then I'm permanently out in the workforce for the rest of my life. Especially since I skipped two grades, sometimes it's amazing how far I am already. The idea of me only having that little amount of school left can be odd. But nearly all of the time it's normal; I'm sure someone in here knows what I mean anyway.
If I wanna get laid, I just go to a party anyways..  Haha, yeah... you won't EVER hear me doing that. But I guess that solves a biological need somehow. 
On that note, I have to leave for a while. Take care, everyone!
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:28 |
You did other stuff? 
I drank a case with beer friday night, plus 14 beers last night while watching Mel Brooks movies 
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:30 |
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Bj-1 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
HughesJB4 wrote:
Indeed Alex:) Not much to add to that, but pretty much right on.

With how much I know in regards to all of that, it's a wonder I'm single. 
Oh, yeah, the prog thing. Not to mention the fact that I'm hardly ever seen on campus outside of classes, the fact that I don't want a relationship right now, and of course, I'm not normal. 
I'm content.
'Live your life while you're young' is my motto. Having such commitments can wait a couple of more years if you ask me. I'm certainly enjoying my life, nearly every second of it. Every once in a while it's just odd at the phase I'm at in my life right now... I feel like I'm at the bridge to living the last bits of my later childhood and going onto adulthood. I'll have my degree in two years and my CPA in three, and then I'm permanently out in the workforce for the rest of my life. Especially since I skipped two grades, sometimes it's amazing how far I am already. The idea of me only having that little amount of school left can be odd. But nearly all of the time it's normal; I'm sure someone in here knows what I mean anyway.
If I wanna get laid, I just go to a party anyways..  Haha, yeah... you won't EVER hear me doing that. But I guess that solves a biological need somehow. 
On that note, I have to leave for a while. Take care, everyone!
C'ya later! 
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:30 |
Bj-1 wrote:
You did other stuff? 
I drank a case with beer friday night, plus 14 beers last night while watching Mel Brooks movies 
No. Didn't do other stuff. No way  Man, you are a drinking tank  Cya Alex.
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:31 |
MovingPictures07 wrote:
James wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
James wrote:
Basically, I 'called Kim on Friday and she was about to have her dinner, so I said I'd 'phone her back later. Dan then text me 20 minutes later asking me if I can let him and Kim work stuff out.
I mean... all I was doing was calling her. I wasn't interfering. Just seeing how she was. I wasn't planning on texting her that much anyhow. I was out myself and didn't want to constantly text. That's why I called her instead.
So when her sister text me later, saying Dan had her 'phone, it pissed me off!
That is completely ridiculous. How could you do that to someone you love unless you felt insecure about something?
What's the reason behind that? Does he feel like he has to try to make his relationship stable constantly by cutting Kim off by everything or is he just a paranoid person to begin with?
I think he's naturally paranoid anyhow. She was the one who wanted the break, due to distance. However, as far as I am concerned, there's more to it than that. If it was just a case of distance, why would he get so worked up and almost plead for her to come back? She's said to me that she's in love with him ( ) and that she'll wait 7 or 8 or 9 months until he moves back to Swindon permanently. He obviously wants her now. That's understandable. However, they're pretty much still a couple, even though they're on a break. He feels like they've properly split-up, I think.
Plus I'm her best mate, the one guy who knows everything (even about the relationship). He probably feels threatened by me (and others, 'cause there are other guys she talks too as well).
So by taking her 'phone away, he's cutting off her friends. The threats. The same with the laptop. She'd be chatting to me on it (although I've barely been online this weekend) or others... he wants her to himself, he hasn't seen her in weeks.
However, she needs her space and stuff too. Her sister said she tried to go on her laptop a few times and Dan basically stopped her doing it.
I know what he's doing and he may think I'm naive and not know but I do. Kim is naive though and isn't exactly sure what's going on.
You've hit the nail on the head; I can tell what he's doing just by you relating the issue to me and I entirely agree with what you said (because it's right).
Ironically enough, he doesn't realize by him doing all of this, he actually is creating his own demise. When that does happen, whether he will understand it was because of his own acts or continue to be paranoid and think it was someone else's doing is another story.
Well you'd think it would work against him... but Kim is really naive and won't realise what's going on. I can see things going this way for a while yet, even though a friend of mine said it'll only be a few weeks 'til they break up permanently. Plus it could get worse. This is how I predict things could go, if they remain together: Come her birthday on 31st March, I'll likely want to see her. So may others as well. She'll also want to see me and others. Dan, however, shall probably have some idea in his head to take her away for a few days... just him and her and therefore cut people off. Christmas may be the same too. Not sure yet. I can just see him doing something like that... or, if he does stay in Mansfield or Swindon, he'll have some party for her but with his mates, not the mates she's got to know via me. I've seen this happen before with a friend of mine. They're still dating after 3 or more years.
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:33 |
I've only had alcohol (wine, beer) a few times and I hated it. No more than a glass each time, so I never got drunk. I don't plan on it.
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:33 |
HughesJB4 wrote:
Bj-1 wrote:
You did other stuff? 
I drank a case with beer friday night, plus 14 beers last night while watching Mel Brooks movies 
No. Didn't do other stuff. No way

Man, you are a drinking tank
Cya Alex.
That's what I thought. 
And yes, I love beer. 
My problem is that I drink way too fast. Like three beers in two minutes sometimes. It's just the taste of it that makes me go overboard. 
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:35 |
Are these beers for Lego people, Blowie?
Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:37 |
Hell yeah Blowie. As I've said before, I don't think any beverage, alcoholic or non alcoholic, tastes better than a good beer.
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:39 |
James wrote:
Are these beers for Lego people, Blowie?  |
Considering my size, I don't think so.  
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:39 |
YesFan72 wrote:
I've only had alcohol (wine, beer) a few times and I hated it. No more than a glass each time, so I never got drunk. I don't plan on it.
Bah, you judge it based on a few  It can take months and months to get used to beer/wine. It took me ages to get used to beer, once I got used to it I fell in love with the taste.
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:39 |
Time for another break. My headache and tiredness have returned.
I shall be back later!
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:40 |
Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:41 |
Do they make non carbonated beer nowadays?
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:42 |
HughesJB4 wrote:
Hell yeah Blowie. As I've said before, I don't think any beverage, alcoholic or non alcoholic, tastes better than a good beer.
I have to agree here. Other than coke and coffee, which is up to pair with beer for me. 
(I tend to go overboard with coffee as well  )
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:43 |
I almost always just drink water, except for the occasional milk or iced tea. I'm picky with my drinks. I only like organic skim milk. Regular milk sickens me.
Petrovsk Mizinski
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:44 |
Coffee, not a big fan and generally I don't drink much cola anyway. Beer. I could drink beer all day. But I'd probably die if I did that
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Posted: November 02 2008 at 10:45 |
HughesJB4 wrote:
YesFan72 wrote:
I've only had alcohol (wine, beer) a few times and I hated it. No more than a glass each time, so I never got drunk. I don't plan on it. |
Bah, you judge it based on a few It can take months and months to get used to beer/wine. It took me ages to get used to beer, once I got used to it I fell in love with the taste.
Yeah, beer can take months to get used to. It's very individual though, I've always enjoyed the taste of beer, but some of my friends disliked the taste for months until they finally got used to it.
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
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