GOP’s latest
ugly fable
by Gene Lyons
Now come GOP apologists to identify the real
perps of the Wall Street meltdown: Jimmy Carter,
Bill Clinton, feckless black folks, Mexican Americans
and U. S. Rep. Barney Frank, who’s evidently
been covertly running Wall Street all this time.
See, while you fretted over Bush screwups in Iraq,
Afghanistan and New Orleans, a sinister, dusky
cabal built a speculative bubble in ghetto real
estate. Overpriced luxury condos were constructed with
borrowed money in fashionable Harlem, Watts and
the south side of Chicago; also, downtown Atlanta,
Newark, St. Louis, Detroit, Memphis and Philadelphia.
In Monopoly terms, the entire U. S. economy
drained into a black hole of defaulted loans
on Baltic and Mediterranean.
So how come you haven’t heard this before ? Maybe
because you don’t spend enough time watching
FOX News or listening to GOP talk radio. In those
precincts, the real cause of the national (and world )
financial debacle turns out to be an obscure
1977 law known as the Community Reinvestment Act, or CRA."
Edited by Slartibartfast - October 09 2008 at 20:46