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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TGM: Orb Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 12 2008 at 18:26
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Review by Cool Top

5%20stars Scarsick... a highly underrated album. While Scarsick is my least favorite PoS album thus far, it is by no means bad. The band continues to blur the line seperating different genres and has made something that's different from everything they've done before it. This is easily the least progressive album they've released, but that doesn't keep me from loving it.

Scarsick can't be generalized - every song is radically different from the last. You've got the goofy pop- ish oddity of America, the rap-rock Spitfall, and of course Disco Queen. All very different, but all very good. The track that stands out the most, as usual, is the closer: Enter Rain. A very atmospheric track with a saddening end.

The lyrical content is what I enjoy most about Scarsick, and it's some of my favorite work from Gildenlow yet. I'd say it's the most blatant in it's meaning than on previous albums, but it's still very well written. I can identify with a lot of it too, so it clicks on a personal level.

If you're offended by freedom of speech, avoid this album. Otherwise, it's a great album that sounds like nothing else. It doesn't hold up to the brilliance of Remedy Lane / Be / Perfect Element, but really, what can? "

It's his least favourite PoS album and not as good as 3 of their others, so how the hell can it warrant 5 stars?

Just answering this:

Prior to me getting hold of The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other, Pawn Hearts was my least favourite VDGG album, and not as enjoyable as three of their others. Nonetheless, it'd still be in my top 20 albums of all time and I would consider it a masterpiece (see review for complete explanation). Believe this guy's in the same situation, and I felt he did well justifying his position.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2008 at 13:07
hahahhah...    not surprised at all....  he has done that before.  The last time he left in a huff.  There is a right way to express your displeasure and leave if you chose to.. and some to their credit have taken the high road ...then again some don't.  Shame the review has to be used as a place to voice that.  

Edited by micky - September 13 2008 at 13:08
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2008 at 13:12
EDIT: Following Ivan's advice, moving post.

Edited by Logan - September 13 2008 at 21:53
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2008 at 13:25
amen Greg Clap.... could say more... but why bother.. and this isn't the place for it anyway.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote debrewguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 14 2008 at 20:47
Aha, another intelligent person giving an album the review/rating it deserves.
Thank You Ivan !
Could we get more Ange reviews from those who know them ?
"Here I am talking to some of the smartest people in the world and I didn't even notice,” Lieutenant Columbo, episode The Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Easy Livin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 16:52
I've quoted the following post form the reviews reporting. What do others think? Has there been any breach of our guidelines, or is the reviewer just expressing his opinion? (I've asked the reviewer to pop by too)
Originally posted by Usulprog Usulprog wrote:

Hello, I lament my first post in the forum is for report a review, but I can´t accept the ignorance and the tone of the following words:

JAIVAS, LOS — Alturas de Machu Picchu
Review by psarros (Apostolis Psarros)

2%20stars Sorry but I can't follow the opinions of the other reviwers in this one...This is just an uneven disc,it has some interesting moments but it has some very pop stuff also...

The first intro track is just a filling (this is a lack of respect with the artists. If he think this, is better use the words I THINK this track is just a filling), hasn't much to say,just some kind ao introduction to the wind instrument- side of the bandfollowed by the epic of the album ''La poderosa muerte''.Well this one didn't catch my attention at all,it starts with a folky sound,gets a liitle bit rockier by the middle of the track,but sounds a little bit uninspired to my ears...''Amor americano'' makes me just laugh (Is this constructive? I think he is just making fun of the music) ,seems like the track is recorded in a pop-latin club in Cuba,it is just unbearable... (I can´t accept this words filled of ignorance. The rythm of this track isn´t related at all with the original rythms of Cuba, and the comment seems to me very xenophobic more than an appreciation of music) ''Aguila sideral'' and ''Antigua America'' are the next tracks of the album and do not differ much...Nice,mellow and smooth compositions with folk orientations and an obvious symphonic edge...''Sube a nacer..'' is the most uneven track of all.The instrumental sections are very good symphonic rock following the sound of the two previous tracks but where the vocals are added starts the same problem with ''Amor americano'', below average latin-poppish stuff that I can't afford (again, the comment seems to me very xenophobic. He talks about a valoration, he isn´t talking about his music impresions)...''Final'' is maybe the best track,a symphonic,dark and melancholing at the same time closing to the album but it's just too short to save the whole effort...

My true rating is 2.5 starts,exactly on the line between good and bad,aqnd I can recommend this album only to those who are very familiar with latin sounds and do not mind of pop leanings...I have grown in a rock enviroment and it gets too hard for me to raise my rating...

I think the review wasn´t made with real opening to the music. He simply attack the "pop latin sound", and I can´t found it yet in the album he is reviewing. I hope you´ll do something to change this words. If he has any problem with the Latin American Music, and he can´t review it with respect, or if he hasn´t enough knowledge to talk about it, I believe he must think very carefully before writing any word.


Edited by Easy Livin - September 18 2008 at 16:53
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Ricochet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ricochet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 17:02
Without any knowledge of the album itself:

The first intro track is just a filling - could stay, the "reporter"'s issue with not enough expressed subjectivity ("is better use the words I THINK this track")isn't much of a problem IMO.

makes me just laugh - can be cut out, if it's the reviewer's only way of saying he doesn't appreciate the track (cause it's not that he's amused, from what I can understand); these sort of expressions, either way, are indeed poor

seems like the track is recorded in a pop-latin club in Cuba,it is just unbearable...
below average latin-poppish stuff that I can't afford

not sure if 100% xenophobic, but not without some problems either; the problem is in the expression, had he mentioned that he doesn't like the musical style or the recording production, instead of pointing out that music coming from certain places is unbearable, plus, in the second case, had he not added an ambiguous term such as "afford", the line would have been better. In other words, saying latin-poppish (an attempt of terming) is bad is okay (and subjective, of course), but pointing out clubs in Cuba for bad-mojoed recordings sounds fishy.


Edited by Ricochet - September 18 2008 at 17:04
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Easy Money Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 17:54
Hi Usulprog and welcome to PA, I like the way you think.
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Atkingani View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atkingani Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 18:03
One of the great features of prog (rock) is the capacity to grab, to absorb influences from the countries and cultures where this genre is produced, which provides a myriad of different sounds and possibilities. Anyway, for most people, since it came originally from the Anglo-Saxon part of the world (UK leading), one tends to believe that there lies the main line and the others are mere variations of the original, but they aren't.
Another great feature is the capacity of prog-fans to understand and accept that everywhere the local spices will be sprayed and sometimes will prevail over the sound considered 'standard'. This is a learning that takes time and varies from listener to listener - there's no official rule of when or if it'll happen.
Considering the above said, it's natural to feel angry and disappointed when something that's an inherent part of your culture, your background, your soul is misunderstood or seen as exotic or quaint. It won't happen only if the two mentioned features are attained and to reach this point we need a bridge, not a wall.
I'd rather give an open hand instead of a jab... let the reviewer edit by himself or if preferred to delete the entire text and return to it in a more appropriate occasion (if the bridge is complete and the path is clear).

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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 18:22
thank you for those words Guigo, I think the biggest issue with the review is how it's written and the writer's emotional involvement..  whereas an intelligent, informed and convincing review will always be respected and still get the points across

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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 18:24
Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

One of the great features of prog (rock) is the capacity to grab, to absorb influences from the countries and cultures where this genre is produced, which provides a myriad of different sounds and possibilities. Anyway, for most people, since it came originally from the Anglo-Saxon part of the world (UK leading), one tends to believe that there lies the main line and the others are mere variations of the original, but they aren't.
Another great feature is the capacity of prog-fans to understand and accept that everywhere the local spices will be sprayed and sometimes will prevail over the sound considered 'standard'. This is a learning that takes time and varies from listener to listener - there's no official rule of when or if it'll happen.
Considering the above said, it's natural to feel angry and disappointed when something that's an inherent part of your culture, your background, your soul is misunderstood or seen as exotic or quaint. It won't happen only if the two mentioned features are attained and to reach this point we need a bridge, not a wall.
I'd rather give an open hand instead of a jab... let the reviewer edit by himself or if preferred to delete the entire text and return to it in a more appropriate occasion (if the bridge is complete and the path is clear).
Very nicely said!
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NotAProghead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NotAProghead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 19:37
I don't know what about reviews talk more: about music or about reviewers themselves.   

To this particular case - take it easy, there are lots of people here admiring Los Jaivas music.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ivan_Melgar_M Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 20:18
I know the album very well, as a fact I saw the TV debut presentation of it in 1980 or 1981 on Televisión Peruna S.A. so I can dare to say:

The first intro track is just a filling -
A person that says this, has absolutely no knowledge, the song tries to create a mood that would be followed among the album 

makes me just laugh -
If a dramatic poem by Pablo Neruda makes him laugh, I can only assume one of two situations
  1. The guy doesn't understand a fuc*ing word of Spanish 
  2. The guy doesn't have any sensibility
 seems like the track is recorded in a pop-latin club in Cuba,it is just unbearable...
below average latin-poppish stuff that I can't afford

Well, the guy is clueless, Cuba is not famous for it's Pop-Latin clubs, this is just absurd (I been in Varadero twice and visited Havana also) and the only thing you find outside the hotels is Salsa and Son Cubano places, both of which don't have the slightest relation with Latin Pop, ergo...... there's no relation between Cuba and  Latin-Pop.
I don't believe tourists go to Cuba (The country where Salsa was born) to listen POP...It's like visiting Greece to listen Salsa. LOL
BTW: Somebody tell this "reviewer" that Amor Americano is as far from POP as King Crimson is from Menudo, this song is a HUAYNO, clear and perfect, this is Andean music from the high mountains of Perú, written by people who haven't heard POP in their fuc*ing life.

So it's better to ignore the guy, he's talking without any knowledge, I read his whole review and it's absolutely silly, saying that the dramatic vocals of "Sube a Nacer Conmigo Hermano" by the late "Gato"  Alquinta are bad, is simply absurd.



Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - September 18 2008 at 20:52
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Alberto Muñoz View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Alberto Muñoz Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 20:35
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

JAIVAS, LOS — Alturas de Machu Picchu
Review by psarros (Apostolis Psarros)

2%20stars Sorry but I can't follow the opinions of the other reviwers in this one...This is just an uneven disc,it has some interesting moments but it has some very pop stuff also...

The first intro track is just a filling (this is a lack of respect with the artists. If he think this, is better use the words I THINK this track is just a filling), hasn't much to say,just some kind ao introduction to the wind instrument- side of the bandfollowed by the epic of the album ''La poderosa muerte''.Well this one didn't catch my attention at all,it starts with a folky sound,gets a liitle bit rockier by the middle of the track,but sounds a little bit uninspired to my ears...''Amor americano'' makes me just laugh (Is this constructive? I think he is just making fun of the music) ,seems like the track is recorded in a pop-latin club in Cuba,it is just unbearable... (I can´t accept this words filled of ignorance. The rythm of this track isn´t related at all with the original rythms of Cuba, and the comment seems to me very xenophobic more than an appreciation of music) ''Aguila sideral'' and ''Antigua America'' are the next tracks of the album and do not differ much...Nice,mellow and smooth compositions with folk orientations and an obvious symphonic edge...''Sube a nacer..'' is the most uneven track of all.The instrumental sections are very good symphonic rock following the sound of the two previous tracks but where the vocals are added starts the same problem with ''Amor americano'', below average latin-poppish stuff that I can't afford (again, the comment seems to me very xenophobic. He talks about a valoration, he isn´t talking about his music impresions)...''Final'' is maybe the best track,a symphonic,dark and melancholing at the same time closing to the album but it's just too short to save the whole effort...

My true rating is 2.5 starts,exactly on the line between good and bad,aqnd I can recommend this album only to those who are very familiar with latin sounds and do not mind of pop leanings...I have grown in a rock enviroment and it gets too hard for me to raise my rating...

I think the review wasn´t made with real opening to the music. He simply attack the "pop latin sound", and I can´t found it yet in the album he is reviewing. I hope you´ll do something to change this words. If he has any problem with the Latin American Music, and he can´t review it with respect, or if he hasn´t enough knowledge to talk about it, I believe he must think very carefully before writing any word.


The album has no pop-latin club  sound at all, perhaps the reviewer have never visit any country of latin america (he´s from Greece BTW)Wink.
I do not think of xenophobic i think more as a total lack of knowing latin american music as a whole.
I think that the reviewer has no idea of what he's putting in the review.Big%20smile

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Alberto Muñoz Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 20:42

I always recommend this, before you dare to do a review of an album FIRST you have to listen several times that album, and search for  any useful information about the group and the country that belong that group and then with a muse inspiration write the review.  

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NotAProghead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 21:03
^ Writing negative reviews is easy. Who will search information, if he/she does not like some artist's music?
Usually I try to know more if I like some band (artist). Writing positive review takes more time, at least for me.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NotAProghead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 21:30
By the way, if we are talking of Los Jaivas, I highly recommend to watch this video from YouTube:

Gato's funeral. National tragedy for Chile. And my God, how Gato's bandmates played there "Sube a Nacer Conmigo Hermano"!
Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Usulprog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 19 2008 at 15:36
Clap I feel very happy in PA there are people that understand the musical diversity, and with that, the cultural diversity. Thinking better the issue, I believe the word "xenophobic" isn´t a accurate word, the person that wrote the review, in my opinion, shows only lack of knowledge.

Ricochet: pointing out that music coming from certain places is unbearable

I think because these lines I found a "xenophobic" element on the review. He refers to a place, located in a country, and devaluates it.

Easy Money:
Hi Usulprog and welcome to PA, I like the way you think.

Thanks bro, I like this site very much, and I wish to stay a long time

Atkingani: One of the great features of prog (rock) is the capacity to grab, to absorb influences from the countries and cultures where this genre is produced, which provides a myriad of different sounds and possibilities. Anyway, for most people, since it came originally from the Anglo-Saxon part of the world (UK leading), one tends to believe that there lies the main line and the others are mere variations of the original, but they aren't.
Another great feature is the capacity of prog-fans to understand and accept that everywhere the local spices will be sprayed and sometimes will prevail over the sound considered 'standard'. This is a learning that takes time and varies from listener to listener - there's no official rule of when or if it'll happen.
Considering the above said, it's natural to feel angry and disappointed when something that's an inherent part of your culture, your background, your soul is misunderstood or seen as exotic or quaint. It won't happen only if the two mentioned features are attained and to reach this point we need a bridge, not a wall.
I'd rather give an open hand instead of a jab... let the reviewer edit by himself or if preferred to delete the entire text and return to it in a more appropriate occasion (if the bridge is complete and the path is clear).

You understand very well my feelings friend, when I read the review I felt very upset and a little sad, because I think the music is a beautiful way to gather, not to separate. And if I write about an album from any country, obviously, I´m writing about this country and its culture too. So, It´s neccesary have knowledge about the original rythms, the instruments, etc. And it doesn´t mean I like all the music of the wolrd, but if I´ll put one star or no stars to a disc, it doesn´t matter, but carefully with the arguments. This is the point I think. For example, if I refer to the music of Os Mutantes like a "tropical sound that i can´t stand, it doesn´t have any prog!", I´ll showing only IGNORANCE.

Atavachron: I think the biggest issue with the review is how it's written

Gotcha, if the reviewer would said he doesn´t like the album with other words, no problem, but I think there are manners and manners.

Ivan_Melgar_M: (...)

You said anything. Excellent. I hope the reviewer will read your well detailed exposition.

I do not think of xenophobic i think more as a total lack of knowing latin american music as a whole.

I agree. x4. And he forgets the prog is an amalgam of several styles. And if you´ll talk about folk prog, more careful! You´re talking about culture, languages, history, identity.

NotAProgHead: Gato's funeral. National tragedy for Chile.

I went to the funeral with my mother and two friends. It was very emotive and sad. There was a loooooong file to see him. Los jaivas bro, are a bridge between generations and a piece of chilean identity. They are populars, naturals...they are an essential part of our folklore

Cheers from Chile friends! Its a pleasure share with all of you Big%20smile

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ricochet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 19 2008 at 15:42
Originally posted by Usulprog Usulprog wrote:

Ricochet: pointing out that music coming from certain places is unbearable

I think because these lines I found a "xenophobic" element on the review. He refers to a place, located in a country, and devaluates it.

Hi usulprog

That was actually my point, though I was more implying the reviewer could have said it differently: he could have refered, in a negative way, to the style, instead of focusing on a place.

Sorry for the confusions in my text. Smile
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote apps79 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 20 2008 at 04:31

Hello to the whole forum...

Seems like I've been attacked by all of you for my review for LOS JAIVAS...Firstly I would like to say that every review in progarchives is subjective...I respect all of the reviewers here and I will never report a review in this site cause everyone has its opinions about a specific album unless I find a review written in blasphemy...Secondly I admit that I'm not in touch in chilean music...I've been in several cuban-latin clubs here in Greece just to have fun and come in touch with the latin sound and it is logical for me that a couple of tracks in this album  remind me of such moments...But when it come to prog,I can't rate them as latin tracks but as progressive ones...The word  ''pop'' refers to the accesibility of the sound and that these tracks are definitely and easily approached by other people who have nothing to do with prog and not with the specific genre of ''pop music'' as this one doesn't exactly exist...There isn't a specific definition of what ''pop'' is...For me ''pop'' it's accesible almost mainstream moments of music...and some moments of this album are just pop to me...Thirdly,yes,I do not understand the lyrical content, I speak only greek,english and german,but I have never ever rated an album by its lyrics,I'M only focusing on music so I can be fair with all the bands...Otherwise I would only listen to bands with english,greek or german lyrics...

Maybe the words I used look like I do not respect Chile or Cuba or Latin America in general...But that's not the way it is...and didn'y mean to hurt anybody's feelings or any country...It all comes to prog terms...Of course I'm not xenophobic and I have written other negative reviews with the demanded respect...Lastly I would like to say that I have no problem if the administrators' team deletes my review...As I have said everything it's subjective...

Take care all of you...
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