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Poll Question: Whisch od these tasks should be given priority?
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Avantgardehead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2008 at 17:29
A think a good old-fashioned purge would greatly benefit the database.
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Figglesnout View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2008 at 20:30
I'm still in for expanding the mp3 archive, and perhaps the whole idea of the streamable mp3s.

What if, at least, the album of the week was fully streamable/ Or something like that?

Reviews are very important as well, second on my list, but as I said before, i think they are too subjective for only one or two reviews on a certain rare album to be enough to determine the type of album it is. I think the review system works the best when an album has like 15+ reviews, and a critical average in stars accumulates. So, if an album has overall higher scores, one knows it's good, and vice versa.
I'm a reasonable man, get off my case
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2008 at 21:05
Originally posted by Ricochet Ricochet wrote:

Adding more artists to the site - definitely! I can't imagine when it would all end concerning this. The hope is, moreover, for things to be improved when the addition process shows signs of slowness or endless pending. More artists, yay!

Expanding the various subgenres - I can't tell if there is or not room for one of the current genres to redefine its state or not, but, mostly (and generally) speaking, I don't think the way of splitting current subgenres in even tinier cultures is necessary.

Focus on writing reviews for all the albums without one - Here's something that would get my vote, except the thing is:

1. reviewing an album requires to have that album; in case one doesn't have it, it further requires purchasing the album
2. reviewing a rare album is even harder to do, since you've got to be a collectionist or a deep-collection searcher for that
3. reviewing, generally, is a thing of preferences, since all members can freely review what they want; that's why I consider the top polls a simple thing of popularity; but anyway, if person X wants to review Close To The Edge or wants to review a rare Krautrock, it's his pleasure; the rules can't exceed past the encouraging state; reviewing unreviewed albums is encouraged - and there's even a guide list - but it can't be implemented or, worse, forced
4. Collaborators often exceed expectations in reviewing more unknown prog - though that isn't a general rule or statistic

Adding more mp3 samples to the site - I watch the process and think it is a continuous one, so it's not a major thing to improve or accelerate

Simplifying the genre and subgenre system - well, since the discussions of tagging albums instead of bands is still pending, I'd say "simplifying" is just a figure of speech Wacko; if regarding a "meld" of some sub-genres, I think we shouldn't go back, mainly because the split of genres was a sign of individualized directions in prog music; of course, they're only guiding grounds of the same acknowledged universe called prog (rock? heh), but, the way it seems now, neither a step back, neither too many steps forward would be my option.

So, concerning priority, it's also a subjective thing

1. Collaborators have the priority of adding bands
2. Prog reviewers don't have the strict obligation of posting reviews more than they were awarded the distinction thanks to the merit of having written good reviews - but still it would be also abberant to picture a Prog Reviewer not reviewing at all.
3. Sub-genres business, when discussed, involves Admins, the Webmaster and Collaborators altogether (and I'd add the forum was sometimes consulted too) - but, as a priority, except perhaps the multi-tagging issue (still, not even this one perhaps), it was never one
4. MP3 additions are something a couple of Collaborators and Admins assigned to do, but it doesn't imply an obligation or a priority
5. Focus on reviewing - was almost never a priority. Everyone reviews when they want (and the ideal would also be when they're ready to review - but let's not diverge into that...).
I should also add that the number of people reviewing albums is far greater than the number of people adding bands, which in turn is far greater than the number of people expanding or simplifying the sub genres - so the priorities are effectively set by the number of people involved in each activity. But as Vic pointed out - you can't review an album you haven't heard and many of the albums without a review are rare and hard to find.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 16:09
If I could vote, and multi-tagging albums was an option, that would be my priority -- especially if a search albums by genres function was implemented.  For instance, I wish it was easy to search mulkti-genre for an "avant/Zeuhl/Canterbury" album (the "subgenre" would be prioritised depending on the order of the choices).

Adding more artists to the site: that's constantly being done.  It expands rapidly that way (though rather slower than it should).  It's preparing the bios particularly that is time-consuming (I have several that I've been meaning to do but an addition that I've prepared takes me more hours than most), and categorisation can be very laborious.

Expanding the various subgenres?: yes, I definitely want that.  I talk about this more later. I would like subsubgenres (this would also be very useful for Prog Related so to more easily find music that is related to a particular category, but would work best once we have implemented multi-tagging.  For instance, please suggest me a band in the related category that is not deemed Prog enough for a Prog category that is particularly related to Krautrock, Zeuhl, Avant Prog, Canterbury Scene, or Acid Folk music). As it is, it's difficuly to easily search for such music at PA (and in fact, I would turn to other sources for such searches). 

Focus on writing reviews without one:  Yeah, that's important.  I've only written one review, but have been meaning to do another for Jean-Paul Prat's Masal for many months (my favourite album that I discovered thanks to Eclectic team work, and one of my earlier evaluations).  It is such a great album, yet no reviews in almost a year). Of course people like to review what they know.  Many of the obscure reviews come from those who added (or had others add for them) obscure bands, but it's so much work already just to prepare the addition.  Truth be told, I find a well-written bio more helpful than individual album reviews.  I like it when the bios review the albums a bit.

Adding more mp3 samples to the site?: As I am wont to say, an mp3 is worth a  thousand words.  That's how I discovered a huge amount of music here early on (back then they were downloadable, but I like the convenience of streams).  Love just going to a category page and treawling through all of the mp3s -- great way to expand knowledge.  I'd rather one good mp3 off of an album over 50 reviews of that album.  I don't use reviews to get people's thoughts on albums I know so much, and I prefer to let my own ears jusdge the music as much as possible.  It's actually the ratings which get my attention, and a well, written bio, more than what's written in the reviews.  If there is a  good for me mp3, though, that's generally enough.

Simplifying the genre and subgenre system? I would like it simplified in a way, and expanded in others.  I would like it set up more as a tree (preferably a dynamic one done in flash).  What's important is the ease of discovering music of interest, and for that I like things well and distictly categorised with similar artists/ bands).  As it is, I would rather have subcategories and subsubcategories that are not listed on the front page (those would be master categories). For instance, Prog Metal would be a master category, after clicking on that, one would be taken to the progressive metal divisions.

I want more subcategories (and/ or multitagging).  I'd like a category for progressive rock that while progressive would not normally be considerd Prog (Prog Related works somewhat well for this), and category that highlights key "progressive music" artists that are not rock but have influenced it or share traits with music in categories here.  Examples would be Coltrane, Glass, Stockhausen).  I would have temporal limits.
I'd also alike a holding cell category for bands that have not been placed in their categories yet (and have that open to all to add, but have strict guidelines).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 16:18
More MP3s > More reviews about albums with no or lesser reviews > More artists
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Logan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 16:27
Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

More MP3s > More reviews about albums with no or lesser reviews > More artists

I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your reviews! Big%20smile  I'd definitely put more artists higher, though.  Incidentally, we can't add mp3s for every artist as some, as well as the labels, don't permit them (big mistake I think).  Of course the artist has to be added before the mp3s, but if it had not been for mp3s, I wouldn't have invested in many artists.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 16:42
I think that having MP3s for Jean Paul Prat, Bijelo Dugme, Attila Kollar, La Pura Realidad, Estradasphere or Subterranean Masquerade is much more important than having MP3s for King Crimson or Pink Floyd. Reviews would also be nice, but MP3s are an easier start IMO for promoting lesser known bands.

Adding new artistis is going well, as always, I don't think that can ever be an issue of concern.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 16:49
Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

I think that having MP3s for Jean Paul Prat, Bijelo Dugme, Attila Kollar, La Pura Realidad, Estradasphere or Subterranean Masquerade is much more important than having MP3s for King Crimson or Pink Floyd. Reviews would also be nice, but MP3s are an easier start IMO for promoting lesser known bands.

Adding new artists are going well, as always, I don't think that can ever be an issue of concern.

Good points. Clap
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 18:25
I think that mp3s are much less important today than they were 4 years ago ... most bands have their myspace page with several full length samples.
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Jared View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 18:32
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

I think that mp3s are much less important today than they were 4 years ago ... most bands have their myspace page with several full length samples.
while I absolutely agree with that Mike, I still think they are quite useful for bands which have been around for many years, where PA can introduce members to a more balanced set of MP3s from their body of work.  Most Myspace pages I visit naturally weight tunes toward the last couple of albums.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2008 at 18:42
Originally posted by fandango fandango wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

I think that mp3s are much less important today than they were 4 years ago ... most bands have their myspace page with several full length samples.
while I absolutely agree with that Mike, I still think they are quite useful for bands which have been around for many years, where PA can introduce members to a more balanced set of MP3s from their body of work.  Most Myspace pages I visit naturally weight tunes toward the last couple of albums.

True too.  Where I found the mp3s most useful here was discovering the music of many bands from specific categories here by clicking on a category.  It's such a  convenient way to explore much music of a category.  For instance, I would open the Progressive Electronic page and could use the streaming flash application to listen to a huge number of bands at once (sometimes skipping ones that didn't automatically appeal/ intrigue me).  I discovered many bands/ artists that way, and expanded my knowledge greatly about categories through that means.  The later I would search myspace (shame how many bands don't have myspace pages -- even ones not from the classic era, and I do think we should have more mp3s here.  i should add some becuase there are those which have neither myspace pages nor streaming music here.  e.g. one of my favourites - Hellebore).
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clarke2001 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 01 2008 at 07:26
Adding more artist, more artists, and some more artists.

But with a good biography. There's no point of piling random names in the database that mean nothing to almost nobody.

I know it's difficult to write a good bio, especially if the band is obscure - I am myself guilty of writing of some biographies that are not par excellence, but if there's no bio, there should be a review. Since reviews are getting written by a member's personal preference, not as a goal to be achieved (I'm talking about a whole body of forum members as a unit), then we should add more artists..with relevant info (bio and/or mp3's).

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debrewguy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 01 2008 at 21:06
no more psots ?
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 01 2008 at 21:26
I'll chime in on the bio thing    ..biography writing is challenging in itself, then sometimes there's lack of info, foreign languages, conflicting information, multiple bands with the same name and style  ..but really a bio should be written even if it's just a few tidbits of info you were able to get; a year, band member names, instruments, influences,  it can be done !!

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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 01 2008 at 21:26
Why can't I vote?
I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
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Petrovsk Mizinski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 02 2008 at 00:24
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Why can't I vote?

It's not in a section of the forum which allows polls.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 02 2008 at 05:23
Yeah, for some reason this post was moved away from the polls - sadly. The thought behind this one was more to see what the users thought by casting a vote in a quick poll than to have a discussion going really.
Oh well, guess there's a reson for this though...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 02 2008 at 09:24
I think here the discussion, which is about how to improve the site, is more useful than the poll.
We're looking at whether to open up this section to polls though.
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debrewguy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 02 2008 at 13:16
I think the easiest things at the moment are the requests for PA denizens to review the unreviewed, and to also verify official band websites as many no longer exists, if they ever did at all.
The genre clean up/re-classification/re-distribution/new sub sub sub(to infinity) genres is really a never ending road that so far only causes more heated debate that ultimately goes nowhere.
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Alberto Muñoz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2008 at 20:52
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

1. Collaborators have the priority of adding bands
Ok but sometimes they do not have the time to adding bands quickly examples, i ask to be added Humus and is more than a month and no signs of they, other example Macromassa. i think that the Admin team have to do more work of supervision of how is working a team. Some teams are quite lazyLOL

2. Prog reviewers don't have the strict obligation of posting reviews more than they were awarded the distinction thanks to the merit of having written good reviews - but still it would be also abberant to picture a Prog Reviewer not reviewing at all.
Please check this: that picture already exists!!!!Shocked

3. Sub-genres business, when discussed, involves Admins, the Webmaster and Collaborators altogether (and I'd add the forum was sometimes consulted too) - but, as a priority, except perhaps the multi-tagging issue (still, not even this one perhaps), it was never one
And members who were the mayority of these siteWink

5. Focus on reviewing - was almost never a priority. Everyone reviews when they want (and the ideal would also be when they're ready to review - but let's not diverge into that...).
Agree with that point!!!!
I should also add that the number of people reviewing albums is far greater than the number of people adding bands,
Of course  that's because the admins are quite reluctant to add more people to the prog reviewer status or collaborator status.  See the site have more than 20,000 members, and do you think that you can hadle with the current Admin team and collaborator team?? 
which in turn is far greater than the number of people expanding or simplifying the sub genres - so the priorities are effectively set by the number of people involved in each activity. But as Vic pointed out - you can't review an album you haven't heard and many of the albums without a review are rare and hard to find.

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