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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2008 at 15:02
I saw that and it was cool because they were legit reviews, whether inspired by yours or not.  I do get peeved about negative rebuttal reviews though, which I've had happen to me before.  I remember posting a positive review of a Syd album (shocking, I know) only to have some dude post an immediate one-star review with very little thought or content to it, obviously just a response to what I wrote even if he didn't name me.  Sure he has the right to do that but I think I don't believe he would have written it had he not seen mine, which I find childish. 

That tees me off a bit. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2008 at 15:02
and a wonderful review it was hahhaha Heart
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Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

Well, this is just to report something funny.. Earlier this afternoon I posted a review of Jethro Tull's Crest of a Knave, and a couple of hours afterwards there were another TWO reviews of the same album on the home pageLOL! I don't know if it was because my review was particularly good, or if the two people in question were reminded of the album at the same time... Anyway, I thought it was funny, and a welcome change from having to report the handiwork of assorted trolls.

you reminded me to review that album.
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KING CRIMSON — The ConstruKction of Light
Review by laplace ((I/L)olo Iamnhnia)
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King Crimson used to play progressive rock back in the days when it was plausible to be heard on the radio doing so, but now they play future world music of a kind they were only rehearsing on Discipline - having written nursery rhymes for the muted electric gamelan in the past, maturing musically through the experience, they now concern themselves with anthems.

However, this can be taken equally as pop music. People in the forums are always saying that there's a time for prog and there's a time for a good pop tune and, for me, this is what I often reach for during those latter circumstances. I'm not trying to be clever here - although The ConstruKction of Light is a stubborn knot of logarithmic note choice and sly self-referentialism/deferentialism rendered in an oppressive and contrarian atmosphere, some elusive quality of the album renders it an effortless and inviting listen; to this reviewer a much more visceral and genuine set of songs than any combination culled from the '80s repetoire, the era supposedly possessing of a great popular appeal.

There are three self-sufficient songs here (along with two more to be found clinging to the end of longer pieces) and each of them differs from any previous KC pop snapshots. A quick listen of ProzaKc Blues defeats all criticism of the album from the recycling angle and from people who take everything they need to know about a song from it's title - hands up if you've ever *really* heard another blues like this one. No? Moreover, the song hints at what's coming next in ways other than musical - as we do further on, we can observe snatches of vulgarity intellectualised, a density of guitar-play that hinges on common dissonance taken a small step too far for comfort and, happily, a lack of cliches... excluding Belew's ironic blues mannerisms, used purely to evoke the image of a washed-up rockstar (to help you forget that Fripp represents one of the most eloquent and intellectual rock musicians on the circuit?) sleazing his way through a narcotic performance. Or more to the point, it makes you think of Greg Lake.

Frying Pan seems like the alternative universe Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream, or however they ordered that title, in that it combines queasy, stumbling sung sections with manic instrumental ones. Still, the music is totally different and, again, is a small step towards abrasiveness. The lyrics on this one aren't particularly good, which is disappointing but not unexpected. Maybe it could be here where it occurs to you that this is album is designed for people who have listened to other King Crimson albums, which highlights exactly what they've taken away - the comfort zone, a soma sheen which puts a lot of their jazz notes in context. As the song proceeds, you may realise that you never needed it anyway; when you reach the short soundscape outro you notice that it is jarring as those on THRAK never were. Oyster Soup, which THRAKs in opposition, is a circular jam of the sort designed for pub rock encores, but which also exists to irritate you with composed clumsiness, manic sampling and inappropriate use of midi-guitar, and semi-associative nonsense word-game lyrics to the point where you must be listening, a hair shirt for the ears which tempers you in preparation for the next chapter in the Crimso epic...

As in his interviews, Fripp won't patronise you while you're demonstrating some degree of thoughtfulness. We all know the band have trouble catching their live majesty well on CD, so during the instrumental numbers, Crimso attempt to bridge the gap between situations by drafting you as their fifth player (of course, this is a guess as to the intentions of the band, but transforming locked music into conceptual semi-improv was always the KC way - doesn't it make a certain amount of sense?) - most of the music on the album toys with aggressive rhythmic pointillism, which is perfect if you're in the mood to insert a mental solo or two, while Mastoletto's frosty electronic battery fills the overhead frequencies with cosmic rays rather than cymbal shimmer and his choice of sounds has a primal, deadening effect but frees up a lot of space - considering the effort that must go into the composition and performance of his drum parts, it's a gesture of humility. Is your imagination ambidextrous to the point where it can play lead guitar with one and tambourine in the other?

That paragraph gives the impression that the music remains unfinished, but that'd be a lazy criticism to make - perhaps you as a listener prefer to witness the constant struggle between guitarists to only play notes which don't cheapen the previous ones, and that's fine too. Or you can concentrate on the subversive rhythms which bear little relation to rock - there's a cute juxtaposition here that forces the guitarists to worry about patterns, allowing the bassist and drummer to define the music however they like - but however you approach the album, be aware that this is a prototype for new music; perhaps it's easier to mistake for a re-hash because no-one has heard anything *from the future* to compare The ConstruKction of Light with? It doesn't matter - just remember that every time you hear a lyrical reference to the past, it's sung over explorative music.

Larks Tongues part four ends with a moment of power that caps the album, providing seriousness when you're beginning to tire of, ahem, frippance. One part My Way and one part The Atrocity Exhibition, the coda's most melodic moments become bittersweet, polluted with a spoken film-reel namecheck of one human tragedy after another. You can decide whether the album is defeatist or futurist in conception when a piercing laser tone closes the song - is that suggestive of a construKcted beam of light? (and, was it emitted by a large explosion?)

Go get this album if: a) you have ears or b) you know someone who has ears. If you've heard it and consigned it to the vaults then please give it another chance - more than any other KC album, The ConstruKction of Light is unforgiving to people who aren't listening and greatly rewarding - even enlightening - to those who are. Five stars awarded to an expressionist statement in a sea of modern impressionism.

ClapClap to Laplace

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote laplace Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2008 at 21:29
Well, thanks. =) I can tell that almost no-one else agreed...
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2008 at 21:33
I fully agree.. but you know you're a good writer, do you really need someone saying "Absolutely, I second LaPlace's review!"   Tongue
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Very good review. Now about the album...Wink
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Kad bi' bio bijelo dugme
 Posted by Mandrakeroot | Sunday, March 09, 2008

RATING: 10 with laude/10

MUSICAL GENRE: Heavy Prog/ Blues Rock/ Rock'n'Roll

INTRO: I had never listen Bijelo Dugme and former Yugoslavian music by chance not until I went one Sunday to eat in Slovenia. At freeshop I found the CD live Turneja by Bijelo Dugme (nothing of special). Later in Nova Gorica I found a CD of Pro-Arte (Good band that I discovered to be linked to Indexi) and in a new trip to Nova Goriza I found another CD of Pro-Arte and this great CD! Strange but... Strange Goran Bregovic (yugoslavian Blackmore!) have great connections with Friuli Venezia Giulia because Is a presence almost fixed at Folkest Festival But strangely, I had not ever heard!

THIS RELEASE: Slavic languages are extreme musical languages. So is simply to use this language for musical dreams! But this CD is a perfect version of a perfect music! Believe me, I was almost never been so impressed by a band! Ka Bi' Bio Bijelo Dugme was recorded in RTV ljubljana studios between 22 and 23 October of 1974 with a 16-tracks stereo recorder recording after the incredible success of their BOOM Festival performance in Tivoli (Ljubljana) (P.s.: April 5th 2008 Bijelo Dugme return in Tivoli, ljubljana for a concert). This former Yugoslavian musical institution debut album is still today fresh and magical. For Progsters sounding like a Heavy Prog album but in truth is a great Purpleian album. This because Bregovic plays soli in Blackmore style and in general is an album with Heavy sound created with twin keyboards/ guitars and powerful production in Purple style! But Kad Bi' Bio Bijelo Dugme is also a great 70's album because is a typical 70's album and not because is a copy of another band or musical scene!

THE SONGS: Kad Bi Bijelo Dugme is the song more near Purple. Interesting intro with birds and sheeps (!!!) and Il Rovescio Della Medaglia guitar first rhythmic solo after a very Heavy but athmospheric Hammond second intro is then developed into a vigorous Heavy Prog with Blackmoreian guitar soli and great Moog/ Hammond melody. Blues Za Moju Bivsu Dragu is a typical Delta Blues with great vocal parts (helped with a great musical language... magical language). Ne Spavaj Mala Moja Muzika Dok Svira is a typical Rock'n'Roll extremely furious and extremely Proto Punk in certain musical figures(!!!) when also Sve Cu Da Ti Dam Samo Da Zaigram is a good Rock'n'Roll but more Proggish in rhythm and construction. Selma (with Vlado Dijak lyrics) is an emotional dramatic ballad in Procol Harum/ Dik Dik style! Selma present a great Hammond and a great vocal parts (Zeljko Bebek is a great singer in Gillan/ Farlowe style). The last song Patim Evo Deset Dana present an energic rhythm produced with savage force and a great electric piano melody. But Goran Bregovic with his Les Paul manages to establish a long solo almost equal to those of Blackmore!

CONCLUSIONS: Former Yugoslavia was the more occidental country of East Europe and Bijelo Dugme is a great band not only for a former Yugoslavian musical scene! Certainly Purple and Procol Harum are the bands that for Bijelo Dugme had to be copied but this fact in this case produced a great music, also extreme personal. In fact the Moog in Kad Bi' Bio Bijelo Dugme is the original element in a Purplish style song and this is also a magical insertion. So, in my opinion, Bijelo Dugme (as other bands of former Yugoslavia) were not forced to copy (Because the discs of foreign bands were printed by Yugoton in licensed simultaneously to the original) but Bijelo Dugme use a Purple or Procol Harum musicalsyle base to produce truly original songs. Certainly not all of the songs are Prog but in definitive Kad Bi' Bio Bijelo Dugme is a great manifesto of 70's music.
For you this is a review who buy this album?

Edited by Mandrakeroot - March 13 2008 at 12:18
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 13 2008 at 16:56
I think it's an excellent review, Mandy, and though I have many other bands I need to get, it did peak my interest and sounds like something I'd like

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mandrakeroot Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 15 2008 at 14:24
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I think it's an excellent review, Mandy, and though I have many other bands I need to get, it did peak my interest and sounds like something I'd like

Thanks, Many Tanks!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ClassicRocker Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 15 2008 at 15:48
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I think it's an excellent review, Mandy, and though I have many other bands I need to get, it did peak my interest and sounds like something I'd like

pssst... "pique" Wink
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micky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2008 at 19:53
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Guillermo Guillermo wrote:

Originally posted by DJPuffyLemon DJPuffyLemon wrote:

this review:

it sounds completely unprofessional. idk you guys make the call but it isn't flattering for the site to host something like this.
Yes. I reported the same review some weeks ago, and it wasn`t deleted!
Also, it is not the only  review for this album that has the word "crap" or something like that.

now that Guigo is back from vacation... maybe he'll do us all a favor and eliminate that travesty of an album review.  whoever dealt with that.
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Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Guillermo Guillermo wrote:

Originally posted by DJPuffyLemon DJPuffyLemon wrote:

this review:

it sounds completely unprofessional. idk you guys make the call but it isn't flattering for the site to host something like this.
Yes. I reported the same review some weeks ago, and it wasn`t deleted!
Also, it is not the only  review for this album that has the word "crap" or something like that.

now that Guigo is back from vacation... maybe he'll do us all a favor and eliminate that travesty of an album review.  whoever dealt with that.
Yes... thanks from me too! Smile Thumbs%20Up
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 18:43
 ^ what bugs me about those reviews is that it's very far from what most people need or want ..  reviews aren't supposed to be diaries, they're intended to communicate and describe the experience of the music so others can get a sense of it  ..who the bloody hell cares if he "doesn't like the Beatles"  ?

Edited by Atavachron - March 21 2008 at 19:12
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ClemofNazareth View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ClemofNazareth Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 19:08
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

 ^..  reviews aren't supposed to be diaries, ..

Uh-oh.  You might want to stay away from some of mine then Wink

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 19:14
 ^ but you include many angles and information, not just personal feelings

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 19:27
Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

 ^..  reviews aren't supposed to be diaries, ..

Uh-oh.  You might want to stay away from some of mine then Wink

never once have you put out bullsh*t like this in the guise of a review ...

'In the forum I once stated that in my opinion The Beatles shouldn't be on progarchives because it's not prog, it's more like the opposite. I got response from that remark like I expected from some die hard fans who don't like to hear such negative statements. Indeed they said, Beatles isn't prog, it's proto-prog so then it's allowed. Well, if you all don't mind, I stick to my opinion and to me this doubler is a great example why I believe The Beatles have nothing to do with prog.

These are just a bunch of highly commercial pop songs, simple and a collection of songs that caused my everlasting dislike for this band. And the funny thing is: when you say this to Beatlefans they always try to convince you of the fact that you are wrong. How can anyone dislike the Beatles ? I don't know, but I do, I'm sorry for those fans. Popmusic couldn't be more simple than most of the songs on this collection and I never understood why people went crazy for this. Of course it's always possible to say something positive about a certain kind of music. In this case it could be that they are popular tunes, true classics if you like but that's something else than good music let alone good prog (or proto prog, whatever). And of course also here rules the famous statement: a matter of taste and there's nothing to be done about that I learned.

I could bash every Beatles album with one star to get my revenge for the fact they are on progarchives (a fact I thoroughly dislike but have to live with). But I will not do so. In my childhood our family had two double vinyls of The Beatles and those were this red one and (of course) the blue one. And those will be the only ones I will review. I don't want to waste too much of my precious time on this band and will leave it at that. Lucky Beatles !

nice promotion there....a credit to the site indeed.  Calling it a diary  is being far too kind. We are held to a higher standard.. and that review would have sucked from the hand of the 14 year old trolls we attract who are empowered by having an outlet for their voice here.. and regailing us.. or lecturing us as to how stupid we are that this band is here... or how bad this group is.. 

what is there to edit.... delete the damn thing and tell him if he wants to waste his precious time again, he can write another review.  The site would have done the same thing from a general poster... and he should know better and be held to a higher standard.

Edited by micky - March 21 2008 at 19:28
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Atavachron Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 19:37
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

nice promotion there....a credit to the site indeed.  Calling it a diary  is being far too kind. We are held to a higher standard.. and that review would have sucked from the hand of the 14 year old trolls we attract who are empowered by having an outlet for their voice here.. and regailing us.. or lecturing us as to how stupid we are that this band is here... or how bad this group is.. 

what is there to edit.... delete the damn thing and tell him if he wants to waste his precious time again, he can write another review.  The site would have done the same thing from a general poster... and he should know better and be held to a higher standard.


yeah, I mean why not tell us exactly what you think and give us a really good, juicy, well-written bad review instead of just taking the easy way

Edited by Atavachron - March 21 2008 at 19:38
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 19:42
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

nice promotion there....a credit to the site indeed.  Calling it a diary  is being far too kind. We are held to a higher standard.. and that review would have sucked from the hand of the 14 year old trolls we attract who are empowered by having an outlet for their voice here.. and regailing us.. or lecturing us as to how stupid we are that this band is here... or how bad this group is.. 

what is there to edit.... delete the damn thing and tell him if he wants to waste his precious time again, he can write another review.  The site would have done the same thing from a general poster... and he should know better and be held to a higher standard.


yeah, I mean why not tell us exactly what you think and give us a really good, juicy, well-written bad review instead of just taking the easy way

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Finnforest Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2008 at 23:38
Mick, thanks for your comments.  It needed to be said as he has many reviews of this quality.  Here's his well-reasoned review for Moving Pics.  I'm guessing he has quite a few reviews like this, not bad because of his opinion which he IS entitled to, but because he offers nothing more than a good/bad proclamation. 

3%20stars This must be one of the most overrated albums on this site. I'm kind of a Rush fan but this is by far not one of my favourite albums. I think it's quite mediocre with two very nice songs (Red Barchetta and Camera Eye) but these two score just about 4 stars in my book. The rest is far less, just Tom Sawyer and YYZ are ok too, the rest is poor.So I can't go any further than 3 stars.

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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