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proglil49 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Your definition of an epic
    Posted: February 15 2007 at 12:57
I've been wondering this for a ling time. I know enough in prog to tell that for exemple Supper's Ready is an epic, but I don't know exacly what does this word means being used in prog. So, the question is, what is your definition of an epic song?
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Pnoom! View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 12:58
Either a song over 15 minutes or a song with multiple, easily distinguished parts.
Both are used.
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:06
In literature, an epic is a poem divided in various parts, usually containing a story line relating to some historical or mythical event - just like the Iliad and the Odissey. Therefore, epic in music usually applies to either very long tracks, or those with multiple parts, as Inpraiseoffolly said. In many cases, the two things coincide - as in the case of Close to the Edge.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:12
Yes, that's basically what I was going for.
BTW Ghost Rider... I read with amusement your reviews for Lizard, Larks', and Discipline.  You didn't give the first two five stars because of the vocals, and then gave 5 to discipline... which has the worst vocals (IMO)...Hug
Oh well... well written in any case.
To somewhat relate this to the topic, the song Lizard (on the album Lizard) would be an epic.  Larks' Tongues in Aspic would not because it isn't over 15 minutes and because it doesn't really have distinguishable parts (other than the obvious first three minutes/the rest of it distinction).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:19
Thanks for the compliments!Wink Believe it or not, I like Belew's vocals quite a lot, while I find Haskell thoroughly excruciating. Odd, isn't it?

As to Larks' the track, I wouldn't call an instrumental an epic. Just as a literary epic has a narrative story line, so should a musical one. Just my opinion, of course...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:21
I get the best of all worlds... I love the vocals on all three.
Should've said "least bad."
Haskell's not excruciating ('cept on Lady o' da Dancing H2O) at all...
And Lizard has Jon Anderson, too, anyway.  And he gives what is, IMO, his best vocal performance on it...
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fuxi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:41
In my opinion, an 'epic' shouldn't just be long, it also involves vehement emotions and triumphant climaxes. For this reason, I would never apply the term to dreamy twenty-minute tracks by, for example, Tangerine Dream. Even A PASSION PLAY doesn't qualify, although it's one of my favourite Tull albums. But SUPPER'S READY and GATES OF DELIRIUM fit the glove perfectly.

And even 'Firth of Fifth' is an 'epic track', even if it's not strictly speaking 'an epic'.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:47
A long track with fantasy lyrics, eg. Hemispheres or anything by Magma.
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The Letter M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:53
Strictly speaking about length, I often categorize epic songs in several groups based on song length.
You have the short epics which can last 7-12 minutes.
There are the regular epics which go from 13-18 minutes.
There are Side-Long epics, lasting anywhere from 19-24/25 minutes. (yes I still call modern epics of this length Side-Long epics, like The Great Nothing by Spock's Beard or Stardust We Are by The Flower Kings).
Long Epics last from 25-30 minutes, and the aforementioned Flower Kings have a couple of those.
Super Epics are any songs from 30-50 minutes, depending on several things. Some examples of this are Dream Theater's Six Degrees or Part I of Neal Morse's Testimony.
Anything above 50 minutes might as well be an Epic album, such as Neal Morse's ? or the upcoming Fear Of A Blank Planet, which is said to be like one long song anyways.
As for musical qualities, I do agree that there needs to be some sort of introduction that's a bit drawn out, there are some subsections/movements (although not necesarry), and there's a climax with a powerful, moving ending. There are also many recurring themes or thematic/motific material that is used throughout, or plays a large part in the musical score.
Lyrically, the epic is usually a story, like someone brought up the poetic epic, which are myths and legends told in lengthy poems. I think the best epics are the ones with stories in them, and aren't just about people or things, but about ideas or events, real or not. The lyrics don't all have to tie together though or even make much sense, but if there's a loose connection both musically and lyrically between all the sections, then it becomes an epic.
But that's how I feel about epics. And I love epics.
On a side-note, how do people feel about Epics with subsections? Should they be seperate tracks on the CD or one whole track? By that I mean, would you rather have an album like "The Music That Died Alone" by The Tangent, or the second disc of "Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence", or something more like both Transatlantic albums, where even though they have several parts to them, each song is still one track?
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infandous View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 14:30
Originally posted by The Letter M The Letter M wrote:

Strictly speaking about length, I often categorize epic songs in several groups based on song length.
You have the short epics which can last 7-12 minutes.
There are the regular epics which go from 13-18 minutes.
There are Side-Long epics, lasting anywhere from 19-24/25 minutes. (yes I still call modern epics of this length Side-Long epics, like The Great Nothing by Spock's Beard or Stardust We Are by The Flower Kings).
Long Epics last from 25-30 minutes, and the aforementioned Flower Kings have a couple of those.
Super Epics are any songs from 30-50 minutes, depending on several things. Some examples of this are Dream Theater's Six Degrees or Part I of Neal Morse's Testimony.
Anything above 50 minutes might as well be an Epic album, such as Neal Morse's ? or the upcoming Fear Of A Blank Planet, which is said to be like one long song anyways.
As for musical qualities, I do agree that there needs to be some sort of introduction that's a bit drawn out, there are some subsections/movements (although not necesarry), and there's a climax with a powerful, moving ending. There are also many recurring themes or thematic/motific material that is used throughout, or plays a large part in the musical score.
Lyrically, the epic is usually a story, like someone brought up the poetic epic, which are myths and legends told in lengthy poems. I think the best epics are the ones with stories in them, and aren't just about people or things, but about ideas or events, real or not. The lyrics don't all have to tie together though or even make much sense, but if there's a loose connection both musically and lyrically between all the sections, then it becomes an epic.
But that's how I feel about epics. And I love epics.
On a side-note, how do people feel about Epics with subsections? Should they be seperate tracks on the CD or one whole track? By that I mean, would you rather have an album like "The Music That Died Alone" by The Tangent, or the second disc of "Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence", or something more like both Transatlantic albums, where even though they have several parts to them, each song is still one track?

Well, I am pretty flexible with my epic definitions.  I've even heard songs in the 3 to 4 minute range that I think of as mini-epics because they have distinct parts and go through a cycle of sorts (and no, they can't be verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus type pop songs).  But generally speaking, they have to be over 7 minutes long.  As to Tangerine Dream and similar lengthy atmospheric stuff, I guess I don't really consider those as epics in the traditional sense as they tend to flow as one entity and are fairly simplistic in composition (though they often have various sections to them).

As to breaking epics into tracks...........I really hate when artists do that LOL  In both the cases you mention (Music that died alone and 6 degrees) I join them into single tracks on my computer.  To a certain extent I understand why they might choose to do that, so the listener can clearly see where the artist intended the parts to begin and end, but for the most part I never have much trouble doing that myself when they are one track.

(I am reminded of a CD player a friend of mine had many years ago, that actually showed which part of Cygnus X-1 Book Two from Hemispheres you were currently listening to..........that track is a single 18 minute track, but the song has 5 or 6 parts.......not sure if they make CD players like that anymore and I assume the CD itself would have to have meta data the CD player could read to know which part it was on.........seems like a great thing for prog albums Smile )

Edited by infandous - February 15 2007 at 14:31
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Philéas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 14:34
I usually refer to 10+ minutes long songs as epics. Some set the bar at 15 minutes though.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 14:41
An epic song is anything by Rush! TongueWink

I feel an epic song is a song that has different parts to it (musical or lyrical). It also helps if the song is longer than 10 minutes. A great instrumental section is always welcomed.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 15:15
Originally posted by proglil49 proglil49 wrote:

I've been wondering this for a ling time. I know enough in prog to tell that for exemple Supper's Ready is an epic, but I don't know exacly what does this word means being used in prog. So, the question is, what is your definition of an epic song?

Does this help (from the Prog Rock? link on the home page)?

Long compositions, sometimes running over 20 minutes, with intricate melodies and harmonies that require repeated listening to grasp. These are often described as epics and are the genre's clearest nod to classical music. An early example is the 23-minute "Echoes" by Pink Floyd. Other famous examples include Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick" (43 minutes), Yes' "Close to the Edge" (18 minutes) and Genesis' "Supper's Ready" (23 minutes). More recent extreme examples are the 60-minute "Light of Day, Day of Darkness" by Green Carnation and "Garden of Dreams" by The Flower Kings.
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proglil49 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 17:04
This explains a lot. Thanks
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NotSoKoolAid View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 18:50
There are all sorts of epics.
Songs, albums, and groups of epic influence, innovation, and perhaps size or length, etc.
Your question is a decent one, but very grey and shadey.
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Angeldust View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 18:53
The track Ocean Cloud  from Marbles (marillion) is epic!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 18:58
Originally posted by Angeldust Angeldust wrote:

The track Ocean Cloud  from Marbles (marillion) is epic!
Don't forget "Grendel" & "This Strange Engine"! I think "Goodbye To All That" is also an epic...
Anyway, I'd say an epic is any song that has mutiple movements and a common theme (usually it's gonna be over 10 minutes, but as someone said, "Firth Of Fifth" is pretty epic!).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 19:01
Surely they're more epic than hammerfall for example,that's for sure Big%20smile
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mrgd View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 15 2007 at 20:37
It seems to me that we've lassoed the word 'Epic' and started to apply it to what seems to be basically a long and varied piece of music to create our own esoteric terminology. While that's very innovative, it's really a misnomer.

An Epic is a narrative work of poetry often celebrating the achievements of heros in history or tradition, according to my dictionary. Other than the reference to a narrative there is no specific mention of length. The subject matter and depth of description often dictated it's length.

Therefore, technically speaking, there is some question as to whether the term can appropriately be applied to a piece of prog. music.[ How boring is this]?

It's one of these terms like 'masterpiece' we use all the time, but don't get me started on that.

Anyway, there is cetainly an argument to say that it would be more accurate to refer to a 'piece' or , as we often see, a 'suite' [e.g. The Valentyne Suite] to describe a musical work comprising parts, movements, a concept etc. irrespective of length, as distinct from something which might otherwise be nothing more than a long song.

[Remember what IAN says - 'Life's a Long Song' - not necessarily an epic].

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el böthy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 16 2007 at 01:10
Originally posted by inpraiseoffolly inpraiseoffolly wrote:

Either a song over 15 minutes or a song with multiple, easily distinguished parts.
Both are used.

yep...pretty much
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