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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2007 at 18:26
indeed Mandy.. great additions.. look forward to your reviews.  
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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 29 2007 at 22:27
Haha, the second song from Randone`s Morte di un Amore is a reggae tune, sounds funny LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2007 at 03:44
I was just wondering...
As "Statti" by PFM has made it into the top ten Italian Symphonic Prog list why doesn't it feature as one of their most popular albums on the PFM discography page?
Nope, can't think of anything to put here
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2007 at 06:38

I was also wondfering so, zadkatz...why?Confused
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2007 at 06:47
A total guess, but maybe a different algorithm is used?
Nope, can't think of anything to put here
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 08:14
Today I  will discover a CD of Notturna, Hard Rock Prog band from Trieste, "Le Tue Ali" (2nd album) published in 2005 by Musical Box/ Frontiers (

Notturna first album is published in 1998 and the title is "Illusioni"

"Le Tue Ali" Cover: Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori.
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Paulieg View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 13:29
Italian symphonic prog is by far my favorite genre.  I like it better even than the great british prog bands.  From the beautiful melodies, wonderful keyboard washes, and operatic vocals, I can't get enough.  Just today I was listening to the new La Maschera Di Cera release and it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  Few styles of music can do this like the Italians.  Bravo!Clap
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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 15:51
Originally posted by Paulieg Paulieg wrote:

Italian symphonic prog is by far my favorite genre.  I like it better even than the great british prog bands.  From the beautiful melodies, wonderful keyboard washes, and operatic vocals, I can't get enough.  Just today I was listening to the new La Maschera Di Cera release and it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  Few styles of music can do this like the Italians.  Bravo!Clap
That album is excellent, one of my personal Top 10 of 2006, glad to see more RPI lovers Big%20smile

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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 02 2007 at 04:46
Originally posted by memowakeman memowakeman wrote:

Originally posted by Paulieg Paulieg wrote:

Italian symphonic prog is by far my favorite genre.  I like it better even than the great british prog bands.  From the beautiful melodies, wonderful keyboard washes, and operatic vocals, I can't get enough.  Just today I was listening to the new La Maschera Di Cera release and it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  Few styles of music can do this like the Italians.  Bravo!Clap
That album is excellent, one of my personal Top 10 of 2006, glad to see more RPI lovers Big%20smile

Today (or tomorrow) I will make the review.  I have needed more time but...  I do not succeed to do otherwise!!! 

Edited by Mandrakeroot - February 02 2007 at 04:46
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 02 2007 at 05:19
ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO recensions special (part 11):

Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori. or Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori.

BANCO DEL MUTUO SOCCORSO — Come in un'Ultima Cena

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist


I have a compact Cassette reprint for Orizzonte's serie that it's much interesting because the cover is one of the much famous painting of the Italin Art: "L'Ultima Cena (Il Cenacolo)" by Leonardo Da Vinci. The music is a strange surprise for me because I prefer the Banco much POP of "Buone Notizie" or "Capolinea" at this hybrid. In fact "Il Ragno" is a good POP song but in general the Prog song contains this contamination. Not bad, however, "č Cosě Buono Giovanni Ma...", "Si Dice Che I Delfini Parlino" or "Quando La Buona Gente Dice". But "Il Ragno" and (I remember now) "Slogan" are too much POP for this album. If this the start of the POP period? In any case the Banco's ingredients are all here. And the album is aged well, important (and save!!!) thing.

Summarized: Not best Banco del Mutuo Soccorso album. But very interesting. The POP insertions ruined the final results. But the Orizzonte's serie reprint merit 1 star in more (see my RPI appreciation thread or italianprog).

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Monday, January 29, 2007, 08:29 EST | Permanent link


FAVERAVOLA — Contea Dei Cento Castagni

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist


I remember that my first listen with this contemporary classic i had in my car between Bassano Del Grappa and Conegliano Veneto, Medieval and Renaissance zone, very good for the atmospheres and music of this album. The songs is mix between PFM, Banco and Blackmore's Night and I should say that are very evocative. The guitars are very power but not invadents and in the songs much Rock ("Lo Scontro", "Leggenda Della Foglia, Della Vita E Del Vento) and in the refrain of "Neorinascimento" they give a much gear. Good the carpet of keyboards, flute, violin that increase the power of the songs and transform these Folk songs in Symphonic songs. Interesting also "La Piana Dei Temoli Del Livenza" with long recitation with the partecipation of the mythical Aldo Tagliapietra. In general this is a Symphonic Power Neo Renaissance Folk Prog album. The artwork of cover and booklet are another point of force of this little masterpiece.

Summarized: I am secure. between 10 years this album will be classified between the classics Prog albums from Italy. I am extreme secure. The production is enough but this fault, in really, increase this my convintion.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 11:02 EST | Permanent link


NUOVA ERA — Il Passo Del Soldato

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars NEW 70'S PROG

The first song is similar to Arpia for structure and vocals work and scripture. But this is one of the little concessions to the new wave of Prog (Neo Prog) but in this case remaining 100% Symphonic. Like all bands with this instrumentation (vocals, keyboards, bass, guitar) the sound is besed of a keyboards carpet with bass support and complicated drums parts. But in this case this Power Symphonic Prog is light and only the typical Italian style vocals is energic concession to Heavy Prog. In fact the other parts remaind to Biglietto Per l'inferno, Banco and similar Italian bands. The keyboards part is very technique and not only a power carpet parts like in the case of ELP. In fact is similar to Rick wakeman work. The drums is constructed in the style of Carl Palmer but with much technique and feeling. Uh... Remember me also the work of "Michi" Dei Rossi (Le Orme) and Pierluigi Calderoni (BMS) or franz Di Cioccio (above all in "Riflessi Di Pace [Oltre Il Fronte]). The construction of the songs remember me also The Trip, VDGG, Camel, Caravan, Dik Dik, New Trolls, PFM and Atomic Rooster. Like rhythm of the songs is in geneal a middle time that does to seem the songs much dark. And the style of the lyrics help this feeling. The "light" parts, however, not change this feeling because the synths parts are, in any case, much obscure. In any case "Il Passo Del Soldato" is not a Black album. Is only a grey album.

Summarized: This is a very convincing masterpiece of Rock Progressivo Italiano in a very inspirated Hard Symphonic vein. Much listening want us to understand it. But then it is a pleasure. P.s.: Don't listen this album in a car. I have did this experience and this album not pleased me. And so I took a big rubbing from my mind.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 14:40 EST | Permanent link


IL VOLO — Il Volo

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

3%20stars THE FLY

For me this is the 5th album of Formula 3. The presence of Radius and Lorenzi with the Lyricist Mogol unfortunately bears an album in the style of "La Grande Casa" but withous the magic of this album. Not a bad album, however. All the songs are good, in possess of good feeling, thing thet save this album. Sincerely I waited something of different. Nevertheless is a soft album, more Not Symphonic Prog respect to "La Grande Casa". In any case is aged very well.

Summarized: Not bad, after all. Is only a good album of one of the supergroup with a very magicl line up. At the end this album seems a big party between 7 friends. P.s.: "Olov" is the nick name of Bob Callero, previously with Osage Tribe.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Thursday, February 01, 2007, 09:55 EST | Permanent link


IL VOLO — Essere O Non Essere?

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist


Less Formula 3 of the precedent album but more space Rock and in vein of certain Electronic Prog (Tangerine Dream, Vangelis etc...) and also more Jazz. This is the Music of "Essere O Non Essere? Essere, Essere, Essere". Not complex at all this music remaind my mind also at Santana in "Svegliandomi Con Te Alle 6 Del Mattino" but with more Rock arrengements. In general this is an album more adult of "Il Volo" because more adventurous, complex and international. The greater consistency of the songs is another good reason because so that this album play better (and more Prog). In any case this is the start of another really Italian way of Prog because the songs are a feeling more latin simply remaining anchored to the Space Jazz. The feeling is the parameter that I used for to judge this album. And the feelinf fly high it is in the more Jazzy song that in the songs more Rock ("Svegliandomi Con Te Alle 6 del Mattino" and "Canti E Suoni" at all).

Summarized: Erred that this bend disbanded after this album because had they a lot say. In any case this is the very Problem of the Rock Progressivo Italiano and it's not the case of ponder on this. Besides is aged very well and this is the second merit (beyond the feeling).

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Friday, February 02, 2007, 05:06 EST | Permanent link



Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist


This is one of the more famous, adventurous and aged well album of the Rock Progressivo Italiano scene!!! This is the album of the song (not suite, abused word with epic composition, specially in Prog and Prog Metal Rock) "Aria". "Aria" is the best masterpiece and passport for the Italian Music of XX Century. Complex but light to the listening is a composition dominated to the extreme beautilul voice of Alan Sorrenti and of the violin of Jean Luc Ponty (specially in the first part), of the trumpet and trombone (plays by Andrč Lajdii and Jean Costa, specially in third part) with Flamenco part and fear acoustic finally. Aria is, another, one of more Symphonic compositions of all of the Rock Progressivo Italiano. And the other songs? Are acoustic Prog POP in the vein of song songwritwers. But "Vorrei Incontrarti" have a feeling extreme positive. Sincerely "Un Fiume Tranquillo" and "La Mia Mente" are too much 70's and aged badly but are very good songs. But "Aria" remedies to all.

Summarized: Aria is an evergreen of the Italian POP scene. And one of the more famous Italian albums in the World. And in order not to be even more weighing I stop the recension!!!

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Friday, February 02, 2007, 05:41 EST | Permanent link

Edited by Mandrakeroot - February 02 2007 at 05:44
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 02 2007 at 07:39
I'm glad to announce that today (finally) I've bought:

1) Notabene - Sei Lacrime d'Ambra (interesting...vocals are similar to the famous italian singer songwriter Francesco Guccini...)

2) an obscure one:
Odissea - s/t (1973)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 02 2007 at 13:34
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 02 2007 at 18:39
The newest Delirium (live) album is finally on sale!!!!!!!!!!Big%20smile
 Delirium - Vibrazioni Notturne (2007)
Great new Delirium live album recorded in July 2006 near Trento, in the north of Italy. Many classic Delirium tracks from "Lo scemo del villaggio" and "Dolce acqua" were performed, plus a couple of Jethro Tull covers too!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2007 at 02:45
Today  (January, 31 2007) I  will discover a CD of Notturna, Hard Rock Prog band from Trieste, "Le Tue Ali" (2nd album) published in 2005 by Musical Box/ Frontiers (

Notturna first album is published in 1998 and the title is "Illusioni"

"Le Tue Ali" Cover: Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori.

Is avaible on the web site of Musical Box (

Edited by Mandrakeroot - February 03 2007 at 02:47
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2007 at 02:46
Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

The newest Delirium (live) album is finally on sale!!!!!!!!!!Big%20smile
 Delirium - Vibrazioni Notturne (2007)
Great new Delirium live album recorded in July 2006 near Trento, in the north of Italy. Many classic Delirium tracks from "Lo scemo del villaggio" and "Dolce acqua" were performed, plus a couple of Jethro Tull covers too!

INTERESTING NOTICE. I will buy this album!!!
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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2007 at 12:03
Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

The newest Delirium (live) album is finally on sale!!!!!!!!!!Big%20smile
 Delirium - Vibrazioni Notturne (2007)
Great new Delirium live album recorded in July 2006 near Trento, in the north of Italy. Many classic Delirium tracks from "Lo scemo del villaggio" and "Dolce acqua" were performed, plus a couple of Jethro Tull covers too!
Shocked, wow sounds great, have you already bought it Andrea?

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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2007 at 20:42
Not still, Guillermo. But I will...Wink
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 04 2007 at 12:03
Looks like your Yankee boss will be hard put not to spend all his money when he finally gets here next month.... Lots of great stuff around, I'm happy to see!Wink

A quick piece of information for all you RPI lovers: Ubi Maior's PR (and wife of keyboardist Gabriele Manzini) told me the band will be playing at least two dates in the next few months - on March 2 at the Blues House in Milan, and on April 28 at a Tolkien-themed event in Buccinasco (a suburb of Milan). I might be present on the second date, if I am invited to lecture there (I probably will, but don't yet know if I will accept).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 10:45


DALTON — Riflessioni: Idea d'Infinito

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist


The style of trhis album is in general a mix between PFM, New trolls and Jethro Tull. This band in fact produces an energic keyboards, flute and guitar oriented album very energetic and Italian. The songs are: "Idea D'Infinito", extreme good song with a good groove. "Stagione Che Muore", energic and dramatic song with a very dramatic lyrics and Jethro Tull flute with New trolls rhythmic and guitar (I would say also flute). This song is at the limit of Symphonic Hard Rock. "Cara Emily" is a consuming ballad in the style of Italian song songwrite, extreme dramatic and in possessof a rebellion feeling!. But of not difficult understandig, introduced from a sweet part of flute, piano and bass, used like outro and intro of the songs. "Riflessioni" have a intro in the style of New Trolls' "Visioni" and A wild development in the Beat White Blues style!!! "Un Bambino, Un Uomo, Un vecchio" is a good mix of "Stagione Che Muore" and "Cara Emily" with the usual dramatic text but with two voices and extreme good solo of electric piano or harpsichord (produces with synth, hence the doubt). the text is centered on the story of the life. At the End "Dimensione Natura", another extreme good song. This is a Swing Hard Rock with symphonic arrengements and energic emotional (like always) emotional text and Jethro Tull's flute but with beat power and power organ with Psychedelic distorted part.

Summarized: Extreme classic Rock Progressivo Italiano in the Symphonic Hard Rock vein. The mix of PFM, Trolls and Tull in this case produced a very aged well album. And one of the more Classics (with the capital c) of the Rock Progressivo Italiano. And one of my preferred albums (for me is one of the 10 Top Albums in PA's Top albums chart!!!).

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Monday, February 05, 2007, 09:51 EST | Permanent link


DALTON — Argitari

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars SECOND GEM

Argitari (the name means the first two letters of the names of the band members) is another gem of RPI. For a lot it is a fake step. But not for me. It is only a extreme good Symphonic Folk album with good prog parts. The first song ("L'Impossibile č Possibile) is a POP song with moog and voice. "Hai visto L'Impossibile" is a dramatic Folk with Jazz arrengements in the style of song songwriter but With a difficult feeling to describe without listen. The flute is more personal and descriptive like the acoustic guitar. "Ho ritrovato La mia Donna" is a extreme Beat Folk with an extreme dramatic text and an emotional feeling. Acoustic guitar and sweet Rhythmic with moog insertions (and with almost cheerful sung) transforming this song in a perfect O.S.T. for an Horror Film!!! I have fear to listen this song!!! "Argitari", instead, is a perfect song with Western Film even though it have all other atmospheres (in fact is an unintentional tribute to Ennio Morricone). "La Risposta" is an Italian version of "Blowin' In The Wind" of Bob Dylan with Mogol lyrics. But it is only a good sweet replenished. "Visione Di Una Notte D'Estate" have a Hard Rock power but it is another extreme good dramatic Folk Rock with extreme dramatic feeling, stressed with a electric flash, moog insertions, Hard Rock moments and flute (!!!) and sweet (!!!) against vocals. Another perfect Horror Film soundtrack (even if a dramatic sweet Folk!!!). "Odiarti No" is a good song songwriter song in Italian vein with, still another, sweet and dramatic parts and evocative moog. But in general is the more sweet song of this album. Besides have a nice acoustic guitar solo. "La Forza Di Dio" is in general another song with the same feeling. This song have a sweet dramatic flavour (more sweet than dramatic) with one goodintense insertion of moog and electric guitar in the final part. "Il Vuoto" is another consistent song in the style of a song songwriter Folk style, another Italian version of Jethro Tull with a good text (another dramatic text...). "La Donna E Il Bambino" a single version of "Visione Di Una Notte D'Estate" but with slightly different mix and completely different lyrics. This is only a bonus track. But this is THE version of this composition. This version is more dramatic respect to "Visione..." and the text is the story of an infanticide committed from a sick of mind mother. The new mix amplifiers the Horror of this infanticide with a sarcastic flavour!!!

Summarized: For me is a very convincing album. Surely different from "Riflessioni" and aged better. This drammatic Symphonic Folk Prog is another extreme good test of Italian creativity. For me another gem for all very Progsters.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Monday, February 05, 2007, 10:39 EST | Permanent link

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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2007 at 12:47
Well done, MandyClap
I still have so many italian albums to review...Aries eponimous debut, Notabene' Sei Lacrime d'Ambra, RRR, PFM's albums, Banco's Darwin, Grimalkin's The Drifting Sailer, Cittŕ Frontale's El Tor, Triade's La Storia di Sabazio...............................Embarrassed
I also have many famous prog records from the international scene: Popol Vuh (Hosianna Mantra), VDGG (Godbluff), Gong (Angel's Egg), Hatfield and the North (The Rotter's Club), Rush (Hemispheres), Comus (First Utterance), Genesis (A Trick of the Tail), Hawkwind (Space Ritual) et cetera..................................Embarrassed
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