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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 01 2006 at 08:15
MIDDLE AGING recommendations
In the booklet of "Seguendo Le Tracce" of the mythical Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso (given me for my name-day!!!) I found also the publicity of them newborn Records. With the cat. number MRC 001 I found an interesting CD of the MIDDLE AGING ( "THE CALL" (not in PA).
The MIDDLE AGING is a devoted group to the rediscover historycal in the music and from their Internet site I was able to extract these info:
genre: Folk/ Folk Prog
the band: A. Sempio (electric/ acoustic guitar)
D.Mortarino (bass)
R. Tassiello (drums/ percussions)
S. Bai (flute)
D. Saccone (Keyboards)
C. Vecchio (voice)
F. Busso (hurdy gurdy)
demos: "Ancient Wind" (1999)/ Kingdom Of Desire (2001)
official Cd on Ma.Ra.Cash Records: "The Call" (cat. number MRC 001/ 2003)

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 09:02
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2006 at 16:57
Proper today I review the attractive one "IL CAPPELLO A TRE PUNTE" by FIABA.
The FIABA site is:
FiabaIl Cappello a tre Punte  CD (album) cover
FIABA — Il Cappello a tre Punte
Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)


I do not know because but the Folk Metal is not easy genre to make to understand the people. Besides these Fiaba (from Syracuse, Sicily) propose a version totally Prog of this genre. The most large difficulty is represented from the vocal style and from the same lyrics, difficult to include for who is not Italian.In fact Giuseppe Brancato blends Renato Zero, Tito Schipa Jr., Ronnie James Dio, Robert Plant and Michael Kiske creating a style very recited, being able and in the same time very cheerful. Difficult for who it is not Italian or Classic Metaller understand this proposal that, I repeat, is Folk Metal a lot of Prog. Besides, being you are Sicilan propose a small expedient to be original. That is to say they introduce in their music high elements of true Sicilian theatre, that of "Pupi Siciliani". To advise a song with respect to another one is much difficult. It is not easy. I would experience to advise "La Profezia", Folk Prog Metal with text to the Black sabbath, Medieval atmosphere and endured and dramatic interpretation. Attractive also "Turpino, Il Mostro", "Il Cappello A Tre Punte", "Hanno Ammazzato Il Drago", the dramatic (exciting, warm,honest, sarcastic,...) "I Cento Stivali",it dramatically cheerful "La Rana Affogata (Morte Di Ranerò)" and the dramatic but comical reading of the modern society "Il Passo Della Gallina".

Summarized: If you are Italian and loved the Italian Prog the Fiaba cannot be lacking in your discography. If fond Halloween, King Diamond and death SS not to possess the Fiaba is punishable offense with the trouble of death. Certainly the Fiaba is a group that unites the classic Italian Prog and them the tendences in Classic Metal field. One of the little Folk Metal groups that I advise to all... But provided that it understand the Italian language and the Sicilian mentality.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Monday, December 04, 2006, 16:38 EST | Permanent link



Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 11:53
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2006 at 08:12
Interesting profile on Fiaba. In a cd shop in Vicenza I also saw their last album I Racconti del Giullare Cantore. It was two months ago and I didn't buy it due - mainly - to the price (over 24 euros!!!!!)...
BTW, I've listened to Aria Palea's Zoicekardìa more times and I have to say it's an excellent album in the vein of the early Jethro Tull (Stand Up basically, A New Day Yesterday in particular). There's also a great theatrical approach of the singer, especially in the opening track which is somehow burlesque!
Over all, good musicianship and a great flute playing!Clap
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2006 at 08:34
Another interesting band from Italy in PA is IMAGIN'ARIA.
I have recensed "UN ALTRO QUADRO" (their debut album). 
Imagin'AriaIn un Altro Quandro CD (album) cover

IMAGIN'ARIA — In un Altro Quandro

Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)


Sincerely I should admit that this album did not impress myself how I hoped. Nevertheless worthy of more continue.

To musical level it is necessary to confront everything in global key. Interesting musically but with instrumental parts to stroked forces "In Un Altro Quadro" it presents a singer that does not hit. In this sense, for the genre of music produced, a more aggressive singer was asked for, more to the Peter Hammill. Nevertheless the Symphonic inserts (more for instruments that for score) are the better part of an album that recalls them, unfortunately, to big voice. The largest lack? Surely the recited in opening of "Arte O Artificio" to work of Barbara Visentini that is useless.

Summarized: Nevertheless "In Un Altro Quadro" it is an album quite to the meda. If not other because done with passion in a nation that it given a lot to the Prog and that will give a still in the years to come.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Sunday, December 03, 2006, 17:36 EST | Permanent link

The IMAGIN'ARIA web site see:

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 12:00
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2006 at 08:46
Proper today I review the attractive one "LIBERAZIONE" by ARPIA.
The ARPIA site is:
ArpiaLiberazione CD (album) cover 

ARPIA — Liberazione

Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)

4 stars ITALY IS A REPUBBLIC BASED ON... (extract frim 1st art. of Italian Constitution)

Historical band of the Roman underground the Arpia decide to build a concept on the story of the Italian Republic taking like chapters black mysteries of Italian history. So Bonetti, Brait and Orazi decide to build a non-politic reading of the make disputed but doing to tell from a witness of the other political bank. So Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci hung and exhibited to Loreto square in Rome come mocked from a Communist ("Piazzale Loreto) and the massacle of Della Loggia Square in brescia comes told from a Fascist girl (because to the period the politics in Italy was this!!!). And, still, the well-known (in Italy) Moro Abduction ("16 Marzo 1978") comes seen with the eyes of an old Communist, the Massacre of Bologna (Central Station, August 2nd 1980, 10:25 A.M.) ("Bologna") comes seen with the eyes of a family of immigrants in Belgium (but of right hand...) and the victory of polytical coalition of Center- Right hand in March 28th 1994 ("Coprofagia") from a neo BR (that it is wanted to admit or no is a militia of Communists). So doing "Liberazione" became a raw reflection on the Italian society of the last half Century without to be political. Musically it is very raw, dusk, not easy but very immediate music com a lot of synth (I I find it also cheerful) with excellent lyrics and a smaller production that excites the meaning of the work.

Summarized: Excellent music and excellent comcept. Even if it is not conventional Prog because stinks of New wave but is 100% very Prog. Surely the concept is brave and not easy to understand if do not is itself Italian or it is not known the Italian story. However at least so it knows a story. That of nation that claims a power that in the centuries, even though divided in regional nations, the Bel Paese still today.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 09:40 EST | Permanent link

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 12:02
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2006 at 16:59
Hi Andrea,
from the Zuffanti's web site:
Do you remember what I've said the last saturday...?Wink 
I'm waiting forward this new release!!!
Meanwhile I've posted a review on Springsong (2002):
HOSTSONATEN Springsong progressive rock album and reviews Italian Symphonic Prog
(Studio Album, 2002)
Avg: 4.17/5
from 6 ratings
HOSTSONATEN — Springsong
Review by Andrea Cortese (Andrea Cortese)
Collaborator Italian Prog Specialist

4 stars Of the many bands and projects where mr. Zuffanti is involved (La Maschera di Cera, Finisterre, Lazona, Merlin Opera Rock ...), Hostsonaten is the most warm, mellow, gentle and melodic one with hints of folk and celtic influence plus sparse touches of jazz. That “celtic-symphonic prog” (I don't know how to call it, otherwise) is what came out better from this recent work.

Springsong is the last studio album released by the band and is based upon a compelling symphonic structure (moog, pianos and mellotron, synth) driven by acoustic instruments as the 12 strings guitar, violin, saxophone, flute, delicate whistles and even bagpipes! Nine instrumental composition, with some sparkling variations and a unique recitative part in “She Sat Writing Letters on the Riverbank”. The general mood of the album is different from the usual italian contemporary prog scene. There is not the purpose to surprise the listener with pompous arrangements or with fast and unespected changes of tempo. The music'structure is somehow similar to the classic band Celeste and its warm and soft wonderful compositions.

The message is clear: to relax the tired symphomaniac and give him the opportunity to reflect on all of his sins, to look to the world through ancient and never-changing natural forces. It would be possible then, for the most lucky of us, to come closer to the mythic embrionic state. This is the difference from Celeste. The symphonic structure is the main vehicle to reach all this with the alliance of the natural themes upon which the concept is based on.

The final track “Toward the Sea” is the longer composition (about 13 minutes), divided in three parts (Blackmountains, 3rd Reprise and Springland). The album's manifesto, for sure. Excellent equilibrium from all the musicians. Stunning!

A wonderful musical experience, not everyone's cup of tea, but possibly one of the most important record of the last years. It would have been an appropriate addition to the Lord of the Rings' soundtrack... wonderful!

Posted Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 16:29 EST | Permanent link


Edited by Andrea Cortese - December 05 2006 at 17:01
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2006 at 07:49
Fabio Zuffanti web site is:
Metamorfosi web site is:
Corrado Rustici (ex Cervello and ex Nova):

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 06 2006 at 13:14
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2006 at 08:53
STATE O' MIND recension:
Even if they did alone a demo in 1999 and their genre is Prog Metal (in vein of classic Italian Prog) I want to do acquaitance to all you an excellent band that operated between Veneto Orientale e Friuli venezia Giulia. You are called STATE O' MIND. Unfortunately the sole things that I found in Internet are relevant to the web site of their singer Ennio Ficiur ( to which be able to write to have info on the demo.
STATE O' MIND line up:
Ennio Ficiur (vocals)
Tommaso Gobbato (guitar)
Carlo Nadalin (guitar)
Iacopo Gobbato (bass)
Enrico Fabris (drums)


"(demo [1999])"


State O' Mind, from san Michele Al Tagliamento (Venezia) were a very promising band. They produced a conventional Power Prog Metal but very interesting, based on very heavy guitars but sweets and on an attitude Prog a la Le Orme, even though with a lot of flus poured from the classic 80's Metal. Carlo Nadalin is really very capable guitaplayer but with the stupid religion (I do not know otherwise to define it) of to leave the band where plays to the moment of the engraving of the album (here this does carried to a sensational disbanded, but with the Raintime an album carved it). Excellent band, excellent demo (but painful mix, even if not to throw). Begin too Metal with "Back To Real Life", excellent Power Metal, even ordinary and little original. Follows "Five Kings" with an excellent vocal test of Ennio Ficiur. Surely "Five Kings" is an excellent Prog Metal a la Stratovarius, Fates Warning, Crimson Glory, Queensryche or Warlord (therefore a lot of 80's) with excellent insertions of acoustic guitar and wild rhytmic, reflective parts and Metal piques. "Madness" is very modern and does not hit immediately. It is necessary, in fact, to wait the refrain and the excellent solo guitar where it is returned to the most pure Prog Metal. And here "Madness" becomes diabolical. It closes this demo "Unnamed", also is written from bassplayer Iacopo gobbato and like to "Madness" like structure shows us the technical value of the band, from excellent drum, guitars and voice of Ennio Ficiur (that imitates well Midnight [Crimson Glory]). nevertheless "Unnamed" is superior, like writing, to "Madness".
Summarized:To the period the State O' Mind received a lot of esteem from the skilled printing. But, for varied motive, did not be able to collect how much point. I had also the luck of to listen to the live in a burning concert at Pubi Pub and i should say that had all the cards in rule to break through. Unfortunately to the destiny ot is not commanded...

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 15 2006 at 04:04
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2006 at 11:35
Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

excellent work, AndreaClap. Once you will finish the web site list, then you should re-group all in an unique big list an fix it at the first page of this thread.
This list is work in progress!!! Eh, eh...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2006 at 17:18
In the next day I will publish an article of reccomendations (with links of reviews, not only mine) that I am getting ready. Long-awaited voucher!
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DallasBryan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2006 at 17:48
I find Celeste's Principe di un Giorno, Luciano Basso's Voci and Picchio dal Pozzo's debut the most interesting 70's albums from Italy.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2006 at 03:42
Originally posted by DallasBryan DallasBryan wrote:

I find Celeste's Principe di un Giorno, Luciano Basso's Voci and Picchio dal Pozzo's debut the most interesting 70's albums from Italy.
I haven't these album but I should say that I had noted that is a gap not to have them in the proper Italian discography!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2006 at 04:37
Proper today I review the attractive one "VACUUM" by THE WATCH.
The THE WATCH site is:
The WatchVacuum CD (album) cover

THE WATCH — Vacuum

Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)


I love Gabriel's Genesis and Fish's Marillion. Therefore hook The Watch that is perfect mix between this two band. Of the Genesis took Gabriel (or from Marillion Fish...), from Genesis the atmospheres, from the Marillion the melodies. And here already I described the album!!! That Roberto Leoni is one of the more technical than drummer I listened to a detail becomes. Then, in order not to say that is a copy of the Genesis in "Shining Bald Heads" introduce in closing a rhythmic solo of keyboards pratically a la Moody Blues (but seem chance) is another detail. Perhaps thje larger lack they are the intro of the songs that send again too, in the attacks of the voice, to Fish and the symphonic part of "Out Of The Land" that, thanks to the voice, is 100% fish's Marillion. But also this is a detail. Said this seems a negative review. Fake nothing more! The The Watch is a lot more sincere of the Marillion with Fish because those imitated (well) while the The Watch come compelled from a singer that I did not understood is is Fish or Peter Gabriel succeeding to produce a music that it is not understood who of two groups cited desire to copy.

Summarized: A lot of groups copy. Some because lacking ideas, other because compelled, other, still, for tribute. In the The Watch is the case of to say that is a winning mix of these everything components. Honestly I find that they be also very personal because their rereading it is very personal and sincere. Certainly they did not be Italian the labels would have extended red carpets simply of to have their favors. But thanks to the Lizard and to the Pick Up is not you rhymed unknown. And if it do not know them and loved the Gabriel's Genesis and Fish's Marillion you should know that The Watch constitute the natural continue.

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Saturday, December 09, 2006, 04:25 EST | Permanent link

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 12:04
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2006 at 06:12
Proper today I review the attractive one "HOSTSONATEN" by HOSTSONATEN.
The HOSTSONATEN site is:
HostsonatenHostsonaten CD (album) cover 

HOSTSONATEN — Hostsonaten

Review by MANDRAKEROOT (Andrea Salvador)


Uhm... Attractive, weird simple and traditional album. However that difficult to put together four words for a review... Also because "Sinfonia Della Luna" is sacrificated to simple intro, "Remember You" (very best Medieval Symphonic Prog) comes after "Hostsonaten" becoming a replenished (sic...) and "The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" is weighing and calculated to surprise since the text is the homonymous poetry of Coleridge. So the review does not be able that to to be based on the long suite "Hostsonaten (42 mins!!!) that is a to succeed itself of Folk Prog, Symphonic Folk, Jazz Prog, POP and who more of it more put. In general it is a lot of Italian Symphonic Prog but has strong returns to the Caravan of "In The Land Of Grey And Pink", to the first PFM (I think about "Storia Di Un Minuto"), to the Moody Blues of "Days Of Future Passed", to the onnipresent Genesis, to the New Trolls of Searching For A Land", to the Delirium of "Dolce Acqua", to the Jethro Tull and to the solo career of Rick Wakeman. "Hostsonaten", thanks also to the sweet acoustic guitars, to the attractive sax, to the flute (fundamental element of Italian Symphonic Prog), to the mellotron and to the relaxed atmospheres seems to last little more of 20 mins!!! It does not surprise me that a musician like Ciro Perrino (ex Celeste, between the other) have had the courage of to publish an album like "Hostsonaten" and in general to support Fabio Zuffanti. That for shortsightedness (but I would say for the eyes covered of ham) of certainly discographycs is compelled to remain unknown to the masses!!!

Summarized: Long life to Fabio Zuffanti, artist that I put in the same plan of Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Le Orme, PFM and New Trolls in order to importance for the Rock Progressivo Italiano. And here I conclude because the words they are superfluous. Good listening!

For always yours, Mandrakeroot.

Posted Saturday, December 09, 2006, 06:10 EST | Permanent link

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 18 2006 at 12:05
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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 09 2006 at 21:52
So many good Zuffanti`s projects, and great thema all...
BTW i reviewed yesterday Poa by Blocco Mentale, i think it`s a great albums from a unknown Italian band, do you like it?

Follow me on twitter @memowakeman
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2006 at 08:37
Originally posted by memowakeman memowakeman wrote:

So many good Zuffanti`s projects, and great thema all...
BTW i reviewed yesterday Poa by Blocco Mentale, i think it`s a great albums from a unknown Italian band, do you like it?
Unfortunately of the Blocco Mentale i haven't nothing. Is another group that I should investigate because is a group of which I have heard a big one well. Surely in January, when here at Pordenone (Italy) there will be the "Fair Of The Disc", I will try to do the mine. At the moment I am seeking Italian Prog Band done not include in PA and, just the team of the Italian Prog again operating, will be to signal for the Inclusion (means PM to the components of the team).

Edited by MANDRAKEROOT - December 12 2006 at 05:32
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bhikkhu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2006 at 09:10
    Wow! I can't believe this the first time I have looked at this thread. Great idea Mandrakeroot. I especially like the listing of all the artist sites in the first post. This will be a very useful reference. Thanks also to Andrea for jumping right in on this. You guys are awesome!

The more Rock Progressivo Italiano I hear, the more I love it (and I loved it quite a bit from the beginning). I now have eleven different bands in my collection.
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avestin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2006 at 09:19
Originally posted by memowakeman memowakeman wrote:

So many good Zuffanti`s projects, and great thema all...
BTW i reviewed yesterday Poa by Blocco Mentale, i think it`s a great albums from a unknown Italian band, do you like it?

Very good album indeed.

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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2006 at 09:37
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

    Wow! I can't believe this the first time I have looked at this thread. Great idea Mandrakeroot. I especially like the listing of all the artist sites in the first post. This will be a very useful reference. Thanks also to Andrea for jumping right in on this. You guys are awesome!

The more Rock Progressivo Italiano I hear, the more I love it (and I loved it quite a bit from the beginning). I now have eleven different bands in my collection.
Thanks for the good words, Bhikkhu!!!
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 12 2006 at 05:27
I have uncovered a very interesting band profit in 70's and from 90's in then. Be is called NUOVA COMPAGNIA DI CANTO POPOLARE ( It produced a FOLK REVIVAL (of the Naples zone) in PROG key. Very interesting above all because the Italian Folk never enjoyed of the right exhibition and therefore bands like NUOVA COMPAGNIA DI CANTO POPOLARE and CANZONIERE DEL LAZIO go supported in order to unblock the situation!
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