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Topic Closed"I like this music" vs. "this music's goo

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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 11:47
Originally posted by surrounded23 surrounded23 wrote:

Objective: i believe that we can use such term in music and i'll explain myself immediately. Let me give an example: 50.000.000 people acclaim that Pink Floyd ARE great.Its a great number thus making their opinion objective.On the contrary,only 200 people say e.g. that IQ are great.That does not make their opinion wrong but by far less objective than the opinion of the people that think the same 'bout Pink Floyd. take a careful look at the albums' evaluations in this particular says that they are based on members' ratings. In some albums youll see this :"warning: only 2 ratings".That means: b careful cause the amount of voters is not representative and of course not that objective..So, anyone can have his personal opinion which is 100% subjective but when many subjective opinions are added they create a strong objective result.That's why you cant easily deny that Led Zeppelin is one of the greatest bands of all time whereas making the same statement about Green Day for example is a bit ridiculous.   

Sorry, but consensus is not a good way to evaluate quality.

We know nothing about the measurements that the 50,000,000 people are using when they give Pink Floyd acclaim - it's only 50,000,000 opinions at the end of the day.

Adding lots of subjective things together does not suddenly make them objective - that's just statistics. As Disraeli famously said... yadda yadda...

The only thing it says about the quality of the music is that it has wide appeal - and appeal isn't something that's easy to measure, although that isn't to say it's impossible.

And I have to dispute that everyone's opinion is 100% subjective - you can make it objective by using facts, so that it becomes a percentage objective.

And there's an old saying - there's no smoke without fire, which is to say that even in a "100% subjective" review, there may be little grains of truth somewhere, dragging it down to only 98%...

Originally posted by Firepuck Firepuck wrote:

"You're all individuals!" - Brian (Life of Brian)

"I'm not!!!" - Man in the crowd (Life of Brian)

..."I can resist everything except temptation..." (Oscar Wilde)

Edited by Certif1ed - November 23 2006 at 11:51
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
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eugene View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 11:56
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

I might have a simplistic approach to this matter, but I honestly believe that when a person saying "I like it" he should mean "It's good" and vice versa, unless this person is utter hypocrite. Any evaluation of piece of art is totally subjective and can't be otherwise, therefore I am always trying to say "it's good IMO" when I like it, and even when omitting "IMO" I definitely mean it. From other hand when I hear somebody stating "Oh, it's soooo good but I don't like a single minute of it" - I conclude that the person is either liar or hasn't got a clue what he is talking about, in a sense that it can't be good for him, unless he likes it.  Same goes to the ridiculous statements such as "I respect this band but hate the music they making". What the hell someone would respect a band for, if he hates what they doing???
Once at an exhibition I saw a woman staring at the painting, and she was seemingly enchanted by what she saw, and was declaring something like "Oh, so great expression and skills..." etc etc etc in very technical details, but when after I asked her if she really liked it, - she said "No, hell no.." LOL It was pure flattery towards artist and blatant hypocrisy from her side.

I disagree ... it's absolutely possible to appreciate and respect some piece of music (or the performers/composers) and not to like it or even to hate it at the same time. Ok, sometimes people saying that they appreciate something are just trying to be polite - but that doesn't make them hypocrites. Unless they give away their true opinion on other occasions ... Wink

But if someone for example says "I don't like growling, but I appreciate what Opeth are doing musically", where's the problem? You can't like everything - but you don't have to despise everything you don't like.Smile
LOLWe've been through it before - you feel free to respect and appreciate anything and hate it or not like it in the same time. Good for you. I can't be like that.
When you are asked to state your opinion about something and you say that you appreciate it just for the sake of being polite - you are very wrong person to ask opinion about anything.
And I agree with the second para above -  no problem with it at all. When asked about Opeth, I say that they can do decent music but growling can ruin everything for me, so this band is not for me really, with exception of their album "Damnation".
And of course you don't have to despise everything you don't like. And we are not taking about this particular aspect here, do weWink
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russellk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 12:47
Music is an organic combination of technical precision (the selection and production of notes, chords, time signatures, timbres etc) and the emotional effect of its performance. The technical precision is not debatable - a bum note is a bum note, an D minor is a D minor - but the emotional effect certainly is!

This is why it is possible to be impressed by music which you don't 'like' (does not stir you emotionally). It is legitimate to write: 'This music is fresh, original and should appeal to lovers of GYBE, but it does nothing for me.'
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 14:06
Originally posted by NotSoKoolAid NotSoKoolAid wrote:

Call me a weirdo, but for me it is easy for me to appreciate something for an artistic quality, even if I don't actually enjoy it and it's not my thing.

The average person would not be able to do that, not to be bragadocious. People look at me strange when I say things like "Well its good, but I don't particularly enjoy it."
Is that what you mean? It's a hopeless case.
 I've had the same reactions... somebody once asked me if I asked a movie, I said I didn't but I also said I thought it was a piece of art and the look in that person's face was a mix of laughter, confusion, bewilderment....
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 15:01
Those statements are fairly interchangable, and carefully worded.
"I like this music" is a simple fact -- it cannot be argued with.
"I think this music is good" is also a simple fact, which can't be argued, because of the inclusion of the "I think." If you had simply said "this music is good, " then that could be argued, as "good" is a relative, subjective concept.
Thus "I believe there is a God" can't be argued, but "there is a God" can.
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Uroboros View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 15:17
Originally posted by Peter Rideout Peter Rideout wrote:

Those statements are fairly interchangable, and carefully worded.
"I like this music" is a simple fact -- it cannot be argued with.
"I think this music is good" is also a simple fact, which can't be argued, because of the inclusion of the "I think." If you had simply said "this music is good, " then that could be argued, as "good" is a relative, subjective concept.
Thus "I believe there is a God" can't be argued, but "there is a God" can.
Yes, objective statements can be argued, but in an imperfect manner.
When something is mainly experienced by subjective means, any attempt to discuss it objectively contains within it the seed of failure. Reason will evetually run out of tools to prove its point. Assuming you have a biased view is a wise thing to do, because only then you have total control on the object of debate. Your view cannot be proven wrong as long as you recognise it as yours.
Otherwise, good point.
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 15:52

I just noticed that the subject line and the (initial) post phrase it differently: in the subject, it's "this music is good," but in your first post it's "I think this music is good."Confused


Those statements are fundamentally different, for the reasons I outlined previously!Stern Smile

The latter is a simple fact about your own thoughts and opinions -- I can't really argue with it. The first (as in the thread's subject), though, is a mere opinion that is expressed as if it were a fact. It can easily be attacked on that basis.
ErmmAs reviewers, I believe we should be careful how we phrase opinions. It should be clear that they are opinions, and that we realize that others may legitimately differ.
"This album was released in 1970" is not an opinion. "This was the best album released in 1970" certainly is an opinion.
Statements with "best, worst, good, bad," etc, in them are almost always opinions. They should not be voiced as if they were facts, or you discredit yourself as an objective, reasonable reviewer, aware that these things are largely a matter of individual taste.
Of course, reviews are largely opinion pieces (that should be understood by the reader at the outset), but they often contain facts, too. I like to make it clear when I am expressing a personal opinion (I'll use phrases like "my taste,' "to me," "for my money," etc.), and when I am presenting a fact.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 16:32
Originally posted by Peter Rideout Peter Rideout wrote:

Those statements are fairly interchangable, and carefully worded.
"I like this music" is a simple fact -- it cannot be argued with.
"I think this music is good" is also a simple fact, which can't be argued, because of the inclusion of the "I think." If you had simply said "this music is good, " then that could be argued, as "good" is a relative, subjective concept.
Thus "I believe there is a God" can't be argued, but "there is a God" can.
VERy good point....
it's also a matter of semantics, is not everything???
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progadicto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 16:39
I always say the same: it's just a matter of taste... Sometimes you LIKE some music/movie/book/etc for reasons beyond technique... maybe sentimental or emotional stuff... whatever... For examle: I think that Dream Theater is GOOD (technically speaking) but the band is not of my taste... See? I think it's just a personal stuff about what you like or don't...
... E N E L B U N K E R...
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andu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 18:18
Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

I am not only not trying to be objective, I state that all this is totally subjective and cannot be otherwise. If I say Fellini is not good to me, same does not make his works any less good for others, but I do not like it and it is no good for me.

When this is the case you must then use LIKE instead of GOOD. "Good for me" is not the best way to un-ambiguously express the fact of liking. This is important also because this thread is about "i like" vs. "it's good". Oh, and it's nothing wrong with being as objective as possibile sometimes.

Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

Your parallels between art appreciation and native roots of a consumer do not hold water. Tarkovskiy is largely known and loved in the West and underappreciated (if not despised) in his own country - he had to leave his country in order to be able to create.  
Cultural heritage and/or native language has very little to do with appreciation of any Art, including Music and Litterature.

You're wrong. Aesthetic experience goes through the cultural patterns that formated you. If it wouldn't be like this westerners could have had orthodox icons and we easterners could have had gothic cathedrals, they could have had byzantine chorals and we could have had Mozart... but this never happened and never would have happened. I can taste and understand slavonic creativity... but I can't perform that way. Of course Tarkovsky is praised in the West... by people who can tell a masterpiece.

Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

I adore Dostoyevskiy and Orwell, Houellebecq and Vonnegut, but can't speak highly about for example Turgenev or Tolstoy, as these two largely very highly acclaimed Great writers IMO are more genius descriptionists rather than thinkers.

You're right but this was wasn't the issue. I didn't quote the names for being the greatest Russian geniuses, i was just giving almost random examples of important Russian artists being known and appreciated in my country. (Still I think Turgenev is one of those geniuses in his "Hunter's Sketches").

Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

As long as you start being "objective" (as per your own descrition above) you will find yourself lying to yourself and the others, which situation I personally would try to avoid under all circumstances.

What you are saying is just primitive dismissal of criticism and denial of any human "urteilskraft" faculty. I don't want to discuss such statements.

Edited by andu - November 23 2006 at 18:20
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eugene View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2006 at 19:04
Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

I am not only not trying to be objective, I state that all this is totally subjective and cannot be otherwise. If I say Fellini is not good to me, same does not make his works any less good for others, but I do not like it and it is no good for me.

When this is the case you must then use LIKE instead of GOOD. "Good for me" is not the best way to un-ambiguously express the fact of liking. This is important also because this thread is about "i like" vs. "it's good". Oh, and it's nothing wrong with being as objective as possibile sometimes.
I think that "good for me" is an OK way to express the fact of liking. And in any case you should not tell your opponent which expression he must or must not use in which cases.
Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

Your parallels between art appreciation and native roots of a consumer do not hold water. Tarkovskiy is largely known and loved in the West and underappreciated (if not despised) in his own country - he had to leave his country in order to be able to create.  
Cultural heritage and/or native language has very little to do with appreciation of any Art, including Music and Litterature.

You're wrong. Aesthetic experience goes through the cultural patterns that formated you. If it wouldn't be like this westerners could have had orthodox icons and we easterners could have had gothic cathedrals, they could have had byzantine chorals and we could have had Mozart... but this never happened and never would have happened. I can taste and understand slavonic creativity... but I can't perform that way. Of course Tarkovsky is praised in the West... by people who can tell a masterpiece.
I like your statement in the beginning of this paragraph - this is the way to start any civilised discussion: "You are wrong!!!". The rest of this paragraph has got nothing to do with what I said. You tried to assume that I prefer Tarkovskiy over Fellini due to my slavonic roots, and this assumption sounds like a complete non-sense to me, which I simply pointed out.

Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

As long as you start being "objective" (as per your own descrition above) you will find yourself lying to yourself and the others, which situation I personally would try to avoid under all circumstances.

What you are saying is just primitive dismissal of criticism and denial of any human "urteilskraft" faculty. I don't want to discuss such statements.
I would be interested to know what critisims here I dismiss so primitively, but as long as you don't want to discuss, you should not have mentionned it in first place.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2006 at 08:49
More ramblings...

It's also worth remembering some of the unique qualities of music - everyone thinks of it as an art, which it is.

However, it's more than that - it's also a means of communication, a language, if you like, with letters (notes) and rules of grammar. Although, to paraphrase what Craig Raine once said, it cannot tell you where your baggage is at an airport.

Like any other language, people understand it on different levels, and those who have a Ph.D from Oxford will be more articulate and be able to understand books or articles that people who have not studied the language to such a degree might struggle with - e.g. "Ulysses" or "Beowulf".

Both educated and non educated get something out of using the language - both in "performance" (speaking) or simply listening, and all perform and listen in different ways.

A poor speaker may have an amazing vocabulary, and be well-versed, but have difficulties in uniting words with thoughts, and express themselves in a manner that is unclear to the general audience.

Similarly, a speaker perceived as good may use soundbites and presentation techniques and express themselves clearly and wittily - yet have absolutely nothing of any value to say.

So it is with music.

Music communicates.

We can be patient, and try very hard to understand the erudite expressions of artists whose work seems impenetrable, or we can settle for something easy on the ear.

But which is better?

I lean towards the more difficult, as I enjoy the challenge - but, if it turns out that a clearly-spoken person is also making some pertinent points, whether educated or not, as well as having an entertaining style, then they deserve credit for making a good speech too.

We could deduce that the ultimate experience would be to hear an erudite and learned person speaking in an entertaining style on an engrossing topic.

But sometimes it's just as enlightening and entertaining listening to an uneducated person talking off the top of their head in the pub.

So the better question to ask isn't whether music is good or bad, or whether or not you like it - those things are immaterial to anyone else who can hold an equal but opposite opinion - but if it communicates something to you, what that is, and how well it does it. In other words, whether it holds value for you or not.

But there are always those to whom a particular piece may not "speak", no matter how much value you may perceive in it.

I hate people like that...
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
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