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Topic: RUSH studio album elimination tournament Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:20 |
I thought this would be fun to try here, I have done similar tourney's on Yes boards with the Yes studio albums (and may do that later if people here get into this), but since I have been on a very strong RUSH kick of late I figured I'd do a Rush one 1st....
Here's how it works:
Choose the album that you like the LEAST from the poll each time. At the end of 3 days I will declare one album eliminated and post a new round with that album missing from the poll. It will continue untill all but one have been eliminated. Friendly debate & ducsussion of choices is encouraged, but let's not get personal.....
If not let the tornament begin!!
Edited by yarstruly - November 17 2006 at 12:13
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:39 |
I cast the 1st vote for Vapor Trails....songs are OK (but far from their best), but the production makes it nearly unlistenable.....I have high hopes for the upcomiong album to bounce back to form!
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:39 |
I actually rather like 'Vapor Trails'- I'm in a majority here on this forum, it seems, but it's so much better than the clinical blandness of their late 80s and early 90s period. It really rocks!
My least favourite is probably 'Hold Your Fire'. I can hardly remember much about that one, and it doesn't sound much like Rush to me- too many 80s synths- although 'Presto' and 'Caress Of Steel', maybe the debut too, runs it close for least fave.
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:42 |
Not many Rush albums I don't like but I will cast my first vote for Presto.
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:44 |
Moving Pictures - first to go, por favor.  By the way, game (just for fun, I mean) sense, anyone?
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:47 |
I don't really like Presto.
Bastille Dude
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:51 |
Roll the bones, but over the years since its release, I've learned to accept it.
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:56 |
I voted for the debut. Without Peart, it's simply not Rush to me.
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 09:59 |
I have listened to Vapor Trails just once so far, but it was really a nightmarish experience  So it gets my vote.
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 10:03 |
TheProgtologist wrote:
Not many Rush albums I don't like but I will cast my first vote for Presto. |
The point is not that you DON'T LIKE an album at all (I like every Rush album, even VT), just that you like it less than the others remaining on the list.....It will get agonizing for some in late rounds!
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 11:33 |
Psalm 96
1 Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth.
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 11:45 |
Permanent Waves is my least favourite, followed by Presto. I still don't understand how people can label PW as a masterpiece...
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 12:00 |
Philéas wrote:
Permanent Waves is my least favourite, followed by Presto. I still don't understand how people can label PW as a masterpiece... |
lol....its one of my top 5! But all opinions are welcome! I think its because its the album that made me aware of Rush...Spirit of Radio was the 1st Rush song I'd heard and still one of my me that's what Rush is "SUPPOSED" to sound like....(not that they cant have different sounds, but 2112-MP is quintessential Rush to me....)
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 12:07 |
I must say, so far the voting is going the way I expected it to. That 1988-91 phase was the nadir of Rush imho, and for many others it seems too.
No votes for 'Test For Echo' surprisingly though. This was the only Rush album I've never owned- I've read some negative stuff about it, so I never got round to it. However, I like the albums before and after it, so maybe I it any good?
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 12:12 |
I love TFE! Yes it is very good!
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 12:29 |
yarstruly wrote:
I love TFE! Yes it is very good! |
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 12:38 |
I only know two Rush albums... I guess I'm disqualified from voting...
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 12:48 |
inpraiseoffolly wrote:
I only know two Rush albums... I guess I'm disqualified from voting... |
Not Nescessarily, but it would be difficult to make an informed decision 
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el böthy
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 13:19 |
For me Rush made some good albums (2112 - PW), one masterpiece (Moving Pictures)...and a lot of crap I mean, from the ones I have I must vote for Counterpoint (and I must say, if albums like Vapor Trails, Hold your fire and Presto are worst...uhhh  )...God, Counterparts might as well be the prog album I like the least
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Posted: November 17 2006 at 13:44 |
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