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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 20:54
Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

I haven't heard any Xaal either... but of three reviewers, only Yukorin mentiones Zeuhl as an influence - Hugues and Cesar don't. Worth investigating...
Xaal are zeuhl personified
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:00
Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

Oh, and what other bands did you have in mind?
The biggest glaring holes would be Eider Stellaire, Vortex, and Pataphonie. No slight to you avers as I know you are working your bollocks off on this site. I would also swap Ruins with Happy Family
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:01
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

I haven't heard any Xaal either... but of three reviewers, only Yukorin mentiones Zeuhl as an influence - Hugues and Cesar don't. Worth investigating...
Xaal are zeuhl personified
I hate to disagree with you, but.... I am now listening to their 1st album. The bass is terrific and indeed zeuhl in nature, but the rest of the music doesn't have too many resemblance to other zeuhl I've heard. Not nearly as theatric, no operatic vocals (although it is not  a problem as can be seen on other zeuhl bands), there are those free-form tracks that are more compatible with RIO/Avant, and Xenophee is like a jam track.
Great album by the way!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:06
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

Oh, and what other bands did you have in mind?
The biggest glaring holes would be Eider Stellaire, Vortex, and Pataphonie. No slight to you avers as I know you are working your bollocks off on this site. I would also swap Ruins with Happy Family

How do you mean "swapping" them? They are both in Zeuhl right now.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:10
XAAL is definitely part of the Zeuhl movement, and adds to this basic ingredient a touch of Progressive jazz-rock, psychedelic and new musics. This French trio (Guitar, bass & drums) started their career with a great album "En Chemin", recorded in 1991. The roaring bass proves to be worthy of Jannick TOP's, while the Christian VANDER-like drums answer point by point to Jad AYACHE's energetic guitar. This complex music can be defined as the crossing between PRESENT, KING CRIMSON's "Red" and MAGMA. For their second and last album "Seconde Ere" (1993), this line-up has reached the peak of a KING CRIMSON-meets-Zeuhl style ! By integrating Robert FRIPP's dissonance and saturated guitar solos with Kobaian's hypnotic rhythms, the band manages to get to the peak of power and violence. A breathtaking music !
XAAL se place résolument dans le courant Zeuhl, tout en adjoignant à l'ingrédient de base une bonne dose de jazz-rock Progressif, de psychédélique et de musiques nouvelles. Ce trio français (Guitare, basse & batterie) débute sa carrière par un remarquable "En Chemin", enregistré en 1991. La basse grondante se révèle digne des travaux de Jannick TOP, alors que le drumming vanderien répond du tac-au-tac à la guitare éruptive de Jad AYACHE. Cette musique complexe peut être située à la confluence de PRESENT, le KING CRIMSON de "Red" et MAGMA. Pour son second et ultime album "Seconde Ere" (1993), la formation a atteint la quintessence de l'art crimsono-zeuhlien ! En intégrant les cycles dissonnants ainsi que les soli de guitare saturées et torturés de Robert FRIPP aux rythmiques hypnotiques et telluriques de la Zeuhl music, le groupe parvient au paroxysme de la puissance et de la violence. Une musique à couper le souffle !
avers, the band themselves say they are zeuhl. Everywhere lists them as such
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avestin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:12
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

Oh, and what other bands did you have in mind?
The biggest glaring holes would be Eider Stellaire, Vortex, and Pataphonie. No slight to you avers as I know you are working your bollocks off on this site. I would also swap Ruins with Happy Family
Funny, I just told the team today those are the exact bands I want to focus on right now, as they are the glaring omissions here. And Verto as well.
Oh and guess what? Again I was told the Pataphonie was out of stock...Angry
I am now looking for material on Eider Stellaire's addition. But not much has come up.
So this is an open call for all:
Anyone who has info on the following bands:
Eider Stellaire
I would appreciate it if you can post it here or PM me and you will receive proper mention in the credits of the bio.
Thank you
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:16
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:18
Originally posted by avestin
<DIV>So this is an open call for all:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Anyone who has info on the following bands:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Eider Stellaire</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I would appreciate it if you can post it here or PM me and you will receive proper mention in the credits of the bio. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Thank you </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>[/QUOTE avestin
So this is an open call for all:
Anyone who has info on the following bands:
Eider Stellaire
I would appreciate it if you can post it here or PM me and you will receive proper mention in the credits of the bio.
Thank you
[/QUOTE wrote:

Will do avers!
Will do avers!
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listennow801 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:19
Listening to Univeria Zekt right now - any Magma fans heard it/have any comments?

Univeria Zekt - The Unnamables

A Magma album in disguise, The Unnamables was designed to ease listeners into the musical world of Magma. Recorded by essentially the same lineup as on 1001 Centigrades, the album basically reiterates the stylistic development shown through Magma's first two albums, while abandoning the science fiction concept of the Kobaian story. Three tracks from Lasry and one from Cahen on the first half of the album approximate the accessibility of the more well-known jazz-rock of the time. Vander's pieces on the second half of the album, however, begin to explore similar musical ground to that found on 1001 Centigrades. There is nothing here that is unique in the development of Magma's sound or style, but The Unnamables does contain some worthwhile and engaging music from the first phase of Magma's existence.

Ratings of Lady Gnosis:
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avestin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:24
I looked at those links and I focused upon the GEPR entry.
I do not deny their ties to zeuhl, I can even hear them, but they are not, to me, the dominant trait there. But I do need to listen to it again (and again and again).
from GEPR:
French instrumental fusion band with a strong link to the Magma sound, but occasionally reminding of Shylock, Crimson, and other bands on the euro- fusion-funk axis. They are a three piece (4 Piece on the first album) of guitars, bass and drums, with some guesting by Magma's recent horn section. The first album has five long tracks that tend to ramble in self indulgence a little (hey, what's wrong with that?), while the second has a much more assertive sound, with very strong rhythms, ripping guitar, mid-length tracks, and a more directed melodic approach. Outstanding.
Sort of mild progressive fusion in the style of Crimson's Red or Lark's Tongues. On the Way is all instrumental and I usually wished they would open up a little more and lose control. Their sound has a kind of sameness that wears thin after 60 minutes
Xaal are a French band who play a brand of progressive rock verging on fusion, that compares well with contemporaries Minimum Vital, Edhels, and the like. The music on On the Way is all-instrumental, and, perhaps a bit more guitar-dominant than the two bands named. The core line-up does not include a keyboardist, but a guest player is listed, along with a couple of others who make occasional trumpet and sax contributions. The performance is pretty good and energetic, and, if you enjoy the "French instrumental progressive' sound, this should be a worthwhile disc.
Excellent French fusion trio consisting of drums, bass, and guitar/guitar synth. On the Way in a conceptual instrumental album that brings to mind French fusion bands such as Zao and Weidorje, and perhaps a bit of Brand X. Songs range from four to eleven minutes in length and serve as showcases for some tight interplay between these guys. I've had the CD only a short time but I have grown to like it a great deal. Excellent and recommended progressive fusion from the current progressive scene.
On the Way forges ahead into the French "zeuhl" music. Based largely on pioneers such as Magma and Univers Zero, Xaal's music has the rhythmic proficiency of both the aforementioned bands, and even some horn guest spots from former Magma-ites. But rather than re-live old glories, Xaal takes the sound into new directions. Their melodies are based around a heavy, riffing guitar and occasional keyboard backdrops. Occasionally they remind me of Voivod! Led by busy drumming and an active bass, the music contains the weirdness, inconsistencies, and drive that early Magma had, without the repetition that turns many people off that band. The creative level here is something right out of the seventies and hopefully this will inspire other nineties prog bands to become more self-indulgent. This was, IMHO, one of the strongest new releases in 1992. Highly recommended
For the first ten listenings I couldn't decide how much I liked On the Way, but after another ten, it promised to become one of my favourites. This album has more of a spark of creative originality than Änglagård, although it's less immediately impressive. It's all instrumental (except for one mad groan), and fairly sparse-sounding because there are few keyboards. It has more variation than Änglagård, and has that certain quality which I can't really describe, which makes an album suitable for continual repeated listening without getting boring.
French band whose debut was more than welcome for exhausted classic prog sound after Time finally overcame senseless, vacuous and no doubt submissive Eighties. Ambitious mix of classic French prog, zeuhl and fusion has proven solid and substantial despite not the best sound-cloth. Esp. guitar was constantly wheezing. Melodies and arrangements are effective and are able to echo in one's mind for quite a time. Interesting enough, I traced some atmospheres which was to find in 1997, on Voivod's Phobos, with only slightly different effect. I also traced a riff similar of Ozzy era Black Sabbath, too well-known to me (after having chance to hear plenty of their copycats) to please me. Anyhow, sufficiently efficient and much better than Änglagård whose debut provided me another disappointing revelation. Seconde Ere is tighter. Production is far better than on debut. Guitar of Jad Ayache is powerful and loud, bass is throbbing somewhere near while drums push altogether in a very decisive way. Band managed to maintain all their characteristics. One is to hear instrumentally full-grown mix of Present, Magma, King Crimson, VDGG and bands' unusual talent for making haunting melodies and rich themes which summon reminiscences of ancient times (era Aries and beyond), but which can not abandon tense atmospheres. As on En Chemin, a trumpet and two saxes are beside. Trumpet and alto sax can be heard on excellent "Rah", while soprano sax veawes additional melodies on strongly middle-Eastern inspired 10+' "Al Abad". Overall, while quite Present-ish, they remind me of Tiemko's L'Ocean a bit. Musea had cut prices on both mentioned releases (from the previous sentence), and if you're interested, don't dither to grab 'em both. Quite good and quite recommended. -- Nenad Kobal
So yes, of course Magma is there as an influence. I just got the impression it is not the only influence and not the strongest.
I hope you understand what I mean.
More thoughts? I am willing to listen and learn more. Maybe I am missing something.
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avestin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:29
Originally posted by listennow801 listennow801 wrote:

Listening to Univeria Zekt right now - any Magma fans heard it/have any comments?

Univeria Zekt - The Unnamables

A Magma album in disguise, The Unnamables was designed to ease listeners into the musical world of Magma. Recorded by essentially the same lineup as on 1001 Centigrades, the album basically reiterates the stylistic development shown through Magma's first two albums, while abandoning the science fiction concept of the Kobaian story. Three tracks from Lasry and one from Cahen on the first half of the album approximate the accessibility of the more well-known jazz-rock of the time. Vander's pieces on the second half of the album, however, begin to explore similar musical ground to that found on 1001 Centigrades. There is nothing here that is unique in the development of Magma's sound or style, but The Unnamables does contain some worthwhile and engaging music from the first phase of Magma's existence.
Everyday I learn something new.
I did not knwo it was a Magma in disguise. I just thought it was Magma related (some Magma members in it and not Magma itself).
Thanks for the rec's.
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:42
Originally posted by listennow801 listennow801 wrote:

Listening to Univeria Zekt right now - any Magma fans heard it/have any comments?
Univeria Zekt - The Unnamables
Fabulous album C. I paid a small fortune for this on wax a few years back but glad I did as textured sleeves turn me on. Very soulful and featuring friends Zabu (avoid his LP) and Ergo Sum amongst others. A world away from MDK
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2006 at 21:45
Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

How do you mean "swapping" them? They are both in Zeuhl right now.
Yes you are quite right Joren. My mistake. I would stick Ruins in Avant and ship Xaal in
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Faaip_De_Oiad View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2006 at 01:50
Thanks for the Birthday things everyone !!

And yeah, Xaal could easily fit in Zeuhl i think

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2006 at 06:56
It has come to my attention that the Xaal I listened to was not represntative of their sound, so I will listen to their album later on this week to have a better idea.
Thanks to Yuko for clearing that up.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2006 at 07:20

I really hope you enjoy them avers!

Truly a great and mysterious French band.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2006 at 08:10
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

How do you mean "swapping" them? They are both in Zeuhl right now.
Yes you are quite right Joren. My mistake. I would stick Ruins in Avant and ship Xaal in

Judging by Symphonica alone, they are Zeuhl to me (very close to Koenjihyakkei)... but I've heard that their other records are a lot different.

Edited by Joren - November 07 2006 at 08:22
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2006 at 08:11
Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

I did not knwo it was a Magma in disguise. I just thought it was Magma related (some Magma members in it and not Magma itself).

If only you had read the bio I have written... Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 08 2006 at 04:41


Augusto Ferrari
Maurizio Tomasoni
(soprano sax, flute, clarin)
Giangi Frugoni
(guitars, bass)

No good info of this italian band at all (in english). The Sound of OHM text has got some misleading info. I hear no Canterburysound, just dark avantprog/RIO, with interesting use of tapes/loops. The Faust association makes sense though.Their 1980 debut, is to me a four and a half-five star experimental album right up there with the best french Avantprog/Zeuhl releases of the late seventies/early eighties. Should interest everyone following this thread, and the band belongs in the archives (I can help, If anyone's interested in checking them out) I also have their very good New Wave second album called The Last Album.

Art Fleury started their career in 1976 under the name of A.M.G. playng some nice live act supporting band like Henry Cow, Stormy Six, Maad and those 'late Canterbury style' bands under l’Orchestra label (they performed also on famous Parco Lambro concert in 1976). In 1978 they changed name in Art Fleury, in 1980 their first album went out on a record market, conceived as soundtrack for an imaginary movie. This album has surely to be considered one of the most important italian experimental album of the 80s, a truly unique listening experience and a few Canterbury inspired work produced in Italy. ). Some RIO influence, along with some new wave, electronic and dub elements and loop/tapework that make them sound quite current; in 1981 they created their own private label (No Sense records) but their later works, since interesting, are more new-wave oriented. Sound of OHM

Starting their career in the late 70's italian new wave movement, Art Fleury from Brescia can now be considered much closer to some avantgarde groups of the progressive era than anything else released in Italy in 1980. Their first album,
I luoghi del potere can easily be compared to early Faust.

Edited by Rocktopus - November 08 2006 at 04:45
Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 08 2006 at 05:38
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

Help a brother out Roxy ? ! There's a TDK heading your way on an SAS business ticket. Probably drunk on Champagne and tryin' to drag a cute stewardess into the bathroom for all I know...

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