Damen wrote:
stonebeard wrote:
I used to do that...before I got frustrated at all the cheating on Halo 2 and impaled my copy with a knife and lit it on fire. If you ask me, it had it coming.  |
All copies should have the same fate, play Timesplitters: Future Perfect instead and throw out all X-Boxes, they are the spawn of the devil. |
>:0 spawn of the devil!!? I love my xbox... I had a ps2... but it decided to break, my xbox hasnt, after the times ive taken it apart for no reason, spilled things on or near it, cut stuff out of the frame, glued things to it, etc.... Nope, nope, but the Ps2 on the otherhand... well... it broke all on its own... damn disc drive just got worse and worse and then stopped working. Therefore, ps2 = smelly pile of poo, xbox = king of all consoles that ever were. Hell, I loved my Ps2 because I could play GTA: SanAndreas on it, and when the damn thing broke, I bought the copy of it for xbox (in the GTA trilogy set), and I could listen to my own music! Wooo! 'Roundabout' sounds so much better when youre shooting people, flying off of cliffs, etc.
On Ps2... Id probably still be waiting for my slowly deteriorating disc drive to load the damn game.
Xbox is just a great console... I know a lot of ps2 owners who constantly badmouth it, and I dont know why, apparently neither do they since they never seem to come up with a good reason as the why 'xbox sucks'. Ah... so many fond memories of big 'halo fests' with around 8-10 friends blasting the hell out of eachother... halo2...ehh... not so good..
well... im done...