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Poll Question: Steve Howe v.s Steve Hackett
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Proglover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 15:23

.....and far as the way YES "behaves" on stage....lets get things straight.....

You are criticizing YES for being showmen?????????????

You are criticizing Yes for being performers and entertainers??????????

I think you should reexamine the criteria in which you use to criticize bands..........that is the most ridiculous and outlandish thing I have heard in a while.

Since you "know" so much about Genesis lets talk about their beginnings. And before I begin this story don't you DARE, call me a liar, because this is coming straight from the horses' mouth.....Genesis became a band in the first place because NO ONE wanted to play the music they were writing. Genesis did not start out as a band, Genesis (mostly Tony Banks) began writing music for OTHER people to play, and like I said the reason they became a band was to start performing the music that the people who they were writing for didn't want.

Tony Banks and most of Genesis never wanted to be performers.... they didn't see themselves as being performers. They were somewhat forced to. So of course they are going to behave on stage in a different manner than YES. Why are you bad mouthing YES for being performers and showmen????????............ like I said its ridiculous.

But first of all, how the two bands act on stage has nothing to do with their music, or what the hell are you talking about. Like I said in the past post which you were too cowardly to respond to.... we are not comparing the bands, we are only comparing HOWE AND HACKETT.

AND HERE IS A REVOLUTIONARY THOUGHT!!!!!!..................perhaps YES genuinely feels the music, perhaps YES are moved by the music and it resurrects itself in the fashion of what you so inaccurately refer to as trying to be leaders. And as far as Rick Wakeman is concerned.....yes he wears capes.....OH MY GOD WHAT A SIN, HE SHOULD GO TO HELL FOR WEARING A CAPE............but look at how he plays...........Wakeman is NOT a flashy player at all.....HE SIMPLY PLAYS!! He doesn't move alot, he barely shows any facial expressions, most times he has his eyes closed...............HE JUST WEARS A CAPE........someone shoot him for wearing a cape. he's trying to be the leader...SHOOT HIM!!!................Give me a break Ivan.

SOMEONE SHOOT CHRIS SQUIRE FOR JUMPING AROUND THE STAGE.....god forbid he get excited about the music he's playing.......god knows he's played it hundreds of times. And please crucify HOWE for showing facial expressions....these YES guys are losers.....they should stand still like Genesis. Because Genesis is the only true way for a band to behave......once again, give me a break Ivan. You're being silly.

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 15:29
Originally posted by Proglover Proglover wrote:

Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Proglover I won't honour your last post full of insults with a reply.

Just for the record, I have quoted each and every word from your posts and answered individually each parragraph and statement, something you can do when yopu have arguments, answering at the end with a couple of phrases is easy, so I never twisted your words, quoted and answered each and every one invidually.

When you learn to debate with intelligent arguments and without cheap insults, respecting everybody's opinions,  come back.

Just remember that the offence is the last resource when someone doesn't have an argument.


No I disagree, there were moments where you did imply things in my comments that simply were not once again, honored member or not, do not act innocent. And to my way of things YOU were the one who began the rude comments. So what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you dont like cheap shots dont take cheap shots at me. Quite frankly I found YOUR post to be offensive to me.

And as far as respecting people's opinion....I can not respect opinions that are based in FALLACY.

There's no fallacy in art because it's not an exact science, one man's trash is other man's treasure.

I'm not an honored member, I said I wouldn't honour your insults with a reply.

I'm not the owner of the truth neither are you, the difference is that I don't call you stupid or ignorant, I never wrote personal attacks against you or against any person who believes Howe is a better guitar player.

The posts are there for everybody to read and find who started with personal insults and who never insulted the other part, just read them.

I quoted each and every parragraph you wrote, giving my arguments in each and every one, I never added a coma, just copied your COMPLETE posts.

At the end of your post you write a poetic phrase praising Howe's abbilities comparing him with a painter and then you claim you're not talking as a fan.

Your arguments are as valid as mine, and at least 50% of the members of this place  like Hackett's  style more than Howe's.



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Bt-Tor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 15:43
Although I find that they both tend to be rather stiff on the electric, Hackett's acoustic work is more atmospheric and moody. I do like Howe, his slide work on 'Soon' is beautiful, however I find that he is usually lacking in feel and emotion. He does a lot of quick, stiff shredding which doesn;t sound so graceful while Hackett tends to be a bit more into atmosphere and textures. Also Hackett's solo career has been more successful. Hackett it is. 
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 16:18
Originally posted by Proglover Proglover wrote:

.....and far as the way YES "behaves" on stage....lets get things straight.....

You are criticizing YES for being showmen?????????????

NO, I only described the way they act on stage, which is different from Genesis approach to stage acts.

You are criticizing Yes for being performers and entertainers??????????

Again NO, I was only comparing two different styles.

I think you should reexamine the criteria in which you use to criticize bands..........that is the most ridiculous and outlandish thing I have heard in a while.

I would agree with you if I was making a critic, I never made acritic even said this style worked for Yes, comparing is not criticizing PLEASE!!!!!

Since you "know" so much about Genesis lets talk about their beginnings. And before I begin this story don't you DARE, call me a liar, because this is coming straight from the horses'  mouth.....

Please ask that to the ones that call other liars, I NEVER CALLED ANYBODY LIAR, AS A FACT I NEVER WROTE THE WORD LIAR!!!!

BTW: Yes I know pretty much about early Genesis, because it's my favorite band.

Genesis became a band in the first place because NO ONE wanted to play the music they were writing. Genesis did not start out as a band, Genesis (mostly Tony Banks) began writing music for OTHER people to play, and like I said the reason they became a band was to start performing the music that the people who they were writing for didn't want.

Seems you are mistaken,

  • Genesis started as a band since they were 17 years old at Charterhouse School, please before you write something, check it you can read the quotes a few lines bellow.
  • Genesis members formed the band AT SCHOOL they never wrote music for other people.
  • Tony Banks and Peter Gabriel started as members of a band called The Garden Wall while Mike Rutherford and Anthony Phillips started playing in a band called The Anon, when all of them  were 15 except Anthoony Phillips who was 14.

Quote The group had its roots in the Garden Wall, a band founded by 15 year olds Peter Gabriel and Tony Banks in 1965 at Charterhouse School in Godalming, Surrey, where fellow students Michael Rutherford and Anthony Phillips were members of another group called Anon. The two groups initially merged out of expediency as the older members of each graduated; Gabriel, Banks, Rutherford, Phillips, and drummer Chris Stewart soon joined together as the New Anon, and recorded a six-song demo featuring songs primarily written by Rutherford and Phillips. 

  • So they were creating and performing their own music SINCE 1965 when they were 15 years old, they never wrote music for anybody except for them  (The Anon, The Garden Wall, The New Anon and Genesis, bands in which they performed frm the start of their careers=).
  • Before Genesis members left school, they asked an older ex student from their school nemed Jonathan King to produce THE MUSIC THEY WROTE AND PLAYED.

Quote The Charterhouse connection worked in their favor when ex-student, recording artist, and producer Jonathan King heard the tape and arranged for the group to continue working in the studio, developing their sound. It was also King who renamed the band Genesis. In December of 1967 the group had its first formal recording sessions. Their debut single, "The Silent Sun," was released in February of 1968 without attracting much notice from the public. A second single, "A Winter's Tale," followed just about the time that Chris Stewart quit -- his replacement, John Silver, joined just in time to participate in the group's first LP sessions that summer. King later added orchestral accompaniment to the band's tracks, in order to make them sound even more like the Moody Blues, and the resulting album, entitled From Genesis to Revelation, was released in March of 1969. 

  • As you can see, Genesis was formed WHEN THEY WERE 16 AND 17 YEARS OLD, they never had time to write music for others, they were at school for God's sake and they already were performers.
  • Won't call you liar, but I assure you all your information is wrong

Tony Banks and most of Genesis never wanted to be performers....

Tony Banks as I said before was already a performer at the age of 15 in a band called The Garden Wall with Peter Gabriel, they made the music and they played it. Tony was Genesis keyboardist since he was 17 and the band formed.

Probably you're mistaken with Anthony Phillips, who left Genesis because he had stage panic, but Genesis was born as a band with members who were performing on two bands previously mentioned.

they didn't see themselves as being performers. They were somewhat forced to. So of course they are going to behave on stage in a different manner than YES.

I don't know where you get your information, but every source repeats what I wrote, and the evidence is clear, they always were performers, when otherkids were playing soccer, they were already performing and writting music.

 Why are you bad mouthing YES for being performers and showmen????????............ like I said its ridiculous.

Again, I'm just making a comparison about two different styles and approachs to music, not criticizing their styles, if you consider that calling Yes members virtuosos is an insult, I can't understand your poisition.

But first of all, how the two bands act on stage has nothing to do with their music, or what the hell are you talking about. Like I said in the past post which you were too cowardly to respond to.... we are not comparing the bands, we are only comparing HOWE AND HACKETT.

In first place I'm never afraid to answer a post, so don't start calling me a coward, I have proved that with almost 3,000 posts that I always answer what I'm asked, and normally I have enough evidence to support my arguments..

And yes, I believe it's pertinent to compare the ttwo bands styles because that style is the source where their members acquiredtheir styles

AND HERE IS A REVOLUTIONARY THOUGHT!!!!!!..................perhaps YES genuinely feels the music, perhaps YES are moved by the music and it resurrects itself in the fashion of what you so inaccurately refer to as trying to be leaders. And as far as Rick Wakeman is concerned.....yes he wears capes.....OH MY GOD WHAT A SIN, HE SHOULD GO TO HELL FOR WEARING A CAPE............but look at how he plays...........Wakeman is NOT a flashy player at all.....HE SIMPLY PLAYS!! He doesn't move alot, he barely shows any facial expressions, most times he has his eyes closed...............HE JUST WEARS A CAPE........someone shoot him for wearing a cape. he's trying to be the leader...SHOOT HIM!!!................Give me a break Ivan.

I was just pointing he wears a cape and likes attention, comparing him with Tony Banks style who hides behind his keyboard, to be honest I believe Wakeman is more technically skilled than Banks, read all my reviews about Wakeman albums, and you'll find that the ones I reviewed have been rated with 4 or 5 stars.

SOMEONE SHOOT CHRIS SQUIRE FOR JUMPING AROUND THE STAGE.....god forbid he get excited about the music he's playing.......god knows he's played it hundreds of times. And please crucify HOWE for showing facial expressions....these YES guys are losers.....they should stand still like Genesis. Because Genesis is the only true way for a band to behave......once again, give me a break Ivan. You're being silly.

For God's sake, READ MY POSTS, I'm just describing their styles, and I clearly said that it works for them, can anyone of you understand what do we write??????????

It's useless, you will understand what you want to understand, I never said Yes were a bad band or anything similar, I just described my perspective about their style, never used an adjective to qualify them.


Edited by ivan_2068
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ProgPartin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 16:18
Hackett or Howe, hard choice. Howe has, I feel, more techincal abilities than Hackett, but Hackett's melodies are some of the best I have ever listen to. Both are fantastic players and have done a great deal for Prog. I did go with Hackett but still hard choice. Tomorrow I will wish I had picked Howe.
Last thought, I thinks David Gilmour would have fit nicley in this poll. His style and play are of course so close to Howe and Hackett.
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Philippa James View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 16:50
First off thank you to both Proglover and Iván for a very entertaining and illuminating discussion. Both of you make very valid points but I believe this discussion can only BE a discussion. It can't produce a definitive answer as it really does come down to personal taste. I'm lucky enough to have seen Howe three times, Hackett just the once. Howe wins it for me on everything, technical ability, emotion, versatility. BUT Hackett is superb, and his work in Genesis is amazing, just wish I had a chance to see Genesis in their prime.
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Proglover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 17:10
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by Proglover Proglover wrote:

.....and far as the way YES "behaves" on stage....lets get things straight.....

You are criticizing YES for being showmen?????????????

NO, I only described the way they act on stage, which is different from Genesis approach to stage acts.

You are criticizing Yes for being performers and entertainers??????????

Again NO, I was only comparing two different styles.

I think you should reexamine the criteria in which you use to criticize bands..........that is the most ridiculous and outlandish thing I have heard in a while.

I would agree with you if I was making a critic, I never made acritic even said this style worked for Yes, comparing is not criticizing PLEASE!!!!!

Since you "know" so much about Genesis lets talk about their beginnings. And before I begin this story don't you DARE, call me a liar, because this is coming straight from the horses'  mouth.....

Please ask that to the ones that call other liars, I NEVER CALLED ANYBODY LIAR, AS A FACT I NEVER WROTE THE WORD LIAR!!!!

BTW: Yes I know pretty much about early Genesis, because it's my favorite band.

Genesis became a band in the first place because NO ONE wanted to play the music they were writing. Genesis did not start out as a band, Genesis (mostly Tony Banks) began writing music for OTHER people to play, and like I said the reason they became a band was to start performing the music that the people who they were writing for didn't want.

Seems you are mistaken,

  • Genesis started as a band since they were 17 years old at Charterhouse School, please before you write something, check it you can read the quotes a few lines bellow.
  • Genesis members formed the band AT SCHOOL they never wrote music for other people.
  • Tony Banks and Peter Gabriel started as members of a band called The Garden Wall while Mike Rutherford and Anthony Phillips started playing in a band called The Anon, when all of them  were 15 except Anthoony Phillips who was 14.

Quote The group had its roots in the Garden Wall, a band founded by 15 year olds Peter Gabriel and Tony Banks in 1965 at Charterhouse School in Godalming, Surrey, where fellow students Michael Rutherford and Anthony Phillips were members of another group called Anon. The two groups initially merged out of expediency as the older members of each graduated; Gabriel, Banks, Rutherford, Phillips, and drummer Chris Stewart soon joined together as the New Anon, and recorded a six-song demo featuring songs primarily written by Rutherford and Phillips. 

  • So they were creating and performing their own music SINCE 1965 when they were 15 years old, they never wrote music for anybody except for them  (The Anon, The Garden Wall, The New Anon and Genesis, bands in which they performed frm the start of their careers=).
  • Before Genesis members left school, they asked an older ex student from their school nemed Jonathan King to produce THE MUSIC THEY WROTE AND PLAYED.

Quote The Charterhouse connection worked in their favor when ex-student, recording artist, and producer Jonathan King heard the tape and arranged for the group to continue working in the studio, developing their sound. It was also King who renamed the band Genesis. In December of 1967 the group had its first formal recording sessions. Their debut single, "The Silent Sun," was released in February of 1968 without attracting much notice from the public. A second single, "A Winter's Tale," followed just about the time that Chris Stewart quit -- his replacement, John Silver, joined just in time to participate in the group's first LP sessions that summer. King later added orchestral accompaniment to the band's tracks, in order to make them sound even more like the Moody Blues, and the resulting album, entitled From Genesis to Revelation, was released in March of 1969. 

  • As you can see, Genesis was formed WHEN THEY WERE 16 AND 17 YEARS OLD, they never had time to write music for others, they were at school for God's sake and they already were performers.
  • Won't call you liar, but I assure you all your information is wrong

Tony Banks and most of Genesis never wanted to be performers....

Tony Banks as I said before was already a performer at the age of 15 in a band called The Garden Wall with Peter Gabriel, they made the music and they played it. Tony was Genesis keyboardist since he was 17 and the band formed.

Probably you're mistaken with Anthony Phillips, who left Genesis because he had stage panic, but Genesis was born as a band with members who were performing on two bands previously mentioned.

they didn't see themselves as being performers. They were somewhat forced to. So of course they are going to behave on stage in a different manner than YES.

I don't know where you get your information, but every source repeats what I wrote, and the evidence is clear, they always were performers, when otherkids were playing soccer, they were already performing and writting music.

 Why are you bad mouthing YES for being performers and showmen????????............ like I said its ridiculous.

Again, I'm just making a comparison about two different styles and approachs to music, not criticizing their styles, if you consider that calling Yes members virtuosos is an insult, I can't understand your poisition.

But first of all, how the two bands act on stage has nothing to do with their music, or what the hell are you talking about. Like I said in the past post which you were too cowardly to respond to.... we are not comparing the bands, we are only comparing HOWE AND HACKETT.

In first place I'm never afraid to answer a post, so don't start calling me a coward, I have proved that with almost 3,000 posts that I always answer what I'm asked, and normally I have enough evidence to support my arguments..

And yes, I believe it's pertinent to compare the ttwo bands styles because that style is the source where their members acquiredtheir styles

AND HERE IS A REVOLUTIONARY THOUGHT!!!!!!..................perhaps YES genuinely feels the music, perhaps YES are moved by the music and it resurrects itself in the fashion of what you so inaccurately refer to as trying to be leaders. And as far as Rick Wakeman is concerned.....yes he wears capes.....OH MY GOD WHAT A SIN, HE SHOULD GO TO HELL FOR WEARING A CAPE............but look at how he plays...........Wakeman is NOT a flashy player at all.....HE SIMPLY PLAYS!! He doesn't move alot, he barely shows any facial expressions, most times he has his eyes closed...............HE JUST WEARS A CAPE........someone shoot him for wearing a cape. he's trying to be the leader...SHOOT HIM!!!................Give me a break Ivan.

I was just pointing he wears a cape and likes attention, comparing him with Tony Banks style who hides behind his keyboard, to be honest I believe Wakeman is more technically skilled than Banks, read all my reviews about Wakeman albums, and you'll find that the ones I reviewed have been rated with 4 or 5 stars.

SOMEONE SHOOT CHRIS SQUIRE FOR JUMPING AROUND THE STAGE.....god forbid he get excited about the music he's playing.......god knows he's played it hundreds of times. And please crucify HOWE for showing facial expressions....these YES guys are losers.....they should stand still like Genesis. Because Genesis is the only true way for a band to behave......once again, give me a break Ivan. You're being silly.

For God's sake, READ MY POSTS, I'm just describing their styles, and I clearly said that it works for them, can anyone of you understand what do we write??????????

It's useless, you will understand what you want to understand, I never said Yes were a bad band or anything similar, I just described my perspective about their style, never used an adjective to qualify them.



HAHAHAHAHA..........then TONY BANKS IS A LIAR THEN because I have him on tape saying how the band take it up with him not with me.

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Proglover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 17:16

Once again, then Tony Banks must have alzheimers, because those words came out of his mouth Ivan...........why the hell would I make that up???


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Proglover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 17:24

Second of all, you were not simply just describing their were derogatory when talking about YES......and you made it seem that Genesis was the greater band because they STAND STILL...............PLEASE!!!!

THIRD OF ALL how the bands behave on stage should not have even come up.........IT HAS NOTHING TO DO with HOWE AND their musical roles in the bands, yes that does have importance and is relevant to the conversation.....but the bands demeanor is not.

And yes for the record, you WERE implying that EVERYONE in YES wanted to be the leader, and show off, and be the main attraction, and you criticized them for it............maybe you should go back and read your own damn posts. First off your misinterpretation of what happens on stage is quite scary.

Look both Genesis and YES are fine bands, that wrote great music................personally if you ask me......Gentle Giant as a band, pound for pound, wipes the floor with both YES and Genesis.

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 17:39

I have only your word which honestly means nothing against solid evidence, you can read any biography of Genesis, and you'll find this information.

Read Gallo's books, buy the DVD Genesis a History or simply check if the mentioned bands existed.

  • Can you deny Tony Banks played at the age of 15 in the band called The Garden Wall? No you can't.
  • Can you deny that Gabriel, Banks, Rutherford and Phillips formed Genesis in 1967? No you can't.
  • Can you deny they formed Genesis in Charterhouse School? No you can't.
  • Can you deny Tony Banks started his career in Genesis as a performer? Again you can't

All I said can be proved beyond any doubt, probably you misunderstood Banks (If your tape is real, because I have no evidence), maybe he had the secret desire to write music for others (I'm not inside his mind), but he started creating music for two bands in which he performed and that's a fact.

I can believe maybe Tony Banks never wanted to be a soloist performer, his few albums may prove this, but to say he started trying to sell music for others is an historic aberration.


  2. Banks started performing at the age of 15 in The Garden Wall

Sorry, but according to your interpretation of what I wrote your ABSOLUTE LACK OF EVIDENCE and THE HISTORIC EVIDENCE I PROVIDED, I can't believe you at all.

Listen again the tape (if it exists) and try understand what he ment, if you want you can check the extense bibliography anout Genesis, no one mentions a single woord you wrote here and all support what I'm saying.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 18:10

In first place I must admit that I checked all the info and Banks once stated that when he was young he believed he didn't wanted to pass all his life touring and playing concerts, but he never tried to sell his music or as you said they formed Genesis because nobody wanted to buy his music that's BS, it was only an aspiration of a 15 years kid for the future, because he's not too fond on shows.

But he started his career as a keyboardist and only wrote music for Garden Wall and Genesis, again that's a fact.

Now to your last post:

Quote Second of all, you were not simply just describing their were derogatory when talking about YES......and you made it seem that Genesis was the greater band because they STAND STILL...............PLEASE!!!!

I know what I said and what I mean, if you're so sure I ever said something offensive against Yes, QUOTE ME!!!!!!!

Did I say Howe or Yes suck? Did I say Yes concerts are bad?, again, if I said it QUOTE ME.

With your absolute not knowledge of Genesis history you have proved that you have some troubles understanding what people means.

THIRD OF ALL how the bands behave on stage should not have even come up.........IT HAS NOTHING TO DO with HOWE AND their musical roles in the bands, yes that does have importance and is relevant to the conversation.....but the bands demeanor is not.

I didn't brought the Yes vs Genesis thing, I believe it was YOU who said well Banks and Rutherford dobled and tripled Hackett, I believe he also said that Hackett was not responsible for Genesis sound but Banks, so the one that brought the issue here, was not me.

Proglover wrote:


Ummm lets get something straight....THE Genesis sound WAS TONY BANKS.... NOT STEVE HACKETT!!

 It was you who istarted the band comparison, before that point I never mentioned any Yes member, and again I never said anything against Yes.

And yes for the record, you WERE implying that EVERYONE in YES wanted to be the leader, and show off, and be the main attraction, and you criticized them for it............maybe you should go back and read your own damn posts. First off your misinterpretation of what happens on stage is quite scary.

And I don't deny it, I still believe everybody in Yes wanted o take the lead role at some moment, and as far as I know this is not an insult, it's only a persional opinion and appreciation, as valid as yours.

If it scares you, bad luck, I'm sure some people agree with my point of view and at the end, I'm free to believe whatever I want as long I don't offend anybody, and until now, I haven't done it.

Look both Genesis and YES are fine bands, that wrote great music................personally if you ask me......Gentle Giant as a band, pound for pound, wipes the floor with both YES and Genesis.

Again I disagree, I don't like all Gentle Giant stuff, but I like all early Genesis and Yes up to Relayer.

I don't believe in bands wiping the floor with others, that's an offensive statement, and as I said before, the last thisng I pretend is to offend anymusician or band.


Edited by ivan_2068
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Proglover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 18:19
NO NO...dont get ahead of yourself Ivan...........That was in response to YOU saying that the atmospheric sound of Genesis was Hackett.....and then as a response I disagreed, any sound that Genesis had was Tony Banks.............don't get ahead of yourself!!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 18:23
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

I have only your word which honestly means nothing against solid evidence, you can read any biography of Genesis, and you'll find this information.

Read Gallo's books, buy the DVD Genesis a History or simply check if the mentioned bands existed.

  • Can you deny Tony Banks played at the age of 15 in the band called The Garden Wall? No you can't.
  • Can you deny that Gabriel, Banks, Rutherford and Phillips formed Genesis in 1967? No you can't.
  • Can you deny they formed Genesis in Charterhouse School? No you can't.
  • Can you deny Tony Banks started his career in Genesis as a performer? Again you can't

All I said can be proved beyond any doubt, probably you misunderstood Banks (If your tape is real, because I have no evidence), maybe he had the secret desire to write music for others (I'm not inside his mind), but he started creating music for two bands in which he performed and that's a fact.

I can believe maybe Tony Banks never wanted to be a soloist performer, his few albums may prove this, but to say he started trying to sell music for others is an historic aberration.


  2. Banks started performing at the age of 15 in The Garden Wall

Sorry, but according to your interpretation of what I wrote your ABSOLUTE LACK OF EVIDENCE and THE HISTORIC EVIDENCE I PROVIDED, I can't believe you at all.

Listen again the tape (if it exists) and try understand what he ment, if you want you can check the extense bibliography anout Genesis, no one mentions a single woord you wrote here and all support what I'm saying.




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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 18:25


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Proglover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 18:26
YOU ain't no saint Ivan.....
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2005 at 19:20


I can deny it, I given you all the historic evidence with names, dates and years, I even quoted Biographies, YOU GAVE NOTHING SIR.

They recorded their music for them, that's an historic fact

PROVE ME I'M WRONG, QUOTE ANY SOURCE THAT SAYS THEY SOLD MUSIC, if you can't do it, please don't insist.

And no, I'm no saint, I'm just  a human with my own opinion, but I have never insulted you or anybody, and you have insulted me repeteadly.

Ubtil you come with evidence, I will ignore your posts


BTW: A few posts ago you claimed to have a tape with the voice of Tony Banksadmitting Genesis sold music and nobody wanted to buy it:

Proglover wrote a few minutes ago:

Quote HAHAHAHAHA..........then TONY BANKS IS A LIAR THEN because I have him on tape saying how the band take it up with him not with me.

Now you say you have a DVD.

Magicly the tape with his voice has been upgraded to a DVD with images LOL that's why I can't believe you.

Edited by ivan_2068
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 06 2005 at 00:11

Calm down guys, no need to get agressive.  I get the feeling we should put a halt to edition #213432423 of this thread.

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