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horza View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2005 at 08:07
we are all jock tamsons bairns
Originally posted by darkshade:

Calling Mike Portnoy a bad drummer is like calling Stephen Hawking an idiot.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2005 at 07:59

What bout the verdict, Easy?

Are maiden prog related or not?

Did the collabs have a poll bout this or what?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2005 at 07:56

Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:


Keep it civil please Maidenrulez

If you start a thread on Iron Maiden, people are quite entitled to voice their opinions on them, especially when you are seeking their inclusion the archives.

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horza View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2005 at 06:57
i've been a maiden fan since the days of the NWOBHM and the first tour with di'anno on vocals

i wonder how many rank and file maiden fans would wish to see their band spoken of as prog rock

deep purple,the who,maiden and sabbath are NOT prog or even prog related so lets move on
Originally posted by darkshade:

Calling Mike Portnoy a bad drummer is like calling Stephen Hawking an idiot.
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Lindsay Lohan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2005 at 06:42

Edited by Easy Livin
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 08 2005 at 10:13
Originally posted by lucas lucas wrote:

maiden had a huge influence on bands like queensryche and fates warning, but I doubt they would like themselves to be qualified as a prog band.

Gentle Gaint owns every prog band
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 08 2005 at 10:03
Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:

blah i have Operation mindcrime and that is nowhere any more metal than maiden.

We're talking about progressive music here, not the metal aspect. And many people hold Queensryche to be a progressive metal band.

And certainly if you dont see that a song like blood brothers got a very diffrent song structure like a song like  hooks in you then i dont care to discuss this with you because it is going nowhere...and calling a song like master of puppets for complex is a big laugh

Why? It is complex - it depends on what you're comparing it to. If you compare it to, say, anything by Gentle Giant, then you are comparing chalk and church organs.

If you compare it to any heavy metal album released in the 1980s, then it's probably in the top 10 at least. It was and is a benchmark for what can be done with the heavy metal format, and as such is deeply progressive. Countless bands are influenced by that album - Dream Theater covered the entire album, such was the debt they felt they owed to it. For some reason, they also covered "Number of The Beast", but let's not go there...


What's the difference between argument and discussion?

I wish I could think of a witty answer, but the straight answer is that in a discussion, you think more about your position and the side you are taking, and do some research into the material that will help you to convince your "opponent" that your side of the debate is correct.

That might sound heavy, but since it simply entails listening to loads of great music and reading about the bands, it's actually one of the most enjoyable things there is, IMO

An argument is like a debate, but horribly emotional and lacking in research and clear thought.

a apologize for my mindless insults but as i was trying to suggest that tool was a nu-metal band(as a joke) to provoke the protogolist....and that is basically how i feel when you say that iron maiden writes just as simple songs lilke ac/dc and motorhead because i know that it is entirely wrong and therebefore provocative. And i hope you did not suggest than maiden was blues based?

There would be nothing wrong in suggesting that Iron Maiden were blues based (or rather blues rooted), as that suggestion carries far more weight than I suspect you realise;

Check out some of the power blues bands like Cream, Bakerloo, May Blitz, Fuzzy Duck, High Tide, Spooky Tooth, etc. The music is obviously not the same as Iron Maiden - but some of those bands wrote some dynamite riffs, and, if you listen to the structuring, you'll hear much that inspired bands like Maiden. 

As for Judas Priest, get "Sad Wings of Destiny", if you don't already own it. Once you've got over the rubbish production, you'll hear the forefathers of Maiden's branch of metal. "British Steel" is cool too - but most definitely pure NWOBHM - no prog). You should also listen to Budgie, Samson and Riot - especially Samson ("Survivors", "Head On" and "Shock Tactics"), IMO.

The point is that the Heavy Blues bands started to depend more and more on the riffs rather than the blues structures that they created the riffs from in the first place. Even Black Sabbath paid tribute to their blues roots in some numbers - but listen to "Spooky Two" by Spooky Tooth, and marvel at the large number of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin riffs that the three bands all appropriated.

There's another point here: Progressive Music and Progressive Rock are different things. Prog-related is different again, and I think that Iron Maiden had their progressive moments - ie they wrote progressive music occasionally, but do not fit prog-related as there are no "Pure" progressive rock bands that you can relate them to.

Is that fair comment?

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Lindsay Lohan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 08 2005 at 04:42
Originally posted by Borealis Borealis wrote:

Uh... Maidenrulez... the most biaised childish argumenter I ever saw on those forums, just thinking back at the 'Those who makes weird music just want to seem weird' thread makes me sick (Oh well, Why not a link to it? Check it here). Can you base yourself on music instead on the what the band said, or your stupid personal opinions on their way to think? Or says arguments against what you hate that won't apply to Iron Maiden as well?... Anyway...


ah well if you dont respect my opinions i dont care i did not make this thread to start an argument whetever maiden was prog or not and that bores me to tears

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Borealis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 23:09

Uh... Maidenrulez... the most biaised childish argumenter I ever saw on those forums, just thinking back at the 'Those who makes weird music just want to seem weird' thread makes me sick (Oh well, Why not a link to it? Check it here). Can you base yourself on music instead on the what the band said, or your stupid personal opinions on their way to think? Or says arguments against what you hate that won't apply to Iron Maiden as well?... Anyway...


Vive le Québec libre!...
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Lindsay Lohan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 18:02
hah you called me limpbizkitfan
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Lindsay Lohan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 18:00
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Originally posted by maidenschoolboy maidenschoolboy wrote:

as i said ONLY THE TWO FIRST rainbow albums where progressive the rest was 80s synth pop 

No - you said, and I quote:

Originally posted by maidenfanboy maidenfanboy wrote:

 And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

...if ever metallica could write a complex song like rhyme of the ancient marnier then i think james hetfield head would blow up....

Er... how about "Master of Puppets", "Orion", "Call of Cthulu", "The Four Horsemen", "...And Justice For All" (The entire album) - or even "Battery". "Rhyme..." is not very complex when you look at what Maiden were doing in the song. It's great, don't get me wrong, but there really aren't that many ideas at work when you pull it apart, and it's a bit long

Metallicas music composing skills= Oh lets write a really AGRESSIVE does not mather if it is good as long as it is AGRESSIVE and then lets put in a really bad ballad with lots of cliches in it to let people think that we can write intelligent songs...

That's not true, now, is it. (Note that's not a question).

What is a good riff?

I like most of Metallica's riffs, up to the Black album (as I said before - not Load or anything later) and I guess they do too - so from that point of view, they're good.

Are you saying that Iron Maiden wouldn't stoop to writing an aggressive riff? You seem to be suggesting it. I don't think that's strictly true.

Now please tell me where the ballads are on any of the first 4 Metallica albums?

And how come, if it's so bad, Metallica released "Nothing Else Matters" twice - once in an orchestrated version, and people still bought it. What is bad? Are you saying that Ballads are bad? Did Iron Maiden ever write a ballad...?

Did Iron Maiden never use cliches?

People use cliches because they work. Composers throughout history used cliches. Mozart used cliches - was he a bad composer?

How does using cliches and writing bad ballads make people think you're intelligent?


I See.


Very droll


I remember kirk hammet and lars ulrich on the making of the black album saying that making it sounds the most agressive was the most important thing in their music...

Do you have a link to that interview anywhere?


Originally posted by Limpbizkitrulez Limpbizkitrulez wrote:

Professional manner? He has some opinions that can not even be taken seriosly by saying thinks like ac/dc and motorhead composes songs in the same way.

I think i have never ever heard such an insult.

I could give you worse insults if you prefer.

But I don't understand where the insult lies. Both AC/DC and Motorhead are rooted in the blues - of course the way they put songs together is similar!

And i would love to hear what makes queensryche soooooo fantastically progressive instead of just stating that Queensryche is prog and maiden is not.

Go on then - listen to some Queensryche - I dare you!

Besides i do not care for the opinions of a nu-metal fan

Would you take the opinions of a Musique Concrete fan instead then?

Obviously rainbow had about two albums with dio before they went totally 80's synth pop and also DIO's song structure is just plain heavy metal as done by judas priest.

Hmm. You don't know much about this do you?

That was what i said firtst then you did disagree

blah i have Operation mindcrime and that is nowhere any more metal than maiden. And certainly if you dont see that a song like blood brothers got a very diffrent song structure like a song like  hooks in you then i dont care to discuss this with you because it is going nowhere...and calling a song like master of puppets for complex is a big laugh


a apologize for my mindless insults but as i was trying to suggest that tool was a nu-metal band(as a joke) to provoke the protogolist....and that is basically how i feel when you say that iron maiden writes just as simple songs lilke ac/dc and motorhead because i know that it is entirely wrong and therebefore provocative. And i hope you did not suggest than maiden was blues based?

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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:38

Originally posted by maidenschoolboy maidenschoolboy wrote:

as i said ONLY THE TWO FIRST rainbow albums where progressive the rest was 80s synth pop 

No - you said, and I quote:

Originally posted by maidenfanboy maidenfanboy wrote:

 And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

...if ever metallica could write a complex song like rhyme of the ancient marnier then i think james hetfield head would blow up....

Er... how about "Master of Puppets", "Orion", "Call of Cthulu", "The Four Horsemen", "...And Justice For All" (The entire album) - or even "Battery". "Rhyme..." is not very complex when you look at what Maiden were doing in the song. It's great, don't get me wrong, but there really aren't that many ideas at work when you pull it apart, and it's a bit long

Metallicas music composing skills= Oh lets write a really AGRESSIVE does not mather if it is good as long as it is AGRESSIVE and then lets put in a really bad ballad with lots of cliches in it to let people think that we can write intelligent songs...

That's not true, now, is it. (Note that's not a question).

What is a good riff?

I like most of Metallica's riffs, up to the Black album (as I said before - not Load or anything later) and I guess they do too - so from that point of view, they're good.

Are you saying that Iron Maiden wouldn't stoop to writing an aggressive riff? You seem to be suggesting it. I don't think that's strictly true.

Now please tell me where the ballads are on any of the first 4 Metallica albums?

And how come, if it's so bad, Metallica released "Nothing Else Matters" twice - once in an orchestrated version, and people still bought it. What is bad? Are you saying that Ballads are bad? Did Iron Maiden ever write a ballad...?

Did Iron Maiden never use cliches?

People use cliches because they work. Composers throughout history used cliches. Mozart used cliches - was he a bad composer?

How does using cliches and writing bad ballads make people think you're intelligent?


I See.


Very droll


I remember kirk hammet and lars ulrich on the making of the black album saying that making it sounds the most agressive was the most important thing in their music...

Do you have a link to that interview anywhere?


Originally posted by Limpbizkitrulez Limpbizkitrulez wrote:

Professional manner? He has some opinions that can not even be taken seriosly by saying thinks like ac/dc and motorhead composes songs in the same way.

I think i have never ever heard such an insult.

I could give you worse insults if you prefer.

But I don't understand where the insult lies. Both AC/DC and Motorhead are rooted in the blues - of course the way they put songs together is similar!

And i would love to hear what makes queensryche soooooo fantastically progressive instead of just stating that Queensryche is prog and maiden is not.

Go on then - listen to some Queensryche - I dare you!

Besides i do not care for the opinions of a nu-metal fan

Would you take the opinions of a Musique Concrete fan instead then?

Edited by Certif1ed
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:33


I have NEVER said in one single post in this forum that I am a nu-metal fan.I said I hate the TERM nu-metal.Whether it's Priest,Maiden,Anthrax,Mudvayne or Slipknot it's all just METAL to me.

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Lindsay Lohan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:18
Originally posted by TheProgtologist
<P>You're turning into quite the little smart-ass,you know that?</P>
<P>Cert has discussed this in a very proffesional manner,with no trace of anger,and no insults thrown your way.</P>
<P>Mike is one of the nicest guys on this forum and really knows his stuff,just because you don't agree with the points he has made or the things he has said,they both don't really deserve your vitriolic behavior.</P>
<P>You are acting like a child who wants something but can't have it,and is now throwing a tantrum.</P>
<P> </P>
<P> [/QUOTE TheProgtologist

You're turning into quite the little smart-ass,you know that?

Cert has discussed this in a very proffesional manner,with no trace of anger,and no insults thrown your way.

Mike is one of the nicest guys on this forum and really knows his stuff,just because you don't agree with the points he has made or the things he has said,they both don't really deserve your vitriolic behavior.

You are acting like a child who wants something but can't have it,and is now throwing a tantrum.


[/QUOTE wrote:

Professional manner? He has some opinions that can not even be taken seriosly by saying thinks like ac/dc and motorhead composes songs in the same way. I think i have never ever heard such an insult.

And i would love to hear what makes queensryche soooooo fantastically progressive instead of just stating that Queensryche is prog and maiden is not.

Besides i do not care for the opinions of a nu-metal fan


Professional manner? He has some opinions that can not even be taken seriosly by saying thinks like ac/dc and motorhead composes songs in the same way. I think i have never ever heard such an insult.

And i would love to hear what makes queensryche soooooo fantastically progressive instead of just stating that Queensryche is prog and maiden is not.

Besides i do not care for the opinions of a nu-metal fan


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:12
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:

its funny that mikeenregalia thinks KAMELOT and QUEENSRYCHE and PORCUPINE TREE to be VERY progressive while maiden is not at all progressive...

and certified YOU turned to insults by comparing the crap that is ac/dc to maiden by saying they where just as progressive.

And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

And i dont care to ask what ye rates as the first prog metal band as im sure you are a metallica fanboy wich thinks ST.ANGER is the biggest prog-masterpiece since close to the edge.

And there are certainly more power-metalish prog-metal bands on this page than there are thrash-metalish prog metal bands on the site.

And yes maiden uses BASS,DRUMS,GUITARS on all the tracks so i can agree that it sounds exactly the same...they should have changed instruments to TRUMPETS,SAXOPHONES and BAGPIPES so that it would not all sound the same

No i dont care to discuss with neither Mikeenregalia or the metallica fanboy as their opinions are to silly to be discussed...and afterall i dont think mikeenregalia has said ONE thing that i can agree with on this forum

You're turning into quite the little smart-ass,you know that?

Cert has discussed this in a very proffesional manner,with no trace of anger,and no insults thrown your way.

Mike is one of the nicest guys on this forum and really knows his stuff,just because you don't agree with the points he has made or the things he has said,they both don't really deserve your vitriolic behavior.

You are acting like a child who wants something but can't have it,and is now throwing a tantrum.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:09
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:

its funny that mikeenregalia thinks KAMELOT and QUEENSRYCHE and PORCUPINE TREE to be VERY progressive while maiden is not at all progressive...

and certified YOU turned to insults by comparing the crap that is ac/dc to maiden by saying they where just as progressive.

And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

And i dont care to ask what ye rates as the first prog metal band as im sure you are a metallica fanboy wich thinks ST.ANGER is the biggest prog-masterpiece since close to the edge.

And there are certainly more power-metalish prog-metal bands on this page than there are thrash-metalish prog metal bands on the site.

And yes maiden uses BASS,DRUMS,GUITARS on all the tracks so i can agree that it sounds exactly the same...they should have changed instruments to TRUMPETS,SAXOPHONES and BAGPIPES so that it would not all sound the same

No i dont care to discuss with neither Mikeenregalia or the metallica fanboy as their opinions are to silly to be discussed...and afterall i dont think mikeenregalia has said ONE thing that i can agree with on this forum

You're turning into quite the little smart-ass,you know that?


i hate metallica fans and im tired of mikeenregalia ALWAYS disagreeing with whatever i say

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:06
Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:

its funny that mikeenregalia thinks KAMELOT and QUEENSRYCHE and PORCUPINE TREE to be VERY progressive while maiden is not at all progressive...

and certified YOU turned to insults by comparing the crap that is ac/dc to maiden by saying they where just as progressive.

And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

And i dont care to ask what ye rates as the first prog metal band as im sure you are a metallica fanboy wich thinks ST.ANGER is the biggest prog-masterpiece since close to the edge.

And there are certainly more power-metalish prog-metal bands on this page than there are thrash-metalish prog metal bands on the site.

And yes maiden uses BASS,DRUMS,GUITARS on all the tracks so i can agree that it sounds exactly the same...they should have changed instruments to TRUMPETS,SAXOPHONES and BAGPIPES so that it would not all sound the same

No i dont care to discuss with neither Mikeenregalia or the metallica fanboy as their opinions are to silly to be discussed...and afterall i dont think mikeenregalia has said ONE thing that i can agree with on this forum

You're turning into quite the little smart-ass,you know that?


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 17:05
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:

its funny that mikeenregalia thinks KAMELOT and QUEENSRYCHE and PORCUPINE TREE to be VERY progressive while maiden is not at all progressive...

Are Kamelot that wierd metal band that do a kind of symphonic rock with lots of brass, trying to sound kind of Crusaderish? I note they describe their music as Progressive Metal - and I doubt they'd lie.

Queensryche probably are the first prog metal band, so that's a fair comment from Mike.

Porcupine Tree likewise are held by many to be a prog band - I'm working my way through their catalogue, and so far I don't hear much evidence - but they do sound a bit like a cross between "h" Marillion and Radiohead in many places, so that's a good starting point.

and certified YOU turned to insults by comparing the crap that is ac/dc to maiden by saying they where just as progressive.

I beg to differ - that is not an insult.

AC/DC are a fantastic, some might say legendary rock band - some of their material is classic rock of the highest order, and the track "Let There Be Rock" is epic. Have you ever seen them live? Do you know all of their albums that you can make such a sweeping criticism?

And where in this thread did I ever say that AC/DC are as progressive as Iron Maiden?

And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

You really don't know very much about Rainbow, do you? Ronnie James Dio didn't sing on those tracks.

I don't think much of "Running Free", "Run To The Hills" or "Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter" as prog rock either, so touche!

However, what about Stargazer?

And i dont care to ask what ye rates as the first prog metal band as im sure you are a metallica fanboy wich thinks ST.ANGER is the biggest prog-masterpiece since close to the edge.

You think what you like. It's not true, but if it makes you happy, then that's fine. If you actually read what I said earlier, you would have noted that... never mind.

And there are certainly more power-metalish prog-metal bands on this page than there are thrash-metalish prog metal bands on the site.

Your point being?  

And yes maiden uses BASS,DRUMS,GUITARS on all the tracks so i can agree that it sounds exactly the same...they should have changed instruments to TRUMPETS,SAXOPHONES and BAGPIPES so that it would not all sound the same

Are you saying that they're not very progressive, then?

No i dont care to discuss with neither Mikeenregalia or the metallica fanboy as their opinions are to silly to be discussed...and afterall i dont think mikeenregalia has said ONE thing that i can agree with on this forum

You don't have to agree with people's opinions - but you should respect the elegant way Mike puts his arguments, his respect for the people he is discussing music with, and his deep knowledge of Metal as a genre and the musicians that play it.

I note you haven't disputed any of my technical points concerning Metallica - I guess that counts as a victory to me on that debate then.

Personally I think it's silly to just toss names at people, rather than think about the topic at hand and discuss the MUSIC.

But that's just me.

as i said ONLY THE TWO FIRST rainbow albums where progressive the rest was 80s synth pop...if ever metallica could write a complex song like rhyme of the ancient marnier then i think james hetfield head would blow up....

Metallicas music composing skills= Oh lets write a really AGRESSIVE does not mather if it is good as long as it is AGRESSIVE and then lets put in a really bad ballad with lots of cliches in it to let people think that we can write intelligent songs...

I remember kirk hammet and lars ulrich on the making of the black album saying that making it sounds the most agressive was the most important thing in their music...

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Wolf Spider View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 16:55
MAIDEN= but not progressive
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2005 at 16:55
Originally posted by maidenrulez maidenrulez wrote:

its funny that mikeenregalia thinks KAMELOT and QUEENSRYCHE and PORCUPINE TREE to be VERY progressive while maiden is not at all progressive...

Are Kamelot that wierd metal band that do a kind of symphonic rock with lots of brass, trying to sound kind of Crusaderish? I note they describe their music as Progressive Metal - and I doubt they'd lie.

Queensryche probably are the first prog metal band, so that's a fair comment from Mike.

Porcupine Tree likewise are held by many to be a prog band - I'm working my way through their catalogue, and so far I don't hear much evidence - but they do sound a bit like a cross between "h" Marillion and Radiohead in many places, so that's a good starting point.

and certified YOU turned to insults by comparing the crap that is ac/dc to maiden by saying they where just as progressive.

I beg to differ - that is not an insult.

AC/DC are a fantastic, some might say legendary rock band - some of their material is classic rock of the highest order, and the track "Let There Be Rock" is epic. Have you ever seen them live? Do you know all of their albums that you can make such a sweeping criticism?

And where in this thread did I ever say that AC/DC are as progressive as Iron Maiden?

And songs like I surrender. since you been gone and street of dreams leave no doubt that Rainbow is a very progressive band i can agree with that

You really don't know very much about Rainbow, do you? Ronnie James Dio didn't sing on those tracks.

I don't think much of "Running Free", "Run To The Hills" or "Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter" as prog rock either, so touche!

However, what about Stargazer?

And i dont care to ask what ye rates as the first prog metal band as im sure you are a metallica fanboy wich thinks ST.ANGER is the biggest prog-masterpiece since close to the edge.

You think what you like. It's not true, but if it makes you happy, then that's fine. If you actually read what I said earlier, you would have noted that... never mind.

And there are certainly more power-metalish prog-metal bands on this page than there are thrash-metalish prog metal bands on the site.

Your point being?  

And yes maiden uses BASS,DRUMS,GUITARS on all the tracks so i can agree that it sounds exactly the same...they should have changed instruments to TRUMPETS,SAXOPHONES and BAGPIPES so that it would not all sound the same

Are you saying that they're not very progressive, then?

No i dont care to discuss with neither Mikeenregalia or the metallica fanboy as their opinions are to silly to be discussed...and afterall i dont think mikeenregalia has said ONE thing that i can agree with on this forum

You don't have to agree with people's opinions - but you should respect the elegant way Mike puts his arguments, his respect for the people he is discussing music with, and his deep knowledge of Metal as a genre and the musicians that play it.

I note you haven't disputed any of my technical points concerning Metallica - I guess that counts as a victory to me on that debate then.

Personally I think it's silly to just toss names at people, rather than think about the topic at hand and discuss the MUSIC.

But that's just me.

Edited by Certif1ed
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