I was about to say Meatloaf, who cannot play anything, doesn't write his songs, and as regards his singing abilities, there are hundred better performers.
But he's so nice an entertainer...no, no, I don't feel like pointing my finger at him!
Ringo Starr? Ok, he's not top of the virtuoso list as a drummer, but he's not so bad...listen to his work on
Rain and in general in all of the
Revolver album...very clean, moreover!
IMHO he's better than Charlie Watts of Rolling Stones
And what's wrong with Nick Mason? Once again, he's not flamboyant, but he provides a flawless rhythm structure
Robbie Williams has a very nice voice and does know how to give interpretation to the songs he (by the way) writes (or co-writes).
(What I've done here in Italian is referred to as "being the devil's lawyer"...meaning to take defense of somebody turned down by everybody...