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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Ayreon: Electric Castle (A Space Opera)
    Posted: August 16 2005 at 16:17

You're right ... I don't want to give away too much. Electric Castle is about a group of human beings from many periods (egyptian, medieval, 20th century, future) who have to participate in a weird experiment performed by some kind of alien entity ...

Edit: Yeah, come to think of it - these characters portray the different emotions. The scientist from the future represents reason, the barbarian represents anger, the hippie represents joy, the egyptian sorrow etc.

Edited by MikeEnRegalia
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 16 2005 at 15:57
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by Progzilla Progzilla wrote:

It was fun to read your "argumentation" on Ayreon, I myself like both Universal migrator and Human Equation immensely. I'm really looking forward to getting Electric Castle now...!

I'd like to point out one thing about the use of impressive guest vocalists. Of course it doesn't guarantee that the songs will be awesome, but on Human Equation it is absolutely wonderful for the concept. Having each character performed by a guest vocalists really makes them believable (especially as the vocalists do a great job!). When the characters have a unique voice it is easy to tell them apart and the story really shines through. It really is a Human Equation.

Having said that, it is of course the music is what makes Ayreon so good.

I think that on Electric Castle the voices match the characters even a little better. There is even more variety, extreme growling (Death), the hippie (Lucassen), the Highlander (Fish!), the guy from the future (Damian Wilson), ... wonderful.

Sounds excellent!

In Human Equation, take Love as an example; Me,Love,Wife,Passion,Pride,Agony and Fear have excellent lyrics that match the characters. I like the fact that most of the characters are feelings. The Human Equation concept is really about understanding human emotions I think... Hmm, isn't that the concept in Electric castle too?
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 16 2005 at 15:42

Originally posted by Progzilla Progzilla wrote:

It was fun to read your "argumentation" on Ayreon, I myself like both Universal migrator and Human Equation immensely. I'm really looking forward to getting Electric Castle now...!

I'd like to point out one thing about the use of impressive guest vocalists. Of course it doesn't guarantee that the songs will be awesome, but on Human Equation it is absolutely wonderful for the concept. Having each character performed by a guest vocalists really makes them believable (especially as the vocalists do a great job!). When the characters have a unique voice it is easy to tell them apart and the story really shines through. It really is a Human Equation.

Having said that, it is of course the music is what makes Ayreon so good.

I think that on Electric Castle the voices match the characters even a little better. There is even more variety, extreme growling (Death), the hippie (Lucassen), the Highlander (Fish!), the guy from the future (Damian Wilson), ... wonderful.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 16 2005 at 15:39
It was fun to read your "argumentation" on Ayreon, I myself like both Universal migrator and Human Equation immensely. I'm really looking forward to getting Electric Castle now...!

I'd like to point out one thing about the use of impressive guest vocalists. Of course it doesn't guarantee that the songs will be awesome, but on Human Equation it is absolutely wonderful for the concept. Having each character performed by a guest vocalists really makes them believable (especially as the vocalists do a great job!). When the characters have a unique voice it is easy to tell them apart and the story really shines through. It really is a Human Equation.

Having said that, it is of course the music is what makes Ayreon so good.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 09:33
Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Into The Electric Castle is by far the best album from Ayreon (disregarding The Human Equation, since I only heard it once, and wasn't impressed)

If you only heard it once, you can't possibly understand it.

That's why I disregard The Human Equation in the previous statement. I can't judge that album, so untill I have listened The Human Equation more properly ITEC is the best Ayreon album.

I guess I misunderstood the word "disregard" ... nevermind. 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 09:30
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Into The Electric Castle is by far the best album from Ayreon (disregarding The Human Equation, since I only heard it once, and wasn't impressed)

If you only heard it once, you can't possibly understand it.

That's why I disregard The Human Equation in the previous statement. I can't judge that album, so untill I have listened The Human Equation more properly ITEC is the best Ayreon album.

re. Gdub.

I haven't been sniffin' gasoline (haven't worked in two days so my mind is clear again), I just like the heavy bombast of ITEC, can't judge on THE, untill I have the album can I


Edited by tuxon
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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 09:30
Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Into The Electric Castle is by far the best album from Ayreon (disregarding The Human Equation, since I only heard it once, and wasn't impressed)

It's a cross between neo-prog and progressive metal, with a "spacey" atmosphere dripping from every melody and rhythm.

Mostly bombastic and over the top, so hardly any subtelty, but I like bombastics, when done properly.

Great keyboard soloing (Arjan, Nolan, Valentine, Scherpenzeel)
Great singers (Fish, Damien Wilson, Anneke van Giersbergen, Sharon den Adel, and some more)

Brilliant album from a heavy perspective, maybe a bit over the top if you prefer more subtle music

I think you have smelled too many gasoline vapors Tuxxy. Sure, Into the Electric Castle had a great cast, but my biggest problem with the lp is that it lacked the emotion while the  The Human Equation is just wrought with it. Also, I would say the music itself is far more dynamic in THE. Another problem of mine with that lp is that the female singers weren't allowed to spread their wings so to speak.

Perhaps I would feel differently as you do if my 1st experience with Ayreon was Into the Electric Castle, but I doubt it....I probably would have not purchased another one throwing into my...Okay but nothing special catagory. Lucky for me I purchased The Human Equation 1st.

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 09:18
Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Into The Electric Castle is by far the best album from Ayreon (disregarding The Human Equation, since I only heard it once, and wasn't impressed)

If you only heard it once, you can't possibly understand it. My first contact with Ayreon/Into The Electric Castle was The Castle Hall, which nearly made me turn away from Ayreon completely. I'm glad that I didn't delete the song after downloading it. Eventually I noticed that I liked certain parts of it, that made me listen to the complete album in the record store ... and now, about 2 years later, I own all Ayreon albums.

Edited by MikeEnRegalia
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 09:10

Into The Electric Castle is by far the best album from Ayreon (disregarding The Human Equation, since I only heard it once, and wasn't impressed)

It's a cross between neo-prog and progressive metal, with a "spacey" atmosphere dripping from every melody and rhythm.

Mostly bombastic and over the top, so hardly any subtelty, but I like bombastics, when done properly.

Great keyboard soloing (Arjan, Nolan, Valentine, Scherpenzeel)
Great singers (Fish, Damien Wilson, Anneke van Giersbergen, Sharon den Adel, and some more)

Brilliant album from a heavy perspective, maybe a bit over the top if you prefer more subtle music

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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grandoleopry View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 08:45
It is really as good as the Electric Castle, but at the same time very different. But hearing you talk about "DT Nazis", I doubt that you could appreciate it for what it is ...

MikeEnRegalia. I'm a little harsh on some of these guys because of their absolute unquestioning worship of their favorite this and favorite that. Sometimes they are so subjective they wouldn't know if the guy was singing or vomiting. So when they go from cold to hot on an artist, as in this case (Castle-problematic, Human Equation- masterful- comments) I get suspicious. In this case, as soon as I saw James Labrie's name on the album, it all but sealed it (knowing the penchant for DT worship at this site). So I stand by my statement. But never fear, if it's as good or better, I'll know it regardless of who's on it...As a matter of fact, I'll make it a point to comment on it after I listen to it. I will be objective...
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 08:19

Originally posted by grandoleopry grandoleopry wrote:

I just found out why the guys on prog archives are hating Aryeon one moment and raving about the Human Equation the Next. Jame Labrie is on it. Enough said. I would now be shocked out of my gourd if it was even as good as Electric Castle now, considering all the DT Nazis out there. Better? No chance. Nobody but the Beatles or maybe Tull could do something that good twice. I have been listening to music a long time and an album like Electric Castle comes around only a few times in a lifetime. Especially nowadays...Closed minded maybe, open minded maybe not. Empty minded? Never!

It is really as good as the Electric Castle, but at the same time very different. But hearing you talk about "DT Nazis", I doubt that you could appreciate it for what it is ...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 02 2005 at 07:32
I just found out why the guys on prog archives are hating Aryeon one moment and raving about the Human Equation the Next. Jame Labrie is on it. Enough said. I would now be shocked out of my gourd if it was even as good as Electric Castle now, considering all the DT Nazis out there. Better? No chance. Nobody but the Beatles or maybe Tull could do something that good twice. I have been listening to music a long time and an album like Electric Castle comes around only a few times in a lifetime. Especially nowadays...Closed minded maybe, open minded maybe not. Empty minded? Never!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 21:25
Hey thanks for the input. It helps not to be thinned skinned. You're always going to get a difference of opinion. I wish the lurkers out there would take a chance and write something once in awhile. Sure you get flamed sometimes but the comradarie is worth it. Do you all realize prog lovers are such a small group that we stick together even when there's two of us and three opinions! So thanks to all for answering, even you eugune...No I'm kidding. Great post actually!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 21:24

Originally posted by Arioch Arioch wrote:

I don't blame you Dropforge for heading towards greener pastures, but you missed a good one with The Human Equation.

I've missed nothing.

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 18:03
Originally posted by King of Loss King of Loss wrote:

My rating of this disc

Into Electric Castle ***

Why? Because there are parts where I feel like something is missing. Its missing that oh... I can't really tell you, but its missing that something.

Didn't you just post in my prog metal poll, with Ayreon as your #3? If so, what Ayreon album would you prefer?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 18:02
I like it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 18:01

My rating of this disc

Into Electric Castle ***

Why? Because there are parts where I feel like something is missing. Its missing that oh... I can't really tell you, but its missing that something.

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 17:53
Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

Also when I am saying that metal is not my cup of tea, I try to relay a message that what in my opinion not a masterpiece, in opinion of metal-fan may well be.

Hope it's clear and no one got hurt

Well, I'm not hurt ... at least everything's healing nicely.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 17:48
Originally posted by fandango fandango wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Metal is VERY MUCH my cup of tea, and that may influence my judgment. But knowing that, I have become very careful when talking about music that is NOT my cup of tea. I would never post in a Canterbury thread that I think Caravan are overrated, just because I don't like Canterbury. BTW, ordered In The Land Of Pink And Grey ... can't wait for it to arrive.

What I'm saying is that when you bash an artist because you don't like the genre, you make a fool out of yourself (not talking about you specifically, eugene) and hurt the feelings of the fans. They are not all just "fanboys", but - although biased - also much more knowledgeable about the artist and similar artists of the genre.

Regarding the list: So you are really saying that these artists (that you even call "brilliant") all were wrong about Arjen. Don't you at least accept the possibility that you might be wrong, and that he in fact has at least produced a single work of genius?

To be honest Mike, no.  As you know, I have responded to your metal threads, as I enjoy DT, SG, Symph X, Threshold, Evergrey, FW, Vanden Plas and so on, just like you do.  But I just CANNOT see the fascination with Ayreon, and it never ceases to amaze me, the list of names who guest on his albums.

To me, its pompous, overblown, synthetic, formulaic and frankly quite ridiculous... 'File under Space Metal' my rectum!  People sometimes have a pop at Symphony X for being characateurs of the genre (which I can understand) though they are nothing compared to this project, which frankly does none of us any favours... sorry if I've offended anyone, but that's MHO.

"File under Space Metal" ... I think that sticker was only for the Star One project. As I have stated many times, it's this "pompous, overblown" quality that I like most about Ayreon. When I'm in the mood for bold music, they are just what I need. When I'm in the mood for understatement, I might listen to some Porcupine Tree, or Camel, or Robert Fripp, ...

Ayreon are not for everyone. Why can't we just agree on THAT?


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2005 at 17:44


First of all it is not about bashing or defending any particular artist or genre. it is about expressing of opinion which some may agree with, and some may not.

I have listened to all Lucassen albums and even purchased "the Human Equation" because I liked it. Therefore I consider myself in a position to participate in discussion of his works

If you read my opinion as bashing or offending or hurting your feelings, althought it was not intended, it is up to you.

All these artists in your (or rather Lucassen's) list (many of them are brilliant) do not have to be right or wrong about Arjen. They have accepted his invitation and done their good job well paid, but it does not necessarilly mean that the outcome became a masterpiece.

I always accept a possibility of being wrong, therefore I often add "in my opinion" to what I am saying. And my opinion is that Arjen Lucassen despite many talents involved in his works still has not produced one work of Genius. 

Also when I am saying that metal is not my cup of tea, I try to relay a message that what in my opinion not a masterpiece, in opinion of metal-fan may well be.

Hope it's clear and no one got hurt

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