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Prog Reviewer
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Topic: Bad singer Posted: July 26 2005 at 05:21 |
I dont regard any of those as 'bad' singers. Some have a unique style that is not everyones cup of Jack Daniels, but thats down to ones own taste.
I have not heard Gildenlow, though. Are Pain of Salvation actually a prog band, or a heavy metal band with long songs, a few odd time signatures and wierd lyrics about tortured souls, the agony of personal sacrifice etc..??? 
Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
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Posted: July 25 2005 at 17:18 |
i think no one of those can really be a bad singer but Roger Water
comes closest to what i consider a "bad singer" so my vote goes
for him. (i still think that his vocal work on Shine On is Great but
the problem is that i've heard many live records where he was allowed
to use a microphone)
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Posted: July 25 2005 at 08:48 |
I obviously voted for LaBrie, he goes way up and can't support it. Somebody tell him he's NOT Halford!
Another one I'd love to vote for is the world's favourite, Geoff Tate
.. it seems that everybody loves him but me, in fact, I can't stand him
screaming in my ear, please have mercy, you are out of range!
So, when are we gonna do a favourites poll?
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Posted: July 21 2005 at 18:45 |
Scott c Wills
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Posted: July 18 2005 at 04:48 |
I voted for Peter Hammill after consulting the 'B.B.C. lexicon of teen
speak' , which suggests that 'bad' does not mean rubbish/crap/useless,
but actually means very good.Viewed from this perspective
this poll makes more sense.
BTW, if anyone says you're 'chung' means you're incredibly sexy, and if they want to 'crump' you then run away...
Now I know why my teenage children say i'm 'hanging'
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el böthy
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Posted: July 17 2005 at 22:00 |
First af all let me just say that none of them sing bad. I voted for Roger Waters and now Im kinda sorry I did. And all thouse people who critizise Greddy Lee...come on you guys, he does not sing that bad...I actually like his voice in albums like Moving Pictures or Permanent Waves. But I can´t believe that there were some put Jon Anderson or Peter Gabriel...WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! We are talking about maybe the 2 most important prog singers!!! And also Hmmil. Well I understand why so many people dislike Hammils voice...when I first started listeting to Van der..(you know the rest) I could not satnd Hammils voice...but now...I think its one of the best and with most expretion voice there is.
But any way, I think this kinda polls where you put "the best" are really stupid. I think it should be the siger you dont like the most...not the worst...what is worst for some is the best for others...think about that you Hammil haters!!!!
jejejeje peace...prog on!
King of Loss
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Posted: July 15 2005 at 14:03 |
Oh C'mon guys, all these guys are at least GREAT talent-wise, don't go heavily on Geddy Lee and James Labrie because these two have a load of talent.
Just try singing like them!
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Posted: July 15 2005 at 13:26 |
I think Geddy Lee has a very annoying voice sometimes, so i voted for him.
BTW, In the first edition of the 'Rolling Stone Record Guide' from 1979, it says: "He Sounds like a cross between Donald Duck and Robert Plant". LOL!
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Posted: July 15 2005 at 08:24 |
None of the singers in the list are bad singers, but c'mon ... Peter Gabriel?
He has the most amazing voice in prog/pop history. How can anyone vote
him as a bad singer?
From that list I would choose Roger Waters. Hes not a bad singer. Even in
vintage PF albuns the singing was almost done by Guilmour or Wright. He
told in interviews that he didnt like to hear his voice on tape. Only in
animals and the wall he started to feel confident.
But he's not a bad singer.
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Posted: July 15 2005 at 08:11 |
Sometimes I really can't stand Jon Anderson's voice.
Yet sometimes it is beautiful, but other times he reminds me of a
smurf. Maybe I listen to the wrong songs of Yes...
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Posted: July 14 2005 at 05:33 |
how can someone vote peter hammill? he has a unique voice and the same
goes for peter grabriel. they are my fave singers...anyway taste is
taste...i like all of the above singers but if i had to choose one as
the 'worst' i'd choose geddy lee.
Moogtron III
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Posted: July 14 2005 at 04:54 |
Let's put it this way: Geddy Lee's voice doesn't really make me happy .
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Posted: July 14 2005 at 04:52 |
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 12:20 |
im lucky for liking Geddy's voice- I get to enjoy rush all the more- I think the singers from system of a down are the worst- and Maynard is really starting to annoy the hell out of me- down with tool!
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 12:09 |
Yikes i was that drunk I didn't notice my precious daughter was logged in on my blast about Hammill
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 09:03 |
"In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 08:50 |
Baldefriede,BaldJean I sort of apologise for my almost vitriolic out burst. I love great vocalists and he Hammill is one of the best plus I had partaken of quite alot of alcohol last night.But here in Scotland they say a drunk man is an honest man
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 08:15 |
how can guys say that pete hammill is a bad singer?!... i dont knnow...
i will say Daniel Gildenlow, he is just to much...
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 08:02 |
BaldJean wrote:
Fragile wrote:
There are some imbiciles on here of late and I do mean imbiciles they should not be allowed space on here.Hammill is possibly the best singer ever.If you know nothing of vocals you really should shut totally up.Have you ever sung? Do you know what it's like to be able to go from one note to another effortlesly.Can you imagine how great it is to do what you want without thinking?If you truly believe this great man cannot sing then you do not belong on this site.You should be trolling your asinine comments elsewhere ,if you are prog minded then God help you.And skip Imo if you cannot recognise vocal genius then you have serious musical problems.And do not come back about personal taste; your ears must have been handgrenaded
| | | I can only support this, though my choice of words would be different. One may not like his voice or the way he uses it, but saying he has a bad one is simply lunatic.
I can only add what Rober Fripp, guitar player of King Crimson, said about Peter Hammill: "What Jimi Hendrix did for the guitar, Peter Hammill did for the voice". Amen to that!
 BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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Posted: June 24 2005 at 07:57 |
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
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