Hey everyone who cares about an introduction forum, I've been visiting Prog Archives for a while now and it's helped me broaden my musical tastes A LOT. I've always liked music that pushes the edges of what we except, and thanks to PA I know listen to a healthy deal of RIO and related genres. Some of my favourite bands are Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, the Cardiacs, Magma, Bondage Fruit, Mr. Bungle, Porcupine Tree, King Crimson and the list could go on for much longer than anyone would want to read.
I joined mainly so that I could (a) write reviews whenever I'm bored enough, (b) discuss progressive music and other musics on these forums with other people that have at least some taste, and (c) force all willing to listen to my attempts at music which are alright maybe not that great I can't judge myself because I'm self-deprecated usually but some people think I'm good and other people are narrow minded but mostly people are just nice for no reason.
Even though I listen to mostly more dissonant and XTREME types of prog, I have yet to find other people who enjoy the crunch of a minor second as much as I do, so I've been in Prog-Metal bands, Prog-folk-pop bands, Prog-Dylan bands, and right now I'm in a nice post-rock-type group. Most of the bands I've been in were sh*tty so I doubt I'll show many, if any, of you recordings due to shame.
Also I'm a music major at UCSB (the University of California located in Santa Barbara [California]), and I love modern "art"/concert/whatever music and most ancient art music but not really the Classical era or whatever. Except for Beethoven, that dude f.ucking rocked.
Edited by last life - March 28 2008 at 06:03