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Topic: Led Zeppelin appreciation Posted: January 15 2007 at 09:05 |
Atavachron wrote:
...and I think Plant grew up near where Tolkien set his books. |
Indeed - though Tolkien's books are set in an imaginary land rather than in real-life England. Plant is from Birmingham, and Tolkien grew up in the Birmingham area, before moving to Oxford to pursue his higher education.
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Posted: January 15 2007 at 09:03 |
As Led Zep are now part of the site, I'll move this thread to the PP and PR Lounge.
My favourite album by them is of course "IV", followed by "Houses of the Holy" and "III". "Physical Graffiti" has a bit too much filler towards the end, while "Presence", as uneven as it may be, contains some killer tracks. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the first two albums, for all their raw energy and freshness.
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Posted: January 15 2007 at 08:56 |
I can rarely get bored with Led Zep. I only partially dislike their first album (too bluesy for me), Presence (some dull songs, but Achilles alone makes it worth listening to) and In through... (same as Presence). Actually I think they made most of hard rock/blues-rock bands sound absolutely useless and disposable (I won't give examples because I don't want to offend anyone)
Edited by dedokras - January 15 2007 at 08:56
M. B. Zapelini
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Posted: October 29 2006 at 05:28 |
This is my LZ list, in order of preference:
Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin III
Houses of the Holy
Led Zeppelin (IV or Untitled or 4 Symbols or ZoSo, you name it - this is the album which features "Stairway..." - ooops, I forgot this particular song title  )
Physical Graffitti
Led Zeppelin (first album)
In Through the Out Door
By the way, "Led Zeppelin" is one of the best box sets ever.
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Posted: October 29 2006 at 04:48 |
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Posted: October 29 2006 at 04:43 |
progismylife wrote:
I dont really care about Elton John. BUt you forgot about Eric Clapton?!?!?[ |
I listen to CREAM sometimes,but nothing more.Even Layla didn't touch me
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Posted: October 29 2006 at 04:41 |
mystic fred wrote:
Prog-jester wrote:
LZ got me into the whole thing.I play giutar because of Jimmy Page; I listen to classic rock because of them; I'm in prog now because of LZ - once (5 years ago) I bought a book with their name on the cover(pretty rare thing in my town).It was about 5 performers - LZ, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Elton John and Eric Clapton.Forgot about the last two,but with the first three I'm still in love!!! |
strange book - what was *Elton John* doing amongst that distinguished company??
Well,the book was based on Seva Novgorodzev's (well-known Russian radio-DJ,now lives in London) programms about rockers of the past.Maybe his affection to EJ is something personal?
Edited by Prog-jester - October 29 2006 at 04:41
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Posted: October 28 2006 at 22:13 |
progismylife wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
It sounds lovely. England was by far my favorite place when I visited the Isles and Europe. I'm Scottish, btw |
I have scottish ancestry but am technically English because my dad was born here. |
If it's not Scottish it's crap
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Posted: October 28 2006 at 06:37 |
Atavachron wrote:
It sounds lovely. England was by far my favorite place when I visited the Isles and Europe. I'm Scottish, btw |
I have scottish ancestry but am technically English because my dad was born here.
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 20:58 |
It sounds lovely. England was by far my favorite place when I visited the Isles and Europe. I'm Scottish, btw
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 18:29 |
Atavachron wrote:
...and I think Plant grew up near where Tolkien set his books. |
Funny you should say that...I live about 5 minutes walk from one of the many places Tolkien gained inspiration for Fangorn/Mirkwood descriptions. At the end of the first film, at Amon Hen (where the Urak Hai kidnap Merry and Pippin), I swear one of the screenshots was set in the woods 5 minutes from my house! Credit to Peter Jackson and co. for sticking so damn close to Tolkein's various woodland descriptions - which are often so impenetrable I simply can't read them.
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 18:11 |
...and I think Plant grew up near where Tolkien set his books.
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 09:45 |
Actually Battle Of Evermore and another song (I can't remember the name right now) had strong influences from Tolkien.
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 09:24 |
as robert plant was into celtic and especially gaelic culture and mithology because of his roots, he was very aware of the materials (both documentary and fiction) on it. at the Earls court he actually speaks Gaelic betwwen songs and i first thought it was arabic .
stairway, evermore are the more influenced. still you can't say they're "based" on Tolkien, there only are some possible quotes. the strongest influence there is (for the lyrics only, of course) from Magic Arts in Celtic Britain by Lewis Spence.
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 09:07 |
Did you guys know that Led Zeppelin did a couple of songs based on Lord Of The Rings?
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 07:35 |
You only have to listen to modern guitar based music and then listen to Zep to realise that whatever sound/style/riff it was, Jimmy did it first. I bought the Zep remasters double CD a few years ago and I can still listen to it end to end. There isn't a poor track on it.
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 07:27 |
Prog-jester wrote:
LZ got me into the whole thing.I play giutar because of Jimmy Page; I listen to classic rock because of them; I'm in prog now because of LZ - once (5 years ago) I bought a book with their name on the cover(pretty rare thing in my town).It was about 5 performers - LZ, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Elton John and Eric Clapton.Forgot about the last two,but with the first three I'm still in love!!!  |
I dont really care about Elton John. BUt you forgot about Eric Clapton?!?!? 
mystic fred
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 05:01 |
Prog-jester wrote:
LZ got me into the whole thing.I play giutar because of Jimmy Page; I listen to classic rock because of them; I'm in prog now because of LZ - once (5 years ago) I bought a book with their name on the cover(pretty rare thing in my town).It was about 5 performers - LZ, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Elton John and Eric Clapton.Forgot about the last two,but with the first three I'm still in love!!!  |
strange book - what was  *Elton John*  doing amongst that distinguished company?? 
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Posted: October 27 2006 at 04:48 |
LZ got me into the whole thing.I play giutar because of Jimmy Page; I listen to classic rock because of them; I'm in prog now because of LZ - once (5 years ago) I bought a book with their name on the cover(pretty rare thing in my town).It was about 5 performers - LZ, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Elton John and Eric Clapton.Forgot about the last two,but with the first three I'm still in love!!!
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Posted: October 26 2006 at 05:24 |
Philéas wrote:
Led Zeppelin was the band that got me into Hard Rock (and later Prog). It started out with Hendrix, who's music taught me to appreciate heavy, guitar-based Rock. Then Zep came along, and I'm stuck since, even if my taste has branched out heavily since then.
The undisputed masters of heavy Rock music. Thank you for a couple of great albums!
Yes Led Zeppelin paves the way for the path to prog. Surprisingly I got into Led Zeppelin first, then Hendrix, and finally onto Rush which then turned into prog in general.
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