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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2009 at 15:47
Well, the irrepressible Harry (aka Petrovsk Mizinski) is from Australia, in spite of what his profile saysWinkLOL...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2009 at 15:44
Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

Australia = Inept at listening to or producing decent prog.

Its like me and my dad who listen to prog, thats basically it.

Our first ever forum member (the esteemed DUDE) was (and still is) from Australia. We have several Collaborators from Australia (I know at least three). Wink
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2009 at 08:21
^ hmm.. funny of my very favorite prog albums is from Austrailia hahaha.  
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progkidjoel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2009 at 08:16
Australia = Inept at listening to or producing decent prog.

Its like me and my dad who listen to prog, thats basically it.
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mkearney_913 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 06 2009 at 16:32
Canada's pretty diverse. Going back you have your standards (Rush, Harmonium, Klaatu, etc.) but more recently a lot of post-rock acts (Godspeed, A Silver Mt. Zion, Fly Pan Am, etc.) have gained prominence. 
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Marty McFly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 30 2009 at 17:03
I'm from Czech Republic, 10 million people, communism history, restricted rock (bad western by their words) music, but some pearls can be found.

If anyone will be interested, I can make mix of songs by different groups as a sample of our music. Get it to some free server and send you link (thru PM, I don't wanna spoil this forum ... or corrupt :-D)
Take it or leave it, I can tell you about great band Synkopy, but if you don't know it, you wouldn't understand.
I didn't believe that italian rock can be good and now, I'm listening it a lot.
There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my
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JLocke View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 16:33
Originally posted by topofsm topofsm wrote:

Originally posted by DamoXt7942 DamoXt7942 wrote:

Indeed quite a few CD shops in Japan don't have "progressive rock section" and most of shop masters might recognize British progressive rock as "rock/pops". Confused
There are stores that have an individual "progressive rock" section? Where?
Well, since I never lived in the big cities during my time in Japan, I can't speak for that.
However, alot of the larger cities here in the states do in fact have Prog Rock sections in their record shops, believe it or not.
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aapatsos View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 16:10
Originally posted by cacha71 cacha71 wrote:

In Greece, (not actually my native country but I've lived here long enough!) I wouldn't say there was a very strong prog scene, the obvious band which come to mind are Aphrodite's Child, especially their classic album 666, also Akritas and P.L.J. Band aren't bad.  I recently heard the psych prog band Will-o-the-Wisp, and was impressed.  Another superb band, in the same vein as Will-o-the-Wisp, is Purple Overdose, though not listed on this site.

Strangely, the first post about Greek bands, comes from a non-native... Thanks for that!!!Clap The second comes from a native who lives abroad...LOL

To add to your thoughts, from the 14 bands/artists listed on this site (apart from the ones you mentioned), FRAGILE VASTNESS, HORIZON'S END and WASTEFALL have produced some good albums. In particular, the former have been around for quite a while...

Vangelis has his own history in world music...
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aapatsos View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 16:02
Originally posted by Rapataz Rapataz wrote:

Noetics maybe (from the region I grew up), Panzerballet .... It is so sad that I can't think of anymore.Dead
There are about 80 million people living in germany and no one seems to have a interest in good music.
When I was in school (90's), I was kind of "infamous" for my unconfortable music. ("what HE's at the stereo? get him out here....). The music most people listen to mostly is tinned fast food trash pop from the USA or

PANZERBALLET rocks!!! What an amazing band! First time I heard through Dick Heath's radio show and I was amazed!!
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ProgShine View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 01:58
Brazil have a lot of good prog bands, but people here have short memory too, and a minimum interest in new things, so the bands suffer a lot, but, hey, just take a look over here ( and see how many, and how good our bands are Tongue

I am really proud of Prog Rock made in Brazil, the most are really special and fantastic.

Edited by ProgShine - March 28 2009 at 01:59

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topofsm View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 28 2009 at 01:51
I thought this would be the best place to post this.
Where I am in Arizona, It's pretty hard to find exactly the album I want in record stores. Often times I'll browse for hours in a certain Virgin Records store searching for the best possible purchase. They often won't have certain albums that I'm looking for (from GG, Pain of Salvation, King Crimson, stuff that isn't too popular here). More times than not, I settle for a second choice, or come across something that seemed interesting
However, I was just in Costa Rica for a wekk and was in a mall for a little while, and being the music enthusiast I was I checked out a small record shop. I went immediately to the rock/pop section and looked through the selection. I was thoroughly dissapointed by the available CDs. I looked around the corner to discover an ENTIRE SECTION dedicated to progressive rock. There was an entire column of just Pink Floyd cds, and half a column of KC cds, with tons of artists that until then I was sure I'd never see in a record store (like PFM). Right next to them was a section dedicated all to progressive metal. There was an entire colum of just Dream Theater cds, with several others right next to them.
I was so impressed. I especially thought it was interesting that there was a section for progressive metal when there wasn't even a section for regular metal. I saw an Obituary album in the rock/pop section.
I can't wait to go to Sweden if this is what the music scene is like there.

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valravennz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 21:38
I think Prog Rock is mainly a Northern Hemisphere thing although I can see South America features strongly. It has never been  huge for bands here, to play prog rock. We have had the odd attempt with Ragnarok(NZ), Airlord who were 70's bands and Split Enz from both 70's and 80's. I am sure there were other prog related bands but they were never established long enough to make an impression here. Most of our talented musicians headed overseas to make their fortune and they still do now. The  New Zealand music scene has always been dominated by popular music and in the past decade or so, has seen a rise in rap/hip-hop of the Polynesian Pacifica variety. We have had a notable number of great post-punk bands and some great heavy metal bands. Unfortunately, the prog scene is rather arid in this country. I have discovered prog by word of email (friends who live in Europe) and from PA. to whom I owe a huge debt for my continued interest in Prog Music.

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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 19:57
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

If you are looking for good examples of RPI with English lyrics, don't bother, and save your money for something else. None of the albums in English by Italian bands even remotely approach the brilliance of those recorded in Italian. I am a native speaker of Italian, and can't stand people singing in bad English, with very heavy accents. If lyrics are so important for you, stick to prog coming from English-speaking countries. You would not get a good idea of the subgenre anyway, and those RPI CDs do not come cheap.

Trust her on thisClap
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 19:53
Originally posted by Eapo_q42 Eapo_q42 wrote:


Yeah, that sounds prefectly reasonable and I'm a rational guy. The only problem is monetary, really. I've thought about RPI a lot, as so many prog fans put albums from the genre in their top 10's or 20's whatever.

But i've just been afraid of spending money on a pricey import (i live in Australia, prog can sometimes be hard to find locally) and then feeling like it's "nice" but not really my thing, you know?

So if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me what the general "sound" of some of the premier italian bands is similar to?

(example: such and such band has saxophone similar to VDGG, or such and such band has weird percussion similar to KC, etc, etc.)

If this is too difficult a task, don't sweat it, I won't mind.

Why don't you start with the MP3 samples here on the site? Go to the main page of RPI, and you'll find a nice selection of songs. From those you should already be able to determine whether the language problem is too much for you, or if you are willing to explore further. We could recommend you a lot of stuff here, but ultimately it is your ear that has to decide what sounds 'right' for you.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 19:39
hahah..not difficult at all...  that is my job here LOL.... give me little bit though I'm about out for the evening.  I'll PM some stuff and thoughts for you... give me a day or two on that. 
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Eapo_q42 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 19:37

Yeah, that sounds prefectly reasonable and I'm a rational guy. The only problem is monetary, really. I've thought about RPI a lot, as so many prog fans put albums from the genre in their top 10's or 20's whatever.

But i've just been afraid of spending money on a pricey import (i live in Australia, prog can sometimes be hard to find locally) and then feeling like it's "nice" but not really my thing, you know?

So if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me what the general "sound" of some of the premier italian bands is similar to?

(example: such and such band has saxophone similar to VDGG, or such and such band has weird percussion similar to KC, etc, etc.)

If this is too difficult a task, don't sweat it, I won't mind.

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Jake Kobrin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 19:28
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 19:19
hey Eapo... a novel thought for you... try an RPI album.. and think not of the lyrics... but the voice as an instrument.  You mentioned you liked instrumentals??   The voice is an instrument in itself...

my Italian is limited to understanding when I'm told to f**k off in Italian LOL  ordering a Pizza or a pack of Winstons...  I simply look at the singing... the vocals as an instrument to be taken with some of the best.. most dynamic prog out there.  Try it... you might be surprised.
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Eapo_q42 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 18:56
Oh, and just one other thing.

Although it's true that most prog bands are not known for their lyrics, that doesn't mean they can't be appreciated.

I think that the Wetton era KIng Crimson had some very poignant and eloquent lyrics, whether written by Palmer-James or by Wetton himself.

I think that also Peter Hammill of VDGG has a very nice way with words.

And, of course, the immortal Mr. Roger Waters is one of the finest lyricists of all time, in my opinion.

Edited by Eapo_q42 - March 17 2009 at 18:56
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2009 at 18:50
no shame in that... Clap
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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