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crimson87 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 16:15
Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

And here comes the ad hominem bullsh*t that we were talking about all thread long god job proving that some people cannot stand differences.

What , are you describing yourself?LOLLOL

I think that the other guy said it very clearly , progmetal is neither epic , nor rocks.Is like prog´s b*****d son (conceived by a cheap metal whore).
I like  that russian reviews , they are funny.He seems to hate Yes , of course no one is gonna believe him for the things he wrote.Besides I did not say anything offensive (on the last post) I mean , you can criticize ELP or King Crimson anytime you want
See...   King Crimson , they sound harder , more innovative and you can do Molok when you hear they last record.They do not need Cheesy covers or Over-the-top singers.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:49
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WalterDigsTunes View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:45
And there is a slight lack of metal knowledge, too.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:42
sure, but i disagree on giving 11 out of 15 to Relayer
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:30
His reviews are generally a good read, though Smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:28
Originally posted by WalterDigsTunes WalterDigsTunes wrote:

Just so folks know, this is the Russian guy in question.

Exactly. I did not pretended to say names or point fingers, but since you have said. . .
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:26
Originally posted by crimson87 crimson87 wrote:

ClapClapClapClapCryCryCry You should win the nobel prize
Please do not mislead me I like "true" metal like Maiden , Priest , Manowar Sabbath Stratovarius Warlock Dragonforce , Sonata Artica Megadeth Saxon or Diamond head. and more.But I cant accept that progmetal is in the same league as clasic prog in terms of innovation.Petrucci solos , I find them quite annoying , self indulgent i mean , give more space to the other mucisians .He should give more space to bass and keyboards improvisations , and use more jazz influences.Probably my main problem is that when I find a truly nice song , comes John "look At me " Petrucci with a riff that is totally out of context.I think the guy should be more humble. and shut up for a while.
My main problem is that these bands are too serious , ELP and Crimson have supreme mucisianship but they also have their fun side.

And here comes the ad hominem bullsh*t that we were talking about all thread long. Good job proving that some people cannot stand differences.

Edited by CCVP - May 09 2008 at 16:17
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:23
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 14:06
Originally posted by moodyxadi moodyxadi wrote:

Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

  Besides [prog metal] its the only sub-genre to attract attention to prog since neo prog on the 80's. In fact, i was drawn back to prog because of prog metal. Since my father thinks that prog REALLY died on the 80's (he don't like Marilion, etc) i also thought that for some time, until i discovered it was not dead by prog metal.

your father is right. Names and labels can't recreate a whole scenario of space and time.

Prog metal is a subgenre of prog rock or from heavy metal? To these ears it is an offspring from the heavy metal nursery. And a not-so-heavy one.

My true problem with prog metal is: it doesn't sound metal enough to me. I'm not talking about growling or distortion as automatically putting a song in the metal box.

The only prog metal album I appreciate (from time to time, and that's the only one I cared to buy) is Savatage's "The wake of Magellan". Listening to PoS and DT didn't click any light on me.

i understand why the young ones can make so obviously immature complaints like questioning DT's position in the "scene" (sic) and PA's popularity system (the ranking). Very few people think in early baroque masters when listening to Bach. but there's a big distinction here: while Bach was a God walking among us, creating music to be listened, studied and admired for any number of generations you could think, I don't know any prog metal album that can beat in any criterium any band from the "second league" of the seventies (I know the memebership on this "league" can float as long as you like the band or not, but let me quote some I have seen mentioned to this group in my years in PA: Gentle Giant, Camel, Caravan, Hatfield & the North, Le Orme, Renaissance, to say the most famous.

PS: I believe I'm not an "old" one. Born in the 70's (1974) but grown in the f##king 80's, when only NWOBHM and thrash bands helped me to survive.

Well, i like traditional rock and prog, prog metal, metal and extreme metal. I can find a band that fills what i want to listen or what i want to listen in some moment and just because i don't like some genre or stile i don't go trashing it around.

For example, i find new metal, emocore, punk, etc horrible, but i don't go to specific sites and trash every band there. Besides, your preference for traditional prog exists because of your beliefs; for example, there is a site of a russian guy who writes reviews of many albums, from classic rock to prog. He thinks that the best bands ever where beatles, the who, rolling stones and Bob Dylan (class A artists) and, because of that, he shrinks the importance of prog rock icons to class B, C, or D artists. I am not saying that beatles rolling stones, the who and Dylan suck, i actually like beattles and the who very, VERY much, but i don't think that Yes, Genesis, Renaissance, Jethro Tull, Eloy, among others, deserve being called class B or C artists.

After all, its all a matter of respect: if you don't have enough for yourself, you will not have for others and, because of that, you will need to trash other people to feel good with yourself. I think in this category falls the punks that trash anything, from ratings to public monuments, just to feel a little better about themselves.
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avalanchemaster View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 12:44
so my thread title was edited?  I agree that it suits the thread more, but isn't that sort of dictatorial in a certain fashion?LOLWink
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Pnoom! View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 10:53

^^^ agreed.

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BaldFriede View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 10:47
Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

Originally posted by avalanchemaster avalanchemaster wrote:

I am rather bothered by the fact that this site collectively does not seem to know much about metal at large.  I do not think that Protest The Hero sound anything like System of a Down.... if people knew more about metal than what they are exposed to (by radio or other pop outlets) maybe they would know more about it and be able to make better assertions about metal.  I am not trying to say I know everything about metal, but I am rather insulted by a lot of the opinions of the genre and its subsequent sub-genres.  It seems that many people are content to listen to tip of the iceburg bands in any genre, and then they will claim they know a lot about said genre.  Now I don't claim to know everything about prog, but I know a fair shake, although I am sure a lot of you older more seasoned folks could school me with your expertise.  I guess I am just a little (perhaps neurotically) offended by the lack of knowledge that seems apparent on here.  When I go to the tech metal section/list of bands, I see a lot of one star reviews for bands that are known in the subgenre of metal for being exemplary.  It seems that a lot of old school prog heads or people who DO NOT NORMALLY listen to metal are flexing their prog muscles and sh*tting on certain metal bands because they find no merit in (the music...which is most likely not their "prefered genre)  I find it sad that people are turned off by nuances such as growl vocals or rapid fire playing.  It is all just music and perhaps should be explored at length like any other musical style before severe knee-jerk responses (ad hominem attacks and one star reviews????  get a life.) are put up.  If a band is deemed good enough by the collective to be included in the prog archives, why are we even allowing one star reviews?  I think it unjustly skews any decent reviewing.

I am not a vindictive, angry person by nature, so I do not find it necessary to "backlash" against a newly popular band and attack relentlessly with senseless reviews and one star-isms.

thank you.

Rant over.

Agreed man. I have also noted that not only on the extreme pro metal, but on the traditional prog metal and on the experimental prog metal sub-genres. There are people out there who put all his efforts to ruin well written reviews with unnecessary or not deserved 1 star review. Damn, Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory and Images and Words have more 5 star reviews than Thick as a Brick or Selling England by the Pound or Wish you Where Here and because of these people that keep sabotaging metal these albums have only a 4.20 grade, when they well deserve a bigger grade than that because of the amount of favorable reviews and the amount of good reviews. Very unfair. Let me quote you one more time

Quote ad hominem attacks and one star reviews????  get a life.

If you think an album deserves 5 stars, fine; write a review and deal them out. But whining because an album "ONLY" has an average rating of 4.20 when you think it deserves 5 stars is, pardon me, simply idiotic. We all have different tastes; I can equally not understand how someone can give Mother Gong's "Fairy Tale" album just 2 stars. But you even complain about an average rating of 4.20, which is quite high; it means that most people gave it 4 stars and some even 5.

Edited by BaldFriede - May 09 2008 at 10:59

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 10:26
Originally posted by avalanchemaster avalanchemaster wrote:

so far, all fair and good responses.  I see the logic in not eliminating one star reviews...not everyone can have the same opinion, and yes all music deemed good is on Subjective terms, but still at times it seems like people are mudslinging just because they can.....or just because they have not given something a chance???????  Yeah Protest the Hero is not the end all be all of metal, and in fact I have my reservations about them, but they are leagues better what they are getting compared to.  (but there are more examples of this type of one star mudslinging in other bands as well- not just Protest The Hero).....

I am just trying to point out the incongruencies in terms of reviewers, reviewing material they have sampled only slightly from.  Once something becomes "old hat" or one grows used to the style, it is easier to separate the dross from the pinnacle artists, but again that is all subjective.  Like I said, this may be merely neurotic quibbling....

"They are leagues better" is your personal opinion, and you are free to utter it. But other people are just as free to utter their opinion that they are not. Quality is not measurable. If you feel they are getting an unjust deal, write a eulogy on them or give one of their albums a glorious review. There are a lot of prog metal fans in here, and they are quite capable of writing reviews. It is definitely not my favorite genre though, though there are a few exceptions. I usually don't like the way the bass sounds, and I dislike double bass drumming. Again there may be exceptions, but I have heard one only so far. In most of the cases I find the use of double bass drumming artistically not justified. Bass drums are there to stress certain beats; if you stress all you might as well stress none. Double-bass drumming is in my opinion a gimmick, just like the humorous duck quack on keyboards. Overuse a gimmick, and it becomes ridiculous. That's my opinion, and I am a drummer myself. Feel free to differ.

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 09:23
^ I thought that was already implied by saying that the songs make movements in a composition. Movements of symphonies also reference motives of the previous movements and at the same times introduce new motives.

I think that Prog Rock epics do this to a lesser extent than "proper" symphonies, and most Prog Metal epics do it to a lesser extent than the top Prog Rock epics.
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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 08:43
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

It would be worthwhile to clarify that distinction then (as you have just done), since Supper's Ready is still a song in the general sense.
Why would I state "songs" and "compositions" unless I was making some kind of distinction?
I really didn't expect to have to spell it out - I think the problem is not with the lack of metal knowledge, as this thread tries to assert - but the lack of prog knowledge from the other side.
BTW, Supper's Ready is actually a collection of songs, that go together to make movements in a composition. This isn't simply idea following idea, or independently written standard songs tacked together, but a conscious composition with an overarching plan - woven together with spontaneity and thematic play.

Nice ... you have very concisely defined an *epic*.Smile
Not in so few words - what I've done is condensed, rather than defined.
Also, the qualifying statement following the bit you've bolded is important - it's not simply that Supper's Ready is a collection of songs, but that the songs are part of an overall musical composition - a bit like an opera but different!.
I don't want to get into a full analysis, but there is a big difference between "Supper's Ready" (and "Grendel", co-incidentally) and a collection of songs that happen to share the same lyrical theme.

Edited by Certif1ed - May 09 2008 at 08:44
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 06:51
Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

Originally posted by darqDean darqDean wrote:

One of the advantages of this site over other sites is that there is no limit to the number of reviews for any given album, so rather than getting a single opinion, you get many. Therefore not only do you get more opinions, you get a wider choice of opinions.
Not all those opinions will agree and they are not all by people knowledgeable in that genre. Sometimes a review by someone not familiar with the genre can give a different perspective on the music that you wouldn't normally get from an expert - whether you chose to accept those opinions is down to the reader, not the reviewer.
It is unwise to make judgements of any kind based upon a single review, so if you see a 1-star review for an album you must view this with respect to all the other reviews of that album, and if necessary all the other reviews by that reviewer.
Basically, you have to be selective in which reviews you take on board and those which you ignore based upon your own tastes, not those of individual reviewers.

Exactly.  For example, I trust Syzygy's reviews far more than The T's, not because Syzygy is a better reviewer than The T, but because he and I agree, whereas Teo (The T) and I, well, have our differences.
I agree that it is invaluable to find people on your own musical wavelength to discover some razor sliced hot sh*t. Don't agree with forcing everyone to write a review to justify themselves though. Bruv, I seriously ain't got the time to write reviews. It may seem that I'm on here all night but the reality is I'm chatting on three Japanese pick-up sites, on the mobile phone, on messengers msn and yahoo! and have to write a bleeding long email to my dear old Mum who lives on the other side of the world and has seen me once in 6 years.  
I tend to just skip through the ratings of the members whose taste I trust. Including yourself 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 06:01
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

It would be worthwhile to clarify that distinction then (as you have just done), since Supper's Ready is still a song in the general sense.
Why would I state "songs" and "compositions" unless I was making some kind of distinction?
I really didn't expect to have to spell it out - I think the problem is not with the lack of metal knowledge, as this thread tries to assert - but the lack of prog knowledge from the other side.
BTW, Supper's Ready is actually a collection of songs, that go together to make movements in a composition. This isn't simply idea following idea, or independently written standard songs tacked together, but a conscious composition with an overarching plan - woven together with spontaneity and thematic play.

Nice ... you have very concisely defined an *epic*.Smile

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 05:54
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

/edit 2: What do you think of Panzerballett?

I like them very much:,artist_info,_auto_8724165.xhtml

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 04:53
Originally posted by avalanchemaster avalanchemaster wrote:

speaking of Petrucci, I heard from a reliable source that he is sort of an idiot savant.....great at guitar but practically retarded otherwise....
I doubt that's true somehow....he does write some of the lyrics too. However whether you think his lyrics are any good or not is another matter.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2008 at 04:15
Originally posted by Pnoom! Pnoom! wrote:

It would be worthwhile to clarify that distinction then (as you have just done), since Supper's Ready is still a song in the general sense.
Why would I state "songs" and "compositions" unless I was making some kind of distinction?
I really didn't expect to have to spell it out - I think the problem is not with the lack of metal knowledge, as this thread tries to assert - but the lack of prog knowledge from the other side.
BTW, Supper's Ready is actually a collection of songs, that go together to make movements in a composition. This isn't simply idea following idea, or independently written standard songs tacked together, but a conscious composition with an overarching plan - woven together with spontaneity and thematic play.
To call it a "Song" may be accurate, in that a large part of it is sung - but you'd hardly call a Verdi opera - or even one single aria from a Verdi opera - a "song".
Songs are for pop musicians.

Edited by Certif1ed - May 09 2008 at 04:20
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