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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 19:26

I really don't mind if a few fluffs and bum notes were corrected later in the studio, and if (with the technology available at the time) that meant over-dubs then fine - I can live with that. A lot of the 'live' albums people have selected in this thread were not single-show recordings, but were pieced together from various shows on a tour - do these also count as not being really live?

If the producer goes overboard with overdubbing and leaves nothing of the original recording then it probably should not be called a live album, but since live albums are generally purchased by trufans I cannot see any of them complainingWink.
There are a number of unofficial recordings of the Yes 1972 CTTE tour - it would be interesting to compare them with the official release ust to see how much difference there really is.
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BaldJean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 19:24
Originally posted by febus febus wrote:

Sadly I don't think the pace of  my life allows so much free time to do google search about a rock  ''historian'' theory  about yessongs being overdubbed. there was and is some or a lot of overdubbing in some live recordings.
But i know you cannot say:: this is not al ive album AT ALL!!!!.....this is extreme!!!!!Pinch
Anyway, i am going to listen to it now!!.......and try to LOLenjoy it!! 
No offenseWink

just to make it clear to you: the theory is NOT that "Yessongs" was recorded in the studio. but the tapes have been tampered with; little mistakes were "corrected" with overdubs.
I did not say it is not a live album at all, I just question the practice of overdubbing on live albums. and this is by no means just a theory, overdubbing is common practice for live albums. on "Yesshows" the overdubbing is quite obvious, by the way; it is an open secret that album was overdubbed. with "Yessongs" this is less known.
a live album without overdubbing is "Real Time" by Van der Graaf Generator; it is explicitly stated in the liner notes that there were no overdubs at all. and Peter Hammill is very serious about things like that. also I can attest to it, since I was at that concert, and a fantastic concert it was, though by no means a perfect gig. but I don't go to a concert with the expectation of a "perfect gig". musicians are human beings, after all, so they are prone to make mistakes.
Yes are by far not the only ones who do it. it is not that I want to point a finger to them, I just wanted to point out that what is sold as "live" album often is not the real McCoy. of course hitting a wrong note is a bit embarrassing; however, if a live album is meant to be a document of a concert it feels a bit like cheating

Edited by BaldJean - August 17 2007 at 19:30

A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
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mattmacneil View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 19:14
GEnesis - Live
ELP - Welcome Back My Friends
Amon duul II - Live in London
Gentle Giant - Playing the Fool

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 18:59
Sadly I don't think the pace of  my life allows me so much free time to do google search about a rock  ''historian'' theory  on yessongs being overdubbed. there was and is some or a lot of overdubbing in some live recordings.
But i know you cannot say:: this is not al ive album AT ALL!!!!.....this is extreme!!!!!Pinch
Anyway, i am going to listen to it now!!.......and try to LOLenjoy it!! 
No offenseWink

Edited by febus - August 18 2007 at 07:05
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BaldJean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 18:42
Originally posted by febus febus wrote:

Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I have nothing against studio records; however, my preferred albums are live albums. sadly many so-called "live albums" are not live albums at all; an example is "Yessongs". only the drum tracks are the original live; the rest have been tampered with (source: Tibor Kneif, Sachlexikon der Rockmusik)
You say!!!!!! YESSONGS is not a live album  AT ALL!   
C'MON !!!WackoWacko WackoWhen was the last time you listened to it? 
Whatever overdubs they may have add, you cannot be taken seriously with affirmation like that!  
Don't read the book of some  guy who thinks it's all fake, just listen to it and ..ENJOY it!!Wink

"Yessongs" is an album that was overdubbed in the studio. so was Curved Air's Live album too, by the way. and those are just two examples. it is not I who says this; I cited my source. and Tibor Kneif is a man who knows what he is talking about.
It is common practice for many bands to overdub certain live mistakes, but the question is justified how" live" such an overdubbed album really is.
if you don't believe that Yes would ever do that, do a Google search

Edited by BaldJean - August 17 2007 at 18:43

A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
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ProgBagel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 18:01
These are like the only ones I listened to, but they are great.

Pain of Salvation's live album.

Dream Theater - Live at Budokan and Scenes from New York...what a preformance

Zappa in New York...I think that's what it was called.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 17:04
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I have nothing against studio records; however, my preferred albums are live albums. sadly many so-called "live albums" are not live albums at all; an example is "Yessongs". only the drum tracks are the original live; the rest have been tampered with (source: Tibor Kneif, Sachlexikon der Rockmusik)
You say!!!!!! YESSONGS is not a live album  AT ALL!   
C'MON !!!WackoWacko WackoWhen was the last time you listened to it? 
Whatever overdubs they may have add, you cannot be taken seriously with affirmation like that!  
Don't read the book of some  guy who thinks it's all fake, just listen to it and ..ENJOY it!!Wink
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Vibrationbaby View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 15:44
Here are 10 of my favourites
Klaus Schultze Live -
Never expected to hear Crazy Arthur Brown on a Klaus Schultze   album. Sense is absolutely captivating.
Uriah Heep Live -
Hey what can I say one of my first live albums. I also picked up the 2003 expanded edition. For some reason I love that rock`nroll medley at the end. Got drunk for the first time in my life at my friend`s house listening to this.
Grobschnitt - Solar Music Live
Wacked out tripping and groovin. If you`ve ever seen their live show with that weird guy with the horns, robe and skull at the end you`ll know what I mean, the guy on the cover. That guy. Saw them do this thing live in `78 when I was 16.
Yessongs -
Love the version of Perpetual Change especially Howe`s guitar solo and Bruford`s drum solo. It just keeps goin` like perpetual. Dean`s artwork decorated my room. Love the book that came with the original vinyl. Still have it.
King Crimson -The Great Deciever
!,000,000 times better than USA which I played the life and death out of before this gem finally came along. Love the improvs which were so improved from the bootlegs they were taken from. How much more tripped out can a title get than " A Voyage to the Center Of The Cosmos". Loved the book you got with the package. I don`t know how many hours I`ve spent with these four discs.
Jane - Live At Home
Jane at the top of their game in the mid `70s. Psychedelic. Moody.
Omega - Elo `72
Poorly recorded live album  which was their first  real prog album after their psychedelic period. Pepita, the state owned record label in Hungary didn`t want to release it for political reasons. Beautiful mystical Hungarian lyrics which a friend translated for me.
Pink Floyd - Pulse
ELP - Pictures At An Exhibition
Hack, slice, dice, cull, mutilate. ELPs merciless  disection of  a Mussgorsky classic. Made me want to get into real classical music.
The Mahavishnu Orchestra - Between Nothingness and Eternity
Speed of light excursion into fusion. Mind blowing escape velocity talent. Wish Liard`s bass was louder.
Guru Guru - Essen `70
Mindtripping relentless freaking out They actually prove that the early stuff from UFO & Hinten could actually be played in a recognizable manner live.

 There`s 11.

Edited by Vibrationbaby - August 17 2007 at 15:45
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 15:34
In no particular order.........
1. Yes - Yessongs
2. The Who - Live at Leeds
3. Deep Purple - Made in Japan
4. UFO - Strangers in the Night
5, Rush - All the World's a Stage
6. Porcupine Tree - Coma Divine
7. Allman Brothers Band - The Fillmore Concerts
8. The Flower Kings - Alive on Planet Earth
9. Genesis - Seconds Out
10. Led Zeppelin - How the West was Won
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 13:30
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I have nothing against studio records; however, my preferred albums are live albums. sadly many so-called "live albums" are not live albums at all; an example is "Yessongs". only the drum tracks are the original live; the rest have been tampered with (source: Tibor Kneif, Sachlexikon der Rockmusik)
Ummm... Well, my ears hear a crowd as if it were live and improvised music as if it were live so...
seconds out
Those are pretty much the only live albums I can get into
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andu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 13:28
Nothing really spectacular with my choices, but I hope that in time I will expand my palette:

My two favourite prog live albums are Pink Floyd's Live at Pompeii and ELP's Welcome Back My friends..., who got me into prog. Great production, excellent, inspired performances, perfect intros into prog for newbies.

Other favourites are Genesis' Live (I love the raw sound and tight playing), King Crimson's The Great Deceiver set (monstrous testimony of live prowess), YES' Yessongs (nothing really special about it, but excellent), PFM's Live in Japan (the only non-classic-era live album of a great classic band that I like)and Brand X's Timeline. One other album that I like a lot is Nektar's Sounds Like This, which I think can count as a live album (despite being labeled as "Studio Album").

Led Zeppelin were Gods on stage - I love all their live releases: The Song Remains The Same, BBC Sessions, How The West Was Won and the recent DVD. I'm also hoping some other great performances will get restored and put out for the fans.
One other prog-related, let's say, great performances would be the Band of Gypsys.

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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 13:01
1. Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends,Ladies and Gentlemen...Emerson,Lake and Palmer. Opens with a speedy live version of Hoedown and continues with a mega powerfull version of Toccata and a super elongated Tarkus (the added on section is bombast 'heaven') .The live version of Take A Pebble is admittedly tedious but there is so much good stuff on here that it doesn't matter!
2. Pictures At An Exhibition -ELP (again!) .Mussorgsky gets quite a ride..probably spinning in his grave..but nowhere near as fast as Carl Palmer.Crank it up LOUD!!!
3. Poland - Tangerine Dream .Powerfull,dark and impressive electronic music that bores a hole clean through your speakers and into the deep recesses of your brain.
4.Live In Marseilles - Gerard .As heavy a prog album I've ever heard .Japanese 3 peice band that throws in great Hammond Organ licks,energetic drumming that never stops and superb chunky bass playing.Shame its so short (40 minutes only)
5.Live In Budapest - Manfred Manns Earth Band .Great collection of songs performed to near perfection. A band I would love to have seen live (with Chris Thompson essential)
6.Exposed - Mike Oldfield .Rocked up version of Tubular Bells appeals to me although the truncated version of Incanatations maybe less so.Doesn't spoil the fun though.
7.Seconds Out - Genesis . Not as keen on Genesis live albums as I am of the studio albums. However this is very good and most importantly knits together Dance On A Volcano and Los Endos with a massively impressive drum duet from Messrs Collins and Thompson.
8.Forever Live - IQ .Among the many goodies here Includes nice 'clean' versions of Last Human Gateway (final section) and Widows Peak. Excellent well produced live album with not a hair out of place.
9.Ricochet - Tangerine Dream .Dark atmospheric music.The beginning of their best era(1975-1985) IMO.
10.Live In Iceland - Par Lindh Project . Recorded on the Veni Vidi Vici tour. Great energetic playing and featuring the wonderfull Magdelena Berg on violin and lead vocals .
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 12:51
1.Rush- Different Stages: Rush in Rio has more energy, but this is the better release for prog. For the first time, 2112 appears in its entirety live, and the third disc dating from the A Farewell to Kings tour is superb.

2. Frank Zappa- Zappa in New York: arguably his single best album, this captures his most cohesive lineup tearing through avant jazz improvisations and some of the funniest songs ever penned. Highlights are Titties and Beer, Zappa's view on the androgyny of glam rock in Punky's Whips, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Cruisin' For burgers, adn the masterful Black Page (both the epic drum solo and the swinging full band piece).

3. King Crimson- The Great Deceiver: the most progressive live album ever made, this box set made confuse you when you first get it. The setlists for each of the concerts is similar, yet one listen reveals that even though the set is virtually the same, each song sounds completely different from any other version you've heard. The level of improv skill is stunning, and each member shines.

4. Yes- Yessongs: A killer setlist that comprises all of the band's classics at that point, and new drummer Alan White proves himself more than capable of holding his own as he masterfully recreates Bill's immortal drum patterns. This crackles with an intenisty that studio albums only hint at.

5. Dream Theater- Score: DT, like Rush, always was a band that could make even their worst songs better on the stage. All of the good tracks from Octavarium appear, and the lesser AOR tracks get a oost from the energy of the band and the crowd. The incorporation of an orchestra on such DT classics as Six Degrees and Octavarium is superb, and this represents a great selection of the band's catalog (only complaint, no Change of Seasons or Train of Thought except for Vacant).

I'll just list the rest
6. ELP- Welcome Back...
7. Porcupine Tree- Arriving Somewhere (DVD, but still live)
8. Deep Purple- Made in Japan
9. VDGG- Real Time
10. GG- Playing the Fool

The Who's Live at Leeds trumps al of these, but it isn't prog in the slightest, so I left it off
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BaldJean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 12:05
I have nothing against studio records; however, my preferred albums are live albums. sadly many so-called "live albums" are not live albums at all; an example is "Yessongs". only the drum tracks are the original live; the rest have been tampered with (source: Tibor Kneif, Sachlexikon der Rockmusik)

A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 12:02
This poll is easier.
1. Yessongs
2. Gentle Giant  - Playing the Fool 
3. Pain of Salvation - BE (live)
4. Magma - Live
5. Genesis - Archives (it counts, 2 of 4 cd's are Lamb live in its entirety, 3rd disk has Supper, Dance w/ tMK live)
6. Frank Zappa - Roxy and Elsewhere (most of FZ's albums contained at least portions of live recordings)
7. Brand X - Livestock
8. King Crimson - Heavy ConstruKction
9. Mats/Morgan Live
10. Genesis - Live
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Firefly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 11:40
I'm not crazy about live albums.  But I liked Anekdoten's live double album, and I really, really like Mats/Morgan live.  And that Magma Hhai live sure ain't bad!  Oh, and Deep Purple Made in Japan.
But other than that I really have to think, since I'm shy of live records....
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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 11:22
I prefer live albums above studio albums because in many cases the band plays live more powerful, the interplay is more interesting and I love the extensions and extra soli.
My 10 favorites are in no particurarly order:
1) Barclay JamesHarvest - Live : a Tron-maniac's wet dream Approve and warm, very melodic compositions with wonderful work on guitar and keyboards.
2) Yes - Yessongs : all their best compositions in great renditions with awesome contributions
3) Genesis - Live : unsurpassed blend of folk, rock and classical with PG his vocals as an extra dimension
4) Grobschnitt - Solar Music Live : best German prog album, from the symphonic sounding keyboards to the heavy guitar work, excellent drums and of course the mindlbowing titletrack
5) Le Orme - Live Orme : very rare but outstanding 2-CD with Le Orme at their pinnacle (Contrapunti tour)
6) ELP- Welcome Back .. a classic, I love the self-indulgent and sumptuous approach by Keith Emerson
7) Pink Floyd - At Pompeii : way better than Ummagumma, very compelling blend of symphonic and psychedelic with Gilmour and Wright peaking.
8) Uriah Heep - Live : I can play it everyday, especially July Morning, I love that Hammmond/wah wah guitar duo
9) Deep Purple - Made In Japan : another classic Heavy Prog album, unsurpassed guitar/vocals excertitions.
10) Rush - Exit Stage Left : Rush at their pinnacle, Xanadu live belongs to the best ever progrock compositions
By the way, thanks for mentioning Dutch progressive folk band Flairck, Honganji, I have seen this band many times in the Seventies and early Eighties, excellent musicians and exciting compositions. My favorite is Gevecht Met Een Engel.

Edited by erik neuteboom - August 17 2007 at 11:23
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 10:52
I don't like live stuff most of the time.
But Exit stage Left by Rush is brilliant.Thumbs%20Up
Eat heartily at breakfast, for tonight, we dine in Hell!!
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honganji View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 10:37
1.Tenjosajiki / Shintokumaru
 Greatest performance of play and heavy rock music. This is live recorded play (but edited because it must be put into LP record).
2.Anyone's Daughter / Piktors Verwandlungen
 No applause and voice of audience included till the end of the performance. But absolutely live album. The best album by Anyone's Daughter.
3.Yes / Yessongs
 Greatest triple LPs by Yes. This album shows us Yes is also an excellent band on live stage.
4.Bi Kyo Ran / Ran
 Only 4 tracks. But no need to add others. This live shows the peak of 80s' Bi Kyo Ran. But soon the group stopped for approximately 10 years after this concert.
5.SBB / Karlstad Live
 This is the best live album by SBB as far as I know. It inherits the heaviness of 1st album also appears the flavour of symphonic rock of later SBB (after Pamiec).
6.ELP / Pictures At An Exhibition
 I like this album. There's no other explanation. Embarrassed
7.Heldon / Well And Alive In France Live In Nancy 1979
 The sound quality is not good but the live performance is very excellent. I like such violent music. Sequence rhythm makes me feel good.
8.Flairck / Symphony For The Old World
 This is not a typical progressive rock. However this is also a kind of progressive rock music. Really great technical acoustic ensemble! Exciting!! Big%20smile
9.Anekdoten / Waking The Dead, Live In Japan 2005
 The best album for me by Anekdoten. I prefer this groove rather than studio albums.
10.Magma / Magma Live
 Passion and passion. Solid violin cuts the air of stage. Earthquaking drums heat the atmosphere. No need to say this is one of the greatest progressive rock live albums.
(in no order: numbers are ornaments)
I could not add Santana, Miles Davis, PFM, After Crying, King Crimson .....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2007 at 10:24
Mmm First sorry about my english , i am from argentina. Now my top ten :
1- Genesis - Live
2- Camel - A Live Record
3- Porcupine Tree - Coma Divine
4- Jimi Hendrix - Band Of Gypsis
5- King Crimson - Lament
6- Yes - YesSongs
7- Astor Piazolla - The Central Park Concert
8- Aquelarre - Corazones del Lado del Fuego
9- Jeff Beck and the Jan Hammer Group - Live
10- Led Zeppelin - How The West was Won

That`s the albums that i now remember but must have much more that can be in the list. Bye

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