Yeah, I'm gonna have to give a shout for the remastered cd's. I grew up on LP's and once cds came out I was immediately taken by the improvement in sound quality on most of the cds. Of course, a few of them sounded tinny, but for the most part the cd's sounded much better. I had a crap turntable, but years after cd's made their debut, I had a friend who owned a $3,000 turntable, and I still thought cd's sounded better on a $100 cd player.
Generally, the remastered cd's have even better sound quality. I know some of my old VDGG sounded a little too high pitched in parts, but the remastering took care of that problem. Of course, we could get into a Star Wars problem, where the original is constantly being redone until it is no longer recognizable as the original, but so far I haven't noticed that problem. I prefer remastered all the way.
Edited by The Doctor - September 23 2007 at 21:36