I bought LA Women this record a couple of days ago on an impulse when I saw it at a cheap price. Boy was I dissappointed with it when I gave it a listen last night, to me the whole album is flat, firstly Jim Morrison just doesn't seem to care about the audience ( I know he was deterioating at this point), secoundly this album is so behind with what had as was happening musically this album was made in 1971 but it sounded more like 1967.
Musically speaking it sounded like it had not paid attention to the innovations of the the past by such albums as theBeatles album Abbey Road, Jimmy Hendrix Electric Ladyland, Miles Davis Bitches Brew. Nor does it appear were the musicians aware of the innovations that occured in 1971, that year albums Can's Tago Mago, the Yes Album, Van derr Graaf Generator H to He, these albums are light years ahead of LA Woman. To me the album falls completely flat, it sounds like it came out just after the release of the song 'Wild Thing' (by the troggs if i'm correct).
In My opinion the only reason people bother with the Doors is firstly Jim Morrison was good looking, lived the wild rock n' roll lifestyle and died young. According to the rulwes of pop culture matrydom if you look good, live hard and die young you are an immortal legend. Also to reinforce that was Oliver Stone's movie, which resulted in Morrison's sanctification to a devine musical authority, and the resulting pop culture magazines eg the Rolling Stone Magazine.
So in the end I think LA Woman was a dud, it was a Turkey when it was released and still is a Turkey today. But because of Morrison's sainthood decleared by the pop culture authrities many people do not question the quality (or lack of) on this album.
After all Saint Morrison is on posters and tee shirts at your local music store.
In my opinion if Jim Morrison was still alive today , the Doors would not have the high status today, and Jim Morrison like Tom Jones wuold be now singing in Las Vegas and considered at the same level as Tom Jone, not the rock 'God' who died young.
As a result I give this LA Woman 2 stars.
Thankyou for your time.