You should listen to more of Styx music before you go bashing them. While they aren't nearly as complex or talented as the greats (Genesis, KC, Yes, etc.) they are a great pop/prog band. Many prog fans start with the lighter poppier stuff and eventually listen to the most complex stuff out there like GG, Crimson, Renaissance. So Styx is sort of a way to get prog radio attention so that many people (mostly younger) can get into the genre.
Also, Styx had many good prog tunes. Just check out the following:
A Day.....(1973) excellent psychadelic prog workout with Floyd-inspired jams
Father O.S.A......(1973)great guitar riff, vocals, and solos, with lyrics far better than anything Deep Purple ever wrote.
Young Man.....(1973) good anti-war song &n bsp;
Man of Miracles.....(1974) Uriah Heep inspired metal/prog with an awesome intro
Suite Madam Blue.....(1975) one of the greatest art-rock songs ever
Also, the entire Grand Illusion album, not a weak track to be found, including (one of my all-time favorites) the dark 'Castle Walls'
In order to appreciate Styx, you must look past the AOR sh*t they made later, and listen to their earlier stuff, without taking them to seriosly.