I would rather be totally surprised by what is played and have no idea of what it is!
It gets you pumped, excited, and ... you go searching for it!
That is, what music is all about!
The worst thing that you can do is play up to an audience and think this is what they want ... how do you know? Are you smart and they stupid? Don't they have a taste of their own?
So, you see ... that is my problem with radio ... the idiocy that someone has a greater ego and "knows" something that you and I do not know -- and that today, we would be too stupid to play something that simple and easy ... and ignore hundreds of thoussands of other CD's of music out there that also deserve the ear and the play!
The last show I did was "The Space" and it was on the air for 3 years and I opened it with Jan Garbarek -- and I have to look at it to list the cut -- and I can not even tell you the sequences for the next hour. I think there was Djam Karet, Ozric Tentacles, Terje Rypdal, Mother Gong, ... gosh I'm embarassed ... I can't t remember what I played now! I put together over 100 hours of music, not a single repeat EVER, and did whole band expose's ... I had shows for Duncan Brown, Family/Streetwalkers, Hawkwind, Nektar, Man (with Martin's approval -- he even said ... gosh, I haven't heard that in a long time!), Can, Amon Duul 2, Nektar, Guru Guru/Kraan, Banco, Le Orme, Camel, Kayak, Roxy Music/Phil Manzanera, Carmen, Sadistic Mika Band, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Vangelis, Riuichi Sakamoto, Mike Oldfield, Curved Air, Renaissance, Caravan, Gong and Families (3 hours!), Djam Karet (2 hours), Focus, a lot of the "progressive" folks ... I never touched Genesis, KC or ELP, not because I didn't like them or didn't want to ... but because you have already heard it, and what would I be trying to prove to you? ... if all I can play is top ten, I quit right now ... but if I can be all free form and add an ABC here or there that will surprise everyone ... that's what makes it "progressive" ... and the rest is a meaningless term.
So ... jingle? ... sorry ... for me that is exactly the kind of "radio" that has spent 40 years trying to kill the very music we love that has withstood the attacks ... by people that didn't give a sh*t about music at all! ... between you and I ... we care about the music, and jingles is not what we are about.
Please stop making us another radio moron out there with a big this or that .... on some hip something or other. Progressive was exactly the opposite of most of that stuff ... the majority of which was there strictly to pick up the girls and share the diseases!
Edited by moshkito - June 30 2010 at 21:49