six months or so ago i bought two albums on the same day, Deawing by Porcupine Tree and Frances the mute by The Mars Volta. Both were difficult to listen to in the beginning. Deadwing i struggled with and could hardly get through 4 or 5 tracks before changing the CD as the music was a little gloomy and maudlin at times. Frances on the other hand was just so dense that i could not get my head around it.
Now six months later i understand both albums better. Deadwing has some fine parts but still there are tooo many songs with a dull verse followed by a catchy chorus and throughout the album a sprinkling of classy sections followed by a return to the bland. Lazarus is the exception as it is a catchy tune from the off in the coldplay style but after 10 plays or so it becomes ho hum, a typical pop song.
Frances though has revealed many gifts, this is is an album i am glad i never gave up on. It sure helps to hear them live, what an experience, truly amazing, a throwback to the great prog bands of yesteryear in their scope and ambition.
Whilst the whole album is very good i must pay tribute to Cassandra Gemini. This is a track to take the breath away and once finished i'm looking to start it all over.
The symphonic aspect of this epic is apealing and i would love to see this played with a full orchestra someday.
I'm starting to consider this track alongside other epics such as gates of Delirium by Yes. I never thought i would hear music with such scope and grandeur played with so much energy and precision. Is this track a masterpiece? I don't know it's still early days but i'm starting to think Cassandra Gemini should be spoken of alongside the greats. Well Done The Mars Volta