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Archisorcerus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 08:10
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ There is no such thing as "absolute proof"

Oh really?..

Somebody says that my village is destroyed.

I called many villagers and learned that it didn't happen.

Not a proof? Right. There can be a conspiracy. Someone might have channeled ther phone lines and mimicked their voices via AI.

Then, I called my grandfather and asked some questions which only he could know.

That's proof for me!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 08:07
This one takes the cake for me: Reasonably priced at around $4000, essentially a good looking bowl-shaped resin block with gold power colored concentric rings. It's interesting to read through the 200+ reviews ...

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 08:04
^ There is no such thing as "absolute proof" - like many atheists say: Even if God were to appear to them and say "I exist", they would still rather see that as a hallucination rather than as proof for a supernatural entity.

But of course in real life we are experiencing things, giving us varying degrees of certainty of what is (most likely) true and what isn't. The theory of gravity is a good example - can be verified by everyone through simple experiments. General relativity is only slightly more difficult - but anyone who has a mobile phone with GPS is implicitly verifying it every day. No such experiments are possible with Orgone energy, for example, despite there being expensive gadgets available (with patents protecting the designs).

LOL Heck, some of these devices look really cool.
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Archisorcerus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 07:50
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ Well, not all conspiracy theories are crazy - that makes it so hard to talk about the topic. Even the crazy ones usually have a (small) kernel of truth within them.

Surely. I give at least a grain of possibility to even the craziest sounding conspiracy theory. Yet, "believing in" is a different thing. I don't believe in anything without absolute proof or unless I experience/observe that myself.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 07:45
^ Well, not all conspiracy theories are crazy - that makes it so hard to talk about the topic. Even the crazy ones usually have a (small) kernel of truth within them. Returning to the topic of democracy, I do think that the entire system of "The West" is controlled by a small group of extremely wealthy persons. But I do not need to invoke any spiritual or pseudo-scientific concepts to explain that. It's simple psychology. And I'm not being very specific about it, as to how it works, who's "in on it", and so forth. I don't think it's a massive organised conspiracy - it's probably more like an emergent property of our global society and how it progressed throughout the last couple of centuries.
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Archisorcerus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 06:53
The fundamental issue about the conspiracy theory-laden mindset is that, the people who believe in such things don't do that "after years of research". They are prone to believe such theories and they just "feed" their already bloomed understanding over the years. Same applies to the "spiritualists" also, if not all of them.

The funny thing is that they believe the crowds (which is "us" according to them) are deceived ant they are very enlightened. It is funny and ironic as they parrot the same things, whilst "we" are the ones that shape our original ideas. Honestly, I had heard virtually everything that puppy, cosmic vibration (and there was a German forumer, yet I forgot his name) uttered beforehand, from a close friend of mine, before.

I have such a pal. We are very good friends, but we don't talk about such matters anymore as it only brings negativity onto our friendship.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 06:09
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by suitkees suitkees wrote:

I give you credit for even responding to this nonsense. I myself would rather not justify such nonsense by even offering a response to it, as spewing this nonsense eventually comes back to bite the tin foil mind that dwells in it.

And you are another hopeless dreamer with your head in the clouds dismissing anything you haven't investigated thoroughly. You are the perfect example of someone who refuses to look at validated evidence because it would change your world view and call it "nonsense" simply to justify your inability to tackle complex topics. Despite the fact it's been verified by courts, military tribunals and verifiable via public documents and patents, it's still all nonsense. Sounds like you're just another REALITY DENIER.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Mark Twain

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I don't believe that you have the slightest clue as what is reality or even what constitutes reality. How someone like you can function in society is beyond me.
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2024 at 01:36
^ That's a nice way of putting it!

Silly's pseudoscientific claims are easily debunked, which explains the arrogant stance and the angry reactions to any criticism. After all, he is in possession of THE TRUTH. He has probably spent a lot of time "researching" this nonsense, resulting in an enormous house of cards. Of course this might all be an elaborate attempt at trolling, but in either case it's not worthing putting any serious time into.

I can only encourage anyone interested in science vs pseudoscience to watch Sean Carroll's presentation I mentioned above. He explains, on the basis of quantum field theory, why there cannot be any meaningful mysterious forces other than the ones we have already discovered. However, the can and will always be hucksters and snake oil salesman making such claims, registering patents, creating "controversy" and, of course, claiming that they're being oppressed by mainstream science authorities.

For the record: Remember, I personally think that mainstream "science" is wrong on many accounts, and that there is oppression and manipulation going on. But that mostly applies to the "soft" fields of science which in general do not follow the scientific method, for example the whole field of nutritional epidemiology is completely unscientific. A related example would be the WHO (world health organisation) which is funded almost entirely by clearly non-democratic corporations and individuals, and which increasingly dictates, without any proper scientific evidence, what we should eat and how we should deal with diseases.

Edited by MikeEnRegalia - March 25 2024 at 01:37
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 20:43
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

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I'll eschew quoting the color-coded gibberish and keep the only aspect of your commentary that has not wholly devolved into some conspiracy syndrome-laced tin-foil-hattery. 

You could be a zealot in Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, wherein the lead character, an author of conspiratorial occult fiction, awaits death at the hands of deluded fanatics who believe he is withholding arcane information from them (information that is wholly fictional and nonexistent), and he opines:

"It makes no difference whether I write or not. They will look for other meanings, even in my silence."

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 18:46
^ i guess you've proven yourself to be shallow.
And you don't understand the first thing about the patenting process.

You cannot attain a patent with a fully operational, fully demonstrable technology.

And i just had a very nice chat with a quantum physicist today who studied all things and Nikola Tesla's patents at a very prestigious institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Face it, you're clueless about these things!

Since you don't really understand the absolute basics of how science and technology actually operate, it's a total waste of time even interacting with you.

Just call me crazy. I DON'T CARE!!!

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Edited by siLLy puPPy - March 24 2024 at 18:49
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 14:20
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ This entire concept is not compatible with the scientific method. Sounds like the kind of woo-woo people like Deepak Chopra would say. Does it matter at all to you? You keep saying that this stuff would be admissible in a court of law. Assuming that is the case (which I doubt), does this (fallacious argument from authority) trump the scientific method for you?

You're clearly not aware of torsion physics, orgone energy and scalar wave frequency science. Seriously, you shouldn't make assumptions on things you don't comprehend.

I do comprehend these pseudoscientific concepts. More than you, I'd wager.

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

The technologies i presented before, the Dr Giordoano brain science stuff is patented and legally admissible by law. That's what i was referring to. Guess what. The conversation and topic changed. Imagine that.

Do you think that the mere fact that something is patented gives it any legitimacy?

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Dr Bruce Lipton has proved scientifically that emotions and brainwaves have the ability to affect and change cellular activity.

Bruce Lipton is just another peddler of pseudoscience. I heard about him first about 20 years ago. 

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Many Russian scientists of the Soviet era proved scientifically many things that would be called woo in the West. This is one of the reasons the elites hate Russia so much and in the 1990s many Soviet science was leaked to the West, research that had been completely suppressed in the West.
I don't accept your assertion. What exactly was proven scientifically? 

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Knowing certain things exist but are scientifically unprovable that allow a glimpse of hope are a whole other enchilada. Have you ever been visited by a spirit? Something that literally flicks objects around the room like a poltergeist? I have. Can i prove it? No. Did it prove to me spirits are real. Oh yeah. Science only goes so far but more has been scientifically validated than the mainstream science rags will report.
You're contradicting yourself. But sure, tell me more about these scientifically validated scientifically unprovable things ...
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Nikola Tesla, the greatest scientist of human history, used the aether and spiritual dimensions in tandem with the physical world to create free energy from the Earth's magnetic field and hundreds of other patented technologies.

He was railroaded and died broke and then all of his patents were confiscated by the US government (for "national security" reasons and subsequently used in the black budget projects of the military industrial complex to wreak havoc on the world. Where do you think these brain hacking sciences stemmed from?

There are many myths around Nikola Tesla. Most are just nonsense. But as we've seen, when someone patents some crazy thing, it becomes legitimate science in your worldview. What a frightening world you must be living in.

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Researching all these topics and others will clearly show you how much scientific discovery has been suppressed from the public. Just patents alone will do so. But hey ain't gonna tell you any of this in your physics class in college. Guarantee it because i been der, done dat.

Oh and did you know that the entire new age philosophy was created by the CIA to make anything multidimensional sound like woo woo? Deepak Chopra and his ilk are nothing more than CIA stooges who steer the narrative from the true sciences of Nikola Tesla and his followers. So much you're not aware of.

Well, thanks for letting me know. Since I've identified many of these concepts as unscientific bullsh*t (not just now, but on many occasion over the last 20 years), I won't waste much more energy on this.

BTW: Occam's Razor is useful here. The problem with democracy can easily be explained by simple psychological principles and basic human properties like greed, fear and ignorance. I do not need to invoke metaphysical nonsense to explain any of it.

Food for thought for anyone who buys into this:

Edited by MikeEnRegalia - March 24 2024 at 14:21
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Archisorcerus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 10:33
I'll not participate in the discussion here... Dunno. Anybody can believe in anything. I'm OK with that, for some time. It feels better.

Let me share some "serpentine" songs, instead. Let 'em battle each other. Wink

Edited by Archisorcerus - March 24 2024 at 10:34
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 08:32
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

The brain hacking technologies presented by Dr Girodano is not about a world government. It's about a global feudal system that restores power to a few kings and queens and makes the rest of us serfs.   
Just to make sure, Dr Giordano doesn't say anything of this kind. He presents the technology. He does discuss the use of the technology to some extent, but doesn't mention what you say here (of course this doesn't mean that what he presents cannot be used in this way and you may claim that the information how it actually is used and by whom is elsewhere).
Now why would anybody presenting this in a public forum admit their intent? That's a legal liability!!!
Fair enough. I just try to be precise about what is said in the video and what isn't.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 08:30
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

The brain hacking technologies presented by Dr Girodano is not about a world government. It's about a global feudal system that restores power to a few kings and queens and makes the rest of us serfs.   
Just to make sure, Dr Giordano doesn't say anything of this kind. He presents the technology. He does discuss the use of the technology to some extent, but doesn't mention what you say here (of course this doesn't mean that what he presents cannot be used in this way and you may claim that the information how it actually is used and by whom is elsewhere).

Now why would anybody presenting this in a public forum admit their intent? That's a legal liability!!!

Can you think of any beneficial purposes for someone hacking your brain and usurping your freewill?

Seriously? So who benefits from these technologies? You and me? I don't think so.

Capitalists and globalists always justify their mad scientist ambitions.

The fact that only a few "behind the scenes" organizations can access these technologies pretty much dictates that there will be no accountability.

Sure the world is a better place for inventing the nuclear bomb.

Radioactive fallout is GOOOOOD for you! Bwahahahah LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 08:24
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

The brain hacking technologies presented by Dr Girodano is not about a world government. It's about a global feudal system that restores power to a few kings and queens and makes the rest of us serfs.   
Just to make sure, Dr Giordano doesn't say anything of this kind. He presents the technology. He does discuss the use of the technology to some extent, but doesn't mention what you say here (of course this doesn't mean that what he presents cannot be used in this way, and you may claim that the information how it actually is used and by whom is elsewhere).

Edited by Lewian - March 24 2024 at 08:27
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 08:13
^ the word government has many meanings. In the sense of a force that has usurped control of the entire world's political system it rings true. If you mean a world government such as a nation state then you are correct.

In this sense government refers to "governing forces" that usurp the freewill of any nation state. That clearly does exist in the form of treaties and regulating bodies that although not thought of in the terms of government, actually hold more power than most traditional governing bodies. By obfuscating true power by such linguistic manipulation, nefarious forces have gained a foothold simply because of these quibbles in terminology.

A world government as you say, would require the consent of the population. The brain hacking technologies presented by Dr Girodano is not about a world government. It's about a global feudal system that restores power to a few kings and queens and makes the rest of us serfs. That's not a government. That's an occupation. The current situation in Palestine is exactly what many of these psychopaths desire.

Will it happen? I hope not but unless everyone resists and pushes back it's almost a certainty given their technological advantages. Keep in mind these tiny bits of things i'm sharing on this thread are a mere drop in the bucket to the larger scope of what is happening these days.

Regarding the word "conspiracy." It means "an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful or subversive act." First of all they legalize all this to shield themselves from culpability but if you don't consider the attempted hijacking of the very essence of human biology not to be subversive or wrongful then i honestly don't know what is.

All quibbling on semantics aside, i think we can all agree we do not want this to come to fruition.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 07:46
I actually agree that
(1) there is no level playing field in a Western democracy,
(2) some rich people and corporations hold far too much power and have the means to influence decisions made in a democracy in unacceptable ways,
(3) the power of democratically elected national governments is limited by national and international contracts and power structure,
(4) manipulation of voters and the general public opinion by dark and not quite so dark means happens regularly in democracies,
(5) we cannot trust that politicians honestly try to serve the public and to represent public interest as well as they can (although such politicians can be found),
(6) not all information in a democracy is open.

That said, I don't buy the "world government" story (the fact that there are some rules that hold  worldwide in principle isn't enough for this claim); I rather think that  there are many actors that have different and often opposing aims, and don't normally act in a coordinated manner. I also think (and know from experience, personal contact etc.) that democratically elected national and regional governments can and do decide many things that have a lot of impact on the people, mostly of course thing the global players with enough power don't care about, but also occasionally they take on global players. I think that you find many of the shortcomings of democracies also in general interactions between people (the current thread is a nice illustration Wink), so democracy is problematic but not the primary source of many of these problems, and abolishing democracy is not a way to solve these. I can however see how because of these issues many think that Western democracy is not really "true democracy", and this is in my view rather a matter of definition. i.e., how ideal you require a system to be in order to be called "democracy". Obviously you can have a concept that makes "true democracy" impossible and then you can't have it, alright. The problem with this is that if people don't want to defend what we have, we may well lose it, and what comes then may well be worse. Particularly because also this is used by players who want to replace democracy by something else that will not fix any of the issues listed above, and will actually be worse, maybe much worse.

To bring in another aspect, which unfortunately also doesn't show Western democracies in a very favourable light, Western democracies have been major players when it comes to climate change and ruining the environment more generally. By and large people will not vote to constrain their lifestyle, and so ruining the planet goes on, and pretty much everything that happens at international level is too little too late. Ah, something could be said in favour of a coordinated world government that would act on these issues, but alas, it looks like neither dictatorships not international coordination come up with anything better than elected national and regional governments. Sigh. But once more, also this issue alienates some people (particularly young ones) from democracy and will be used against it by those who want to get rid of it.

BTW @ siLLy puPPy: I do some research, too and have actually watched the J. Giordano video. I don't have an issue with that. It is basically a list of dangerous things that exist, nothing wrong with knowing this, however it has no implications regarding "world government" and conspiracy (and isn't meant to) nor is it questioning democracy (although I see the point that application of what is presented there is a problem for democracy, see my point (4)).  

Edited by Lewian - March 24 2024 at 08:29
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 07:41
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Researching all these topics and others will clearly show you how much scientific discovery has been suppressed from the public. Just patents alone will do so. But hey ain't gonna tell you any of this in your physics class in college. Guarantee it because i been der, done dat.


Nice post ... loved it because it credits the one that deserves a lot of appreciation but will never get it because of folks that are stuck on a top ten concept and think they are absolutely right by a majority, and tend to negate anything contrary to their numbers and ideas of majority!

Life has many other sides, not just one ... and this is the hard part to try and tell folks about it ... it's like Mosh couldn't possibly be right or seen that ... and thus, it didn't happen! Same thing with what you are saying and stating. But even the idea, of what happened to my parents would not even be read by someone that did not believe in anything but their top ten ideas of the world ... because it could break apart their "complete" view of things, and not realizing how fragmented and unlikely that view is in the first place!

It's tough ... being a foreigner that has seen so much, and felt so much, and somewhat in the dark as to what happened in Portugal when we know for sure that at least one of my mom's brothers was shot for his ideas ... there we go again, Mosh inventing new this and that ... 

Some day, they will know some truth, some real truth, but it will be too late to even apologize to anyone for the malaise and viciousness of lies and deceit. How can you tell an evil person? It ain't by words, I assure you! But the one who thinks he is the owner of the top ten, will go out of his/her way to tell you that you are wrong! Wacko

Edited by moshkito - March 24 2024 at 07:44
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 06:22
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ This entire concept is not compatible with the scientific method. Sounds like the kind of woo-woo people like Deepak Chopra would say. Does it matter at all to you? You keep saying that this stuff would be admissible in a court of law. Assuming that is the case (which I doubt), does this (fallacious argument from authority) trump the scientific method for you?

You're clearly not aware of torsion physics, orgone energy and scalar wave frequency science. Seriously, you shouldn't make assumptions on things you don't comprehend.

The technologies i presented before, the Dr Giordoano brain science stuff is patented and legally admissible by law. That's what i was referring to. Guess what. The conversation and topic changed. Imagine that.

Dr Bruce Lipton has proved scientifically that emotions and brainwaves have the ability to affect and change cellular activity.

Many Russian scientists of the Soviet era proved scientifically many things that would be called woo in the West. This is one of the reasons the elites hate Russia so much and in the 1990s many Soviet science was leaked to the West, research that had been completely suppressed in the West.

Knowing certain things exist but are scientifically unprovable that allow a glimpse of hope are a whole other enchilada. Have you ever been visited by a spirit? Something that literally flicks objects around the room like a poltergeist? I have. Can i prove it? No. Did it prove to me spirits are real. Oh yeah. Science only goes so far but more has been scientifically validated than the mainstream science rags will report.

Nikola Tesla, the greatest scientist of human history, used the aether and spiritual dimensions in tandem with the physical world to create free energy from the Earth's magnetic field and hundreds of other patented technologies.

He was railroaded and died broke and then all of his patents were confiscated by the US government (for "national security" reasons and subsequently used in the black budget projects of the military industrial complex to wreak havoc on the world. Where do you think these brain hacking sciences stemmed from?

Researching all these topics and others will clearly show you how much scientific discovery has been suppressed from the public. Just patents alone will do so. But hey ain't gonna tell you any of this in your physics class in college. Guarantee it because i been der, done dat.

Oh and did you know that the entire new age philosophy was created by the CIA to make anything multidimensional sound like woo woo? Deepak Chopra and his ilk are nothing more than CIA stooges who steer the narrative from the true sciences of Nikola Tesla and his followers. So much you're not aware of.

Edited by siLLy puPPy - March 24 2024 at 07:36
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2024 at 04:03
^ This entire concept is not compatible with the scientific method. Sounds like the kind of woo-woo people like Deepak Chopra would say. Does it matter at all to you? You keep saying that this stuff would be admissible in a court of law. Assuming that is the case (which I doubt), does this (fallacious argument from authority) trump the scientific method for you?
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