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    Posted: February 18 2014 at 05:58
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

In any case top musicianship, of course, and plenty of enjoyable moments. But Bridge Across Forever keeps being my fav.
The covers on disc 2 follow the originals too closely, but they are OK, especially the most proggy Yes' And You And I, Focus Sylvia and KC's Indiscipline. 

I agree. They could have done more with the covers than just duplicating the originals.

I also agree with you about BAF.

Edited by chopper - February 18 2014 at 05:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 18 2014 at 05:43
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

I really like this one. It seems like it's more of a band effort and less dominated by Neal Morse this time around.
Funny because I get the opposite impression. This one sounds more like solo Neal Morse stuff to me, a few passages seem outtakes from Spock's Beard's Snow or Neal's Momentum.

I'm a bit disappointed to be honest, extremely predictable and formulaic. This is one of those albums which need to be judged in their context and timing, if this was TA's debut I would say it's an exceptional album, but by now it's just more of the same (I already made a similar comment when The Whirlwind was released).

In any case top musicianship, of course, and plenty of enjoyable moments. But Bridge Across Forever keeps being my fav.
The covers on disc 2 follow the originals too closely, but they are OK, especially the most proggy Yes' And You And I, Focus Sylvia and KC's Indiscipline. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2014 at 23:07
Originally posted by Dellinger Dellinger wrote:

Originally posted by ProgVanWinkle ProgVanWinkle wrote:

After listening the required minimum of 5 times for any prog disc worth it's salt, this is an absolutely amazing effort by Transatlantic.I swear, I don't know how these guys go back to their regular bands - this stuff is so good.

Unfortunatley, Portnoy no longer has a regular band to go back to   

He seems to be happy with all his 10,000 bands though. Spreading his musical wings! CARPE DIEM. Seize the Day as he wrote in ACOS.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2014 at 20:07
Originally posted by ProgVanWinkle ProgVanWinkle wrote:

After listening the required minimum of 5 times for any prog disc worth it's salt, this is an absolutely amazing effort by Transatlantic.I swear, I don't know how these guys go back to their regular bands - this stuff is so good.

Unfortunatley, Portnoy no longer has a regular band to go back to   
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 16 2014 at 11:38
I really like this one. It seems like it's more of a band effort and less dominated by Neal Morse this time around.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 16 2014 at 11:20
Originally posted by ProgVanWinkle ProgVanWinkle wrote:

I especially like the title track/epic.   The epics are classically proggy, takes awhile to hit you then lasts forever!

Except the singing halfway through- just let Stolt and More sing!!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2014 at 13:51
After listening the required minimum of 5 times for any prog disc worth it's salt, this is an absolutely amazing effort by Transatlantic.

I swear, I don't know how these guys go back to their regular bands - this stuff is so good.
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Mato View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 28 2014 at 12:08
Got it ! Downloading right now ! :-)

thanks for the info. no space for physical products anymore :-)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 28 2014 at 09:58
Radiant Records

 Hey there,


It's a EPIC day! This is the official release date for Transatlantic's Kaleidoscope Album. It's ALSO a epic day because today is the day the entire Kaleidoscope album is available for download at Radiant! The secrets out...this is an amazing album getting rave reviews EVERYWHERE! You can hear it full quality RIGHT NOW!

Take your pick: Download the full uncompressed AIFF files or MP3s of both the main disc and the bonus disc now.

Edited by ProgVanWinkle - January 28 2014 at 09:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 28 2014 at 03:46
Looking forward to getting and hearing this one ! Seems like no digital download version though... :-(
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 26 2014 at 21:25
A big and very pleasant surprise was the Pete vocal section in the title track. Man I want more of that. Absolutely beautiful section!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 26 2014 at 18:33
I especially like the title track/epic.   The epics are classically proggy, takes awhile to hit you then lasts forever!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 26 2014 at 13:49
Yeah Black as the Sky is a grower for me. That was a surprise! You know a TA track I often forget, the bonus track Spinning. Wonderful piece. But anyway listening through the album again to digest more.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 26 2014 at 08:05
A sample review:

Transatlantic: Kaleidoscope (Review)

Posted by Brad Birzer

Transatlantic, Kaleidoscope (Radiant/Metal Blade/Inside Out, 2014).

The opening few moments of Kaleidoscope transition perfectly from the band’s previous outing, The Whirlwind.  The atmospherics and sound effects cause the listener to imagine the Transatlantic blimp/starship landing in a Close Encounters sort of way.

The band, it seems, readily survived the whirlwind, and they’ve come back to tell us about their adventures.

Despite the opening few moments of transition (over six minutes, actually) from the last album, Kaleidoscope has far more in common, in terms of structure and themes, with SMPT:e and Bridge Across Forever than it does with their 2009 masterpiece.  It’s eclectic, to be sure, but . . .

. . . this is pure and glorious Transatlantic in every way.

And, what can one say about Transatlantic that hasn’t been said?  These four guys not only embody traditional symphonic prog in their music, they live it and promote it and love it and cause lots of other folks to feel the same.  A Transatlantic album is never just another offering, it’s always a moment in prog history.



Cohesive Community or Autonomous Individuals?

Yet, for me, it’s hard to think of Transatlantic as a band as much as I think of them as four friends, getting together to jam next to each other.  Big Big Train, for example, always sounds like a group of brilliant individuals who have agreed to build an album while working firmly as a cohesive unit, a community without bounds.  TA, though, sounds like four very separate individuals who want to play next to and around one another.  It’s even a blast listening to TA albums, thinking, oh that’s Neal’s part, that’s Roine’s, that Mike’s, or that’s Pete’s.

Write that Mystery Board. . . let the deal go down.

Write that Mystery Board. . . let the deal go down.

One picture in the accompanying booklet even mysteriously shows a white board with the parts of each member.  Were I still sixteen, I would spend hours trying to decipher the meaning of it all in some gnostic fashion.  Sadly, that was 30 years ago, and I have no such time, though the desire remains.

While thinking of modern prog groups, BBT reminds me much more of 1973 Genesis, while TA reminds me of 1971 Yes.  Not that either is retro, as they both are their own and no one else’s, of course.

Or, to put it in military terms, BBT is an Anglo-American Marine unit and TA is a group of late medieval Berserkers, ready to challenge the enemy through individual honor.  To take this a bit further, Andy Tillison of The Tangent would be leading a cavalry charge uphill.

Ok, enough comparisons, but even the title of the new TA album is revealing, as a series of overlapping, reflecting images.  Appropriately, each song title deals with a color or a type of light.



A Beautifully-Fractured Whole

When the video of “Shine” appeared online, a number of proggers on the internet loved the song, of course (who doesn’t love TA?), but worried about the direction of Transatlantic, wondering if the whole album would have such a praise and worship feel.  Fear not!  As a song, Shine, seems like nothing else on the album.  Except, perhaps, for Neal’s one solo contribution and paean to hope, “Beyond the Sun.”  The latter, though, bleeds directly into the 32-minutes finale, “Kaleidoscope,” and serves as an effective prologue.

The first song, “Into the Blue,” doesn’t really pick up until several minutes into the song and past the atmospherics, the transition from The Whirlwind.  At 25 minutes, this is an adventure.  Rather than it building and building, it builds, falls, and builds again several times.  At moments, it sounds like pure TA, at other times, it sounds very much like a sequel to TFK’s Desolation Rose.  Even the creepy, ominous voice that appeared on TFK’s “Bavarian Skies” and “White Tuxedos” makes a cameo here on “Into the Blue.”  Very welcome, though, is the cameo vocals of Daniel Gildenloew.  Of all of the songs on the album, this is by far the most religious, lyrically, especially the references to St. Paul’s writings (Galatians and Romans).  The religion never becomes blatant, though, and it will probably seem merely a Jon Anderson-like love of the Cosmos for most listeners.

Everyone who loves TA has already had a chance to hear “Shine,” so I won’t go into details here, except to state that it 1) fits the albums; and 2) has a sitar part at the beginning I didn’t catch in the video.

My favorite track, by far, is “Black as the Sky.”  Every member of TA is in top form, but especially  good are Roine’s vocals and the rhythm and interplay of Mike and Pete.  Phew.  Amazing.  I hope they start off the concert with this.  Talk about a rocking intro, one sure to enliven the entire crowd immediately.  The song, though, did make me a little sad.  If this were still 1982, this song would absolutely dominate album rock radio in America, and TA would be one of the best selling artists and bands in music.

The fourth track, “Beyond the Sun,” the only song credited to a single member of TA, Neal, is best described as something Anderson and Wakeman could have written around 1989.  Neal’s voice, of course, sounds absolutely nothing like Anderson’s, but this track is as ABWH as it gets.

As mentioned earlier, it blends perfectly into the final track, the grand epic, Kaleidoscope.  Pure TA.  As Mike said in one concert, “nothing but epics.”  This is epic symphonic prog, to be sure, and it ends the album as well as “Into the Blue” opened it.  The difference is that the lyrics of this song are as psychological as the lyrics of the opening are religious.  Ultimately, this song deals with accepting the pains of the world and making the most of them.  The interplay of Neal’s and Roine’s vocals is especially good, and it’s rather jaw dropping when Roine’s voice, in the third movement of the song, sings “And so the king of karma lost his only son.”  It’s one of those just perfect moments that we proggers so often crave.



Covered and Uncovered

The bonus cd has 8 additional tracks all covers, featuring music from Yes, Elton John, the Small Faces, King Crimson, the Moody Blues, and several others.  Clearly, Morse and Portnoy love covering their favorite tracks as so many of their albums attest.  Generally, as is usual with Morse and Portnoy, the covers are not reimaginings of old songs (think of Glass Hammer’s reimagining of “South Side of the Sky”), but truly straight-forward covers of each.  To my mind, the best covers on disk two are ELO’s “Can’t Get It Out of My Head” and “Tin Soldier” by the Small Faces.

The third disk, a DVD, has the Shine video and two vignettes.  I only received Kaleidoscope, Saturday afternoon, so I’ve not had the chance to watch these yet.  My apologies!  I will, and I’ll either post something separately or add to this review.




Admittedly, I’m at a point, where there’s nothing from Stolt, Morse, or TA that I won’t buy, devour, and cherish.  So, my view is probably not as objective as it could be.  I can state this, though: this is a work of beauty, a work of four musical warriors taking on the music scene and doing so with integrity, class, and majesty.

Kaleidoscope is a more than worthy follow-up to The Whirlwind, contains some truly stunning moments, and returns us, at least in form, to the best of TA before the six-year long hiatus.  Highly recommended.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 26 2014 at 08:02
As usual, another quality release by TA.

As someone mentioned, the epics (Into the Blue and Kaleidoscope) are excellent.   That said, "Shine: and "Black, as the Sky" (TA rocks out??) stuck with me more than I expected.  

Still in the early stages of the mandatory 10 listens before a prog album can be rated. 


Saw the Whirlwind tour in LA, but won't be able to make this one.

Edited by ProgVanWinkle - January 26 2014 at 08:04
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2014 at 16:28
I will order on payday (Friday).

The wife told me I couldn't afford it until thenLOL

Really looking forward to getting this one.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2014 at 16:20
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by zeqexes zeqexes wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I received my 3-LP box set just started spinning. Into the Blue is pretty amazing to me! Wife and I see them live next weekend....Gonna be a great show for sure! She has a new camera so unless they do not allow pics at the venue, I will post tons as well as setlist.

I'm getting the coloured vinyl too, I can't wait. And may I ask what model your turntable is? Just curious
Its a wonderful album.......My table is a Music Hall mmf-7.1

Wow! I recently bought a Pro-ject Essential turntable (nothing compared to yours..Wink), and am looking forward to giving the new TA a spin on it
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2014 at 14:38
Originally posted by AlanB AlanB wrote:

All of the tracks on the main album (except Shine) were (maybe still are) on Youtube - plus some of the bonus tracks too - so I had a good listen. Black as the Sky impressed straight away, whereas Beyond The Sun sounded like an inferior Bridge Across Forever. I did like the two epics though, especially the title track, which I managed to listen to once before it was removed (the uploader put an ad for a "get rich quick" scheme as his video, which must be against the rules because a couple of hours later his account was closed!).

I just had an  e mail from Amazon telling me that my CD is in the post Smile

I don't know if I'll be able to get the album before I see the concert... so I hope I'll be able to be listening to it at leas through Youtube meanwhile.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2014 at 14:37
Originally posted by AlexDOM AlexDOM wrote:

Originally posted by Dellinger Dellinger wrote:

Originally posted by AlexDOM AlexDOM wrote:

It's all subject but I find the two epics stellar especially the title track, though the Whirlwind will always be my love! 

Well, I hope I will share your opinion, for I still haven't heard the epics. Even though I have not been particularly fond of their epics on their first two albums... I kind of feel they strive too hard to make the songs longer, and that hurts the quality of the songs. The one I really like is "My new World" from the first album (if I remember the name correctly). And well, I also kind of like "Duel with the Devil", though that one could easily have been 5 or 10 min shorter and still be an awsome epic. Plus, I don't really like epics to be longer than 30 min... or perhaps even 25 min, because if it's actually a bit difficult to find moments in which one can hear an epic, when they go over 25 or 30 min it becomes even harder.
I love My New World too. That one has grown on me. I can say one thing for sure the Gildenlow section in Into The Blue is powerful!

Gildenlow won't be able to be present at the first shows of the tour... including the one I'm attending. He seems to have had some rather nasty health problems
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2014 at 13:34
All of the tracks on the main album (except Shine) were (maybe still are) on Youtube - plus some of the bonus tracks too - so I had a good listen. Black as the Sky impressed straight away, whereas Beyond The Sun sounded like an inferior Bridge Across Forever. I did like the two epics though, especially the title track, which I managed to listen to once before it was removed (the uploader put an ad for a "get rich quick" scheme as his video, which must be against the rules because a couple of hours later his account was closed!).
I just had an  e mail from Amazon telling me that my CD is in the post Smile
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