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Forum & Site Admin Group
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Topic: UPGRADE to the FORUM engine Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:07 |
I've made an UPGRADE to the FORUM engine tonite from the 8.05a to the now up to date 9.06 version. This upgrade includes the following features over the old version. Version 9.06 (6th October 2007)
1. includes/version_inc.asp - updated version number
2. register.asp - removed the country drop down and replaced with text box
3. pm_outbox.asp - added in missing div closing tag
4. register.asp - fixed bug that would course permissions error when member API is enabled
5. functions/functions_filters.asp - fixed issue that effected some servers when submitting gif images.
6. functions/functions_upload.asp - added extra protection against XSS vulnerabilities in IE
7. pm_new_message.asp - fix XSS exploit if Private Message can not be
sent and displays the subject within the returned error message (XSS
exploit could only be done to yourself and not to others)
8. functions/unsafe_upload_content_inc.asp - file to hold unsafe file content type for uploads
Version 9.05 (11th September 2007)
1. includes/version_inc.asp - updated version number
2. functions/functions_member_API.asp - improved reliability for logging in and out as different users
3. functions/functions_login.asp - improved member API and fixed resetting the login count on successful login
4. default.asp - improved text display
5. pm_new_message.asp - increased the size of the allowed username field
6. pm_new_message_from.asp - same as above
7. includes/message_form_inc.asp - same as above
8. pm_buddy_list.asp - increased the size of the username field allowed for buddies
9. pm_add_buddy.asp - increased the size of buddy names
10. admin_register.asp - disabled adding new members and editing member
username when using the Member API, otherwise it will course issues
within the Member API system
11. forum_posts.asp - moved the moderator tools drop down option to a more logical position for the page
12. active_users.asp - now displays users IP to admin and moderators, with link to block users IP
13. language _files/help_language_file_inc.asp - updated help file, to
update some parts that have changed since this file was written
14. forum_images - new .gif images added for IE 6 and blow users
The following files have been updated to show .gif's for IE 6 and below users
The gif's don't look as nice as the PNG images, but uptake of IE 7 with native PNG support is still very slow.
1. common.asp
2. includes/status_bar_header_inc.asp
3. active_topics.asp
4. forum_posts.asp
5. forum_topics.asp
6. pre_approved_topics.asp
7. calendar.asp
8. calendar_week.asp
9. calendar_year.asp
10. search_results_posts.asp
11. search_results_topics.asp
12. members.asp
13. includes/forum_status_icons_inc.asp
14. includes/topic_status_icons_inc.asp
15. calendar.asp
16. calendar_week.asp
17. includes/pm_check_inc.asp
18. email_ notify_subscriptions.asp
19. file_manager.asp
20. file_upload.asp
21. member_control_panel.asp
22. pm_buddy_list.asp
23. register.asp
24. register_confirm.asp
25. pm_inbox.asp
26. pm_message.asp
27. pm_new_message.asp
28. pm_new_message_form.asp
29. pm_outbox.asp
30. pm_welcome.asp
Version 9.04 (3rd September 2007)
1. includes/version_inc.asp - updated version number
2. RTE_textarea.asp - improved for display in IE 7
3. functions/functions_filters.asp - improved support for non-western character sets
4. search_results_post.asp - fixed spelling mistake
6. language _files/language_file_inc.asp - updated new text for better explanation of how some things work
7. register.asp - updated text within this file
8. forum_posts.asp - now display's a new new_post.png icon next to unread new posts
9. get_last_post.asp - re-written to get the last unread post in a topic, or the last post in a topic
10. forum_posts.asp - improved code performance
11. default.asp - doesn't show how many unread posts in sub-forums that the user can not access
12. RSS_calendar_feed.asp - fixed displaying of non-western character sets, and gets the page encoding from the setup file
13. RSS_post_feed.asp - same as above
14. RSS_topic_feed.asp - same as above
15. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - fixed issue that could lead to the wrong URL being created for Web Wiz NewsPad
16. default.asp - now displays an 'unread post' icon next to forums
with new posts in them, that will take the user straight to the last
unread post in the last posted in topic
17. forum_topics.asp - now displays a 'unread post' icon next to topics
with new posts that will take the user straight to the last unread post
18. active_topics.asp - same as above
19. pre_approved_topics.asp - same as above
20. search_results_topics.asp - same as above
21. forum_images - added some new images to support new features
22. includes/browser_page_encoding_inc.asp - removed page encoding setup and placed into the setup_options_inc.asp file
23. includes/setup_options_inc.asp - now has page encoding, RSS Encoding, and direction (RTL/LTR) included in this file
24. RTE_textarea.asp - updated for improved IE support and non-western character support
25. functions/functions_common.asp - updated cookie handling for non active members using IE's bad cookie handling
26. includes/message_form_inc.asp - increased the size of the editor writing area
27. includes/quick_reply_form_inc.asp - same as above for quick reply form
28. RTE_javascript.asp - increased the size of the editor toolbar to fit with new editor size
29. non_RTE_javascript.asp - same as above for non RTE editor
30. functions/functions_member_API.asp - added new and improved features to the existing member API
32. log_off_user.asp - added support to log the user out of the web site when using the member API
33. includes/status_bar_header_inc.asp - updated to support the improved member API
34. registration_rules.asp - updated to support improved member API
35. login_user.asp - same as above
36. includes/login_form_inc.asp - updated so that it will not display if the member API account control is disabled
37. includes/status_bar_header_inc.asp - updated to disable tools if
member API is enabled, or link to the websites own registration/login
38. default.asp - remove quick login when using the member API and forums own login system is disabled
39. register.asp - updated for improved member API and support, fix
issue with Web Wiz NewsPad integration, set new location
40. admin_import_members.asp - updated to improve performance and prevent errors that sometimes occurred on slower systems
41. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - updated to detect browser
version better for degrading for IE 5 & 6 using GIF images
42. includes/Page_link_inc.asp - now uses client browser settings from global variables instead of calling function
43. includes/forum_status_icons_inc.asp - updated file to remove extra coding that is no-loner required
44. includes/status_bar_header_inc.asp - updated to use GIF images for IE 6 and below
45. includes/topic_status_icons_inc.asp - file updated for images
46. forum_images/blank.gif - updated image for smaller sized icons
47. RSS_calendar_feed.asp - fixed RSS Feed for Events
48. member_profile.asp - updated to fix issue with Newsletter that effected some users
49. RTE_popup_link_preview.asp - fixed issue with undefined variable issue
50. functions/functions_windows_authentication.asp - fixed issue
whereby Active Directory users needed to hit refresh to be logged in
51. functions/functions_login.asp - same as above
52. common.asp - removed call to old Windows Authentication (Active Directory) sub which is now replaced with a function
53. quick_serach.asp - text box size now set in pixels to prevent formatting issues with some browsers
54. quick_topic_search.asp - same as above
55. admin_common.asp - updated to fix undefined variable due to other changes in version 9.04
56. admin_register.asp - fixed issue with signatures not displaying as forum BBcodes when being edited in admin area
57. search_process.asp - improved performance
58. forum_posts.asp - fixed issue that would show buddy list link when PM system is disabled
59. functions/functions_common.asp - fixed text display
60. active_topics.asp - improved performance
61. admin_view_forums.asp - updated text
62. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - improved error handling
63. includes/setup_options_inc.asp - added option to disable the
updating of login cookies so users can use auto login on multiple
64. functions/functions_login.asp - updated so users can use auto-login
on multiple computers, logging out will log the user out of all
auto-logged in machines
Version 9.03 (10th August 2007)
1. includes/version_inc.asp - updated version number
2. css_styles all styles updated for a bit of refinement
3. css_styles/dark/default_style.css - improved dark skin and link to new pre_approved_post_dark.gif image
4. RTE_popup_adv_image.asp - fixed image insert issue
5. functions/functions_filters.asp - improved security and fixed RTE formatting for Arabic
6. member_profile.asp - fixed email address issue for those who disable the built in email client
7. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - improved the caching of settings
8. log_off_user.asp - destroys API session variables
9. quick_search.asp - improved layout for IE users
10. quick_topic_search.asp - same as above
11. forum_topics.asp - fixed bug that effected changing dates in Firefox
12. functions/functions_upload.asp - added extra error handling
Version 9.02 (1st August 2007)
1. email_notify.asp - fixed forum subscription bug from subscription page
2. includes/version_inc.asp - updated version number
3. admin_import_members.asp - fixed issue that members email addresses were not imported
4. file_upload.asp - fixed javascript error that wouldn't allow images to be uploaded in the file manager
5. admin_common.asp - updated for license holders
6. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - fixed automatic error detection
of URL's which coursed problems with some email notification links
7. includes/default_javascript.js - renamed file to
default_javascript_v9.js as caching issues with browser when upgrading
was coursing problems
8. header.asp - updated file to point to the new JS file
9. admin_email_notify_configure.asp - same as above
10. admin_skin_configure.asp - same as above
11. admin_license.asp - improved error response
12. css_styles - all css files updated to fix large text format issue
13. admin_remove_sub_forum.asp - updated to improve SQL
14. popup_topic_admin.asp - fixed bug that would not allow forum moderators to update topic details
15. lock_topic.asp - fixed issue that prevent moderators from locking topics
16. search_process.asp - altered so the minimum search word length for logged in users is 1 character
17. quick_topic_search.asp - fixed CInt error
18. quick_search.asp - same as above
19. move_post.asp - made some minor alterations to the code
20. functions_member_API.asp - fixed variable undefined bug
21. admin_server_test.asp - new file to test the server is capable of running all the features of the premium edition
22. admin_menu.asp - new includes link to new compatibility test
23. includes/admin_index_inc.asp - same as above
24. pm_buddy_list.asp - moved the 'Add Buddy' form to the top of the page
25. register.asp - removed 'Delete Member' option which has been here
for years, but under version 9 users have requested it be moved to the
admin control panel
26. admin_select_members.asp - improved page, added new delete member and displays email addresses
27. functions/functions_session_data.asp - made standards compliment SID
28. includes/page_link_inc.asp - improved standards compliance
29. forum_topics.asp - same as above
30. forum_posts.asp - same as above
31. includes/browser_page_encoding_inc.asp - added script validation content type
32. css_styles - all styles changed to support removing align="absmiddle" as it's not part of the XHTML standards
33. global search and replace done to remove align="absmiddle" and border="0"
34. default.asp - improved standards compliance
35. login_user_test.asp - fixed issue with logging in and returning to correct page, also sometimes coursed a blank page in IE6
37. login_user.asp - same as above
38. includes/login_form_inc.asp - same as above
39. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - added new variable for holding sid for redirects
40. global search and replace to replace all strQsSID2 in redirect querystrings with strQsSID3
41. default.asp - fixed bug that would sometimes cause a blank page in IE 5 & 6 when using quick login
42. pm_inbox.asp - updated javasctipt coding
43. admin_forum_details.asp - added a 'check all' feature for setting forum permissions
44. includes/admin_javascript_v9.js - new javascript file for the admin area
45. includes/admin_header_inc.asp - updated file to point to the new admin javascript file#
46. admin_group_permissions.asp - add new 'check all' for setting permissions
47. admin_group_details.asp - added a 'check all' feature for setting
forum permissions, corrected guest group defaults, and have
'non-ladder' checked by default when creating new groups
48. delete_member.asp - renamed admin_delete_member.asp and now only run from the admin control panel
49. includes/setup_options_inc.asp - placed upload folder file name
into this file so it is now hard coded, due to nemrious bug reports due
to user miss configuration
50. includes/global_variables_inc.asp - removed reading in upload folder and variable settings
51. admin_upload_configure.asp - removed all trace of being able to set an upload folder from the amdin area
52. file_upload.asp - fixed issue that would course the image upload
not to appear if file uploading was disabled, also improved error
handling text
53. file_browser.asp - updated to work with new avatar upload
54. upload_avatars.asp - improved look and made simpler to work with
55. admin_add_member.asp - file removed, rewritten, and renamed to
admin_register.asp due to a number of issues and inconsistencies
56. default.asp - updated so only displays the last poster's name and
subject of the last topic if the user has read access to that forum
57. forum_topics.asp - same as above for sub forums
This new forum engine will work best again HACKER too.
Edited by M@X - December 29 2007 at 09:04
Prog On !
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Chris H
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:09 |
Thanks M@X, but will the most recent posts be back up or no?
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:10 |
A better forum is a better place for me, but it's gonna take some time before I get used to the new look.
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Forum & Site Admin Group
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:12 |
Use this thread to comments and suggestions regarding additions to the forum engine.
First suggestion: Bring back the Latest Posts zone.
Any more ?
Edited by M@X - December 28 2007 at 23:12
Prog On !
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:15 |
Is there anway we cn bring back the old look? Or at least make our sigs bigger?
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Chris H
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:18 |
/\ Yeah, a bigger box for signatures would be a fine idea. A lot of people's sigs will be cut short in this format.
Beauty will save the world.
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:21 |
These two suggestions (bigger sigs and recent posts) are the only two that came to my mind. Other than that it's great.
 <font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:23 |
I prefer the old look... but whatever happens P L E A S E restore Latest Posts, I actually can't do my work for the site properly without it
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:30 |
You can still go to active topics, and choose the time frame in which to view them. That's all I ever do.
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:32 |
sorry H.T., this format stinks
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Forum & Site Admin Group
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:36 |
Last posts are listed in the right column of each forum in the forum front page.
I will fix the signature height problem
Prog On !
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:47 |
Actually, the get last post button isn't working for me. Is anyone else having a similar problem?
 <font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]
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Chris H
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:52 |
The heights of the signatures are lookin' good!
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:53 |
The last post feature is working for me now. The first couple of times I tried it I got Explorer errors.
It is definitely not as user-friendly as the previous forum with the latest posts at the bottom. When you clicked on the latest post before it would take you directly to the latest post. Currently it appears to take you to the first post in the thread and then you have to scroll to get to the last post. Also, it is obviously more difficult to follow the latest posts by having to look at each of the topics to see when the latest post was made. This feature was available under the previous method, so this change is definitely not an improvement to the site.
Edited by rushfan4 - December 28 2007 at 23:54
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:57 |
Minor thing, but isn't the color of our stars a bit pale?
I am also getting the latest post error.
Edited by king of Siam - December 28 2007 at 23:58
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Posted: December 28 2007 at 23:57 |
FYI, it seems that the 'new post' icons in the Active Topics view do not work with Opera unless you are logged in. Â In IE7 they seem to work whether you are logged in or not. Â Not sure this is a big deal, but it is a bit odd.
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Man With Hat
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Posted: December 29 2007 at 00:18 |
The forum is ALOT slower now for me.
Dig me...But don't...Bury me I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.
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Posted: December 29 2007 at 00:23 |
I cannot seem to log-in using Firefox... I will try to clear the cache, if that doesn't work, I don't know what to suggest.
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Posted: December 29 2007 at 00:30 |
I cannot find an "Edit Post" button, Maxim... I have got the forum working in Firefox now, after cleaning the cache and cookies. I also want to see the "Active Posts" return, I use that feature all the time. Oh, it's under "Post Options"...
Edited by Geck0 - December 29 2007 at 00:30
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Posted: December 29 2007 at 02:09 |
Don't know if already mentioned, but accessing a topic by its latest post (that is, pressing the button most right to a topic) directs to a bug/problem page. So a topic can't be accessed that way.
Can it be fixed, just like it was in the old format?
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