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Poetic Pieces for the Mind and Spirit

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David_D View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote David_D Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 20 2023 at 16:02
Originally posted by Cosmiclawnmower Cosmiclawnmower wrote:

A little piece i wrote a few years back called 'The Green lane and the Horses skull'

I find it to be certainly impressive, even I don't so well understand what it's about.
                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2023 at 23:28

'Untitled' (yes, that's the name of it) by Atmos

Don’t stretch your hand 

For the Use of Carnal Knowledge, For small fleeting moments

As if you had a choice

Go, your time is now

I reflect ‘Now is time, though all together strange, yet how must I 

make sense of this madness?’

Anew! You start again

Back again, drowning for air, you come crawling to your bed

Even now you are not lost

Now, In Tandem Together

My light, still mundane, can I recall, A simpler lifeline? 

A lifetime of moments!

The time is back, with it’s parallel minds

Searching for a reason, to come back from my limbo

Too Far, Too Soon

I stand stripped, before creation, akimbo!

Onward we march!

I can not be taken, I can not be slave

And although the master beats us

He never tells us, how we should behave

Eagles flying

Summer Crying

Sunshine the Tears Away

To grip, an anesthetic anger!

Which reflects

Again, an arduous anchor!

Back again, you turn around 


You kiss the ground

If I could go back again, to savor those moments

A small fleeting feeling

Of moonshining madness!

Once more, Time

I reflect ‘Now is time, though all together strange, yet how must I 

make sense of this gladness?’

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote David_D Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 22 2023 at 08:30

I haven't reckoned that so many of you, guys, are so good at poetry. 
                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 22 2023 at 08:58
^I'm named after a Poet, its in my blood
The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 22 2023 at 16:16
I hope this all fits in a singular message! As far as I know, there is no limit to how long of a message one can send. 

'Delicate Hush' is a planned project by me, to be a 2-Hour long, 46 Part (as of where it stands currently) Suite. I've removed the section headers for reading convenience. It details the rise and fall of a Kingdom called 'Providence' and it's war against a kingdom called 'Chelsea'. While it meanders a bit in some places lyrically (and vast rises and dips in quality), there is a long story here, one of Love, Loss, and Lords. Without further ado, here is the overly long and complex story of Elif and The Lighthouse Keeper. 

Delicate Hush - Lyrics / Poem (Unfinished)

Like a book, you must close a chapter to keep moving forward

I can see so clearly, how it could’ve happened 

How our memories could be easily corrupted

And twisted into something they’re not

But why do we let it happen?

It’s not by choice

Let there be Light

Let there be Land

Let the earth bring forth grass and tree according to its kind

Let there be signs and season, stars and years and millennia

Let there be waters about with life, and birds across the sky

Let there be living creature each according to their kind 

Let there be man in our image…. Ah… very good

There is a light coming through my window early in the dawn

And I remember, what it felt like to be alone

There is a child who remember what it felt like to be out of touch

And I remember, a deafening, delicate hush

There is a darkness peering at the distant lighthouses on the shore

And I remember, what it felt like to be the light

There is a man who knows what it feels like to be crushed

And I remember a deafening, delicate hush

When man discovered fire, he breathed it into all

Now the time has come to build a home down by the lake

Across from the forests and into the wall

The Kingdom Rises in this magical land

Now the world had begun to rise

Although the world was marred by brokenness

But there was beauty in it, like the sea

The sea was quiet, as no storm raged

Quiet and Tranquil, a surface atop an infinite depth

Topographic and ever drifting

A Whale surfaces and with a puff, 

Sinks again, to soar beneath the waves

There was beauty elsewhere, like the lake

The lake which they christened Oceanus

Son of Earth and Sky Rejoice!

It’s time to marry your sister

Oh Father of the River, here our call

Oh Titan son, Oh great River

The Dawn of Man has arrived

They sailed on great ships,

And passed through your waters to Newfound lands

Tethys calls, time to come home

Poseidon wishes you goodnight as another evening falls

The Oceanids awake from their slumber

Amidst their topographic oceans

Your three thousand children have awoken

The lakes are your children

The streams are you children

World Egg Child

Father of Hell Rivers

Rider of Winged Steed 

Encircling the World

First it started with a single man, whom has long since died

He built a city around a mountainside

The citizens took up hammers and saw, and took them with pride

As the city grew, so did the wealth

And so Providence was built 

There is a king who rules our land. 

Wise and rich, in his lofty castle

All us peasants are under his command

The hung up carpets are hanging with tassels 

The rats came carrying ticks and fleas

Doctors and physicians, millions dead

Who can stop this bubonic disease?

It’s catching it, that all of us dread

Knights in armor, longbows and swords 

Castles and horses, Queens and Kings

Dukes, Peasants, Farmers and Lord

Dirty water, I wish we had fresh springs. 

There is a king who is above all

He rules with either generosity or hate 

The peasants are under him, small

And all of them are protects by that mighty gate

The knight protects the kingdom at and cost 

They charge into battle with armor, shield, and sword 

The thing that they can’t fight against is the frost 

Their main mission is to protect the lord 

The peasants are their to supply the king 

And to supply themselves with

But the king needs to accept whatever they bring 

Believing all of these false medieval myths.

Princess, queen, priest, servants

They’re all important too

But they live under his majesty as an observant

They complete the town and the medieval crew

My house roof leaks it needs more straw

My cows and chickens have been fed

My children are playing in the yard

My wife is in the kitchen making dinner

Bread and Butter, soup and beans

Children laughing, the blacksmith crafts

The King he ruleth from his chair

The Queen and Princess by his side

The jester juggles ‘round the stones

The halls are lined with carpeted floor

Bread and Jam, gruel and beans 

Children laughing, the potter’s wheel

We must escape this plague of black

We all have had our struggles once

We all subject to the rulers

We all must pay our taxes

A King began to reign and all was well, for it continued many a generation

But the everdying enemy couldn’t stand it

For they had their own ideologies, for their own nation

For it all changed as they rode in 

Citizens of Providence! Your savior is here!

Your fiery leaves have not been trampled upon

Your King has fallen, let Meurglys play a marching tune!

Sacrilege and mutiny

Betrayal needed Scrutiny

You shall never have this kingdom, Over my dead body!

‘Well yes’ the riders said, ‘that’s the idea!’

His funeral pyre burns tonight 

Light eternal fire, and set it aglow

His body shall rest forever in still light

The Ancient beings bathe as river overflow 

Spilling into our cups we dine


The Chef shall cook 

As the table shall look

Into his forgone eyes

The King has died, his eyes drifting into eternity 

The neighbor and enemy join arms

To watch the King drift away

How could this have happened?

On a stone hearted mountain bleak

The lighthouse keeper sat 

Staring across the topographic waves

And the stars across an empty black

The sunken mastheads of ships gone down

Sit beneath the rolling waves

The figureheads of a guardian angel shimmer 

And watch over the watery graves

The light shone at his back, surveying the deep

Silence among a raging storm

Lighting quivers and Thunder shakes the sky

Alone, I stare, a void without form

The Lighthouse Keeper saw it all

The Arrows falling, and fire burning 

Eagles soaring and water churning

Land is Dry, My night sky

Going Crazy, Going Crazy

Going Crazy, Going Crazy!

There! In the Trees! THE ARMY ADVANCES!


WIth Spear and Sword

And Blood and Gore

To Victory! 

To Chelsea!

No, Providence shall Prevail!

Victory Belongs to US!

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, 

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight! 

I see a battle, here in my tower

And It concerns me not, and it makes me wonder

In a battle between the pen and the sword

Who would prevail?

There is a single bloody tear trickling down across the sky

And I remember, what it felt like to die

There is a woman whom I love, whom I haven’t seen, and can’t be rushed

And I remember a deafening, delicate hush


With Spear and Sword

With Blood and Gore

To an Honorable Death!


(Chanting) ‘Providence! Providence!’

Citizens of Providence!


Princess Elif will now make a decree!

Now is the time to sound the trumpets with jubilee!

Princess? PRINCESS?!

Wanted, Wanted, The Princess has gone!

The attack was a distraction

And now is the time for action

Time to make for the horizon

Towards celestial Orion

As I watch the land beyond this post 

I see nothing but the deep old moat 

As a knight I guard the throne 

With a sword in hand and spirit in my heart 

I must keep my eye sharp 

As a knight must always do

King and family are the only things I live for

If they die because of my mistake 

Then I shall die too

The army searching for their queen peered over the hedges

Across the ponds and under the trestles 

She was nowhere to be found

And for fearing, she had drowned

The King wept for his daughter

As the army continued to call her…

‘Hello my Queen’ the lighthouse keeper spoke

‘Jacques!’ the fair lady croaked

“You’re here in my arms again”

“It’s been a long time since we’ve touched”

“Too Long” 

“The War Rages on My Dear”

“Do they know about… us?”

“I can feel them drawing Near”


Now Providence Elif could not be found

Perhaps she'd killed herself

Or perhaps she'd drowned

Either way, The people wept for her passing 

The Lighthouse Keeper and his wife lived a long and happy life

Drifting consciously through life’s many waves

Around and around through time they dove

The duo danced down through the years

Never knowing if they’d be found

Through the laughter and the tears

Alone, together, safe and sound

As they held that gaze forever as the Lighthouse keeper went into a trance…

There I lay asleep and dozing

Dreaming of the most wonderful time

Of what I wished would come true

And it’s strange, one could say

As if our dance was just memories from an imaginary dream

You and I we could’ve danced forever

Under the pale moonlight

With leaves tickled by the breeze

For my arms I held an angel

It didn’t seem quite right

Imaginary Visions of Johanna 

In a sparkling golden dress

Our eyes locked and we held

Sweet caresses waltz across my slumber

In my memories from an imaginary dream

So in the confines of my memories

And in the sweetness of my sleep

There we danced in an empty ballroom

To no one but our own

In that forsaken garden I was left alone with myself

My mind wandering I got up in a trance

In my mind’s eye, we were still dancing

And we would forever, if it was real

And when I awoke 

The memories were still there

For in my mind, they were real

And there would they stay

As Memories from an Imaginary Dream

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Seasons are passing by quicker, and then winter

Winter freezes all and time

With a cold misty morning you could feel the breath of the air

Only he could make the seasons rhyme

Spring is here, un-thawing the world

The rime of the seasons marches forwards into the night

The beats the earth and scares the cold

Summer heat has come raining down

Across the kingdoms and the armies are at a standstill

Death and Drought across kingdoms and towns

Fall has arrived so have the chills

Autumn leaves are falling, summer’s dregs are calling

The rime of the seasons marches across the hills

I’m sitting on the edge of a river bank

Waiting for my time to come 

It might not come quickly

But like the river, it will be here


Eastern Number are counting out time

As the pyramid steps beckon

Time to come home, for love is not all it’s cracked up to be

For troubles had arisen beneath Cobalt skies

I know Yes, I know

I should treat you better

Although, yes Although

I don’t really care to do better

And yes, I know I should

And though, i try to be good

I really don’t care, do i?

Up and Up my ladder

Dancing around my ladder

I really don’t care about you, do it

Perhaps on a rare occasion, or in a bit

But certainly not now

You know… in all my years at this lighthouse

I’ve never begun to think quite as hard as I have now..

I feel alive

And ha ha ha… angry!

You spend all your time with an iron bell 

Cracked and Faded like your mask

Which drips onto your broken family’s floor

Oh men of the hook slave away for the boss

All you do is stress about the broken backs

And what your friends think about you, So

You push me away as if I were a slobbering beast

Disgusted at the very thought of me

Shaping and scraping the homes as if it were your own

No time for the thought of me, you’d rather die alone

I’m sure it’s nothing personal, but it feels this way

You make me a silent creep, and compared to the others, mm, passé

You slave for the Boss as if she were your god

A piercing shadow and a lightning rod

That you must cling to to be spared

But it’s really a made up dream

Master of the Image and dancing grace

The sunlight ripples on your golden face

If only you’d see

But you’re just obsessed

Your priorities lie with no man except your own

Who will wear your crown?

And the lighthouse keeper slaves away for the Boss

The Boss seems to be all you know

Do you see me?

Can you see me?

For are we not loosely related?

Does the Boss return your feelings of love and kindness?

Does She look at you with the same twinkle in her eye?

I don’t think so

(this next bit is about a dog btw, the children's dog comforting them)

His eyes are like a piercing sea

Vast, Endless and Tranquil

A friendly wet nose, that nudges you awake

Running fast with toes of three

Food, Water, always Thankful

A Man’s best friend, always killing snakes

The Canines are on the field

Barking at the squirrels

White bone shines through sunken lips

At the smell of meat, their tails are whipped

And though, they speak not verbal

Their true intentions are revealed

A Long companion, black and white

I thought he’d be with me always

Unfortunately, Time had other plans

I wish he’d come back to the light

To bounce the ball through long hallways

For him to lick his slobbery tongue on my hand

Elif and the Keeper drifted through the years and what for?

Wise and Old, Lovers once more

Yet Foolish

Elif had developed a deadly disease

No cure could be found and there was nothing to ease

The pain

Their children held their mothers hand as she spoke

Words that no child could ever forget as her spirit broke


She said ‘Son, don’t take the easy path,

 it might look good

But the road less traveled, 

the hard path, that’s the right path

For it leads to Glory”

As there was a Hole in the Wall

There was a hole in our hearts

Many Letter on a mail hook

Weeks of studies alone

Dead philosophers, olden books

Aged theories, old bones, creaking at the seams

I knew a man who studied such

Those old assumptions of old 

Those powerful pages written

Were nothing but utter garbage meant to be discarded

Yellowed pages crinkling beneath his shaking

This book was musty and ancient, like he

Of course, not all books were this way

His eyes raced slowly across the page, his mind barely keeping up

study, reanimate, revive

A horrible monster, mistake 

Grave Digging, tearing, alive

The Dawn of a New Age, and the dying of an old one

Frankenstein broken, horrified 

A modern Prometheus 

Brought low by his own failure 

A secret kept forever, along, in solitude, hungry

On soft gray mornings, grave bell rings

The empty pupils of a wife and mother

Lay rotting 6 feet under

The Child weeps and the preacher speaks 

About the mother whom they all loved

So poignantly, and with grace

The Cleric closes the Word

As family straggles

Some Weep

Some tell stories

Some stand there, not believing it’s real

A lone figure stood leaning against a tree

Overlooking the roadway with a single bloody tear

Trickling down his cheek as no one quells the fear

He turns around and glances back at Rachel weeping

Her poised hand lifted heavenwards

And he thought to himself

‘Does it really have to be this way?”

The solemnity of the evening wore on 

As they slept

And in the morning, there were no presents

Only lack of one

The service in the evening lay low

You could cut the sorrow with a knife

The pope read the story of one who came long ago

To forgive us of our sins, and save us

But did he save the mother?

Did he save the wife?

And in the lot of a nearby steeple

A solemn family weeps

As they remember

The Graveyard in the Snow

The Kingdoms had long since died

A Withered man sat alone on the brink

He was staring off into space

Hating Life and Death’s Divide

Ah, but what good is it to think

With the sea air on your face?

He looked around the edge

No one left to hear the scream

He smiled, for once

For the First time since his wife

He stared at the ocean 

He saw it coming closer

There is an angel coming through my window early in the dawn

And I remember, what it felt like, a deadly splash

There is a dreamer who remember what it felt like to be out of touch

And I remember, a deafening, delicate hush

I’ve made my friends among the dead

Where waves as thin as tissue lap onto the shore

The wandering ghosts of those who pass 

Have nothing left but to weep for those who have yet to come

We look up above us, and see clouds of acid

Raining down like molten iron onto our acrid flesh with flame

We sit here wondering what it was like to love

Those who thought they’d never die, fly like Peter Pan to the grave

Where Captain Hook awaits them at the slaughterhouse

The Maelstrom of our memories sink beneath those waves

Where iron fish and Aqualung feast on the haggards that weep

And if I return, would you still love me

Or would you forget quicker than my tears can fall?

The end does not come quickly

As we are drifting here alone

The officer with open casket

The frozen child with no home

Are all waiting for a release

That does not come, and it won’t

For the Crashing Sea and Officer are all onboard

As the Titanic sinks into our memories again

As the piano plays a sad tune, Juliet Loses her Romeo

And If we return, would you still love us?

Or would you forget faster than our tears can fall?

The Children's Choir are up at Cathedral's Hall

As we grope the walls of our cage that closes in quicker

We harmonize the losses as our flower quickly wilts

Our voices are one, we are the dead whom wish for Stardust 

To return so that we may have a feast on his eternal glow

As our ghostly choir sings and rises from far below

Those whom miss us wish we had made the final thrust

Our names and impacts are fading, we are racked with endless guilt 

He Whom created us has given life to those whom are believers

But those who have fallen short are trapped within our fiery shell

Up above the lamb breaks the seal, as seven churches are merged into one

The Alpha and Omega, who is and was and is to come churns the moon to blood

He holds the keys to Hades, as deathly hallows blow into our minds and souls

As the sea turns crystal, the rainbow emeralds circle the room and his throne

Like the four creatures who see all, the twenty four fall on their face

As the lamb who was slain reigns over those whom had faith

As death by apocalyptic steed rushes over, the angels and Peter transcribe

He who makes the stars fall, the sackcloth sun turns a molten black

In the end we are all equal hiding in caves from the devil himself

As one hundred and forty four thousand are taking up from the tribes

The seventh seal was opened and all was quiet, while the earth still shook

Then the trumpets sound one by one, 

as he in whom we did not believe with face like the sun

Casts down the prince of darkness into where we lay

Cast him into a lake of fire, into the infernal bay

We in our mindless rage

Scream as he is cast down with us to suffer for all eternity

And if we return, would you still love us

Or would you forget quicker than our tears can fall?

Now let there be all light

Now let there be all war

Now let there be all fight

Now let there be all roar 

Now let there be all peace

Now let all the fighting cease 

Now if Oceanus took over the kingdom

Then all the world’d be less of wisdom

For if there is a Hole in the Wall

I’d rather there be a Hole in the World

And if there is a Delicate Hush

I’d rather the whole world be crushed

There is the Christ coming through my window early in the dawn

And I remember, what it felt like, a deadly dash

There is a dead man who remember what it felt like to be out of touch

And he once remembered, a deafening, delicate hush

Oceanus is making his topographic music, listen as he plays

He can sing a ballad, or maybe he can play Springsong for you

As the lighthouse shifts around, your heroes childhood are enthralled

For a Grand Conclusion on a Minimale Scale

As his children sail into the mystic

On ships white as the seasons of man

Traveling to an unknown land

The land of panoply and wealth

The sea is quiet, Tethys calls

No more man, no more pain

The Boss no more than a memory

A memory from an imaginary dream

The army has stopped searching, for the kingdoms have all died

The sun eclipsed by angels of the night

And the picture of the king lay rotting in the dirt

And so, the lighthouse is left alone as the sea takes the sky

Forever and ever

Forever and ever

And now, the chapter closes, as the world moves on into eternity

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 26 2023 at 19:26
Another one, 'Ripples'

A message to the ever opening flower:

Bloom you damn thing!

A message to the overhanging trees:

Weep forevermore

His wide eyed missionaries march forward

Carrying his message every onward 

Hark! Hear the sunlight caller!

A message to the past present movers:

Carry On

A Message to those apiece and apart

Listen to the fighters past

His wide eyed missionaries march forward

Carrying his message every onward 

Hark! Hear the sunlight caller!

Move over

Sail away, into the mystic with me

Sail into Valinor

Shy away, shy away with me

Amused in thought

Ripples expanding ever outward

Never return to the sea

Children are playing down with fire

Crying with Jubilee

Corridors collapsing all around me 

It’s time I was on my way

To breath and hope and chase my love

With evident display

Sail away, into the mystic with me

Sail into Valinor

Hear how the ripples move on

Carrying the sound of song

Over hills and under rainbows

All the time knowing which way the wind blows

Kick it into gear

Rippling across the sky, now listen here

Onward, Onward, now they run

Your nursery rhymes are now undone

Evidence laid bare

Drowning in frigid air

Gasping you think you care

For what?

Ripples moving into the sea

Sail Away, Sail Away 

Into Valinor

Move Over!

Softening Ripples bring the light

Much to Diane’s delight

Leaving the sun in darkness again

Ripples unfolding, now begin

Stand! Amidst your sunlight callers

Amidst the messages of time

Amidst those wide eyed missionaries 

Amidst those advancing messages

Amidst blooming flowers and overhanging trees

Hark! Hear the sunlight caller!

Hark! Hear the sunlight caller!

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote David_D Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2023 at 06:36

Sorry, Frets N Worries, for not commenting on Delicate Hush before, but I haven't seen it until today. I'm definitely overwhelmed, 
but I doubt that removing the section headers helps for the reading convenience. They would also make it easier to see the structure 
of the work.
                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2023 at 06:45
^I could post it again if you want, but with the headers
The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2023 at 08:35
Here is Delicate Hush (with headers) and while some of it (well... a LOT of it does) needs a good re-writing, I'm impressed I could write that much Tongue (the numbers were originally Roman Numerals, not sure why it changes them) 

Delicate Hush - Full Album Lyrics

  1. An Introduction and a Warning

Like a book, you must close a chapter to keep moving forward

I can see so clearly, how it could’ve happened 

How our memories could be easily corrupted

And twisted into something they’re not

But why do we let it happen?

It’s not by choice

  1. Let there be all Light

Let there be Light

Let there be Land

Let the earth bring forth grass and tree according to its kind

Let there be signs and season, stars and years and millenia

Let there be waters about with life, and birds across the sky

Let there be living creature each according to their kind 

Let there be man in our image…. Ah… very good

  1. Delicate Hush

There is a light coming through my window early in the dawn

And I remember, what it felt like to be alone

There is a child who remember what it felt like to be out of touch

And I remember, a deafening, delicate hush

There is a darkness peering at the distant lighthouses on the shore

And I remember, what it felt like to be the light

There is a man who knows what it feels like to be crushed

And I remember a deafening, delicate hush

  1. A Kingdom Rises

When man discovered fire, he breathed it into all

Now the time has come to build a home down by the lake

Across from the forests and into the wall

The Kingdom Rises in this magical land

Now the world had begun to rise

Although the world was marred by brokenness

But there was beauty in it, like the sea

The sea was quiet, as no storm raged

Quiet and Tranquil, a surface atop an infinite depth

Topographic and ever drifting

A Whale surfaces and with a puff, 

Sinks again, to soar beneath the waves

There was beauty elsewhere, like the lake

The lake which they christened Oceanus

  1. Oceanus

Son of Earth and Sky Rejoice!

It’s time to marry your sister

Oh Father of the River, here our call

Oh Titan son, Oh great River

The Dawn of Man has arrived

They sailed on great ships,

And passed through your waters to newfoundlands

Tethys calls, time to come home

Poseidon wishes you goodnight as another evening falls

The Oceanids awake from their slumber

Amidst their topographic oceans

Your three thousand children have awoken

The lakes are your children

The streams are you children

World Egg Child

Father of Hell Rivers

Rider of Winged Steed 

Encircling the World

  1. The Kingdom is Risen

First it started with a single man, whom has long since died

He built a city around a mountainside

The citizens took up hammers and saw, and took them with pride

As the city grew, so did the wealth

And so Providence was built 

  1. A Bard’s Tale

Once there was a bard who had a harp. 

That didn’t make him a lot of money,

He wanted to jest, but wasn't very funny.

There is a king who rules our land. 

Wise and rich, in his lofty castle

The hung up carpets are hanging with tassels 

The rats came carrying ticks and fleas

Doctors and physicians, millions dead

Who can stop this bubonic disease?

It’s catching it, that all of us dread

Knights in armor, longbows and swords 

Castles and horses, Queens and Kings

Dukes, Peasants, Farmers and Lord

Dirty water, I wish we had fresh springs. 

  1. He Whom is Above All

There is a king who is above all

He rules with either generosity or hate 

The peasants are under him, small

And all of them are protects by that mighty gate

The knight protects the kingdom at and cost 

They charge into battle with armor, shield, and sword 

The thing that they can’t fight against is the frost 

Their main mission is to protect the lord 

The peasants are their to supply the king 

And to supply themselves with

But the king needs to accept whatever they bring 

Believing all of these false medieval myths.

Princess, queen, priest, servants

They’re all important too

But they live under his majesty as an observant

They complete the town and the medieval crew

  1. Taxes

My house roof leaks it needs more straw

My cows and chickens have been fed

My children are playing in the yard

My wife is in the kitchen making dinner

Bread and Butter, soup and beans

Children laughing, the blacksmith crafts

The King he ruleth from his chair

The Queen and Princess by his side

The jester juggles ‘round the stones

The halls are lined with carpeted floor

Bread and Jam, gruel and beans 

Children laughing, the potter’s wheel

We must escape this plague of black

We all have had our struggles once

We all subject to the rulers

We all must pay our taxes

A King began to reign and all was well, for it continued many a generation

But the everdying enemy couldn’t stand it

For they had their own ideologies, for their own nation

For it all changed as they rode in 

  1. Glorious Purpose

Citizens of Providence! Your savior is here!

Your fiery leaves have not been trampled upon

Your King has fallen, let Meurglys play a marching tune!

  1. Betrayal

Sacrilege and mutiny

Betrayal needed Scrutiny

You shall never have this kingdom, Over my dead body!

‘Well yes’ the riders said, ‘that’s the idea!’

  1. The King is Dead

His funeral pyre burns tonight 

Light eternal fire, and set it aglow

His body shall rest forever in still light

The Ancient beings bathe as river overflow 

Spilling into our cups we dine


The Chef shall cook 

As the table shall look

Into his forgone eyes

The King has died, his eyes drifting into eternity 

The neighbor and enemy join arms

To watch the King drift away

How could this have happened?

  1. Keeper of the Light

On a stone hearted mountain bleak

The lighthouse keeper sat 

Staring across the topographic waves

And the stars across an empty black

The sunken mastheads of ships gone down

Sit beneath the rolling waves

The figureheads of a guardian angel shimmer 

And watch over the watery graves

The light shone at his back, surveying the deep

Silence among a raging storm

Lighting quivers and Thunder shakes the sky

Alone, I stare, a void without form

The Lighthouse Keeper saw it all

The Arrows falling, and fire burning 

Eagles soaring and water churning

Land is Dry, My night sky

Going Crazy, Going Crazy

Going Crazy, Going Crazy?

  1. War

There! In the Trees! THE ARMY ADVANCES!


WIth Spear and Sword

And Blood and Gore

To Victory! 

To Chelsea!

Nooooooo, Providence shall Prevail!

Victory Belongs to US!

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, 

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight! 

I see a battle, here in my tower

And It concerns me not, and it makes me wonder

In a battle between the pen and the sword

Who would prevail?

  1. Delicate Hush (Reprise No. 1)

There is a single bloody tear trickling down across the sky

And I remember, what it felt like to die

There is a woman whom I love, whom I haven’t seen, and can’t be rushed

And I remember a deafening, delicate hush

  1. The War Ends


With Spear and Sword

With Blood and Gore

To an Honorable Death!


(Chanting) ‘Providence! Providence!’

Citizens of Providence!


  1. The Disappearance

Princess Elif will now make a decree!

Now is the time to sound the trumpets with jubilee!

Princess? PRINCESS?!

Wanted, Wanted, The Princess has gone!

The attack was a distraction

And now is the time for action

Time to make for the horizon

Towards celestial Orion

  1. The Knight’s Guard

As I watch the land beyond this post 

I see nothing but the deep old moat 

As a knight I guard the throne 

With a sword in hand and spirit in my heart 

I must keep my eye sharp 

As a knight must always do

King and family are the only things I live for

If they die because of my mistake 

Then I shall die too

  1. The Search 


  1. The Search

The army searching for their queen peered over the hedges

Across the ponds and under the trestles 

She was nowhere to be found

And for fearing, she had drowned

The King wept for his daughter

As the army continued to caaaaallllll her…

  1. Oh It’s You

‘Hello my Queen’ the lighthouse keeper spoke

‘Jacques!’ the fair lady croaked

“You’re here in my arms again”

“It’s been a long time since we’ve touched”

“Too Long” 

“The War Rages on My Dear”

“Do they know about… us?”

“I can feel them drawing Near”


  1. The Search Ends

Now Providence Elif could not be found

Perhaps she had killed herself

Or perhaps she had drowned

Either way, The people wept for her passing 

  1. Happy Wife Happy Life

The Lighthouse Keeper and his wife lived a long and happy life

Drifting consciously through life’s many waves

Around and around through time they dove

  1. Dancing Through Time

The duo danced down through the years

Never knowing if they’d be found

Through the laughter and the tears

Alone, together, safe and sound

As they held that gaze forever as the Lighthouse keeper went into a trance…

  1. Memories from an Imaginary Dream

There I lay asleep and dozing

Dreaming of the most wonderful time

Of what I wished would come true

And it’s strange, one might say

As if our dance was just memories from an imaginary dream

You and I we could’ve danced forever

Under the pale moonlight

With leaves tickled by the breeze

For my arms I held an angel

It didn’t seem quite right

Imaginary Visions of Johanna 

In a sparkling golden dress

Our eyes locked and we held

Sweet caresses waltz across my slumber

In my memories from an imaginary dream

So in the confines of my memories

And in the sweetness of my sleep

There we danced in an empty ballroom

To no one but our own

In that forsaken garden I was left alone with myself

My mind wandering I got up in a trance

In my mind’s eye, we were still dancing

And we would forever, if it was real

And when I awoke 

The memories were still there

For in my mind, they were real

And there would they stay

As Memories from an Imaginary Dream

  1. The Dream is Broken

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

Dear, Near, Fear, Here

  1. Rime of the Seasons 

Seasons are passing by quicker, and then winter

Winter freezes all and time

With a cold misty morning you could feel the breath of the air

Only he could make the seasons rhyme

Spring is here, unthawing the world

The rime of the seasons marches forwards into the night

The beats the earth and scares the cold

Summer heat has come raining down

Across the kingdoms and the armies are at a standstill

Death and Drought across kingdoms and towns

Fall has arrived so have the chills

Autumn leaves are falling, summer’s dregs are calling

The rime of the seasons marches across the hills

  1. Eastern Numbers

I’m sitting on the edge of a river bank

Waiting for my time to come 

It might not come quickly

But like the river, it will be here


Eastern Number are counting out time

As the pyramid steps beckon

Time to come home, for love is not all it’s cracked up to be

For troubles had arisen beneath Cobalt skies

  1. Treat Her Better

I know Yes, I know

I should treat you better

Although, yes Although

I don’t really care to do better

And yes, I know I should

And though, i try to be good

I really don’t care, do i?

Up and Up my ladder

Dancing around my ladder

I really don’t care about you, do it

Perhaps on a rare occasion, or in a bit

But certainly not now

  1. Realization

You know… in all my years at this lighthouse

I’ve never begun to think quite as hard as I have now..

I feel alive

And ha ha ha… angry!

  1. The Boss

You spend all your time with an iron bell 

Cracked and Faded like your mask

Which drips onto your broken family’s floor

Oh men of the hook slave away for the boss

All you do is stress about the broken backs

And what your friends think about you, So

You push me away as if I were a slobbering beast

Disgusted at the very thought of me

Shaping and scaping the homes as if it were your own

No time for the thought of me, you’d rather die alone

I’m sure it’s nothing personal, but it feels this way

You make me a silent creep, and compared to the others, mm, passé

You slave for the Boss as if she were your god

A piercing shadow and a lightning rod

That you must cling to to be spared

But it’s really a made up dream

Master of the Image and dancing grace

The sunlight ripples on your golden face

If only you’d see

But you’re just obsessed

Your priorities lie with no man except your own

Who will wear your crown?

And the lighthouse keeper slaves away for the Boss

The Boss seems to be all you know

Do you see me?

Can you see me?

For are we not loosely related?

Does the Boss return your feelings of love and kindness?

Does She look at you with the same twinkle in her eye?

I don’t think so

  1. Reconciliation 


  1. The Children’s Dog While their mother Dies

His eyes are like a piercing sea

Vast, Endless and Tranquil

A friendly wet nose, that nudges you awake

Running fast with toes of three

Food, Water, always Thankful

A Man’s best friend, always killing snakes

The Kanines are on the field

Barking at the squirrels

White bone shines through sunken lips

At the smell of meat, their tails are whipped

And though, they speak not verbal

Their true intentions are revealed

A Long companion, black and white

I thought he’d be with me always

Unfortunately, Time had other plans

I wish he’d come back to the light

To bounce the ball through long hallways

For him to lick his slobbery tongue on my hand

  1. Disease

Elif and the Keeper drifted through the years and what for?

Wise and Old, Lovers once more

Yet Foolish

Elif had developed a deadly disease

No cure could be found and there was nothing to ease

The pain

Their children held their mothers hand as she spoke

Words that no child could ever forget as her spirit broke


She said ‘Son, don’t take the easy path,

 it might look good

But the road less traveled, 

the hard path, that’s the right path

For it leads to Glory”

As there was a Hole in the Wall

There was a hole in our hearts

  1. Yellowed Pages

Many Letter on a mail hook

Weeks of studies alone

Dead philosophers, olden books

Aged theories, old bones, creaking at the seams

I knew a man who studied such

Those old assumptions of old 

Those powerful pages written

Were nothing but utter garbage meant to be discarded

Yellowed pages crinkling beneath his shaking

This book was musty and ancient, like he

Of course, not all books were this way

His eyes raced slowly across the page, his mind barely keeping up

study, reanimate, revive

A horrible monster, mistake 

Grave Digging, tearing, alive

The Dawn of a New Age, and the dying of an old one

Frankenstein broken, horrified 

A modern prometheus 

Brought low by his own failure 

A secret kept forever, along, in solitude, hungry

  1. Graveyards in the Snow

On soft gray mornings, grave bell rings

The empty pupils of a wife and mother

Lay rotting 6 feet under

The Child weeps and the preacher speaks 

About the mother whom they all loved

So poignantly, and with grace

The Cleric closes the Word

As family straggles

Some Weep

Some tell stories

Some stand there, not believing it’s real

A lone figure stood leaning against a tree

Overlooking the roadway with a single bloody tear

Trickling down his cheek as no one quells the fear

He turns around and glances back at Rachel weeping

Her poised hand lifted heavenwards

And he thought to himself

‘Does it really have to be this way?”

The solemnity of the evening wore on 

As they slept

And in the morning, there were no presents

Only lack of one

The service in the evening lay low

You could cut the sorrow with a knife

The pope read the story of one who came long ago

To forgive us of our sins, and save us

But did he save the mother?

Did he save the wife?

And in the lot of a nearby steeple

A solemn family weeps

As they remember

The Graveyard in the Snow

  1. Brink

The Kingdoms had long since died

A Withered man sat alone on the brink

He was staring off into space

Hating Life and Death’s Divide

Ah, but what good is it to think

With the sea air on your face?

He looked around the edge

No one left to hear the scream

He smiled, for once

For the First time since his wife

He stared at the ocean 

He saw it coming closer

  1. Delicate Hush (Reprise No. 2)

There is an angel coming through my window early in the dawn

And I remember, what it felt like, a deadly splash

There is a dreamer who remember what it felt like to be out of touch

And I remember, a deafening, delicate hush

  1. Hole in the Wall

I’ve made my friends among the dead

Where waves as thin as tissue lap onto the shore

The wandering ghosts of those who pass 

Have nothing left but to weep for those who have yet to come

We look up above us, and see clouds of acid

Raining down like molten iron onto our acrid flesh with flame

We sit here wondering what it was like to love

Those who thought they’d never die, fly like Peter Pan to the grave

Where Captain Hook awaits them at the slaughterhouse

The Maelstrom of our memories sink beneath those waves

Where iron fish and Aqualung feast on the haggards that weep

And if I return, would you still love me

Or would you forget quicker than my tears can fall?

The end does not come quickly

As we are drifting here alone

The officer with open casket

The frozen child with no home

Are all waiting for a release

That does not come, and it won’t

For the Crashing Sea and Officer are all onboard

As the Titanic sinks into our memories again

As the piano plays a sad tune, Juliet Loses her Romeo

And If we return, would you still love us?

Or would you forget faster than our tears can fall?

  1. Wilting

The Children's Choir are up at Carnegie Hall

As we grope the walls of our cage that closes in quicker

We harmonize the losses as our flower quickly wilts

Our voices are one, we are the dead whom wish for Stardust 

To return so that we may have a feast on his eternal glow

As our ghostly choir sings and rises from far below

Those whom miss us wish we had made the final thrust

Our names and impacts are fading, we are racked with endless guilt 

He Whom created us has given life to those whom are believers

But those who have fallen short are trapped within our fiery shell

  1. Revelation

Up above the lamb breaks the seal, as seven churches are merged into one

The Alpha and Omega, who is and was and is to come churns the moon to blood

He holds the keys to Hades, as deathly hallows blow into our minds and souls

As the sea turns crystal, the rainbow emeralds circle the room and his throne

Like the four creatures who see all, the twenty four fall on their face

As the lamb who was slain reigns over those whom had faith

As death by apocalyptic steed rushes over, the angels and Peter transcribe

He who makes the stars fall, the sackcloth sun turns a molten black

In the end we are all equal hiding in caves from the devil himself

As one hundred and forty four thousand are taking up from the tribes

The seventh seal was opened and all was quiet, while the earth still shook

  1. Revelation Climax

Then the trumpets sound one by one, 

as he in whom we did not believe with face like the sun

Casts down the prince of darkness into where we lay

Cast him into a lake of fire, into the infernal bay

We in our mindless rage

Scream as he is cast down with us to suffer for all eternity

  1. Hole in the Wall (Reprise)

And if we return, would you still love us

Or would you forget quicker than our tears can fall?

  1. Let The Light Be Done. 

Now let there be all light

Now let there be all war

Now let there be all fight

Now let there be all roar 

Now let there be all peace

Now let all the fighting cease 

Now if Oceanus took over the kingdom

Then all the world’d be less of wisdom

For if there is a Hole in the Wall

I’d rather there be a Hole in the World

And if there is a Delicate Hush

I’d rather the whole world be crushed

  1. Delicate Hush (Reprise No. 3)

There is the Christ coming through my window early in the dawn

And I remember, what it felt like, a deadly dash

There is a dead man who remember what it felt like to be out of touch

And he once remembered, a deafening, delicate hush

XLVIII. Grand Conclusion on a Miniscule Scale

Oceanus is making his topographic music, listen as he plays

He can sing a ballad, or maybe he can play Springsong for you

As the lighthouse shifts around, your heroes childhood are enthralled

For a Grand Conclusion on a Minimale Scale

As his children sail into the mystic

On ships white as the seasons of man

Traveling to an unknown land

The land of panoply and wealth

The sea is quiet, Tethys calls

No more man, no more pain

The Boss no more than a memory

A memory from an imaginary dream

The army has stopped searching, for the kingdoms have all died

The sun eclipsed by angels of the night

And the picture of the king lay rotting in the dirt

And so, the lighthouse is left alone as the sea takes the sky

Forever and ever

Forever and ever

  1.  All Things Are A Part

And now, the chapter closes, as the world moves on into eternity

Edited by Frets N Worries - November 27 2023 at 08:38
The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

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^ very nice, thanks  Smile
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For some reasons, I can't read Delicate Hush so well right now, but I might comment it later on. Smile
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2023 at 18:16
^that'd be cool, I also posted one called 'Ripples' which is WAY shorter. Delicate Hush is just so freakishly long. I want to turn it into a 2 hour piece of music (which I have started working on!)
The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

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Originally posted by Frets N Worries Frets N Worries wrote:

^that'd be cool, I also posted one called 'Ripples' which is WAY shorter. Delicate Hush is just so freakishly long. I want to turn it into a 2 hour piece of music (which I have started working on!)

Yes, I've seen "Ripples", and I have a question to Delicate Hush now, what kind of music will it be?
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^Experimental Ambiient Prog I suppose
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Some very ideological lyrics, we certainly miss so far in this thread, are these:

Sex Pistols - "God Save the Queen"   (excerpt)

God save the queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
A potential H bomb
God save the queen
She's not a human being
and There's no future
And England's dreaming
Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future
No future
No future for you
(from the album Never Mind the Bollocks.... (1977))

Edited by David_D - December 11 2023 at 08:06
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Here are some very ideological lyrics: Tongue

Mike Oldfield 'Tubular Bells Part II.'


Preformed by Mike Oldfield 
The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

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Tjah, Mike Oldfield has never had much balls, which became very evident in the '80s. Wink
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frets N Worries Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2023 at 18:01
^I might disagree with you on that, take a look at Amarok

The Night Run:

The cold is in my bones..

The dogs are all I feel

Soon it’s time to go on home

From my cold frozen sky, tonight

The frozen waste beneath my sled

Piercing, Freezing in my head

The aching Weight of holy knife

Barking, Coughing is my life

Soon it’s time to come home 

From my cold frozen sky, tonight

Instrumental Break

Back at home would be warm

Safe from you, safe from storm

The dogs are crying, no man’s sky

I feel I’m dying, I’m alright

To the arctic, auroral tide

Cold all around, I can’t hide

How I want to go home

From my cold frozen sky, tonight 

Instrumental Break

C’mon lads we’ve got to run

I’ve got to food our work ain’t done

Northern lights forever shining

While my quickened breaths grow colder

Cold, freezing dogs upon my shoulder

I sink into the arms of the night watch

Now I need to go home

From our cold frozen sky, tonight

Instrumental Break

Wearing a shirt and bare hands I grip the reins 

And though I’m near dead, I suffer the pain

A canvas of darkened age couldn’t paint me.

It wouldn’t be dark enough

All the sun in the world couldn’t heal me

It wouldn’t be warm enough

Home at last I rest, the reins no more will play

The sun has set, now, the close of the day

Now I’ve found my home

From the cold frozen sky

With frozen limp hands, I cry

(Alternate Final Line: With empty dead hands, I die)


Edited by Frets N Worries - December 14 2023 at 18:02
The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

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Thumbs Up
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Originally posted by Frets N Worries Frets N Worries wrote:

^I might disagree with you on that, take a look at Amarok

I was thinking more about his ideologies.
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