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Topic: ProgArchives Mafia: Introduction and Sign-ups Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:04 |
I thought this would be an incredibly fun idea, introducing this board to the forum game of Mafia. I created a prog-themed Mafia game, which will be detailed below. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask. If it seems complicated, don't worry! I can field your any question you have. I hope this idea attracts some prog fans; it should be a really fun game!
If you decide to sign up, please post in the thread saying so as well. Thank you!
Assuming you do not know anything about the game Mafia, don't sweat it! Here's a basic overview:
The players: There are 16 civilians (civvies), the good guys. They are trying to prevent the mafia (and the independent) from ruining prog music for good.
There are 8 Mafia (baddies), the bad guys. They are trying to ruin prog music forever by killing anyone who stands in their way. They are split into 2 teams of 4, both of which are working separately and win separately.
There is 1 independent character, unaligned. This person basically wants everyone dead and wins by survival to the end game.
The procedure: Each player will be randomly assigned one specific role. Each role has specified powers that are detailed below.
There are day phases and night phases. A day phase lasts 48 hours, where people stimulate discussion by trying to figure out who will be the unfortunate victim of the lynching. Each player will have one vote to cast publicly against one other player. The player who receives the most votes will be lynched, and their role will be made public. They will be dead and can no longer participate in the game.
The night phase lasts 24 hours, and this is where all the specific night actions take place. Discussion can happen, but often it is less frequent than during day phases as there is no lynching. Players have the duration of the 24 hours to send in PMs to me, indicating their night specified actions (be it a kill, protection, or whatever is specified by their role). At the end of a night phase, the results will be revealed, and the following day will pursue.
These phases continue until either the civvies have successfully gotten rid of all the Mafia (and the independent), until the Mafia outnumber all the other players, or under the Independent player outlasts everyone else.
The rules: BTSC (Behind-the-scenes contract) allows players to discuss the game and any possible strategy beyond the thread, using PMs, instant messenger, or anything else. Players who have BTSC may ONLY discuss this with the specified members of the BTSC group.
DO NOT DISCUSS THE GAME WITH ANYONE ELSE UNLESS YOU HAVE BTSC. In-game thread conversation can go on amongst anyone, but you may only discuss the game with anyone outside the thread with your BTSC members.
Also, you CAN NOT tell anyone else your role in the thread (it would be against their
benefit anyhow) and you can not "role out" any other character either. You can suspect players and possibly provide back up for your suspicions, but you cannot simply come out and disclose the role of any other player, even if you know it.
Lastly, there must be absolutely no editing or deleting of posts in the game thread once the game has started. No excuses. If you want to add to something you've said, just post again!Participants: (25) horsewithteeth11 Epignosis A Person The Sleepwalker Atoms Triceratopsoil Ciubia UndercoverBoy NecronCommander progkidjoel Zebedee nutella23 The Truth DisgruntledPorcupine J-Man TNPLH jampa17 SaltyJon Lizzy Anthony H. JJLehto S~V~S ThreeLittleBirds Necktie MrEdifusReplacements: (1) Bea
Edited by MovingPictures07 - October 11 2010 at 16:42
Prog Reviewer
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:06 |
Civvies (16)
Anderson Can choose one player each night to protect from
any kill targeting.
Fripp Can use intimidation to silence one player each
night, preventing them from being able to speak the entire subsequent day
Bruford Each night he searches for either Jon Anderson or
Robert Fripp. If he finds one of them, he gains BTSC with that player for the
remainder of the game. The player of the two he does not find gains
a one-time kill to be used the subsequent night. (Drummer)
Gabriel Cannot be lynched.
Wilson Can kindly ask someone to step out of the
line-up, removing that person from the lynch poll options the subsequent day
Minnear Can use a secret additional lynch vote (thereby
making his vote worth two instead of one) on three separate occasions.
Bixler-Zavala Can
use a role block on any player of his choice each night.
Wyatt If targeted with any night action, Wyatt can select one present out of his gift bag to be given to a player of his choice.
Anderson Can use his flute to create a distraction and
switch the lynch results to another player of his choice only twice in the
game. He can also stop one lynch from happening.
Livgren Has BTSC with Steve Walsh.
Walsh Has BTSC with Kerry Livgren.
Vander Can use his Kobaian tongue to insanify one player
of his choice each night. (Drummer)
Can use a role check every night to find out the role of any player.
Emerson Has BTSC with Greg Lake and Carl Palmer. Can use
his knife to kill a target of his choice only once in the game.
Lake Has BTSC with Keith Emerson and Carl Palmer.
Palmer Has BTSC with Keith Emerson and Greg Lake. (Drummer)
Baddies (8) (All mafia teams have BTSC with their teammates.)
Team 1: Branson and his Zombies (4)
Branson In charge of this teams nightly kill. Kills every
odd night.
Jackson Searches for one player each night while singing Beat
It. If the player he finds is a drummer, then two dice are rolled. If Michael
Jackson rolls anything but doubles, then he successfully recruits the drummer
to his zombie team. If he rolls doubles, the drummer dies.
Presley Can persuade one player each night to vote for a
certain person in the next lynch phase. The person targeted cannot make it
obvious that it was forced or Michael Jackson will hunt them down and kill
Cobain Survives the first lynch attempt against him,
passing the punishment down to the player with the second-most votes. It will
appear as though Ian Anderson saved him.
Team 2: The BREE-ers (4)
Townsend In charge of this teams nightly kill. Kills every
even night.
Petrucci Can use his guitar shredding to role block a
player of his choice every night.
Akerfeldt Whenever anyone tries to nightkill him, he BREEs
at them, scaring them away. He must be lynched to die.
James Keenan Can create a force field around one
player each night, protecting them from any kill targeting.
Independent (1)
Suzuki Must be the last man standing to win. Kills every
Edited by MovingPictures07 - October 11 2010 at 10:34
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:18 |
You know I'm definitely in. This should be fun.
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:21 |
I like how Damo is the independent guy.
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:23 |
I'll give it a go, I reckon, I reckon.
A Person
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:34 |
I'm in, just a complete newb.
The Sleepwalker
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:39 |
Oh well, why not, I'll give it a shot.
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 11:45 |
Thanks for signing up, guys! I've updated the first post with a list of players. For my sake though, please remember to post that you're in AND vote in the poll. I already only have 3 votes, but 4 people posting that they're in. LOL
SaltyJon wrote:
I like how Damo is the independent guy.
Yeah, I just had to. You going to give it a try, Jon? Would love to have you in the game!
Edited by MovingPictures07 - October 09 2010 at 11:46
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 12:28 |
I'm in, sounds really fun =)
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 13:31 |
I'm in!
this sounds sort of complicated, though
Edited by Triceratopsoil - October 09 2010 at 13:32
Prog Reviewer
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 13:36 |
Triceratopsoil wrote:
I'm in!
this sounds sort of complicated, though
Awesome! Yeah, it can seem like it---especially at first and with all the different roles. But it becomes simple once you start playing and get some experience. The basic concept is very simple as well. As a host, I will make sure to be as clear as I possibly can for you guys. If you have any questions about absolutely anything, don't hesitate to ask, of course, even now in pre-game stages. What I do when I'm a player... I actually use a spreadsheet, put all the player's names in there, who they vote for in the lynches, and other information (if I do happen to find out any of their roles for sure, I put them in there too). Some players love the spreadsheet method (such as myself), but others do just great without it.
Edited by MovingPictures07 - October 09 2010 at 13:37
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 13:44 |
When does it start? as soon as you have 25?
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 13:45 |
Triceratopsoil wrote:
When does it start? as soon as you have 25?
Yes. I'll post a separate game thread when we're starting and I'll have an admin lock this thread.
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 14:43 |
Hello hello, everyone!!
I'm Ciubia and I'm one of MovingPictures mafia buddies, so I decided to join his first game, should be great!
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 14:45 |
Ciubia wrote:
Hello hello, everyone!!
I'm Ciubia and I'm one of MovingPictures mafia buddies, so I decided to join his first game, should be great!
Hey, nice to see you here!!
A Person
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 14:45 |
Ciubia wrote:
Hello hello, everyone!!
I'm Ciubia and I'm one of MovingPictures mafia buddies, so I decided to join his first game, should be great!
I figured that when I didn't recognize your username.
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 14:49 |
A Person
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 14:54 |
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 15:00 |
First mafia lesson, trust no one!
A Person
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Posted: October 09 2010 at 15:02 |
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