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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 20 2011 at 20:18
Bowie, David    Scary Monsters - one of the Bowie must haves for me.

Flood    Tales From The Four Seasons - I approved his addition to crossover.  Almost too mellow for this site.

Genesis    Foxtrot - one of those albums I have long ago lost track of how many times I've listened to it. 

Gentle Giant    Three Friends - way too short for me.  But they did pretty well cover their concept.

Jethro Tull    Warchild (Remaster) - kind of funny getting their remasters.  I have a box set that has most of the bonus tracks from them.

Khan featuring Steve Hillage & Dave Stewart    Space Shanty - very well regarded on this site, but I still find them to be no big deal.  More promising when I saw it at the store than it delivered for me I guess.

Oldfield, Sally    Flaming Star - all these years before I got this I thought her only solo venture was Waterbearer. Kind of new agey in a good way.

XTC    White Music - a hard one to get into since I got on the XTC train at the English Settlement.

Zappa, Frank    Tinseltown Rebellion- OK already commented on this a little below.

Edited by Slartibartfast - July 28 2011 at 07:25
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jammun View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2011 at 23:39
Well it's in the end disappointing, but the first few songs on Tinseltown still knock me down.  Fine Girl/Easy Meat/For the Young Sophisticated are FZ doing what FZ does best, which is play great music and offend some people on the side.
Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 23 2011 at 08:36
Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Well it's in the end disappointing, but the first few songs on Tinseltown still knock me down.  Fine Girl/Easy Meat/For the Young Sophisticated are FZ doing what FZ does best, which is play great music and offend some people on the side.

It's a fine album and would probably poke it around if it died down.  The easily offended should stay away from FZ as he really didn't give a damn about who he offended.  For me his crassness is part of the appeal, but that alone would not be sufficient.  Combine it with good music and you have a winning combination.  Kind of a letdown after Sheik Yerbouti and Joe's Garage.  I also put You Are What You Is above it.  One of my standard jokes is that Disco Volante is the only disco album in my collection.  I think TR qualifies, perhaps better.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 26 2011 at 06:58
Barrett, Syd    Opel - I would have passed on this one if I had tried before I buyed.

Beatles, The    Beatles, The - an essential Beatles album.  I really like that they took a double album as an opportunity to explore a lot of different styles.

Buckethead    Funnel Weaver - why oh why did I go on a Buckethead binge?  This is one I could have passed on.

Djam Karet    A Night For Baku - in less than thirty days after this arrived I had pretty much the whole catalog in my collection.

Frith, Fred    clearing - solo guitar, the way no guitar has been played before, seriously physically speaking. 

Gentle Giant    Gentle Giant - this one is a gold medal winning debut.

Glass, Philip & Kronos Quartet    Dracula - I really need to hear this in context of the movie.  The soundtrack by itself is a bit of a bore.  Most of Glass's works that are also part of a visual piece are better enjoyed with the visuals.

Nine Inch Nails    Fragile, The - the Trentzters double album spectacular before taking a big break.

Oregon    In Performance - an excellent live performance.  I got to see them live not too long after this album came out.

Primus    Miscellaneous Debris - I begin to understand why I took to this band so much when I hear them covering stuff I like.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 01 2011 at 19:52
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2011 at 06:59
Amos, Tori    Welcome To Sunny Florida - a DVD with an EP in a CD case.  Where the hell am I supposed to put it?  Primus did this to us, too.  Great show from the Scarlett's walk tour.  Too bad David Torn was only on the studio album.

Davis, Miles    Miles In The Sky - there are Miles albums that wow me and many that are merely alright.  Changes were about.

Eno, Brian-David Byrne    My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (Remaster) - interestingly enough they expanded the CD and left off one of the original tracks Qu'Ran.

Hancock, Herbie    Head Hunters - a lot of fun.

King Crimson    Vroom - really should resist temptation to buy these EPs that have too much of the material that is about to come on in a regular release, still sometimes you can't resist.

Muffins, The    Double Negative - these guys had to quit making music to pay the bills.  Damn shame but a good thing they came back.

Praxis    Warszawa - yowsa.

Santana    Welcome - even though the S man reached a pinnacle of prog in Caravanserai, there's plenty to love here if uh, you're devoted, and uhm surrender.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 01 2011 at 20:17
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2011 at 20:59
Black Mountain    Black Mountain - these guys are fairly new but the sounds are fairly old and actually I like this better than the bands who did the styles they have co-opted.

Coryell, Larry & Alphonse Mouzon    Back Together Again - OK the title track is a little cheesy but when the instrumentals are really good they are really good.

Debussy, Claude Achille    La Mer, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, Nuages, etc. - I don't have a lot of classical in my collection, but I gots to has my Claudes.

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer    Return of Manticore, The Disc Two - with a box set like this it's really tempting not get the new remasters but I probably will at some point.

Gryphon    Red Queen To Gryphon Three - a fairly recent addition to my CD collection though I've known about them for some time.  Had to rectify that with this one.

Marillion    Marbles - having been following this band for a few albums I am surprised when bigger fans get overly opinionated about them.  I think this one is worthy of the higher regard it gets.

Metheny, Pat with Dave Holland & Roy Haynes    question and answer- I guess it would help if I actually knew what the question and answer was.  Basic Methenyfied jazz.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 01 2011 at 20:32
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2011 at 15:36
Badalamenti, Angelo    Lost Highway - yep I had to put this one in the truck player for the commute.  Really not something you can crank up on your work computer. LOL  Worth having in particular for songs that weren't used in the soundtrack.

Burton, Gary & Stephane Grappelli    Paris Encounter - nice basic mellow jazz album.

Claypool, Les Frog Brigade    Live Frogs - Set 1 - the gateway drug for me to Primus. 

Coryell, Larry    Tricycles - seem to be coming up with an interesting dispersion of jazz albums that don't really excite me in the random draws.  This would be one of them.  I need to put together a playlist of these and run it on shuffle in order to challenge myself to figure out which one is is from which album as they shuffle by.

Husband, Gary    Things I See, The - so the drummer who worked with Holdsworth takes tracks from that era and turns them into reinterpreted piano pieces.  Cool.

zincs, the    dimmer - the CD for this mysteriously disappeared a few years ago.  I think it was bumped off by the Zappa albums or something.  Nobody else gets to be at the end of the collection, take that!  Opening act for Stereolab one year.  File it under I don't where to file it, possibly crossover prog.  The vocalist has a style similar to David Sylvian and that Crash Test Dummies guy (sorry I forgot his name, he's one one of my Joe Jackson albums for a song).

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 02 2011 at 19:00
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SaltyJon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2011 at 18:34
Mmm, I like that Live Frogs set.  
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2011 at 19:30
I got into Primus after that Frogs.

Code Talkers, The with Col. Bruce Hampton    Bootleg Live - got this one as a freebie at the sports bar/music bar where they were playing about two weeks before 9/11/2001.  The club has closed.  Shame it was within walking distance of my house.  Then again it wasn't a really good venue for music, but I've been in worse.  "All you need are dreams and a little bit of faith and my ferry boat will take you away..."

Coryell, Larry    Comin' Home - basic jazz, nothing special.

Dunmall, Paul Octet    Great Divide - jazz, but something more interesting and avant.

Jethro Tull    Nightcap - had to get this one for the Disaster re assembly.  The tracks on the second disc from later era Tull are OK but not as impressive.

Nektar    Remember the Future - the first CD issue of this had a serious mix flaw at the beginning.  This is a proper remaster.  Essential Nektar.

Radiohead    Pablo Honey - the last song shows a progressive direction.  The rest of the album is OK.  I've even come to terms with Creep, which certainly put me off to the band for all the airplay it got.  Now I kinda like it.

Various    More for Your Pleasure: A Tribute to Roxy Music - alas not quite as good as some other mixed artist prog artist tribute albums I have.

Wakeman, Rick    1984 - dreadful.  The music is just wrong for the novel.  I don't think they'd have to torture Winston, just make him listen to this album over and over.  How many fingers am I holding up?  One and it's the middle one.  The Eurythmics sound track for the move captured the spirit much much better.  Of interest, I mail ordered this one used and it took forever to get here to the point I had forgotten about it.  When it did show up it came from a seller in Russia.  The package had some cool stamps and was hand made.  Inside wrapping the CD was used typing paper that had Cyrillic typing on it.  The CD itself was either made especially for distribution behind the iron curtain or is a pirate copy.

Weather Report    Mysterious Traveller - one of their better ones most would agree.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 03 2011 at 23:08
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2011 at 19:33
Went the other way for into Frogs via Primus, and got into prog via that Frogs...Thela Hun Ginjeet really grabbed my attention.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2011 at 20:36
Having known THG for a while I was like hmm, interesting. LOL (Not in a bad way mind you.)  The song that grabbed me was Riddles I think that was the one AOL radio was playing on their progressive streaming station when they had one Angry a few years back.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 02 2011 at 06:00
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 02 2011 at 19:31
Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains    Big Eyeball in the Sky, The - I got the hat, sticker, and t-shirt for this album.  Unfortunately they don't make them anymore.  The hat was ruined in the flood and the truck was totaled a few months after the flood.  The t-shirt is still in working order. Big smile

Hedges, Michael    Road to Return, The - I'm not generally as much of fan of the tracks he sings on but Follow Through is one my favorites.

Premiata Forneria Marconi    Storia Di Un Minuto - one of their essential album to be sure.

Rush    A Farewell to Kings - one of two Rush albums I have.  I figured you can't have one Cygnus without the other.

Rypdal,  Terje    Waves - Rypdal's album covers have a way of capturing the mood of the music better than I can put into words.

Summers, Andy-Robert Fripp    I Advanced Masked - this was the album that actually got me to check out the Police closer despite their popularity. 

Tangerine Dream    Encore - look out!!! Synthesizers galore.

Tibbetts, Steve    Northern Song - after his first two albums Steve's music just wasn't as much fun.  Still a good album.

Way, Darryl    Under the Soft - mellow instrumental album.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 06 2011 at 09:45
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2011 at 22:36
Music is kind of like the lottery except I win almost every time I spend money on it.  So today I added another shelving unit, 17" x 44".  I think at my current rate it will give me room for growth for a few years.  Did my ongoing move the month olds out of the carrying case into the 50 disc CD changer and put the ones they replace on the shelf with the main collection.  Miles Davis Get Up With It bumped into Miles Davis Big Gun in the changer. LOL

Corea, Chick Miroslav Vitous Roy Haynes    Trio Music - basic jazz.

Davis, Miles    Quiet Nights - basic bossa-nova flavored jazz.

Fripp, Robert    Radiophonics - I don't know, sometimes Fripp's things like this were probably more fun if you were there.

High Llamas, The    Buzzle Bee - sometimes sappy Stereolab related band. 

Led Zeppelin    Coda - not quite as good as it would have been if they had had another album in them.

Metheny, Pat    Watercolors - earthy Meth is best.

Morse, Steve    Prime Cuts - normally I stay away from compilations but I made an exception.

Phillips, Anthony    Geese & the Ghost, The - Anthony has to be one of the most prolific ex-Genesis guys.  One of his best.

Stewart, Dave/Barbara Gaskin    Up From the Dark - not one of their best, but an interesting set of covers anyway.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 06 2011 at 09:54
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2011 at 06:35
Big batch for Monday:
Bach, Johann Sebastian     Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1-3 - a friend brought over the whole set one evening when it was snowing, now this piece(s) will always remind of snow.

Bowie, David     Man Who Sold the World, The - not a huge fan of earlier Bowie but I got this one for the title track.

Buckethead     Giant Robot - one Mr. Head's better ones.

Dixie Dregs     Dregs of the Earth - gotta love an album with a song called I'm Freaking Out.  First one with T Lavitz on keys.

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer     Return of Manticore, The Disc Three - the box set covers the body of ELP fairly well despite having stuff off Black Moon and only one of the best two tracks off of Love Beach.

Gorishankar, The     2nd Hands - a pleasant discovery here I must say.  Ups my number of albums dominated by Russian musicians up to two.

Hassell, Jon     Surgeon of the Nightsky Resores Dead Things ..., The - had this one for quite a while, still doesn't make a strong impression on me.

Hellborg + Buckethead + Shrieve     Octave of the Holy Innocents - I was on a bit of a Buckehead binge when I found this one online.  With Hellborg and Shrieve, what could go wrong?  Not a damn thing.

Mahavishnu Orchestra     Visions of the Emerald Beyond - the first MO to go into my collection.  I don't care what those who idolize the first lineup think, this one and Apocalypse for certain are equally as good.

Monade     Monstre Cosmic - Stereolab offshoot.  I liked the last one a little better.

no-man     together we're stranger - I need to go back and revisit this again.  Overdosed on Bowness.

Pink Floyd     Dark Side of the Moon - odd that this one marks the spot where I decided to log in the date I got the disc.

Rhodes, Happy     Building The Colossus - I've explored the whole discography from front to back but not everything inbetween.  There are no duds here or there or anywhere.

Stewart, Dave/Barbara Gaskin     Spin - The Big Idea was a hard one to top.  They do really good covers but the original bits are better.

XTC     Testimonial Dinner, A (Various Artists) - Sarah McLauchlan does XTC, I couldn't resist.  The other artists, including Joe Jackson.  And then there's the Terry And The Lovemen track, which I believe is XTC doing another alter ego.

room for two more:
Beatles, The     Yellow Submarine - well, if you ever needed an example of classical being separated from rather than well integrated into the music, here you are.

Sancious, David and Tone     Transformation (The Speed of Love) - you never know where David might show up.  Showing up as the front name, you get to hear hear him directing the music rather than just being an accompanist.

500 left to go so I have made it to through about two thirds of my collection.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 16 2011 at 21:31
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2011 at 19:43
Anderson, Jon    Deseo - I don't know, but after Patric Moraz's i, Jon's ventures into areas south of the hemisphere from me just can't touch that.

Blue October    Foiled
Blue October    History For Sale - these guys were a BMG record club try out. Foiled came as an automatic delivery but I decided to keep it.  The main vocalist sounds like Phil Collins, which can be a bad or a good thing.  The music was interesting enough for me to get the second one listed.

Cobham, Billy    Spectrum - classic JRF.

Eno, Brian    Drop, The - got it when it came out and it was a bit of a disappointment.  Dull and cold.  I was expecting something more intense and beautiful and soundtrack like.

Frech Frith Kaiser Thompson    Live, Love, Larf & Loaf - these guys second album came into my collection well before this one and I still like better.  This one would drive coherency freaks crazy, but doesn't the title have great aLliteration...

Gabriel, Peter    So - sometimes I wonder if Pete embraced the '80's sound or was more of a trendsetter.

Incredible Expanding Mindf**k    Arcadia Son - gotta love a Wilson project on here where you don't dare type it's real name.  Well, my mind wasn't completely f**ked, but Politician was a lot of fun.  Pair that up with that Aphrodite's Song track...

Manzanera, Phil/801    Live At Manchester University - didn't quite have the magic or the same lineup of musicians as the better known cousin. 

Metheny, Pat & Lyle Mays    As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls - prime Metheny.

Mitchell, Joni    Blue - Mitchell in less interesting times.

Pink Floyd    Orchestral Maneuvers - run like hell just isn't quite right orchestrated.

Reich, Steve    Proverb/Nagoya Marimbas/City Life - Reich and roll (not really).

Umphrey's McGee    Local Band Does O.K. - local band does more than OK.  Doesn't look all that prog from the CD packaging.  Many gems on this one.

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 23 2011 at 06:39
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 12 2011 at 06:34
Eluvium    Lambent Material - I got into this artist because a sampler because of sampler included in an Explosions In The Sky order.

Howard, Hayward, Frith, Laswell    Meridiem - got this for Frith and Laswell.  Not really thrilled with the vocalist, who is really at the head of this album.

Howe, Steve    Quantum Guitar - if I had to describe Steve's solo albums as a group, they're all good.  I'm having a hard time coming up with more words.

Mangione, Chuck    Live at the Hollywood Bowl - hadn't added any Chuck since the LP age.  I felt it was time to rectify that and this album fit the bill. 

Passport    Talk Back - well it was cheap and used and came out in the late '80's.  I'd throw this one back if I could, not bad for pop jazz, but pales in comparison to their '70's stuff.

Phideaux    Chupacabras - I think I made a mistake by adding so many Phideaux albums at one time that I didn't fully get to appreciate each on their own merits.  Still an impressive set of music and not a dud in the bunch.

Tuck & Patti    Paradise Found - kind of describes the relationship with wife.  Probably too lite jazzy for most prog rockers tastes. 

Umphrey's McGee    Anchor Drops - another fine album from another one of those artists I collected too quickly.

Yes    Yes Album, The (Remaster) - Rick Wakeman's best Yes album, also some fine guitar work from Peter Banks.  Tongue

Edited by Slartibartfast - August 23 2011 at 06:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2011 at 19:34
Happy the Man    Beginnings - of the two prequels to their first official release, this one is better.

King Crimson    Lizard - still not quite reaching the level of greatness of the debut.  For me that wouldn't come until Larks, but I wouldn't be without the intervening three studio albums.

New Order    Low Life - got this for the instrumental I heard on a college radio station.  Saw it available on CD and got another copy.  The only NO album I've ever tried.  Very '80's.

Ozric Tentacles    Strangeitude - another good album amongst a huge discography.

Praxis    Transmutatuion (Mutatis Mutandis) - Praxis is more interesting in theory than in practice, still I have three of theirs.

Reich, Steve    Another Look At Counterpoint - I was on a bit of a Reich roll for a while but haven't added anything for a few years since.  No particular reason.

Residents, The    Demons Dance Alone Limited Edition - got this one after Animal Lover reignited my interest in them.  Don't like it as much as that one, but the LE is a nice package.

Talisma    Corpus - the first album by a band that should be better known around here.

Zappa, Frank/The Mothers of Invention    Uncle Meat - didn't really need the movie excerpt on this one, but the rest is good.

Edited by Slartibartfast - September 07 2011 at 20:26
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 18 2011 at 06:59
Coryell, Larry & The Eleventh House    At Montreaux - nice live set, too short.

Fleck, Bela & the Flecktones    Outbound - interesting set of guests on this one.

High Llamas, The    Hawaii - this album really doesn't remind me of Hawaii.

Nektar    Book of Days - seemed like we were promised this one for a long time before it finally came out.  More of a return to form than the first two new Nektars, which weren't bad.

Ponty, Jean-Luc    Open Mind - his '80's albums tend to run together a bit for me.

Stereolab    Aluminum Tunes - another fine collection of unreleased material or EP and singles.

Triumvirat    Illusions On A Double Dimple (Remaster) - of their best albums, this one seems the least imitative of ELP.

Wyatt, Robert    Cuckooland - once bitten by Shleep, I pretty much get his new stuff right when it comes out and never disappointed.

Zappa, Frank/The Mothers of Invention    We're Only In It for the Money - a parody of Sgt. Pepper without just copying the songs and giving them new lyrics.  Lots of great lines.

Edited by Slartibartfast - September 07 2011 at 20:36
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 22 2011 at 19:05
Davis, Miles    Birth of the Cool - sometimes you have to stretch out of your comfort level.  Jazz of that day and age certainly does that.  What in the hell is Darn That Dream doing on this album?  One of these things is not like the other...

Focus    Focus III - shouldn't Focus II have been a double album instead?  Just sayin'.  I still can't believe I heard Sylvia playing on the grocery store sound system recently.

Kayak    Merlin - shame they put out only half a good concept album on was for a long time their last album.  Still haven't heard the new full album version, but I have the DVD.

King Crimson    Three of a Perfect Pair - still not topping Discipline.

Mahavishnu Orchestra    Lost Trident Sessions, The - oddly enough the music wasn't lost, showing up on a live MO album and Goodman/Hammer.

Moody Blues, The    In Search of the Lost Chord - hands down for me their best.  At times very '60's and also often transcendent.

O'Hagan, Sean    High Llamas - precursor the band of the same name.

Ozric Tentacles    Erpland - one thing I must say about the guys, the music is great to listen to at work when you need to move into high gear.

Steely Dan    Citizen Steely Dan: 1972 -1980 Disc 1 - never felt the need to get any of their albums but when the box set came out I made the leap.

Yes    Tales from Topographic Oceans - kind of the next logical step in the evolution of Yes music - their first double album.  Critics can go to hell as far as I care, it's a damn fine album throughout.

Edited by Slartibartfast - September 07 2011 at 20:48
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 23 2011 at 06:27
Brand X    Masques - not all of the original line up but the music is still great.  The greatness factor kind of wore off a little with Product and Do They Hurt? though I still like them.

Free Flight    Beyond the Clouds - a slightly more commercial effort than The Jazz/Classical Union, still good.

Jackson, Joe    Night and Day II - great sequel album.

King Crimson    USA (30th Anniversary Edition) - I really wasn't in a big hurry to get this on CD even though it has that one jam song that isn't available elsewhere.  The bonus tracks finally tipped it for me and I think were sorely missing from the original LP.

Marillion    This Strange Engine - by this time I was pretty much a get the new album whenever it came out for these guys.  I don't know why but the magic has started to wear off with more recent albums.

no-man    flowermouth - I was surprised to see the guests on this one.  Good testament to Wilson-Bowness that they could attract them.

Tears for Fears    Hurting, The - these guys exhibited some proggy influences.  Managed to do a really dark album.  And using mellotron.

Wyatt, Robert    Old Rottenhat - great politico-prog.

Edited by Slartibartfast - September 07 2011 at 20:56
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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